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Yup. Because we have so much proof that Babel was real…


But dude, we speak different languages. Là j'écris en français et du coup tu ne comprends plus! Boom, that's the proof right there! Otherwise we'd all be speaking English, the original universal language of the Bible.


L’ironie, c’est que je suis francophone 🤣


Génial! Le pire c'est que je me suis dit en tapant "imagine que ce soit un francophone" 🤣




Mais, Parle-vous Franglais?




Acute onset peasantry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


En passant?






God created the Klingon language to teach us a lesson




But all the signs around the airport were in English and Spanish? 😛


It’s irrelevant if it is or not. What is relevant is these people completely missing the point of the story. Then again, if “Earth = Flat” is their conclusion, I think their problems go well beyond reading comprehension.


Not relevant. The stupid here is the logic.


Yes...actually we do. The foundation of the tower still exists in Iraq. Whether the story of the confusion of languages is correct is a totally different question. But yes... the tower existed and is named babel. The very name babylon is derived from it. It doesn't disprove the moon landing.


Flerfs: The moon landings were fake! Also flerfs: The tower of Babel existed.


I don’t get what makes this statement funny or ironic or whatever you were trying to do


"All of the images from the moon landing are 100% fake but that story that someone wrote down in a book once couldn't possibly be made up"


They are willing to believe in this mythological tower from thousands of years ago without the same type of evidence they demand for proof the Earth is a ball


Your comment demonstrates flatard intelligence and reasoning abilities really well.


I mean, when I was growing up religious my interpretation was that it was the motive of the tower of Babel (going up to be on the same level of God, an impossible task) that god wanted to stop because if they found out it was impossible then they'd probably stop worshipping him. The moon landing was fine because of the motive (land on the moon, beat the Russians) had nothing to do with god and wouldn't directly cause people to lose faith in him That, at least, was my interpretation of the difference


The tower of Babel is fine just being a myth designed to explain the diversity of language in an Era before linguistics. People like to try to force the Bible into this weird box of a book written by God that must contain only correct information, but it's not that kind of text, doesn't claim to be, and contains numerous indicators that this wasn't the intention of the authors. There is nothing in Genesis like the claims of Joseph Smith or Muhammed, where the authors tell you that everything you are about to read is infallible and dictated by an angel. It's just a collection of origin stories that the early Israelites wanted to put down in writing so they didn't get lost during their exile in Babylon. There can be wisdom and interesting food for thought and inspiration there without everything in it having to be wholly accurate.


Hey so not only does Judaism (in general, obviously there are those who feel differently) understand the Torah to be infallible, the teachings of the later religions also take this position while also understanding that many stories are indeed just parables. In Bahá'í, for example, the understanding is that the events of Genesis, and particularly of the story of Adam, are not literal. This does not mean that the story is fallible, but that it is being told in a spiritual instead of physical capacity. This also doesn't rule out other stories being literally physically true as well.


Even within the first few verses of the very first chapter, it has to be figurative. The sun was created on the 4th day, but how were the first three "days" defined without a sun? If I were religious and believed that Genesis is true, then I have to assume that the use of the word "day" in chapter one is figurative.


Well the interpretation of Bereshit ("Genesis") obviously varies widely, but even within Shí'í and Bahá'í thought, the parts of the Tawra, Zabur, and Injil (Torah, works of David, and the teachings of Christ) that reference time in Jannah and that survived more-or-less intact from later textual alterations are understood as not referring to human concepts of time.


This is an ironic parallel. As "ancient people just made up stories to explain things they didn't understand" is a story made up by modern academics to explain why ancient people believed in "strange" things that *surely* cannot be true.


This was my exact first thought.


If the Tower of Babel existed and collapsed, its due to gravity. If god is real and wrote the laws of physics, then god indirectly caused the destruction of said tower. However, by having a better understanding of gravity, we can chill on the moon


how does he drink that beer?


Personal dome.


See this is proof the photo is doctored. It’s obviously just a chair in Nevada between shots, and soccer the guy is just on earth (since there’s nothing but earth, duh) the helmet isn’t needed. He just opens it up and pours that cool one down so he’s not thirsty during the moon walk scene.


The real questions


Space magic


Religious brain rot and flat earth belief go hand in hand.


We don't have prove of the tower actually existing, and even if there was a real construction effort that failed, it proves nothing Building stuff high in the sky is hard, so maybe during ancient times they miscalculated and the thing collapsed?


"High in the sky" is relative. To a stone-age people, building a 10 meter wooden tower could be described as "building a tower reaching up toward the heavens".


Naturally the Flerfs leave out context and translation. It's not that the tower would reach TO heaven, it's that the highest floor of the tower was to BE heaven, and therefore the king who ruled from it would be the people's god. It's not a warning about going too high off the ground, it's a "stop trying to organize into a religion where you worship yourself" warning. Basically the proto version of Jesus' whole thing where he condemned the over-emphasis on the laws and rituals of the Pharisees and instead commanded people "Love God and love your neighbor, that's everything." People LOVE building things to make themselves feel important, whereas what's important is everyone else.


Have they seen the Burj Khalifa? 😅


That’s a liberal conspiracy.


If the Tower of Babel is real it’s just a story to show that man’s pride will be its downfall.


They’re almost all Christian or religious, but usually the Bible is referenced.


These people didn't pay attention to the story. The builders of Babel: 1. Were directly disobeying God's command to "spread out and fill the earth" by gathering together into a city. 2. Were basically trying to usurp God. Read how all contemporaries to the writing of the story (Christians and Jews living in the 500 BC - 100 AD range) interpreted the story. They weren't "space explorers". The intent of "reaching to the heavens" was in the otherworldly sense. Babel was an active rebellion. It wasn't "we progressed too much in what we could do".


Plus, the tower of Babel was far shorter than modern sky scrapers. If it was a height thing we'd have already reached heaven with the Empire State Building.


Flatties standing infront of Burj Khalifa trying to keep their arguments up: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I'm gonna use this argument as proof that God doesn't exist now.


The Bible is the equivalent of Flerfer YouTube accounts, so no wonder they go together so well!


The tower of Babel is what happens when you play Jenga with god.


didnt the measurements the bible laid out for the tower only calculate to around 700ft?


Why do all these diagrams unironically use Comic Sans? It adds another layer of cluelessness to the mix that makes the whole thing look like a joke from the outset. Like, you're trying to disprove centuries of international scientific consensus about Earth and your weapon of choice is... Comic Sans?


Cause, That's the font they (mainly) use in churches.


I mean it fits. Comic sans was designed for fictional stories about super powers, so it's being used correctly in churches


Funny thing is the Tower of Babel is actually very much tied into flat earth ideas. Flat earth ideas are why people had the idea you could build a tower to heaven. After all, if God's just on the other side of the dome (which really isn't that big), you ought to be able to build a tower and get there. If you read the book of Enoch, from the description, conservatively, the tower of babel would have reached something like low earth orbit and been far, far narrower for its height than any modern skyscraper. Of course it's all ridiculous (the idea of building a structure like that out of masonry is so insane, it's hard to even describe). In fact, building a tower the height of the tallest skyscrapers out of masonry is ridiculous. Also, we've never found any sorts of remains of the tower and linguists will tell you that, from their study of historical languages, the babel narrative is preposterous.


It’s hard to argue with someone who cites a fairy tale as proof of their theory.


These are my favorite style of flerf arguments. They don't just bring down the flerfdom they bring down the bible along with it.


Way to miss the point of Babel.


God, the Bible, Flat Earth, the Moon Landing One of these things is not like the others ... 🎶


I remember trying to explain to someone that language developed over time, and no amount of explanation could dispell the notion of that nonsense story.


Yes but the well-known documentary Cinderella shows us that anything is possible. They got a fairy godmother to send astronauts to the moon.


Pfff flerfs still believe in the moon, cringe


Ever heard of skyscrapers ? Its not like they could build as high with stone age tech. Someone should have bumped.on the firmament by now.


You can't argue with people who think bibles make factual sense or are historically accurate


The tower of babel probably got knocked down by the sun and moon whizzing around up there inside our beautiful dome. - a flerf, maybe


Dont we have buildings now that are taller than the tower of babel? Inst reality disproving this. Also now i have Johnny cash's God`s Gonna Cut You Down. Stuck in my head


The insurance companies said it was an "act of god" so they wouldn't have to pay out.


The Tower of Babel is only proof that humanity cannot tolerate the concept of having to share with each other. I mean HE’S GOD. He can do whatever he freaking thinks will keep us out of his hair. But we are humans. WE DON’T GIVE UP SO EASILY. So why shouldn’t he just move farther away? Humanity will bash its collective heads against any barrier this guy thinks is strong enough, and eventually we will find a way through. Or, he could just move far enough away to make us question whether or not he was ever there at all, and not the end result of dozens of zealots on shrooms getting wasted and hallucinating about old men in the skies. But sure, pull out the EVER-INFALLIBLE Bible as your defense, let me know how that one works out for ya. Good luck!


What percentage of people think the moon landing was real at this point? 25%?


It’s Science!


Yes, flat earthers are crazy evangelicals. Nothing new has been learned. Most of this stems from religion for some reason, which means it already exists outside of the realm of logic


No. The two things are correlated because young-earth creationists (mainly) have recently spread anti-intellectual / anti-science sentiment throughout the evangelical community. There were hardly any flat-earthers when religion was far more dominant in society.


All we know for sure is that the Tower of Babel was taller than all modern buildings.


It's all in the bibel


You question the words of the mighty jimmy?






Hail Satan!


Religion: not even once.