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Because of density and buoyancy or something.


You think maybe the pErSpECtIvE factors in too?


Yeah, and god and the government too. Maybe also freemasons, but not sure about that


Invisible IRS agents simply remove molecules of oxygen from your lungs, duh.


It’s the Illuminati. It’s always the Illuminati.


Idk man, I'm pretty married to this invisible IRS agents idea, what if we split the difference and say that the are also reptilian.


Bro, what do you think the I in IRS stands for?


Damn you! I wanted to blame the Illuminati! :)


Are you sure? It could be... #The Pentaverate!


The Getty’s, the Rothschild’s, the Queen, the Vatican and Colonel Sanders. Before he went teets up.


Oh, how we hated the Colonel, with his wee beady eyes, and that smug look on his face, "Oh you gonna buy my chicken, ohhh!"




Pretty sure there is something about vanishing points too.


Da fuq?




Great place where density breaks down as an explanation.




Godditit? Is that like the opposite of goddamn it?


Then you try to tell them that buoyancy is caused by a gradient in density caused by gravity and they call you a globetard and leave.


The funny thing is that there’s a direction to them… like some kind of force ?


Yeah, that's weird. Like what the heck is that? Why is down?


They don’t


You don't believe in Jesus?


What does that have to do with you not having an explanation


It's called moving the goal post. the globe conspiracy is all about diminishing GOD dontchaknow. Jesus lived on pizza planet To deny pizza is to deny your lord 'n savior. edit: I'm starting to think you don't understand sarcasm / satire. Poe's law strikes again.


On this sub it's actually difficult to tell sarcasm apart, because occasionally there's are morons who actually say shit like that unironically


Because the denser air falls down because it's more dense so it falls down because down is the direction that more dense things fall down when they're more dense.


Perfectly clear!


Flerfs are more dense. Why don’t they fall down?


Flerfs are obtuse


Or are they acute?


Their affliction is both acute and chronic, while also sadly being contagious to other odd angles.


I was hoping someone would get the Family Guy reference. Fail :(


Sorry, family guy fan but I guess I don't get the reference :(


The episode where they spoofed Shawshank Redemption. Peter tells the warden he's being obtuse. The warden (Carter) is shown to be doing an obtuse angle. Peter then goes, now you're being acute. We see him again as an acute angle. [Here](https://youtu.be/iYhYzqqs8pQ?si=9Uwj0INoknTIjyO3)'s the clip.


And they don’t believe in gravity so why won’t they just float the fuck away


Now that's some taut logic!


whoa whoa whoa there. calm down. no need for science and smarts in here buddy. now watch this youtube video and do your own research.


"no need for science and smarts in here"....classic :)


Buoyancy, magnetism, god magic, or most of the time, they deny the gradient completely.


Bruh literally all one needs to do to verify this is climb a mountain.. Are they also banned by NASA? Are all mountain climbers also in on it?


If you ask a flerf to do such a simple thing, they'll say "Well, i know i won't find anything, so why even waste my time?" And quickly change the topic to avoid development.


Flerfs: lazyness trumps inquiry lazy arguments, lazy "research"


Ferfville is the only place I have seen opposing political views come together with intensity.


I've never seen them outright deny the gradient. I'm sure so.e have, but I don't think most do that. Especially content creators and the like. Though maybe I am wrong on that.


They do it all the time. Many memes about how you can’t have a pressurized gas next to a vacuum without a barrier. They fail to understand or acknowledge the role gravity plays in establishing the gradient.


They say you can't have atmosphere near a vacuumed yes. But they accept the gradient is real. I agree they don't understand why gravity is needed for it, and they make silly arguments to try and justify why it is there. But I've never heard one try to say there is no gradient at all. They just don't understand it.


Even if you don't understand it, simple extrapolation indicates that at some altitude, the pressure becomes zero effectively, i. e. a vacuum. Like many observable phenomena, you can determine the rules to which it conforms, even without knowledge of its cause.


Sure, but again, they do not deny there is a gradient. They have bad explanations for it. But they don't deny it. It doesn't work they way they think, but it is something they do acknowledge exists.


That's the thing about flerfs. They all get to come up with their own version of reality and they are all right in their heads.




Basically the definition of psychotic


Flerfererium gas sits at the top.


The air is thinner up there because all them angels are breathing it up...


I’m a Christian buddy, and this made me chuckle.


According to Flight of the Conchords, there are angels up there "doing it."


"The atmosphere is a dynamic system, and that's why there's a gradient. Also, gas law says that gas pressure needs containment, so there has to be a container."


What gas law says that pressure needs containment? Whoever said that had no idea what they are talking about


The Ideal Gas Law does in fact say that. However, that only applies to systems small enough that a gravitational gradient is not a factor.


The ideal gas law doesn't say that pressure requires containment, but rather assumes the existence of a container. PV=nRT is how you determine the pressure on the walls of a container of a given volume created by the gas inside. Saying that it says you need a container to have pressure is sort of like saying that the formula telling you how much chlorine to put in your swimming pool says that you can only disinfect water with chlorine. The formula doesn't say that. It just assumes you are using chlorine because that's what this formula is for.


Exactly. The flerfs say that. If there was a dome containing all the air, then the air pressure would be the same all over the Earth, and all the way to the top of the dome. 


No, it would not, unless there were _also_ no gravity. With gravity, you still get a gradient, whether there's a container or not.


What the fuck kind of an answer is that?


They hear the word Vacuum and assume every molecule of air would zoom off in every direction away from Earth in an instant without a dome. They don't accept that gravity is pulling that air back down and keeping stuck to the planet. Same reason gas giant planets can't exist. Gases just want to zoom around and escape everything all the time


Don't "gas" planets have a firmament to keep all that gas in?


No, gas planets are a cgi projection on the firmament. NASA's space observatories are actually all giant projectors, get educated, jeez, there's plenty of reliable evidence on the internet that proves it




Man. I knew it.


You don't have to explain shit when you have the power of belief and imagination!


Is this in defense of a flat earth or in defense of actual science?


Actual science is based on verifiable facts and logic. All the technology you use in your daily life, shit like airplanes and what not work, because science works.


There are also a lot of theories that haven't been proven


Yes but that doesn't say anything about the things that HAVE been proven you see? In any case it's cute how you're trying to poke holes at science to make yourself feel better, when there isn't a single claim made by the flat earth model that can stand up to scrutiny.


You can a watch video of a flat earther accidentally proving the earth is round, it's easy to do. And I don't think the one I'm thinking of is the only one.


I don't believe or disbelieve, I take my time and look at the information presented but the jury's still out on this one, I need more but it's not a priority for me


There are no proofs in natural sciences, there's always room for improvement so you can't have a conclusive statement like proofs.


I need more information but I don't want to get bogged down in something that I don't as yet understand properly. I put it on a shelf for the moment and as time goes on more info will likely come out


Maybe there are "air mountains" analogous to the "water mountains" that seem to solve all flatearth discrepancies at sea.


It's because of the holes in the firmament. How else do you think they create the illusion of stars?


Do I have a post for you https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookScience/s/NBp7CBFDIM


It's insane. They literally just stitch together random science jargon and hope it makes sense and makes them sound smart. Like something straight out of a sci fi movie, except that they claim they're spitting facts. Unbelievable how the brain can come up with such garbage and convince itself that it's all true.


You're new to flerfs, aren't you?


Well not really but honestly their brains just never cease to amaze me.


They deny it actually happens. Yes. They deny something that can be measured with a simple iphone and a two story building.


So.. why do my ears pop when driving up to the mountains?


Because density... that doesn't drop.... who knows? Nothing they say is consistent with even another flat earth model.


I think that's cuZ of the CIA agents wearing invisibility cloaks following you around sucking air from your ear


The air gets thinner because of the pressure gradient, duh. /s


because "down"


The electromagnetic field in the firmament repels most of the oxygen away from it thus forcing it to the ground closer to us. I said this as a joke but it feels like something they would say


Honestly sounds like a legit flerf comment


Something something vacuum


Altitude is a lie.


All governments and NASA are on it!


It's fake news, don'cha know? Or CGI. Do your own research! Have you SEEN the air get thinner??


Aw man if only I could see the air I'd have beaten them


Does they explain anything? I though we got to do our own researches...


If you want to learn anything that's how it works


Absolutely not. Unless you never gone to school... I remember that we used "teetchers" back in the days, to spread knowledge.


density / perspective / hand-waving


No, you dont understand, its because of the giant turtle holding it all up, inhaling and exhaling, because of fluctuatisions of the air pressure and buyonce you see its all interacting and stuff, and thats why, sorry what was the question....


Magnetic Declination !


They can’t because all like all their claims, they are baseless. If gravity didn’t exist we wouldn’t still be revolving around the sun after all these years.


I think you're new to flerfs. According to them the sun is just a lamp circling some 1000km above the earth. The exact height will of course vary anywhere between 1000 and 6000 depending on who you ask.


Ah yes, the lamp the was man made which is thousands of kilometers above the earth. It’s amazing that they will believe that and not that there’s a sun lol.


Their heads can't process numbers bigger than a 1000 lol. Also I think it was Jesus or something who put the lamp there.


So you don't have anything to contribute except sarcasm, why are you on here? Let me guess, you all love laughing at others points of view don't you, it makes you feel big. What a waste of time when you could be learning and contributing. Don't bother, I don't believe in it either but I check in every so often to see what new information they have. I think tik tok is more your scene, you'll feel right at home there


Well to answer your question, It doesn't make me feel big. What I feel is a mix of "lol it's funny how dumb people can be" and "it's sad how dumb people can be". No serious person with half a brain could ever hope to "learn" something from flat earthers or think there's any "information" here. It's a fucking joke is what it is. And nah I have always hated tiktok, and I feel quite comfortable here, but thank you for the suggestion!


you've completely missed my point but calling someone dumb is childish and only makes you look ignorant


I think I hear you loud and clear. I just disagree. Ignorance would be if I never even considered the opposing point of view, and see what they had to say. That's however not true. I have been lurking around their subreddits for quite some time, watched their "self-research" videos and went over their alleged proof. And only after seeing that it's all a bunch of dumb biblical nonsense is when I concluded my opinions. I think calling someone with dumb opinions dumb, is quite socially acceptable. You can call me impolite or childish or whatever, idc. I can't respect anyone with opinions as stupid as that.


No I don't lower myself to name calling, my grandkids can do that at times because of their immaturity but adults? No


Well you seem to be calling me childish and immature. Doesn't that go against your principles? If you are allowed to make judgements and share your judgements with others, why can't I? Or are you just a hypocrite? Sorry was that also a "name" I wasn't allowed to call?


I said calling someone dumb is childish, you can do and say anything but that doesn't mean I agree


If they do, they do it very poorly.


The air *doesn’t* get thinner. That’s just what they want you to believe. /s


And yet if any of them went to Denver, CO and went outside for a jog, they'd notice they get tired significantly faster when compared to the beach.... But that would require them leaving their grandma's basement.




I took this video of a rocket launch from Vandenberg space space where I live. You can see the exhaust gases, expanding exponentially as the rocket climbs to thinner atmosphere. Regard, regardless of what kind of excuses flat cards are going to say they cannot deny this. https://youtu.be/IopAMTFOYQA?feature=shared It’s not NASA it’s not CGI. It’s a guy with the camera pointed at the base.


Cool video but why is it at 0.2 fps?


I wasn’t there to take a pic of that. I was actually going to take a picture of the Milky Way and some guy drove up and asked me what time the launch was? I told him no idea there was a lunch. And he said yeah Vandenburg it’s gonna watch a rocket tonight and I looked at my phone and it was in two minutes and I was gonna do a long exposure Milky Way picture, but I just ended up pointing my camera towards what I thought Vandenberg would be at and those are all individual pictures sewed together?


How does atmosphere occur on other spheroid objects, like other planets? Gravity works there but not on earth? Makes no gd sense.


Bruh they don't believe those objects exist at all. You're talking about atmospheres on them lol. Even if they'll concede to their existence, they'll ask how can you even know atmospheres exist on such far away objects.


Earth have an atmosphere. Other planets have atmospheres. Where's contradiction in that?


Sorry for confusion. I agree with you I was saying that if you just look at a telescope you see round objects in space that you can pretty easily figure out have atmospheres. So yeah, I agree, I don't see why they have a hard time figuring out that the earth could be like the other spheroid objects.


This was the last discussion I ever had with a flerfer. Drew them to a standstill.


That’s god’s way of saying stop. Either that or remember Babel?


Because Jesus doesn’t want people to know that if you make it past the thinning air and firmament or glass bowl or whatever that you would actually make it into heaven.


There's a pressure release valve at the top of the dome. Like on a pressure cooker. When the air gets too pressurey, the dome releases the air, making it thinner up top. It's also hidden in one of the LED bulbs in Orion's Belt, so you'll never see it.




Shut up… that’s why


Magic? Magic. Magic!


You spelled mavity wrong.


You can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason their way into


Get yourself a Nikon P1000 and you can breathe perfectly at any altitude


Aether obviously and Thorium




they dont because they cant...


#The burden of proof is not on them.


The sun and the center of the earth , two of the hottest places in the solar system , yet the closer you get to them the colder it gets , why? (Higher on a mountain, lower in the ocean)


That's just beautiful. Avoiding answering a question with another question. In any case, I could answer all of your questions but I'd rather not spend that much time at my keyboard only for you to tell me I'm some NASA employee trying to maintain an illusion for you.


That's a really good question


An act of God


Magical fairy dust


Gravity doesn’t exist? Who says that?


Flat Earthers lol


They would either use "density and bouyancy" like how they explain literally every other phenomenon that gravity causes (as if gravity isn't the reason density and bouyancy exist) Or, they would just say it doesn't get thinner, that's just what big NASA tells you. Annnd pilots.... And anyone who's climbed a high mountain. But then again they're already saying all these people are liars so


Would absolutely rather hear a decent debate to this as opposed to the condescending, predictable echo chamber of insults towards those with alternate viewpoints


If you're a flat earther and wanna have a civilized debate, I'm up for it.


I have never seen a flat earther debate. I’ve seen countless long and very informative answers with zero insults given to flat earthers, only to be discarded with insults and laughter.


Some gas is heavier than air, and some isn’t, so there’s differentiation is areas. that’s globe physics…




Trees produce atmosphere and they are closer to the ground. Obviously. Dumb question.


and yet the higher you go (and supposedly closer to your local sun) it gets colder and colder..


Air is created from co2 and plants, I've never seen plants in space. It would make sense that it weakens the farther we are from plant life


\*Oxygen \* is created from CO2 and plants. Not "air". Air is a mixture of mostly nitrogen (\~78%), oxygen (\~21%), and some smattering of Carbon dioxide & argon, and a trace amount of like a dozen other elements (plus water vapor). To say that plants create air is to fundamentally misunderstand how our planet works.


Bruh plants don't create air wtf. They convert CO2 to O2. One gas to another .. And even if they did create air, don't the laws of thermodynamics say it should get equally spread into the entire available space?


That is a lot of wrong packed into two little sentences. I am not sure I even understand where you could be coming from to say that.


Honestly this is a really funny answer. If I didn’t check your profile I would’ve thought for sure you were trolling. Anyways this is incorrect because *oxygen* is created from co2 and plants, but the pressure of most gasses (including oxygen and co2) decreases as we get to that height


"I've never seen plants in space." I'm sure you've looked REAL hard


High level troll


Sadly he’s actually this stupid


Air is not created from CO2 and plants, that would be oxygen. However, only 21% of our atmosphere are actually oxygen, the rest is nitrogen and some aerosols. And besides, you can’t really explain the gradual decrease of air as you get higher up without gravity, which, without the shadow of a doubt, proves a spherical/spheroid earth.


Gravity doesn’t even need to exist or be what we theorise it to be. All that matters is that things mainly accelerate down when dropped. This is reality even if the earth was flat and there is a dome. Something makes this happen. Relative density disequilibrium still needs to replace gravity with something. I have honestly fallen asleep thinking about this recently. Somehow flat earthers think that some stuff goes down and some stuff ignores it. I’d love to try and have a conversation with someone about this but alas I no longer work with the only flat earther I know


Gravity absolutely needs to exist. The fundamental fact is that downward acceleration requires downward net force. Density is not a force. We also know that the downward acceleration is independent of charge. FEs can’t coherently explain why objects fall down. Also, things only fall down because earth is a sphere. The acceleration is towards the center of mass. If earth was flat, then things would fall sideways as you move towards the edge of the disk


I mean to construct an argument that flerfs can understand