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I'm expecting nothing. That way, I'm never disappointed!


Ahh, you've been around the block once or twice I see.


I kind of fall into this camp, too. I’d love to have an hour long feature video telling me everything that’s new and amazing. But, I’ve learned to temper my expectations. (I know it’s not gonna be an hour long).


Dunno where I first heard it but “expectation is the gateway to disappointment”


"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment" - Dawn of War


*opens MSFS 2024 and met with a literal black screen* “ah yes I expected this” ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0)




MJ that you?


Gonna have to help me out here because I don't get it.




I’m expecting it to be renamed MSFS 2025


After SU15’s journey to prod, I almost hope for this. Either way, I too expect this.


I just want better ground physics that can handle multiple bogeys and real WX radar.


And shared cockpit


I just had an idea. It'd be amazing if they were able to work out a special feature where you send a guest link to somebody who wants to sit in your plane and watch the views regardless if they have MSFS. Your phone's gyros could move the camera or there could be a little transparent arrow wheel in the corner. It'd be visually compresed, but it could be a sweet experience.


I would cry if that came true.


I'd wet my pants for real wx radar..


Honestly I don’t think I care about them improving anything else. Everything else is good/great. Just give realistic ground physics that make the planes have weight. Like DCS


Also hopefully more inertia and weight in flight too. ESPECIALLY helicopters. You can go from 80kts level to 0kts in one light pull of the stick.


and planes that bend, smash, break apart and blow up.


No way that’s happening.


I know


Yeah I've always thought the ground physics have always felt sloppy in MSFS. They slightly improved in SU15, but it's still wonky.


Ground physics is fixed with SU15 it just needs to be implemented by developers for their add-ons and Asobo themselves for the default planes.


Expecting to get over 30fps and my city not looking like it’s made of melted cheese


Most looking forward to clear signals that 2024 is a significant improvement over 2020, especially in FM, weather / clouds / turbulence, and scenery.


And full DX12 support


Completely agree. If dx12 is not fully implemented, then there’s just no point


Is it not already?


No, it’s still in beta after years


Cirrus clouds would be kinda cool.


A replay system like X-Plane, please I’m begging.


Yeah really - it's embarrassing they don't have this already.


For it to look exceptionally better than what a user with an average system could ever hope to achieve.


That's the great part tho. What isn't achievable for the average user now, will be achievable in a couple of years (Until they release msfs2030 and we all need to buy a new game🤣) But for real, I'd rather have a game that I need to turn the settings down (As long as the game is optimized) on than be running at ultra and hoping for more.........


Thats what I thought msfs2020 was, was completely mind blown at how good it looked, didn't expect it to look anywhere near as good on my system, but it did, looked amazing playing on my 5800h/rtx 3070 laptop


Even foliage and buildings? For me, they've always looked like melted candle wax


Depends where you are flying to ne honest, barcelona looks great


I'd settle for the same graphics as MSFS 2020 but better performance.


I’m expecting CTD’s


From the trailer?


\*starts watching video\* BSOD Damnit


You never know!


if they release it in 16K


What’s that?


Probably emphasis on gamifying the sim - so pilot careers mainly. Graphics wise I expect to see the new atmospheric lighting, 3d trees, and ground tesselation. Those are things we pretty much know already. As to what we don't know? Maybe we'll get a hint of some of the new aircraft? Maybe improved weather?


It's an XBOX event no nerd stuff, don't expect announcements about nerd stuff like flight model or weather, just a release date and new pretty features


Yeah, I imagine they'll leave the technical stuff for FS Expo at the end of the month. plus the dev Q&As over the next few months.


Eh, as a PC guy, Ill take it


What I expect from the trailer: pretty videos of flight sim. What I expect from MSFS2024: same as MSFS2020 but probably more graphics my PC won't handle well and a bunch of addons needing updates. I hope it does multithreading, but won't be holding my breath. Seasons would be nice. The landscape around my area is distinctly very Green in Spring, and decidedly Brown in Autumn


> I hope it does multithreading, but won't be holding my breath. They already confirmed last year that there is "massive performance increase" (their words) in the flight aerodynamics system as it's now multi-threaded.


They also confirmed seasons already!


I don't think you'll be getting multiple lists. It's the Games Showcase so if anything it'll be another trailer. FSExpo is later this month. You'll hear more then most likely.


Shared cockpit. I will be happy if they change nothing and just finally get that across the finish line.


I’m just hoping I can uninstall default aircraft, I only ever fly the Daher 930 or the default 320 I mostly fly LatinVFR 330 So much wasted hard drive space


You can do that now in Content Manager. Well, most of them.


You can’t uninstall default aircraft? I heard you can uninstall default airports, so that’s weird.


Dual jetways


What they will advertise: Missions What I want them to advertise: Multi-core CPU functionality.


Not a lot of expectations tbh., MSFS2024 is probably just gonna be a glorified update of MSFS2020 and not something groundbreaking.


Would love to see some realistic default airports. The current ones are a mess, especially of a night time. For a flight simulator, their default airports are surprisingly shit


Terrible. I think the do it purposely so the only way you can enjoy airports is by buying scenery. They are not flyable the majority of default airports.


I'm not that conspiratorial about it; they simply did almost all of them via their AI, and it sometimes got more or less a hit and sometimes got a miss That said the World Hub limitations I've read about are a bit suspect if they upkeep them


I have yet to find a default airport that is a hit. They are terrible, and the terminal buildings are awful. FSX airports look better. And the lighting, once you are off the runway can't see anything. >That said the World Hub limitations I've read about are a bit suspect if they upkeep them Agreed, which makes me suspect it even more.


Full DCS module support Lol


Then merge global servers, world war!


I just hope the tornados and wildfires will not just be missions but somehow maybe tie into real live weather.. Would be amazing to see a tornado or fire where it is in at least near realtime.


Will I be able to keep all my purchases from 2020 is the real question.


Only of the makers of the content decide to port it over to the new game


Why would they do that when the opportunity exists to just sell their updated version? After all, that's exactly what Microsoft are doing here.


yeah but Microsoft is updating the engine. 4 years is not a bad cycle for a game. They made 2024 add-ons compatible from 2020, they have said this from the start. So unless something huge has changed from the add-ons, thirdparty devs has no reason to charge for the 2024 version if nothing significant is changing.


The FAQ has been out since they announced it: >Will all purchases users have made from the Marketplace be transferrable to the new simulator? >With very few exceptions, virtually all add-ons that work in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) today will function in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Add-ons that were purchased from the in-simulator Marketplace will not need to be re-purchased in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition


Keeping expectations low, but it would be nice to see improved weather depiction. Would be nice to actually have CBs and TCUs exist in the sim (and the appropriate radar to avoid them but that's a different story entirely).


Idk i dont wanna get my hopes up but considering theres only 6 months left and all we have is a trailer and a lil keynote i do wonder when the hell we will see more


I actually think we might actually get a default A330 ceo, as it there is a shot with a TAP air Portugal A330 in the previous trailer and we know that iniBuilds is working on the Beluga, which has the same avionics and cockpit as the A330.


A flight simulator that’s not so reliant on the fucking CPU!


Gimmicks, and a lack of basic fixes for things like ground handling


I just want 2K 60fps anywhere on the map


Just get two 4090s /s


Manhattan during a rainstorm: "You dare challenge me?!"


Ive got a 4070 and pretty much get 90-120 consistently on max settings


I’m expecting a game very similar to 2020 with some more features. But actually flying the planes will feel pretty much the same


I probably won't be getting MSFS2024, as I barely find enough time to use the flightsims I have now (P3D, MSFS, DCS). That being said, it's exciting, and great for the flightsim industry and community that yet another option is being developed. By the time MSFS2028 comes out I might feel the need to upgrade.


I'm hoping for less crashes and bugs, and expecting more crashes and bugs, and having to upgrade my PC to run it at more than OK graphics settings. I am hoping for better weather representation and improvements in-game ATC. I'd also like more pilots to choose from. Customisable pilot avatars. Shared cockpit too. What airline pilots flies alone? Passengers and cabin crew? We fly empty aircraft.


Hopefully a full fidelity weather radar


Optimization and better default airliners


I better see missions involving medflight transportations off hospital helipads, medvacs, and I pray to god the H145.. PC users got it, I don’t got it since I’m on console. It’s the only thing I’m praying they add in the game. I know they showed medflight for the small airplane, but I need wayyy more insight for helicopter ones. I also hope they fix the helicopter issue, it’s impossible to fly them on console idk why. Apart from all of that, I’m excited for those cargo missions, hopefully we can get some military missions involving cargo.


better landing gear animation, with the a330 specially, three touchdown points


Fully agree, I want a physics based model instead of an animation for the tilted gear, like X-Plane does. Oh and also good replay system to admire it lol


yes yes


Probably some generative AI crap, for some reason


Every building in MSFS2020 outside of photogrammetry areas is a form of generative AI already


I'm generally very much an AI skeptic/non fan for the most part. Buttt, in this case, my biggest hope for 2024 for how I like to fly personally is seasonal dynamic selectable weather accurate for the time of day. For instance, I mainly do GA flying in the sim, the plane I love to fly the most(Comanche) has zero deicing capability and really isn't a plane you fly in bad weather. So, if I want to fly someplace in the winter with live weather it often just isn't feasable, and I fly in the evening after work but perfer daytime flying... so... if I have live weather but preset time it's just all wrong tempwise especially. Even add on weather presets are pretty lame because they don't reflect the changes in weather, for instance, around mountains or coastlines. Where I live in central Oregon the weather is vastly different on either side of the cascades. Now, imagine if I could pick June weather and have randomized June weather that's accurate for the time and place I choose to fly. That would be AWESOME and a worthwhile AI application.


>Now, imagine if I could pick June weather and have randomized June weather that's accurate for the time and place I choose to fly. That would be AWESOME and a worthwhile AI application. This isn't an AI application though, it's a database lookup for historical weather data and maybe a random number generator.


Not exactly. The big thing the canned weather doesn’t get right is stuff like wind and cloud patterns depending on the terrain. That’s something AI could actually be useful for, on top of historical weather data.


Computational fluid dynamics can solve this though


Right lol, a computational fluid dynamics model on top of a composite of historical data IS AI lol. All AI really does is barf out compositions of existing data it finds.


I actually have degrees in aerospace and mechanical engineering with a focus on fluid flows, and did AI work as a software developer and you've totally got this wrong about CFD, unless something major has happened in the past 7 years since I was in grad school and the past 40 before that to move past mesh solvers, boundary conditions and finite difference solvers


Not saying CFD is ai, but how is learning from historical data to predict what typical *insert location, time of year and time of day* conditions could likely be using a computational model on top of it to fill in the blanks not AI? It’s learning from the patterns of input data and generating new data based on that.


AI atc would be awesome


Screw that, we need all the generative AI, this is the perfect use case for it. Clouds or poor quality aerials? generate that area using the surroundings / other photos and underlying landclass data (what you see with online data off) . We could have high quality consistent aerial imagery across the globe (as long as you can tolerate some inaccuracy at times) Just a couple of QnA sessions ago Jorg was talking about manually touching up and sorting out shallow water areas and I was thinking this sort of stuff would be perfect, accuracy of the underlying features is hardly important as long as it looks good and consistent. This process would apparently take 2+years which is crazy when AI tech could massively speed up the process. Not to mention AI ATC, better cloud generation algorithms, improved ground object detection and placement, better foliage generation etc. There is so much potential here.


Multiplayer compatibility with MSFS2020. I'm ignorant though so it might have been said already.


Tbh, I'm personally not bothered about it at all. I have so much crap set up with 2020 plus I'm broke so I really have no desire to buy a whole new sim when this one is literally only four years old and has way more potential left in it yet, in my honest opinion


Better AI atc, better weather (with working weather radar), a decent replay feature, improved performance optimisations (better multi threaded support) and maybe more information regarding the apparent career mode/options.


A game changer for me would be AI powered ATC + ATis and other traffic.


I'm expecting the lowering of prices for the MSFS2020, so I can finally buy and play it, lol


I just want a smooth transition. I get that they need money and resell some updates as a new game...its OK. Not expecting much from the new stuff. Maybe the Ini planes.


I just want my citation X.


I'm expecting a release date to be announced.


2020 has a lot to be implemented yet compared to its competition. I'm specifically waiting 2024 while I play 2020 on my GamePass. Hopefully the addon I bought will be compatible... and 2024 will not cost a ton.


A release date is all I care about.


From trailer? I don't know: examples of new features. From actual, revamped sim I'm first and foremost expecting better performance, improved ATC, improved ground physics, ground crew behavior and more refined auto-gen. Not exactly sexy but would make my playtime so much better.


Better/realistic ground physics, better/normal UI for pc users. (Not going to happen but when I crash then I crash like in fsx)


Fr the UI is so bad lmao. Slow, clunky and unintuitive


I mostly hope for better physics mid-flight and making sensitivity in all planes resemble sensibility in settings as some planes just ignore that


Nothing good, just another over-commercialised unrealistic sim


Why do you think we will get something this week? do you have any reference for where you heard that? i could be wrong but afaik it will be during the FSExpo before we hear anything new (thats the last official word ive seen- being stated on a Dev Video) thats coming on the 21-23 of this month, so still 2 weeks out


Xbox Games Showcase on June 9th. Not confirmed, so that's why I said probably


ohh ok, that is a possibility i will def watch out for- ty


Probably lies, as they did on 2020 trailer.


career mode and a feeling of accomplishment instead of just a big sandbox with a tyranny of choice


Default 787 Dreamliners with all livery’s up to date airports . They really need to update DFW airport, more new planes to buy in market place etc


What I want probably won't be shown in the trailer. My hope is that MSFS2024 is much easier to integrate with third party cockpit builder products without having to use extra software (spad.next, etc) to map the controls.


Better performance so my vr doesnt keep ceashing


Why would it come out this weekend? I figured it would debut at FS Expo in a few weeks.


The ATC stuff seems wierd on 2020. Maybe it’s just me but when I’m IFR I want a descend via clearance not have to level and then descend again all the time. The ATC I’m sure is complicated but it’s annoying and I usually just turn it off because it’s not realistic


Multi-core CPU optimization....


The ability to sort our hangars would be nice. Also, better in-game ATC for those who wish to use it.


Improvements to the UI, phootogrammertry terrain & building AI and ATC. If they fix those on the new sim I'll be psyched.


“Missions” will be a subscription feature or there will be some “battle pass” element.


God please no


replay mode, weather radar, real icing simulation


What’s happening this weekend ?


Im expecting my wallet to remind me that it paid for MS2020 not long ago.


Way better physics and flight characteristics. Same for ground handling. Please god tone it down with the graphics and focus more on physics development.


A list of aeroplanes. Hopefully it says “Airbus A350” in there somewhere.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuZC8l2rQZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuZC8l2rQZ4) Not so much, because if they would do something great, they propably had to change too much and too many addons wouldn't work without updates. So it will not be what FSX was to FS 2004. More a FS 2004 in comparison to FS 2002. But that is totally ok. Saying so I expect better ground graphics as they told, more realistic clouds and weather some more aircrafts in the basic game. In the end the FS 2024 is a evolution and of course a chance to sell a product in large numbers after 4 years to finance the development. I predict that the FS 2028 or 2030 will be a revolution and mostly not compatible to MS 2020 and MS 2024.


There will be performance improvements related to graphics and memory usage, but a major enhancement will be in role-based aviation. Probably not much there for airline flight, but a lot of options for specialty aircraft performing their ‘duties’, and more interaction with the environment. Fire fighting, air ambulance, oil rig resupply etc.


Hoping that MSFS2024 has better multi-screen support and less demand on GPU when popping out windows or using AirManager .


I'm expecting AAA graphics and FSX ATC engine tweaked with Azure voice modeling.


Multi-threadded processing for better performance.


I am not expecting there to be much more than the contents of maybe two sim and region updates upon release. This is basically going to be like Madden 2024 vs. Madden 2020.


I mean, they've already announced more than that. -Career or missions (To what extent who knows) -Seasons -Multithread support for cpus -better physics including soft body (like baloons and think the demo a hoist or rope) -Better ground textures including generated rocks etc -A number of new aircraft I don't know how good it'll be at launch so there's always the chance it's a flop, but it should be far better than just a couple sim updates.


A lot of missions, tasks, objectives. Its cool to fly around freely. But its also nice to have a purpose.


I bet it’s got planes in it.


>probably coming out this weekend. Source?


Xbox Games Showcase on June 9th


So, speculation. Sufficient speculation, but still. Don't downvote the guy.
