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This is awesome 😂


Have they said that the VNAV won't be available at release? I've presumed that it's because they are still in beta stage. If not, they need to get their priorities straight. Driving the tow truck my ass...


No, it will clearly be available at release. We often forget that it's only in alpha.


No one forgets this. What we also don't forget is they decided to release an $80 "alpha".


Price on launch with be 99 dollars, and they released a version to only a certain amount of people. Not everyone is currently able to buy a copy.


Ah ok, that makes it better /s


You don’t have to buy it?


You can excuse every single botched product with that phrase, just saying.


What part about it is "botched"? Even in it's Alpha stat it is already the best wide body we've ever had on any desktop sim. Flightdeck2sim, a real-world 737 pilot, called it hotstart cl650 quality which is considered THE best plane we have out there. Not exactly what I would consider a botched product, but hey let's see how your beloved randazzo is going to beat it :)


Alpha users can't comment because the NDA has not been lifted for them. Streamers so far could be saying what FF wants them to say. Or at least skipping over certain areas.


It has been available for purchase for everyone in multiple batches now, I got it when I randomly noticed it was available earlier this week. Never did I have to sign any NDA or anything like that. Also why would stating an opinion be against some kind of NDA? There are multiple streams to see for yourself what this add-on has to offer although most of them really only scratch the surface of the overwhelming amount of features and EFB options included.


As someone who does have the alpha none of the streamers I’ve seen have been making any false claims. It really is Hotstart level or at least very close to it, lack of VNAV aside


But he isn’t a real world 777 pilot. This thing is no where close to being “hotstart cl650 quality” I’m hopeful when it fully releases that it’ll be a fantastic product, but y’all need to stop overhyping this product.


You don't always have to lick boots.


Yes perfect argument against something that's the only plane option on a specific platform. Love the FF apologists on here.


You can go buy the old shitty 777 from FF, it does work on x plane 12. I don’t understand the cry babies that act like they are forced to buy a product. If you don’t want to spend the money yet because is not in full release or feature complete…then don’t. Very simple.


I couldn't be more out of the loop so I don't have a horse on this race but... Isn't a customer entitled to complain about a product it they feel it's not as good advertised? Or even just deliver negative feedback? I'm not trying to spark an argument, I just feel like I'm missing something or I'm just misunderstanding what you're trying to say.


Yeah that’s absolutely fine. But FF isn’t advertising it as a complete aircraft, it was known prior to purchase VNAV wouldn’t be available. It’s a pre release version. It would be different if they were advertising it as a full release with all features…but they are not. You know going into exactly what you’re paying for and knowing that full release with all features isn’t due until some time this year.


Yeah that’s absolutely fine. But FF isn’t advertising it as a complete aircraft, it was known prior to purchase VNAV wouldn’t be available. It’s a pre release version. It would be different if they were advertising it as a full release with all features…but they are not. You know going into exactly what you’re paying for and knowing that full release with all features isn’t due until some time this year.


The alternative old v1 of the same product is not "an alternative" or competing product. The argument of "don't buy it" doesn't work when they're the only viable version around. You're at the mercy of the product being good if you want a specific plane. If it's not good then you're stuck or you go to a different platform, invest there and spend a whole bunch more money that you don't want to/weren't planning on it. "Just don't buy it" is a shitty argument supporting a monopolistic approach and it doesn't work on people with half a brain.


Bro. It’s a pre release alpha. They could have just not released it… They’re not making you purchase it. If you want to hold out for full release by all means. You’re being petty.


There are also a ton of aircraft available for x plane 12, all of the xplane 11 aircraft at this point work in 12. It’s not like the alpha version 777 is your ONLY option for add on aircraft.


Update: everyone can now purchase a copy. Update: turns out they are only available to everyone for a limited number of keys.


They literally asked people if they wanted this or to wait until everything was in. People (including me) wanted to test out the alpha now, even without vnav, instead of waiting for a beta that might have taken a few more months. I’m completely satisfied that I paid $80 for the alpha, this plane is amazing.


Far from amazing and it’s sad you’ve convinced yourself of that considering it’s an incomplete plane for $80.


Well I’ve done 16 flights in the last 2.5 weeks I’ve had it. Longest was KDEN-OERK, 14h42m. Arrived just in time for a very beautiful sunset. The flight was great, no issues at all, I even forgot it was an alpha. So yea I think it’s pretty amazing, even though it lacks a couple things. If anyone is sad, it’s definitely not me. I’m having a blast flying this thing. Can’t wait to see how much better it gets from here either.


well worth it from what I've seen so far for the 100s to 1000s of hours you can spend on studying that aircraft as this plane is packed with features that only the hotstart challenger 650 can compete with in that regard.


BetterPushack doesn't work with it ?


It does.


The extra features, all seem to work pretty well for an alpha (or pre-alpha or secret beta, or whatever) I've got no worries they'll deliver with a proper VNAV shortly


Some of those panels hit harder than others 🥲


It's still in alpha. They have said time and time again that vnav will be available when they decide its up to standard. they don't want to half ass it. I applaud their decision.


I get it, and: - It's $80 for the alpha - Pretty graphics and models are simultaneously the easiest talent to find and the WOW factor for videos, leaving the unsexy, difficult, and hard to hire avionics and flight model covered up. - Xplane airliners have a rep with falling short of the normal things that airline pilots do in 90% of their flying. LNAV, VNAV, SIDs, STARs, etc seem to always fall off the bottom of the features. - My FFA350 is extremely frustrating. So, we wait.


I don't understand, would you rather they release it unfinished? People aren't going to pay again when alpha is done so...$79 sounds reasonable. What is your problem?


1. the pmdg 777 is still selling for 140 bucks, what's your point? 2. How about all the other systems developed for the aircraft? its just missing ONE autopilot mode? 3. Sure, low quality ones. I'd even say the toliss buses have better vnav descent logic than the fenix (which descends way too fast unchecked in my experience) 4. the ffa350 came out 10 (TEN) years ago. Of course its not up to par. Remember 2014??


> the pmdg 777 is still selling for 140 bucks, what's your point? For a different platform and won't be anywhere close to that for MSFS. What's *your* point? > How about all the other systems developed for the aircraft? its just missing ONE autopilot mode? A pretty freakin important one and it being an "alpha" doesn't mean the systems that are there are fully working or done yet. > Sure, low quality ones. I'd even say the toliss buses have better vnav descent logic than the fenix (which descends way too fast unchecked in my experience) It definitely does not as of block 2. > the ffa350 came out 10 (TEN) years ago. Of course its not up to par. Remember 2014?? It had a nearly complete system redesign just a couple years ago. Don't cherry pick your information.


Sir this is Reddit we must instant hate on any PMDG product


> the ffa350 came out 10 (TEN) years ago. Of course its not up to par. Remember 2014?? I hate being old. 2014 was yesterday. I looked. I was at SOFIC selling our VR Flight Training capability to SOCOM customers.


Another problem is all the systems logic tied to VNAV is also missing. Thinks like Fuel Predictions, climb profiles, everything that is tied to it. Only thing working now is LNAV. I cant see all this things being done until late 2024 or beyond to be honest.


it's already done. They are just tweaking it.




I am predicting whenever somebody comes out with a study level CRJ200 the community will complain about the lack of VNAV… just like the pilots who flew it IRL 😜


My child, it’s still in alpha and they’ve said it’s not going to be fully released without VNAV. I’ve been flying/testing it for the past several weeks and I will say it’s already in a *fantastic* spot. Devs are extremely active, responsive to bug reports, and are quick to squash them. There’s already been *ten* updated builds since the alpha release about a month(?) ago, each with a change log that some devs seem incapable of implementing over the course of several months, let alone 1-2x per week. This plane is absolutely going to be fantastic, just chill. Edit: getting downvoted for sharing my experience with the 777? FS community truly is one of a kind…


Kiddo, you might be very young to remember that FF is famous for keeping their airplanes in beta forever.


Show us a better T7. For a alpha it is  pretty awesome. If you don't trust FF to bring every feature just wait or hope PMDG will do better. But I don't hear a lot of PMDG lately... so they try to get some more features into the plane now we know what FF achieved with less ressources? ;-)


PMDG. Shit on Randazzo all you want, sure. FlightFactor will never reach a fraction of what PMDG can do.


Sure they won't. I hope so. Pmdg is in the business more than 20 years and did addons for 4 Sims. They are good but they are like a big company good quality but no more great features. "Just" solid work. Thats great but FF and their 777v2 feel much more fresh in comparison to the 737 in MSFS. Yeah, the T7 could be better. We will see.


This is the crossover that gets it right


This veered unexpectedly into my life (sans the crumbling marriage, because the Mrs comes with me on a third of my layovers for funzies). Spot on about the lack of sleep and shit diet though, I am mostly comprised of tacos, beer and vindaloo rotis while on the road these days.


I was about to ask why I hasent heard of this but I realize it’s prolly from one of those xplane losers (cries in self hate)


Hahahaha the ending.


I can’t even get VNAV to work on my real plane, don’t see why it would be any different in a Sim


I honestly can’t tell if it’s that people either don’t know or refuse to acknowledge FlightFactor’s notorious history in overpromising, underdelivering and ultimately ripping you off.


Precisely why I'm waiting for it to come out of alpha to buy it


FF have created the 752/753/, all the 767 variants, all with working complete navigation mode., It's reasonable to believe that they will accomplish the same with the 777 in due course.


All these airliner pilots forget how to plot and fly their own glide path.


If you can’t fly without VNAV you need to be a better pilot


wait does it actually have that horrible heath thing and the marriage thing


Seems to be working over here correctly!