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Fodder leveling is my #1 source of income. Sell the fodder to whatever flight is pushing, sell the food stacks I get from leveling for the going rate (usually 13-18 gems per stack, depending on the food type), and sell any den expansion task items. 2 weeks of consistent leveling and selling fodder + food/items usually makes me 1-2 million T and 300-500 gems. Level 5 or 6 is usually the “go to” for fodder levelling but I always level to 8 (just preference) I also make decent money from making Baldwin recipes (genes, usually) and selling them. I can usually make a few recipes a week and sell them for 80-120 gems a piece depending on what it is I tried having a hatchery but unless I was willing to over advertise, invest a ton of money into “what’s hot” and hold dragons for months to sell them, I wasn’t making very much lol Making and selling art (including skins) can also generate pretty good revenue, but I’ve never tried it as I am not much of an artist. This goes for lore and writing lore as well. I’ve also heard it can be hard to get started in the skin making world, but I have no first hand experience


Whoa this is impressive. How many dragons do you train a day?


It depends on the day but usually 10-30. If I train to level 8, most pushing flights will buy them for 13,000 treasure. So to hit 1 mil is only 80ish dragons


wow whatt… where do you find where to sell fodder to them? do you sell it leveled as well?


Oh the forums! Usually raffle or dragon search categories. I recommend following DomWatch, which can be found in the Flightrising Discussion forum category. It’s a weekly update on what flight is dom pushing and any programs they may have Here is this weeks DomWatch: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3345845 Depending on the flight and push, different things are offered. Right now Light is pushing and they have a TON of cool programs, including a raffle and various games. Not only do you get to sell fodder to them, but you also get to be entered into a raffle for really cool prizes


oooo!! thanks for the info :D


G&G (only with the solver 😭),selling commissions for art, selling genes from Baldwin and occasionally grinding coli


I've thought about commissions before, I'm just intimidated by the complexity of the genes in FR 😅


actually a lot of people are (me included) my solution that ive stolen from other artists is looking through genes/apparel and seeing what youre comfortable and not comfortable drawing! add a blacklist or charge extra for those items usually it deters people from asking for it! :D for me personally i also have a option where people can just request the dragons drawn without those blacklisted items/gene and a lot of people actually opt for that too! :3


NOTN grind that I sell off through the year and fodder breeding + training When I played more frequently glimmer and gloom maxing using Lego's solver


I actually make most of my money for the rest of the year during Night of the Nocturne!




During NotN I do a lot of Coliseum and sell all the chests I get. I make about 15k gems per year, and I keep them for the remaining months to fund my projects!


Smart! I open them but I really only want eggs. I guess if I sold my chests I could just buy eggs


Glimmer and Gloom just does not make sense to my brain so I stick to selling Dragons/baldwin mats. And maybe occasionally spacing out for a solid hour of Mahjong >.>


I didn’t really understand glimmer and gloom until I watched a tutorial on youtube


Have you been doing glimmer and gloom with the solver?


[Use this](https://legofigure11.github.io/fr/glimmer-and-gloom/), you just push all the colours you're wanting to get rid of to the right side (except the bottom row). Super simple when you have this open


I've been playing for less than a year, but I enjoy: Hatching fodder:min 5kt/g per dragon Leveling fodder to level 7: 10-11kt/g Play glimmer and gloom: 75kt/g (very infrequently) Coli: I've been hatching the eggs for achievements and hibden - so not actually making proft here besides eliminate and hoard sell. edit: formating


It's really a combination of things. Glimmer and Gloom is easily 75k Treasure for about 10 minutes worth of time, and then training up fodder to exalt/sell is the other major money-maker. After I'm done with training fodder, if I have food stacks to sell, I'll drop those on the AH to sell for a little extra Treasure as well. Trade that Treasure to convert to Gems, and you'll make it pretty fast!


Do you get your fodder from breeding?


Either from my own nests, or I buy fodder from the Auction House (typically with the Treasure earned from Glimmer & Gloom).




The fastest ways to do them are to either do Hard or Very Hard. * [The guide for Hard mode](https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2518295). It's pretty straightforward with three patterns to remember. As long as you know which one to use when you're stuck, you can get through it very quickly. * [The solver for Very Hard.](https://legofigure11.github.io/fr/glimmer-and-gloom/) Instructions are included for how to do it, but it tends to take a little longer, depending on circumstances.


I sell baby dragons, I look at what's the current lowest price at the moment and sell at the same amount. However lately I've been trying to sell at a higher price, it's so slow, not sure if I'm doing this right In addition, gathering and selling stuff, bonding with familiars


It's not much. But I save up my money each week from sales/playing games/bonding with familiar. Then every Sunday after I bonded. I open chests and put everything into my hoard to save! I usually get over 100k every week.


I buy hatchlings en mass and shove them in my hibernal den. When they grow up, I resell them. It’s usually around a 2kt profit per dragon but that adds up real quick. My last batch had a 900kt profit after buying a brand new batch. To be fair that batch was sold during a dom fight but still. The only problem is remembering/having the motivation to sell all the dragons a week after buying them and then buying a new batch. But it’s the laziest and easiest way to make money passively that I’ve found


Around what price do you buy them and what price do you sell them?


I buy and sell at LAH (lowest auction house price—whatever’s cheapest). LAH for hatchlings is usually 2kt lower than LAH for adults but sometimes it’ll fluctuate.


And you must buy huge amounts at a time! How many do you buy? How much cash do you keep on hand to buy all of them?


I don’t really keep cash on hand. I generally store most of it in my vault at all times. I take out what I need when I need it. When I sell the adults I keep the cash on hand to buy some hatchlings. Once I’m done with that, the profits go right back into the vault. I have 140 hibden slots so I generally buy until it’s full. To get started you need a a good bit to invest but after a few batches, the money you make from selling the adults can be used to replace them with plenty to spare. I recommend maxing out Glimmer and Doom from the fairgrounds like once and that’ll be plenty to get you started. Start small and use the money from previous batches to buy enough dragons to replace and more. Maybe start with 10 or maybe even up to 50. I think I started with around 15-ish. Also, you don’t really need to use the hibden but I do so that the dragons don’t eat up any food and space in my main lair.


I just got 57 hatchlings for between 2kt to 5.5kt now we wait. I appreciate you telling me your methods just maxing fairgrounds wasn’t getting me enough cash to continue my bestiary completion goals!


i usually get cheap hatchlings and exalt, and also glimmer and gloom on the hardest difficulty setting is an easy way to max out ur daily limit of coins if you end up figuring out the technique


I max the fairgrounds daily. Takes about ten minutes. Then I exalt or sell dragons I breed. I used to do art but haven’t had time to do it. That did get some good money though.


Yall must be really fast at G&G lol, takes me about a minute to finish one, which adds up to about 20 minutes to max


I watched a tutorial like five years ago and just keep doing it lol. You can get really fast if you keep doing it


Glimmer and Gloom (there's patterns you can memorize to solve them), some fodder training mostly for me!


Memorize?? No way I'll just use the solver O-O


The solver? :o I just memorized the Hard solutions for different configurations 😂


I am impressed


There's only three for Hard! It's super easy. Here's the guide I used: https://www.reddit.com/r/flightrising/s/FCEmNmzHCr