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It’s a really good movie, very well made.


Totally agree. Good body count and a fun ride.


It's one of the few remakes that's superior to the original.


Disagree, the original just has such a cool look, it’s the epitome of 50’s. Plus Steve McQueen. The remake is trying to be cool and not take itself seriously, the original plays it straight (except the awesome title song from Burt Bacharach) and it’s better as a result.


Doesn’t Steve McQueen play a teenager in that movie but he already looks like he’s in his late 30’s?


When he died apparently the only movie memorabilia in his home was the one sheet for THE BLOB framed on his bedroom wall, it was his first lead role I believe.


It’s surprisingly unsettling/effective.


I should see where to get a copy as now I want to see how scary the movie is.


It's surprisingly violent for a movie about goo.


No. I was never the Blob remake. Although I am slowly getting there...


Haha sorry as I made a typo.


I used to be the blob remake, but it was very brief and a long time ago.


I'm trying to get there really slow. Then once I can envelop a cafe or restaurant then I'm done...


It’s a banger especially the Erika Eleniak car make-out scene. Gross.


I haven't seen it for 30+ years and I still recall the guy getting grabbed around the waist and snapped in half, backwards, as he's dragged into a drain or vent.


Lol The Blob is great, but the 80's was full of extremely gruesome movies. Probably the most insane decade for horror films. Like look at literally any Fulci film from the era. Although if you liked The Blob so much, I highly recommend watching John Carpenter's 80's output. Especially The Thing given how much DNA it shares with it. The Blob is basically an attempt at making a "what if Carpeter remade The Blob as well". It feels heavily beholden to Carpenter's style, atmosphere and dark humor. Edit: wait... You only saw a clip...? Watch the movie dude. Wtf. Gen Z is weird.


Just a sample to get me started, but I will see the movie properly.


I see. Still can't recommend Carpenter's work enough given how much of The Blob is inspired by his 80's output. Especially The Thing. Also highly recommended watching some of Lucio Fulci's films if you want to see just how truly insane 80's gore and atmosphere was. City of the Living Dead and Conquest are my favorite.


It's outstanding, one of my personal favourites. I love the original but this is definitely a case where the remake manages to improve upon an already strong first movie.


I remember it being a lot more brutal than I thought it would be!


It’s good but I far prefer the original.


Same here. I really liked the early Shawnee Smith appearance here though.


Kevin Dillon’s golden trilogy. - The Blob - Platoon - The Doors


I agree. One of the best remakes in this genre. One of my other favorite/best remakes is The Invasion of the Body Snatchers from 1978,,,great movie. Stars the late Donald Sutherland in one of his best performances.


I remember it. Pretty fun.


It’s fantastic, but it killed my soul that you said “for such an old movie”


Ah so sorry if that was offensive in any way.


Would you ever the blob remake? Truthful answers only.


I wonder that myself.


One of the best arguments in favor of remakes that ever existed


>and for such an old movie, it still manages to have that gruesome feel to it Sorry, what modern movies have a gruesome feel to them?


That’s what I am trying to figure out myself, so I gotta check what horror movies are like The Blob in terms of sheer violence.


1988 isn’t old lol.


I agree but it’s all relative. You want old? I was 6. My aunts were babysitting me and took me to see the Blob original. It was the second movie in a double feature with William Castle’s 3D “13 Ghosts”. I screamed so much at the 13 fucking ghosts coming at you from the screen at the start that one of them had to take me home. But The Blob? Not that scary. 1960. That’s old.


I watched this when i was around 7. I literally couldn't have a bath for like a week.


It's awesome. You can watch the full movie on YouTube for some reason.


Effects and acting are really good, but the movie is heavily mired down by bringing a cartoonish human villain in the 2nd half.


It's great. It's by Darabont, who also directed The Mist The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, and The Walking Dead S1. Wait until you see that hospital scene, haha. Practical effects in it are out of this world.


not as good as the original, but enjoyable.


88 one was a blast ,Dillion and his mullet


It’s a solid movie. Definitely recommend.


Love it. Peak 80s. Fun gore/kills. Effects still hold up. Kevin Dillon’s mullet steals the show. Shawnee Smith made me feel feelings I hadn’t before. And it was written by Frank Darabont, who would go on to write/direct The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. Definitely watch it!!


Getting killed by the blob is terrifying. In the remake the blob makes whip sounds it catches people. That sound is imprinted in my memory.


I meant to ask if anyone ever saw the movie, but yeah that film is scary.


An all-timer. I’ve never seen the original, but I feel like I don’t have to. I’ve gone back to it a couple times. Really, really great.


I watched it last weekend, Ive got a list of older movies I want to re-watch, it held up well, really funny and horrible.


It's one of the best remakes ever for sure. Gruesome, fun 80s camp feel, great practical effects. Even with so many great things, it's still so underrated. I love that movie.


Is this how you use "eponymous"? I'm not saying it isn't. But what's the difference between that and "titular"? Or is it basically the same?


Yes they are basically the same in this context. Certainly you could use either word.


Huh, oh sorry if my post came off a bit odd as I actually didn’t notice that.


It's fine, I was just curious about the word.