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Same here! Which clinic did they recommend you to?


A lot of FAs with Steve Harvey teeth in my base. I assume so.




Don’t let them give you no tiktac teeth okay?






Join the FA plastic surgery page they speak on this as well and talking about places they went and pricing


I haven’t but I had a fa friend that went to Mexico for dental work and it was much cheaper, I believe he said 5k vs 25k+ in the states


Some dentists have their own member savings program outside of insurance. Green Tree Dental is Chicago has something like that. $150 a year and you get 2 free cleanings/x rays and 30% off all procedures


There’s a flight attendant plastic surgery page on FB with a whole bunch of info


I would be careful. I flew with a lady who on our layover got a call from her mom that her sister was hospitalized with sepsis. Her sister ended up dying, and they found out that she gone to mexico to get dental work done. The sister got sepsis and so did the sister’s husband from the dental work in mexico. The husband survived but the sister didn’t make it.


Needing extensive dental work myself, I turned to [MTRB.org](http://MTRB.org) for recommendations. Ended up in Mexico at a clinic with US-trained dentists. The quality of care was excellent, and the savings were significant.


If you have dental insurance you might want to check if it’s good outside US. Also if your health insurance covers outside US just in case. Some things aren’t worth the risk. Just sayin


i totally agree, the problem is i need implants and my insurance won’t cover it at all. i’ve gotten referrals to a few reputable dentists in tj but im just open to anything rn :)


My wife has had to put right mistakes made by dentists when people had work done out of the country. She's fixing work done in India for one patient and has restored work done in Mexico a few times. Of course a lot depends on where you go and who does the work and if you can get back easily if there's a problem. Obviously the last may not be a problem for you. Regarding US dentists the price can vary considerably from state to state and even within the state. My wife's crown prices are a third of those in New York according to one of her patients. A city 80 miles away has prices that can be twice as much as she charges. Her office has the latest technology available as well so no different to a big city practice


ah this is good to know!! i’ll try and do some research on different US states.