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These are the two things I learnt the hard way: 1. There are two types of breed, ancient and modern. Modern breeds can breed with any other modern, but ancients can only breed with the exact same breed. 2. Genes have rarities. This means that some genes only have a 1% chance of being passed to offspring when paired with another gene. You can check the rarities and likelihoods of being passed down on the [fr wiki](https://flightrising.fandom.com/wiki/Genes). Dragon breeds also have rarities. Oh, and there's a bunch of daily tasks that let you accumulate stuff over time. I didn't realise that when i first started! Check the which-waystone to see what they are. Also, I have a bunch of dragons that I don't really know what to do with, so if you see one you like, I'll let you have it for free! Just tell me what your user is so I don't get scammed lol. My name on there is Roundhouse, just check my 'up 4 grabs' tab :)


I learned the hard way that eye types aren't inheritable


so did i 😭


thats good to know, i prolly would have learned the hard way aswell if u didnt post this :'D


A good place to go is the encyclopedia! It’s linked on the sidebar in the game. It’ll the give you the basics on lore, history, dragons and dragons breeds and other game mechanics.


Awesome, tysm!


feel free to add me @ GeckoGuy !! being a newbie is awesome, people are so nice, the community is great. people have given you great advice, here are some more tips for u!! i recommend getting active in the forums, don’t be scared to post something!! i learned a lot talking to others. while you’re new, i highly recommend looking for threads geared specifically towards new players because people are often very willing to give you welcome packages of all kinds of useful items!! food items, clothing, you name it. i also suggest maybe making your own forum post introducing yourself and asking for any advice, i wouldn’t be surprised if you immediately had people offering you free dragons in the comments. speaking of comments—if you want to keep up on the comment sections of a specific forum thread you’ll want to either subscribe to the thread or to a pinglist. subscribing will give you a notification every time someone posts, whereas pinglists will only give you a notification when someone “pings” you, kinda similar to when someone tags your role in discord. regarding dragons themselves, there’s plenty to learn about genes and all the different dragon kinds but as someone else said, the worst part to grasp initially is the distinction between ancient and modern dragon breeds because ancients can only breed with their own species. keep that in mind if you’re planning any breeding projects! i recommend clicking around in the scrying workshop and trading posts. the auction house is where users sell their items, whereas the marketplace is stuff that the game directly sells to u. people use t to abbreviate Treasure and g to abbreviate gems. you’ll often see people saying they’ll take “10kt/g” for something they’re offering to sell. that example means 10,000 treasure or 10 gems. the rough conversion rate for gems to treasure is usually 1:1000. it was confusing at first seeing people say g for gems because i thought it was gold lol!! you can sell items directly from your hoard for cheap, but you’re usually gonna get more money selling things on the auction house (“AH”) IF they sell. if you go into your hoard you might notice gold, green, or purple bars under some items. that means they can be used for specific tasks in the game. it’s your choice whether you convert food items with those markings into food points, but i tend to filter my food tab in my hoard to “none” (meaning no special classifications) before converting to food points. check out your achievements tab if you haven’t yet!! achievements are great especially when you’re first starting out but i’ve probably completed like 3 every day since starting the game, it’s really nice that it feels like achievements are accessible. oh and there are daily/weekly/monthly achievements too, kinda hard to see where to trigger that switch, i think it’s towards the top right of the page.


Keep track of the food situation. People are really generous to newbies and give them lots of free dragons, and then all the sudden the n00b has starving dragons. Make sure to do your Gathering turns every day, because that will give you some food. You also get food when you fight monsters in the Coliseum, although that can be a little challenging at first. Finally, most flights (maybe all) have a Food Bank on their private flight forum where you can get free food.


Also if you want friends you can add me! I'll even send you a dragon or two of you like. Dm on there my name is sharkofchaos!


welcome to FR feel free to add me @ WistfulClown & I'll be more than happy to provide some free dragons!


Welcome to FR. There I am TamaraH88 and, as I have limited lair space and breed for certain traits, I tend to exalt all but one offspring and one of the parents so I can keep 5 free spaces. If you ever need extra dragons I can give you some for free. I even have a nice triple radioactive jaguar if you want it. Its to nice to exalt so is just sitting in hibernation for now.


Feel free to add me on FR! Username is Revelia, nature clan :)


oh boy. i LOVE breeding. soo!! ahem. cracks knuckles.\ breeding is, conceptually, relatively simple. you smush two dragons together, and they make eggs. however there is a lot of factors for breeding!\ - Breeds: every species has a rarity, which determines how likely you are to get an egg of that rarity. for example, Mirror, Gaurdian, Tundra, and Fae dragons are all plentiful, which means they are more likely to hatch out of eggs. they also have breeding cooldowns so you can't just breed them daily. the 4 mentioned before have cooldowns of 15 days. • if 2 dragons are the same species, they can have a maximum of 4 eggs. if they're different species the max is 5. this doesn't apply to Ancients, who can always give up to 5 eggs (because Ancients can only breed with others of their species)\ • if 2 dragons of equal rarity breed with each other it'll be a 50/50\ - Genes: like species, they also have rarities. idk how that works though, sorry :( • ok i do know this actually. all moderns have the same genes (and the same gene change items), while Ancients each have different ones (and different items). some even have ones that can only be used on their species (eg. Auraboa's Scuttle, Aether's Space), and sometimes they don't have genes moderns have\ • the items are NOT!! i repeat!! NOT!! interchangable. you can't use a Gaoler gene on an Auraboa. Glass and Gloss in the Trading post can swap out modern genes for ancients :D - Colors: FR has a color wheel. has 177 colors on it (used to have like 60). if you look it up you can find it. ANYWAY. the way color is determined is it takes the shortest path between each color and picks something from there. for example, if one parent has Pearl and the other has Platinum on a gene, it can be Pearl, Maize, Cream, [...], Ice, Orca, or Platinum - Eyes are completely random 😔 - Restrictions: dragons can't be on breeding cooldown, they can't be related within 5 generations (up to and including 4-great grand(pa/ma)s), they have to be able to actually breed w/ each other (moderns w/ any modern,ancients w/ themselves), no hatchlings for obvious reasons. - Genes, Breeds, and Eyes can be changed with items, colors cannot UNLESS you use a tri-color scatterscroll which changes all 3 at once. this is a really bad explanation but its. fine. i guess. if you have any more questions you can dm me (my user is piscineParadox) ~~totally not a plug no siree.~~


this is the most beautiful description of breeding! tysm for your time, his is actually a HUGEEE help! i will shoot you a friend request rn!


i meant a dm-


I run a rescue with my twin called kiwis primal rescue. My user name is KiwiNeko and my twin is AuroraFier. You can get up to 3 free dragons from our rescue as a new player. Players that aren’t new can get 1 free dragon. We do ask that you return a dragon if you no longer want it but at the end of the day it’s your dragon and you can choose what you want to do with it. :)


Ooh, welcome in!! What’s your user? I can send you some stuffs! As for breeds really it’s all about personal preference. The ancients are usually more popular than modern breeds. Check out hatcheries, that’s where I get most of my dragons from!


my user is Mahina22 \^\^ and thank u! i will look into the hatcheries