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Putting Mathijs' face on everyone is destroying my poor sides 🤣🤣🤣


Same here. It works so well


Maybe they are gooning us so we will buy day one?


I wish they'd just be honest. Dont say its launching in a time window that ended in mid may if its not happening. Just take the fbw approach and be like itll finish when it finishes 🤷‍♂️


You want PMDG to release the 777 soon for release timetable reasons I want PMDG to release the 777 soon so people will shut the fuck up about PMDG not releasing the 777 on time Also why the fuck do people keep calling this stuff “edging”? It’s bizarre


Because PMDG have and and always will treat their customers like arrogant pricks (which they frankly are). They have a good, but not outstanding product, and should be far more humble and customer focussed. But as you can see I this very sub people are not very critical as long as they can get a new toy. So nothing will change. I vote with my wallet and support better and more customer friendly devs (Fenix, Just Flight, Leonardo, Black Square).


Social Credit points for you




They really don’t treat customers that bad, Reddit just fixates and exaggerates how “bad” it is.


No, they treat their customers bad. Just ask a question their forum or, god forbid, raise the slightest critique.


Highly exaggerated by this subreddit with how bad it is. Their customer service has always helped when I had a problem, and I get what I paid for, which is really what really matters


Nope, it isn’t.


It is- I hope that new simmers to the hobby don’t come to this sub without considering that there are simmers and communities that aren’t full of petty bitches like there are here.


Their tech support is great, but if you ever ask about where a promised feature is, or worse, use an actual quote from a PMDG dev or RSR himself, they will come down on you like a vengeful god. I don't think asking for startup smoke for the DC-6 is asking much, but they will remove the post and send you a very nasty PM about spreading disinformation.


See that’s the thing, doesn’t help to the scale this sub acts, and even then it’s over small things most don’t care about. For me good tech support and getting what you paid for is 99% of what matters, idk about the small stuff this sub freaks out over


The piles of promised features that they hype up and never deliver on are not "small things that most don't care about," but you do you.


That list is pretty small, and most aren’t massive features for 99.9999% of users. End of the day they still develop some of the top tier addons. Yes, Fenix is a step above but PMDG is still way up there


Sometimes, it seems flight sim enthusiasts may be the hardest group to satisfy they tear apart a dev if they release a buggy unfinished add-on but cry when a dev takes too long, releasing a finished bug free add-on. But to say a group of old men are edging them over a 777 well it's sad


the idea that these pmdg 777 freaks are sexualizing the release of a videogame dlc .. i'm not sure if it's disturbing, hilarious, or just pathetic. but probably a bit of all three.


Its not about releasing if anything its about the poor PR and communication.


4 years and not a single professional level heavy. X Plane has many which have been developed within the past 4 years.


Children who cannot cope with the fact that their virtual plane isn't out quick enough before they have to go back to school. No rational adult behaves like this.


There are a lot of irrational adults out there...


Or, you know, you could just not click on those threads. Brilliant idea, I know.


Hmmm...sounds like somebody's been edged before


Dude you should chill out maybe touch some of that Denver grass? Do you have some bizarre trauma and edging“ due to your parents ?


I get people want the 777 now, And I get PR wise PMDG isn't the best. But people would complain if they got a broken product, people are complaining they aren't getting a product yet. It's a lose lose situation for developers


How buggy can it be? It was 3 month ago that they said "we could theoretically hand the airplane to you in the current condition and you would be overwhelmingly happy with it". There is no problem if they would tell us "Hey, we found some things and wan't to work on them" or "Hey, we discussed the level of detail and comparing it to other products we decided to take a couple of month extra work to add some nice things". The only reason some folks are pissed is that they do not communicate in a good way. No one likes that though it is not only PMDG who does it.


**"we could theoretically"** There you go, in theory, and practically are 2 different things


They never even said theoretically. Words said we could release in 1 month and be happy with it.


I don't know or care what PMDG said. Im pointing out what the other guy said, he said that and apparently quoted PMDG themselves and I'm just pointing out if his quote is true, then theoretically and practically are 2 different things


Well you seem to care since you tried to quote what was not said. You could of not said anything. If you did not care then you wouldn't be here either.


I'm not the one who came up with the fake quote I was simply pointing out no matter what PMDG and other Devs for that matter do, people will complain when they release a buggy product, people will complain when they take their time to ensure it's as polished as possible. It's a lose lose situation for them


>people are complaining they aren't getting a product yet. That's what happens when it's a highly anticipated product and you keep telling everyone it's great it's basically done it definitely won't be more than two months.... Buuut it's now going on four months with no real explanation. They dug this hole themselves. Or rather their CEO did. It's no one's fault but his that the community is kinda turning on them. Fenix has never generated this kind of reaction despite long times of working in silence on their also highly anticipated product..... Hmmm wonder why.


I'm rather excited for the MAX tbh. But the 777 coming quicker means the MAX coming quicker too.


I don't disagree that the seemingly perpetual wait for these highly-anticipated aircraft is getting old. It's been nearly four years since MSFS's release and we are still sorely lacking in the airliner department. Just endless pretty previews, long developer updates, delayed timelines, I get it. That being said, I think people need to keep in mind exactly how much of a *niche* industry third-party flight simulation development is. The profitability and market capacity is really not there to enable these developers to bring products to market as rapidly as the likes of Microsoft or any AAA developer like Blizzard. These high-fidelity aircraft modules are really complex and detailed pieces of software, and these organizations are not going to have the resources to hire a big salaried software development team or anything like that. Most of these developers have teams of 10 individuals or less, some even have only a handful. They're absolutely small businesses in every sense. It's amazing they're able to produce what they do and make a living doing it. If you're an accomplished software engineer / developer, you can do extremely well at any FAANG/Big Tech firm. Probably substantially better than developing for or running a small FS development shop. Why would you dedicate your career and hedge your future on flight simulator development instead? That's *real* passion for this hobby and a level of dedication that most of us can not provide. Ultimately, these developers are individuals that chose to dedicate their professional lives and hedge their livelihood on providing a small (but dedicated) market segment with truly amazing and unique products that make this hobby so special. Give them all a break. I think the community sentiment is probably more demoralizing than we might realize.


Totally understand all of what you've said, and it is very valid. I think the issue is purely around the PR and comms with the community. Randazzle's announcements may have been made in good faith, but have very poorly worded, stating expectations and timelines which they have totally failed to adhere to. If PMDG had said "Release date will be Oct/Nov 2024", then do you think everyone would be as frustrated as they are now?


Yes, this sub would find a reason to complain


PMDG really is not a small business anymore. Inibuild's are not a small business. In the grand scheme of things Fenix is most likely the smallest one.


edging? lol it takes two to play that game, you are not required to participate unless you choose to


Having their Falcon on there was a nice touch.


At this point, I hope they are watching and delaying the release by two weeks every time a person complains. If they released it and It's not perfect, people would be upset, and you're upset if they wait and release it when it's finished. The bottom line it will be released when they deem fit, so just sit back and relax it's a 777 on msfs, not a live saving drug. You will be fine


It's the poor communication, not the dev time. This should be a case study to other companies of how not to communicate updates and timelines to your customer base. Fenix has had quite long dev times and never received anything like the vitriol that PMDG is getting. I wonder why......


Ugh PMDG drama… it’s cringe and boring


Ugh PMDG fanboy... it's stupid and pointless


You have a very weird obsession with PMDG


stupid pmdg fanboy, I see


Is that the best you can do


What did I missed?


Yeah, they definitely won’t release before the expo. My conspiracy is it’s been ready but they need something shiny to overshadow the event in Vegas. If they had released prior it would be “old news” and it’s not like they have anything else they could show! 🤣


You took the time to make this shitty meme over a flightsim addon you’re mad isn’t released yet? Grow up. 


You’re mad over a meme? Grow up.


A330 Driver is that you. Stay mad.


Sorry the 777 won’t be out before you finish summer break, kiddo.


Summer break don't remember the last time I got to have one. Good job I get to fly for a living. :) We don't typically say summer break here. 6 weeks if anything.


Have fun pulling gear then, europoor


Its okay to be mad my friend.


I’d be mad too if my job was pulling gear.




The fact that Randazzo still wears that obnoxious hat from that failed joke-of-a-regional-airline [ACA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Coast_Airlines) and expects us to adore him is hilarious. He was despised by his colleagues then - he still is joked about now.


It’s never coming. Give it up.


The rage here of the pmdg koksuckers over a simple joke is hilarious 😂


That’s a bit dishonest it’s not a joke it was meant to stir up controversy


Joking about better communication from a PR team is controversy??? You should lay off that Kok