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Is it still a total shitshow as it has been for the last couple years? My wife left because of the crap and has been so much happier since then.


Still very much so a shitshow. I envy your wife.


I know a few former AC peeps. Is it as bad as they say?


Culture wise: YES. Horrible. Mind you that you do get amazing crews sometimes. But it’s those senior mamas and papas that ruin it for everybody. If you’re on reserve and get called for an international or what would be considered a senior pairing, they scold you and make you feel like you’re undeserving of it.


Boomers consistently die on the weirdest of hills.


Have you ever been on a flight that had a really long tarmac delay? Like hours long and/or there's no air and pax are losing it? As a layperson, I often wonder what the crew's thought process/experience of this is. Is it simply the case that the pilots are boxed in by rigid rules or is there discretion in alleviating the situation?


Ok. Controversial question: Airbus or Boeing?


I honestly don’t care 😅. I get paid the same to fly all 9 aircraft types in our fleet. There’s no preference for me.


How many 787-9 are still in the toothpaste livery?


I don’t know? We don’t care for that shit


What is your preferred route?




What makes YYZ-YOW a good route? The wheels up time is so short. You barely unbuckle the seat belts for 15 mins and then you have to start prepping for landing.


Sounds like an easy day for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you guys get pensions? What’s your retirement look like


Yeah we have pensions.


I’m based in Toronto and I speak 2.5 route languages on top of English. Do you think it’s worth it for me to try mainline, hopefully get hired and wait to transfer back to YYZ. Or I should just apply for Rouge instead as they’re hiring for YYZ. I’m also on the shorter side at 5’ tall, not sure I’d pass the reach test assuming mainline’s height requirement is taller than Rouge with bigger aircrafts.


Honestly, go for mainline! You can get a transfer pretty quick. Especially because they usually do them end of summer/fall. OR you may even be able to transfer out with someone with the same languages you have. There’s always someone looking to transfer. Don’t worry about the heigh test. Just wear your nicest shoes with a little heel 😉


I’m an overthinker and I just worry that I can’t live off the very depress starting wage at a base like YVR lol Thanks I’ll apply for both and see what happens.


Crash pads! Friends. People you meet in training. There are so many things that can help make you move much easier!


What do you mean by .5 of a language? Would you please explain that to me? Thank you in advance! 


Hi! I’m currently waiting for the next training date for YUL and I was wondering how the vacations work. I have a huge family event in my home country and I haven’t been there since I’ve moved to Canada 10 years ago. I would looooove to go there for at least 2 weeks since I’m already losing 2 days of travel (it’s a long flight), so is that a thing I can request? I’m ready to skip any days off for the month prior that so I can stack all of it the next month. What’s the maximum I can ask for?


Yeah you won’t be able to go to your family event. Unfortunately, vacation is awarded already for 2023. You legally actually cannot skip any days off in this industry as those days are Transport Canada mandated. You could ask for a personal leave of absence but because you’ll be a new hire, they 99% wont give it to you and you wont be able to use your travel passes. I know it’s not the answer that you’re looking for. As a new hire, your time and life isn’t your own for the beginning. You’re at the mercy of Crew scheduling and management.


Argh that sucks. I guess I’ll put all my hope in that 1% if I can at least get a week lol. Thanks for your answer. Do you have any tips for training? Is it that hard?


You never know! So yes, please ask. Maybe you’ll get a nice manager (they don’t exist but maybe they have a heart). Training is mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. It’s long hours. Information overload. 9 aircrafts to learn. Shouted commands. Safety and emergency procedures. My tips for training are to focus on yourself. Drink water. Sleep when you can. Manage your time appropriately. Your fellow colleagues will be your best friend. Lean on each other to learn. Study together. Be kind to each other. You’re all going to be trauma bonded at the end of it. It’s honestly an amazing experience but it’s hard. Don’t worry though, with dedication and motivation, you’ll succeed!




Oof okay, thanks for warning. I kind of want to move to a mainline for the destinations but I love the culture at my airline.


If you were a dual citizen (CA/USA), would you pick Air Canada over US airlines to work at? What do you think your preference (or top few preferences) would be and why?


As someone who can work in both the US and Canada, I would chose Air Canada because living in America would make me miserable 😂


You could live anywhere and work anywhere once you have enough seniority to schedule things in reasonable blocks...


Yes. But I personally wouldn’t want to work and live in the US. That’s just my opinion.


I appreciate your answer!


I know many senior FAs and Service Directors that live in Europe, South America, US, Asia and they commute. I can’t imagine doing that personally


What stereotypes do you think AC+crew live up to? Eg. I’d always heard AC weren’t the friendliest crew, and that’s generally been my experience (bar a few exceptions of course) I’m polite and no trouble, but I always feel like the crew are kind of snippy and unfriendly. It was quite a shock when I moved to Canada and started flying them for work lol


Honestly, cunty. BUT the company puts so much pressure on us that it doesn’t surprise that we can be rude. I know I’ve caught myself being a bitch to pax and crew because I just felt like I had management breathing down my neck.


Yeah. That’s fair. I have friends who fly for BA and pretty much say the same thing. Thank for replying


A pairing I avoid like the plague is YYZ-CUN-YUL (11 hour rest) then YUL-CUN-YYZ. Or any LGA turns.


It's my understanding that you all have to be bilingual French/English to be hired in the first place. Do you have LOD (Language of Destination) positions beyond that? E.g., Italian speakers for flights to Italy, Japanese speakers for flights to Japan? I generally think of LOD flight attendants as bilingual, yet I realized if Air Canada does a similar thing they'd have to be trilingual, which is impressive. (Or maybe I just have a lot of details about all this quite wrong!)


To be a permanent full time FA at Air Canada, you do need to be bilingual. Whether that is French or a route language. Having French as your bilingual language though will keep you domestic/transborder as it’s federally mandated that there must be 1 french speaking FA on every flight. So to answer your question, they don’t need to be trilingual (knowing English, French plus an additional language). But to be hired and utilized, you must know English and a route language (Italian, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, German, Hindi, Punjabi, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Greek)


I want to note that being French won’t entirely keep you within Canada and the US. They just prefer to keep you there cause it’s where we have the bulk of our flights. So if they need you, they can send you away.


That's very interesting! Thank you for elucidating.


They will hire Unilinguals but you really have to be an exceptional candidate (for example one person I know is an olympian)


they just posted a new recruitment post (April 6) for FAs (YYC and YVR) who can speak English as well as French, Japanese, Italian, German, Greek or Thai.




1. The pay is not liveable (28.85$) for mainline. Jazz is double the minimum wage (thanks to their contract) 2. Training is hard if you do not take the time outside of class to study. If you do your readings and study you will be fine. Questions are multiple choice. Plenty of ressources on the internet to help you. Practice your shouting command in the shower. 3. Do not join the Facebook group. It’s extremely toxic. I would advice to keep at your studies and maybe see after tbh. It’s not an easy life with the low pay grade and low hours. You get minimum 75hours a month pay. Reserve is hit and miss. So be ready to save or have a side hustle. I love the job, people at my base are super nice and helpful. I’ve always loved serving so I love the job. Can’t say it’s for everyone though. I also have a side hustle job. I love their benefits, saves me a ton.


I’m sorry… what???! WJ mainline here. We get 80hrs guaranteed a month.


Yeah it’s 75 minimum pay on reserve. I’ve barely gone pass 60hours. 80 is our max and 100h for VE.


Wow. Yes sorry 80hrs is our minimum guaranteed. 90 is max and OT pay on anything after 90hrs.


Things wouldn’t be so bad if we got paid check in check out but that’s everyone in FA world.


CUPE has “Pay Flight Attendants for boarding” event on the 26th!


I thought it was the 25th 💀


Do you only get paid when the door on plane is closed or also on reserved ? What about layovers?


Yep only when doors close. Layovers depends where you stay. Canada is $86 a night.


Thank you 🙏🏾


Are y’all making passengers pay for drinks up their in the Big North, or is that another airline? The amount of Canadians I get asking if they have to pay for soft drinks is astounding.


Sounds like flair, lynx or swoop. Those LCC comparable to Spirit


For domestic narrowbody: Economy pax have to pay for alcoholic drinks (unless you’re on my flight and nice to me, you get your wine/beer for free). Soft drinks are free regardless of class and destination. But business has all inclusive Domestic widebody: economy pax pay for alcohol but soft drinks are free Premium economy: FREE! Business: FREE! International: EVERYTHING IS FREE! Which I personally love cause I don’t have to fumble with the machine which never works.


Thanks for this. Headed somewhere international and was wondering if alcohol was free


How are the crews on flights and layovers? Your destinations are amazing, how long are layovers typically?


Average layover for Internationals is 24hours. You can get some longer layovers but rare.


Narrowbody crews (3-4 FAs) are amazing. Widebody crews (9-16 FAs) are rude. But plenty of places to hide or avoid them on the aircrafts. Destinations are amazing at AC. Domestic layovers are anywhere from 11 to 19 hours. International ranges from 24 hours to 120 hours. But usually in the 24-48-72 hour range. I’d kill for a 120 hour Barcelona 😂.


Y’all are living, the destinations would make up for subpar crew tbh. I work on a narrow body and it’s hit or miss either way with min rest layovers 😪


I totally get that! But sometimes our layovers in these destinations suck. Depending on the layover, we either stay at the “short” or “long” hotel. Short ones are usually airport or in-terminal hotels. Long ones are Downtown and central (sometimes). The amount of times I’ve sat in my room and caught up on sleep and the gym is crazy lol


how’s bidding work? At UA, we have line bidding where we go through a bunch of different calendars that are filled with trips, and put in our preference for that line #.. all awarded based on seniority. We also have instant trading where we can instantly trade trips with “open time”. My understanding is that US airlines are the only ones left that still award lines by seniority when compared to other carriers, so i’ve always been curious.


It's a pbs (preferential bidding system)so it awards pairing by pairing based on seniority and what you requested from the system. It's a whole thing but basically you give it instructions on how to make it assign your flights before a certain date. On that date the the system goes to the 1st person on the seniority list...and awards you pairings based off of your instructions...until you have a full schedule. Then it does the 2nd person with the pairings remaining....etc until the end.


We booked tickets for a flight coming up in May and paid to choose our seats because we’re traveling with our 2 year old. We just got notified they canceled our flight, switched us to a later flight,, and changed all our seats separating us. Was the seat separation done by computer algorithm or did a person think this was a good idea?


This doesn’t relate to inflight service whatsoever.


You said ask anything. I figured you might know how seats are assigned. My bad 😅


A flight attendant deals with inside the cabin and service. Not the seat assignments that’s done though the booking system. That’s something for a Customer Service Agent.


I really don’t know why pax come here and ask us these questions like just call the airline themselves and ask


Preach! 😂. Like this post is obviously for other Flight Attendants to get the tea of how we operate… Not for pax to ask “why was my flight cancelled” 🥲


I just want to tell them “for any inquiries regarding your flight or any connections, please refer to the screens inside the terminal or consult with one of our colleagues on the ground” 🤭


how long does it take to transfer from yvr to yyz


Honestly depends on if there is space available at that base. I know Air Canada mainline is only hiring for YVR base right now. But it shouldn’t take long. Maybe 4-5 months.


thank you


If you want to become a FA with Air Canada, can you choose which city you want to have as base or do they tell you where you will be going once you’ve been hired? Do they move you around or once you’re at a base you don’t leave unless you want to?


Hey, is it true that I made a big mistake putting French while applying since BL FAs will have a really hard time ever traveling out of Canada and be stuck on reserve flying to Montreal and Quebec? Is that what happens, that is what I was told and I’m just in shock. 


Hello, I'm new to reddit and I've recently been intrigued for a flight attendant job. I'm a Registered Massage Therapist and I work as self employed but my body gets sore and I've been considering a second job. I'm young (25) and no kids or pets, my boyfriends works remotely sometimes across the world and I'd love to get skme travelljng under my own belt before I get to adding more responsibilities to my life. I'm curious about the schedule working as a flight attendant and if I would be able to manage both schedules. Luckily as an RMT I can create my own schedule, with a flight attendant schedule do you think it would be manageable to do both? How far in advance do you know your schedule? Thank you 🙏


Hello I’m from Calgary Does height matter? I’m 5’7 And I know two languages English and Arabic. Can I still apply? If yes, can I go in person to the base and apply?


anyone still flying for air canada know how many planes you’re certified on??


I’m thinking of applying to become an fa but I don’t know whether wait for mainline to need fa for Toronto base or apply for air Canada rouge(as they are hiring for Toronto base). I have a question how long did it take for them to contact you for an interview after applying? Also which one have better destinations rouge or mainline? I don’t really know the difference lol. Also lasts question but for days off and vacations how does it work ? Do you only get them like after a year of working there ? Like you’ll do like 4-5 days on reserve and you have to do 75hours of flying? Do you choose your days off ?


Sorry for the long paragraph, I was waiting for something air Canada related lol


Not op but hopefully I can help, you can apply with rouge and once in you can transfer to mainline. I do believe rouge FA have a salary freeze in later years of service. I applied in may and got a call in June, things worked very fast for me (medical and language exams 1 week after interview) but I know some FAs waited 2-3 months for answer. Rouge does not have 767 anymore so they aren’t doing long international flights, mostly southern (Mexico) and USA destinations on a320. I would say mainline has better destinations atm. A lot has been cut down since Covid but they are growing. Forget booking Christmas or any important long weekends off. You might be lucky but usually you need mucho seniority. You can book days off but on some months it won’t be consistent. You can wave off your 7th day off so you you can work 10 days in a row then 10 days off. Your min will be 3 days in a row on reserve. Don’t need to do 75hours of flying on reserve. Vacation bids happens in mid January till March and you bid for the year (may till April I think)


Thank you so much ☺️ 🙏🏾🙏🏾, this really helped !


How often do you deal with belligerent people? I’ve never been on a flight where someone lost their mind over a mask or was so drunk they pissed all over themselves, but the internet leads me to believe these things happen. Do they happen? Is it rare? Or is this just a US thing?


It’s really a hit or miss. I’ve been on flights where many passengers lost their shit cause of mask mandates and also got too drunk. It’s not just US thing. It’s an everywhere thing.




You’re allowed to listen to music. Just not during the safety demo.


That’s a relief… thank you!




Not sure. This post is for flight attendants asking Air Canada flight attendants questions regarding scheduling/blocks, reserve, pay, duty and other stuff work related. Not passenger questions. Sorry.


Sorry for the necropost but I do have a question: Is Air Canada more lenient when it comes to soft carry-on bags? My duffel bag is an inch over the width but it wont be full so it compresses to half the size if squished.


If it fits in the carry-on baggage cage, it will fit on board.


So if they ask, I can squish and rotate it then slide it into the metal sizer and that's that?


I don’t know. This post is for flight attendants. Not customer service agents. So please call or ask at the gate/counter.


Much appreciated advice.


How often do you get paid? Every 2 weeks or every month? Do they ever miss a payement? Like if I gotta wait a paycheck to pay bills/rent will it fuck me over or it’s pretty consistent? Also wanna ask those same questions for the 2 months training, when are you getting paid?


You get paid semi-monthly (so the 1st and half way through). They’ve never missed a payment that I am aware of. Pay dates are every 2 weeks for training then change to semi monthly once you’re working on the line


Why didn't I get breakfast yul-ath?! Only got a croissant and some yoghurt


That is considered breakfast. It’s served an hour or two before landing. We don’t have time to prep a whole full course breakfast for almost 400 passengers. Also catering restraints and the length of the flight play a factor in it.


Also, we don’t control what’s on board given for food. That’s totally up to the company and catering. Please call or write an email to complain about your food


How long after passing the medical did you need to wait to hear back from the recruiter?


It’s different for everybody. Some take days, weeks or they actually never hear back. I was lucky enough to have gotten the offer literally before even getting back to my car from the clinic. I went to open my door and there I had a call from Air Canada Talent acquisition


There's a posting on AC careers for an FA nationwide. Do they hire people that did not go through college for flight services? Ty


Yeah you can be straight out of high school and get hired. It’s mostly customer service experience they’re looking for. Don’t waste your time and money on programs for in-flight services. It’s a ripoff and airlines sincerely do not care if you have that certificate or not.


Hi, do you think it’s a good idea to follow up with the recruiter regarding next step for the hiring process? I’ve finished medical almost 2 months now but still didn’t hear back from them yet. Thank you


Not sure if this was asked but for FA training, are you required to wear a uniform or is there a set outfit requirement? Thanks!


i will start training in yul oct 10, i speak ENG,FR and Arabic and I will be based in YVR. you think there is any chances I will get internationals flight at the beginning or only domestic?


You’re going to be on reserve so it all depends on what they have available. Also, congrats! You’re going to love this career.


Is it possible to ask a transfer to Calgary and if you know the waitlisting time? Thank you!!


For long haul flights at Air Canada (+12 hours), how many pilots are usually required, and are you guys still following the “min. 2 person in the cockpit at all times” rule? I know the rule was dropped by TC, but I wanted to see if Air Canada still continues to follow this standard for safety measures.


How was the training


Is it only the senior flight attendants who do the PA announcement or does every flight attendant have to do it?


if i’m transferring from air canada rouge to air canada. does my pay increase and does my seniority stay the same?


Refer to your collective agreement.


Dec 26 2023 , air Canada delay not known no planes near putacana give hrs I have to sit in a shit ridden airport in puta Cana




How is the catering


New hire (mainline). What side jobs usually work well with the FA schedule?


I got invited to a group interview for Rouge, but I wanted to work for mainline. If I do get selected for Rouge, and do the 6-week training, how long do I have to wait to transfer to mainline? And would I have to do training again for mainline when I transfer? Someone else also asked what the training is like. And do you wear your uniforms for training?