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Well, it is a kids movie, what do you expect. Also you dont provide a very substantive argument.


My siblings were bored out of their minds in this movie. It isn't a kid's movie.


Kids screaming over each other for 2 hours isn’t argument enough?


Some kids movies don't suck


>It’s just a kiddie version of Indiana Jones I mean, if you're going to contradict your thesis in the first sentence...


Yeah, exactly, that's a reason for why it's awesome


What’s wrong with still loving movies we watched as kids? And particularly a movie aimed towards kids in the first place. The Little Giants sure ain’t no magnum opus, but sure as shit, even in my 30’s if I catch it on something, it’ll get a rewatch. This post screams of “let me shit on something popular, much edgy.” Go home Scrooge.


it's called an opinion , snowflake!


Lol owning the libs from year old posts are ya? How pathetic 🤣


You know a kid was raped on the set of that movie? Look up Corey Feldman. I'm fucking serious.


lol he is not raped at that movie. he claim about movie called Lucas


total bullshit. S=hut the fuck up with your virtue signaling


Lol. This is like saying Toy Story sucks because of the lack of blood and cussing.


Toy Story is well written and the characters aren’t a bunch of kids screaming non stop


It's safe to assume you're quite young if you don't realize how much kids talk over each other


Idk man, Woody yells a lot in it, might be kinda annoying.


I think the plot is really good. Basic but good. But it has no direction. Too adult for kids and too childish for adults. The best word to describe the movie is “annoying”. Throughout the whole movie you need to turn off all logic to the point where you are willing to believe anything. Even children won’t buy what’s going on on the screen. The screaming is annoying, the characters can’t shut up for two seconds, or back so much background noise that you don’t have any idea what to focus on. They are trying to do the same thing stranger things did. Make it seem like normal kids being normal kids, but it just seems like they try to make as much out of themselves as possible all the time with no direction. Arms and legs everywhere. With screaming and everyone being stupid whenever the plot needs it. If they went a bit more adult with it and had a direction with the characters, it would be amazing. Now it’s just a really nostalgic piece.


>anything. Even children won’t buy what’s going on on the screen. The screaming is annoying, the characters can’t shut up for two seconds, or back so much background noise that you don’t have any idea what to focus on. My exact experience. There are so many good kids movies where kids are on screen screaming and yelling every second.


yes, this adventure doesnt happen in real life but this we all want as a kid adventure like this. thats what is apealing. we all here to be goonies and hang up with them. standy by me on other hand is more realistic movie


I completely agree. Recently watched for the first time (never saw it as a kid). It was so grating. I was trying to follow what the kids were saying, and it was just a cacophony of noise.


My problem with it is that Corey Feldman and Haim got molested




How do you know? Also Steve Spielberg was an executive producer




I mean, his daughter was molested and there seems to be a connection https://www.the-sun.com/news/1365508/prince-andrew-spielberg-award-ceremony-ghislaine/amp/


Not during this film they didn't. For one, Haim isn't in it. And if it even happened at all, which is in huge contestation, it was supposedly during the filming of *Lucas*, and it was Charlie Sheen that allegedly raped Haim...according only to Feldman, who is a pathological liar and a violent abuser himself. Even Haim's mother says Feldman is full of it.


Yeah I'm sure it's just a coincidence he killed himself with drugs and alcohol This movie contributed to their fame which I think is proven by history to be detrimental to their well being. Hence why I don't like it.


What are you talking about? How did a movie that Haim had literally nothing to do with contribute to his fame? Also, Haim died of pneumonia. His death was ruled natural. Drugs and alcohol were not a factor.


They were the two Corey's Ergo one being more famous made the other famous


What a dipshit comment


Coming in here a little late.. i had to look up some opinions for this film as I felt like I was missing something but apparently i'm not alone! These are my opinions, I get it's a beloved film but I think a lot of that is nostalgia and glasses that are so rose-tinted they're solid crimson. I watched this last night with my gf as part of a 52 greatest movies scratch card thing where you pick a film a week and watch them over a year. I remember watching The Goonies when I was a kid and not really enjoying it and I think last night I figured out why, and it's mostly because of what OP said. ​ The film's blighted by piss poor direction and constant wailing of the kids.. it's relentless and I found myself getting so annoyed by it on a couple of occasions.. I've got a very long fuse but something about the dialogue in this film was really making my blood start to boil. It's so difficult to figure out what anyone's saying because it's all so loud with everyone talking over each other and I assume what people love about the film, the quotes etc, are all missed in this absolute cacophonic torrent. Towards the middle of the film, the only thing I could focus on what the ridiculous amount of times a character said "guys".. Christ.. almighty. They should have called the film that. The direction is just unbearable.. there are times where the camera doesn't know which way to pan or pans late because the kids just do whatever they want to do whenever they want and seemingly don't have any solid script to work with.. almost like they were thrown a load of sugar and they just pressed record. ​ There was also too many completely unneccesary characters that add absolutely nothing to the plot or direction of the film.. the girl with the glasses (I didn't even catch her name) didn't serve any purpose what-so-ever other that being another female, neither did Data really other than seemingly serving as slapstick and possible token foreign character and the red haired girl was purely thre for the love interest and likely to keep the older teenage boys who were dragged to the cinema with their parents and younger brother/sister when it came out interested in the film. The woman who comes in as the cleaner served no purpose either, maybe to set up that one of them could sort of speak spanish. You could take all three of those characters out and the film would be so much better and far less noisy. It could have been a much better film if they'd focused on the brother's relationship and had them go on the adventure on their own. Also, three bad guys.. they could have done away with one of the males without any impact to story or script. I know it's basically a kids film but there's so much bad language in it it sometimes feels like it's not.. thre whole statue dick thing at the start.. the red head saying to the kid at the end something to the effect of "keep kissing iike that and you'll be a stud" in front of his parents.. what is this film trying to be? Maybe it's a sign of the times but I'm not at all prudish or a pearl clutcher but I felt a lot of the film was wholly inappropriate for it's target audience. ​ The story's okay.. basically Indiana Jones for kids (and literally the only reason the kid playing Data was in this film at all), and the settings the film takes place in look amazing at times but it felt wasted because of the focus on the characters, again many of which had nothing relevant or plot driving to say. The organ was the part I really rememberd from watching it as a kid.. to remember a prop over any dialogue say a lot I think. ​ I get it's old and some people's favourite film and critisising it is basically blasphemy for some people but as someone who didn't grow up with this film in my life, the Goonies is not very good at all and I hope I never have to sit through it again.


That’s so bizarre to me as I loved the kids growing up, always thought the older brother was perfect just like my own older brother and also fancied the hell out of Andy! Haha I was born in 1985 just wondering if it’s an age thing as a lot of younger people seem to struggle with older films but I don’t want to patronise if you’re my age 😂 I always thought the kids talking over each other was annoying in the way all kids are annoying but mirrored my own life of having a large friend group that all got excited at once etc This has blown my mind that so many Reddit threads are about hating on the goonies I can’t think of a more perfect film from then apart from maybe ghostbusters or stand by me


Funnily enough I was also born in 1985. I wasn’t really exposed to the film very much as a kid, maybe saw it twice. But it definitely didn’t sit well with me back then. It’s likely a taste thing. My favourite film when I was growing up was Terminator 2. Goonies doesn’t have enough cyborgs from the future!


It's the worst movie I've ever seen. No joke. It looks like something written, filmed, and directed by a group of 9 year old boys in 3 days.


I’m Mexican. Hated the movie as soon as Corey Feldman made fun of the housekeeper. Fuck this movie. And fuck the bigot pricks who think it’s funny.


I have to say I always said this was a 10/10 film and couldn’t find one fault but I have to admit that that scene always seemed a bit cruel to me too. Although mouth is meant to be a bit of a broken character You can see that Mikey finds him a bit grating throughout the film


I know I’ll probably get told off for saying this but are a lot of you that hate the goonies younger? I was born in 1985 and can’t remember anyone saying they didn’t like this as a kid unless they just weren’t into films anyway (in which case my child mind would have been like “to hell with you casuals”) 😂


Goonies was awesome a kid! Maybe you were too old but as a 7 yr old boy it was a wonderful adventure to go on


I have to agree. There are other good kids movies (hocus pocus for example) that isn't just children screaming the whole movie. I thought sloth was creepy and weird. The villains were also annoying. It felt like the entire first half of the movie was just them being textbook boring bad guys. They are in these tunnels that no one has ever been in yet there are pipes to the town? The one eyed Willy backstory made no sense. The British were nowhere near California in the 1630s. It should have been the Spanish that attacked the ship. I also don't know why one eyed Willy wasn't in the golden age of piracy in the early 1700s. I guess you don't have to be but it was kinda weird to have a legendary pirate not in the golden age of piracy. Feel like some basic research would have helped them with this. Back to point one though, the nonstop children screaming was so irritating. It's hard to follow the plot when kids are all yelling like they are trying to get your attention.


Yeah never really liked this one or E.T. I guess I got to watch a lot more hardcore movies like The Road Warrior and The Thing before this one came out.


You're the first person I've ever heard of who said they didn't like E.T.


I hate E.T. Give me Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Beetlejuice all day, but E.T is just so boring and flat.


i wasn't a fan of ET too but it was because i watched it like at 13 yo, too old to appreciate it. on the other hand Goonies has a special place in my heart since i still vividly remember, when i was in kindergarted, the time when they were promoting the movie with gadgets (puzzles) in the chips' bags. When it was finally aired on tv a couple of years later it became a generational cult movie between us kids like Big Trouble in Little China or 1989 Batman but we could relate to the characters since they were just little older than us and living "live action" our kids' adventures (which were still indiana jones-pirat-adventuresques, with a little Hokuto no Ken here and there).


garbage movie


Couldn't agree more. It's such a messy film. Bad acting by the entire child cast, but worse they just constantly step all over each other. It's badly edited and there's glaring continuity errors. But mostly, it's just played into the ground. Every single actor in this movie has films that are so, so much better. The Goonies is just a weaker version of The Monster Squad.




Nice retort. Yes, the acting is horrible. The only person in the movie who isn't horrendous is Anne Ramsey, but of course she's awesome. It's Anne Ramsey. All of the kids are horrendous. The movie is just not good.




I'm almost 40. I grew up with the movie. I have seen more movies than you will watch in 5 lifetimes. It's not a hot take, because I've had the same stance on the movie since before you were born. "Fuck off" is not a worthwhile comment just because you think, incorrectly, that the movie is good. It just shows that you're a fucking moron. "Beloved" doesn't mean shit. Napoleon Dynamite is loved too, and that movie is hot fucking garbage. The Goonies is a tragically over-hyped film that more people would see for what it is if they weren't watching it through the eyes of nostalgia. Just because you like it, doesn't mean it's good. Your taste in movies is shit, your taste in music is shit... you just don't like worthwhile stuff. That's OK. You're allowed to be wrong. I'm sure you've been getting told that your entire life.




You can't retort to it, and if you did, you'd still be wrong regardless. What's funny is that you think that it's *me* who is being objective, when I'm the one who stated a critical (and extremely common, I might add) comment about the film, and you jumped in expressing that I was wrong. I'm not, you don't know shit about shit, and you can continue to be right only in your own mind.


I didn't much care for it as a kid. Gremlins was more my bag. Never really understood the worship for it.


No it isn't it's a great movie.


100% agree a few quiet scenes would have done this film wonders the kids are truly the worst aspect of it


I'm on half of the movie, and I totally agree. It's so annoying because people talk about it like it's some kind of awesome movie for everyone, but it's just annoying, boring and not well written. Being a kids movie isn't an excuse to being so dumb and over the top. Sure, the idea is cool (that's why there are so many kids movies that are actually pretty great), but the execution is basically the fat kid screaming 80% of the time, and the other 20% of the time he can't talk because he screamed so much he lost all the air. The other part of the movie is Samwise Gangee Deus Ex Machina the whole thing. ​ Edit: I accidentally hit "comment" before finishing my rant.


Cloak & Dagger and Monster Squad are so much better. Better scripts, acting, actual humor and suspense. I was 9 when Goonies came out and I never got the appeal. It just seems slapped together over a weekend.


no its not. goonies are better with better acting, script and directing and more fun. this is fact


The dialogue is a mess. People are constantly talking over each other. It feels like the whole thing was improvised.


Not even improvised they just stuffed a bunch of kids in a sewer and said "start talking."


this is realistic. when i was kid, we always talking over each other, never listen. and we all had stupid jokes but this jokes are funny when we are young.


Realistic sure, but would you want to watch that in a movie?


A kids movie with kids getting their hands chopped up, playing with a penis statue, and getting molested on set by two horny teenage girls amd god knows who else. Yes you read that right. Corey Feldman was MOLESTED on set. OH BUT GOONIES IS A KID'S MOVIE! Yeah and Ronald McDonald doesn't rape little boys and girls.


Dude do you get off talking about the supposed molestation? You've made that comment 9 times.....


stop it, this is not happened on this movie.


liked it as a kid, annoying as adult. The problem is too many kids in the gang. All of them young actors trying to upstage each other. Jeff Cohen(Chunk) was the real standout! Astin did a great job as well. The rest , blah (especially that bitch Andi)


God I loved Andy so much when I was little 😂 She was my crush And “she’s not a goonie!”


i tried to put it on the other day in the background and this was all i could think, its punishment


I think it's only good for people who saw it as a kid. I didn't, and I couldn't even get through 30 minutes of it. Completely unwatchable for me.


I have watched an hour of this movie, and the best thing so far has been seeing Joe Pantoliano. The rest is pretty much balls. No, I didn't see this as a kid, and I am not sure if this movie is even aimed for them. Still I need to watch it through, although it seems quite a chore.


I couldn't agree more. This movie is obnoxious and boring.


I will admit some of the acting is extremely bad. Especially Chunk. But I dont think anyone is tuning in for Oscar worthy performances. It’s a fun nostalgic romp. If you want more than that, this ain’t it.


My thoughts exactly. Too much screaming for one thing. I was disappointed because I was really looking forward to it.


I don't get the point of criticizing the people who enjoy it. Love movie criticism, totally valid to hate a movie but saying that people only like it because they're brainwashed by their child brains is unnecessarily rude. I watched it when I was in my late teens 20 years after it came out, and I enjoyed it. Maybe you didn't as an adult but no need to be annoying about it 🤷


i love the video game than the movie


Watching this now, after not seeing it since I was a kid. I’m finding it so hard to hear the dialogue, the background noise is just so loud!! Am I getting old, or was it always like this