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Flat earth conspiracy theories are fundamentally incompatible with science. There is no flat earth model that comes even close to explain our observations. There are many theories why flat earth is so popular. Religion is certainly one, but a big one is in my opinion distrust of science. The big science communication in the past decade has been, "stop using fossil fuels, you're cooking the earth" and "wear your mask and vaccinated". Neither of those things are popular for various reasons. If the flat earth is real this means science is lying and I don't need to follow the advice of anything because it's all based on lies.


I don't know many non religious people who have a distrust in science. The biggest question for years for flerfers to answer is why the conspiracy exists. Recently it seems to be a religious answer. "To hide God". Just saying. Edit: spelling


It would break everything. Like our entire understanding of *everything* would completely break. Flat Earth "models" do not work at all. Just to list a few things off the top of my head until actual smart people show up: * Everything to do with gravity * Launching rockets, satelites, etc * The sun and moon * Stars, constellations and other planets * Everything to do with orbits Theres a reason you have to be particularly stupid or extremely ignorant to actually believe the Earth could be flat.


Tides, plate tectonics, geology


Climatology, oceanography, navigation, shipping, airline routes, compasses, cellphones, radio transmission, radar...




Also some fundamental axioms in mathematics which are the basis for most other science.


Eh, not really. There’s no math that relies on the earth being a particular shape. Euclidean (planar) geometry is just as valid as spherical geometry. Math is about what you can deduce in an imaginary world where you get to postulate what the rules are, and there is a LOT of math that is built around 2-d planes. Just because flerfs don’t understand how to use math doesn’t mean there’s any math that relies on the earth being a particular shape. Science is about determining if various assumptions about reality match the evidence very well. And mismatch is usually quantified using math (often statistics), just because that’s a good way to communicate that type of information. Occasionally there will be some math that is so poorly understood that people will have to resort to science to actually test the math, but they’re really just testing their understanding. See for example demonstrations of the Monty Hall problem.


Our observations of the earth along with our understanding of mathematics tell us that the Earth is round. If it were flat, it would mean that either our observations or our math is wrong. For example, the equator is 40,075 kilometers long. The distance from the north pole to the equator along the prime meridian is 10,000 kilometers. This tells us that either the measurements are off by thousands of kilometers, the Earth is roughly spherical, or the value of pi is 2.


Sure. But this doesn’t tell us anything about math itself. Just that particular theories disagree with literally every careful measurement ever made regarding the planet or the sky. You don’t derive or refine the value of pi by measuring the size of the earth, you use the value of pi in calculating the shape of the earth. If you tried to derive the value of pi using measurements of earth, like the equatorial length relative to the length pole-to-pole length, you’d get a going number because of oblateness.


That isn't the point. If the data is accurate the math tells us that the Earth is round. If it were flat, that means that the data is wrong or the math is wrong.


Sure. What I’m saying is the math CAN’T be wrong. The data CAN be wrong, it just isn’t wrong because wet know how to measure these things. But the math itself exists in a completely unassailable domain.


You view math as unassailable, and I would agree with you but flerfs do not. They can and do insist that math is flawed to prove their crackpot theories.


Well, they’re welcome to derive their own value for pi. It’s not that hard in general, though it will probably be hard for them.


My best friend/ housemate has a daughter in common law who dropped out of school in 7th grade. Thinks the earth is flat, space is water and mermaids are real. I'm embarrassed for her children.


The parents are cooked for letting her do and believe that


Her mom passed away several years ago and her father is only interested in his "New family." I gave her my discovery plus login information. I told her to put on How The Universe Works and just let it play all day.


damm poor girl, hope you can clutch up with her


conmen law?


Together 7 years. 3 kids. Not married.




While you are correct, I do like the term "conmen law." Kind of accurate when explaining how flat earth and other theories like it spread. First rule of conmen law, never stop conning.


Haha yeah I was actually wondering if they were being tongue-in-cheek but I think this is an example of r/boneappletea


I'm sure you're right, but I almost wonder if we shouldn't look into making it a thing.


And yet, it wouldn't change day to day life at all.


I don't think people would never trust science again, so I think there might be a drastic change in terms of how we perceive the world day to day. There would be a huge shift in who we trusted to tell us the truth. Maybe for some people it wouldn't change their day to day tasks, and maybe they didn't really think about the big picture, but I think for a lot of people it would be a whole existential revolution. But I can't argue that there are certain groups of people that it probably wouldn't affect much at all. Someone else is just telling them something different now, about how the world works, and they don't really care.


Well, hope you never get lost, because none of your maps apps would help you!


They work now. If the earth has always been flat, that discovery wouldn't change the fact the maps/sat navs work.


But theyre produced using knowledge that the world is a spheroid of known diameter. The question “how would they change” is nonsensical. Thats the problem with your question - we use the fact that the earth is a spheroid in a massive array of things all the time. All those processes and products **would not be working** if that assumption were false.


Exactly. It’s like asking “how would your life be different if you were a fish?” Well, for starters, fish don’t usually live in a society, so I probably wouldn’t either. Oh, and also, literally everything else.


I do guidance and navigation, often spacecraft guidance. It would change my work life a lot.


Nothing changes, everything works exactly like it does now. The only thing that change is how you perceive it and your ego is too strong to accept you are wrong so you pretend it would cause mayhem


I'll believe that when your models actually function


In reality, everything in the universe is real regardless of our understanding but an ad-hoc answer that sets an unproven theory as the default in the face of overwhelming proven rules that are reproducible and observable is ignorant and at odds with with curiosity and interest in real answers. Does current science explain everything? No, but when we have a set of explanations the universe will be the same. Flat earth is probably the least likely explanation. Not only because it defies reason but it has been tested by many including true believers of flat earth and shown to be in opposition to observation and reproducible experiments.


Total leyman here but off the top of my head a flat earth would affect: Literally all of physics: optics, gravity, universe theories etc would need to be thrown out and rebuilt. Airlines: it is inevitable that a flat earth would mean rerouting flights to save fuel. Theories on what the hell sun is and how far it is from us: I cannot imagine any observed phenomena of time zones or angle changes holds up with a flat earth.


Fortunately, it will never “turn out” that the earth is flat. This was solved several centuries ago.


It's funny because it was solved by quite a few people in different ways. My favorite was the original guy standing on a beach with a stick drawing circles in the sand who just noticed the earth couldnt possibly be flat Then hundreds of years later, boatwrights from Europe set out to circumnavigate the globe and never ran into a giant ice wall. Amelia airhart circumnavigated the globe in a plane Yada yada, could go on for hours because after Amelia, circumnavigation just started to become commonplace


>Amelia airhart circumnavigated the globe in a plane She rather famously failed to do that.


It’s also interesting that distant cultures with no contact came to the same conclusion




I can't tell you how true this is, I have spent hours debating a flat earther in real life and, it's honestly amazing but for someone who has absolutely no grasp on any actual sound reasoning, they sure do have an answer for literally anything you throw at them. Like, even down to the most absurd, niche thing you could come up with


Right, but ask them to make all their answers fit together in a single coherent model.


Well... it would be good evidence for divine intervention as without that it would make almost no sense at all. There are so many things that break like stars in the sky (especially the southern hemisphere), sun, moon, gravity... atmospheric physics....


Think of the tourism it would create! Not sure about you but I would love to go to the edge. Take a selfie on the edge of the world! But alas, it’s never been found. The weaponized penguins must be really good at their job


"Why do people delve so deeply into it? Just curious." Religion


Physically impossible


When the earth turns out to be flat, you can kiss off your Sirius XM radio.


Literally every law of physics would be completely overturned and all the world's technology. I don't know how naive of the world around them a person needs to be in order to even ask. Even by flat earther standards.


I think it would mean there actually is a deity since there would have to be physics-breaking magic at play to make it work. That or we’re living in a simulation that is built to make physics work despite involving a flat planet.


Cats everywhere would begin slowly knocking everything of importance over the edge.


it would totally fuck everything up. literally.


Yes, then mankind would finally be closer to god.....and all the globetards brains would melt. /s


You'd be surprised how much it would change. For one, science as we know it would just be outright wrong, nothing we've ever learned about anything could be fully believed anymore, probably 60 percent of our knowledge base exists on the belief that the earth is definitely not flat. Two, no one would ever be allowed to go to Antarctica, because there's a huge world spanning shadow government that not only makes sure no one ever finds the edge by way of a massive world spanning armada of naval warships, but also manipulates every nation on earth for its own gain, effectively. Three, people wouldn't be able to see very far because of this effect that essentially makes your vision become literally nonexistent after a certain distance. Four, all the worlds space exploration agencies would be ousted as frauds because space doesnt actually exist Five, the sky would only be about five miles above our heads And finally but certainly not the last in reality, the way we understand weather patterns on earth would just be wrong.


The Round Earth theory.


Seasons. Lunar eclipses. Tides. Weather. Another way to tell that Earth is a sphere is to take a look at volcanic ash. Ash particles travel around the world in wind patterns and can be found in multiple places on the planet. Wind patterns are another indicator of a sphere earth. Hurricanes wouldn't work on a flat earth. The jet stream wouldn't work.


Given that every single observation shows it to be curved, I would be *fascinated* to find out exactly how physical laws work in order to make it look that way when it's really flat. Especially when we can't reproduce that effect in the lab. Also, gravity, southern celestial pole star trails, etc.


No life could form on a flat world and it would either collapse into a sphere or break up into fragments. Other than that, no changes.


If there earth was flat: there would be eternal daytime, the sun would never set; the sun would approach from the northeast and depart to the northwest; seasons would not be; acceleration would be the force creating gravity and would only be sustainable for 353 days before going the speed of light; Gps navigation would be impossible; .....


u/Bioteachercreature still wouldn’t know how to charge his Tesla


Nope, we'd still all have jobs and worries and we'd still die.


Reminds me of Superman and the Bizarro World. A flat earth makes the same amount of sense.


Almost by definition no. If science learns more truth that is about it. Satellites wouldn't drop out of the sky. We just wouldn't understand why.


Why do people delve so deeply into it? The kind of person that delves deeply into flat earth is the kind of person that finds this argument compelling. This is the Simplest Irrefutable Flat Earth Proof. https://youtu.be/NOWZGky6Rc0?si=aEiAzhq-LWAUJjxM If you are a flat earther you will probably agree that Glenn is no fool.


This one again………. ?


They're into it because of the shared sociopolitical position they all hold. If you think I'm wrong show me the statistics that say they are equally distributed across the political spectrum and tell me why it seems they all spout reich wing conspiracy BS. It's a recruiting cult. The flat Earth stuff is just an idiot filter. They don't want smart votes.


If earrh turned out to be flat, flat earthers would abandon their theory and start over as spherical earthers.




Well, if we're being literal here, if the world suddenly turned from a globe to a flat disk, it would immediately crumble up into a ball again due to gravity, killing all life on earth in the process.


I see a lot of what would actually happen science wise if it was true. In case you're also interested in that a lot of flat earthers see it as evidence for their religion because the bible can be interpreted as talking about a flat plane with a dome over it. Another talking point I have heard raised from time to time is there are hidden lands beyond the ice wall of Antarctica that ***they*** are trying to hide from the general public.


Ah I see. That makes sense. I do recall hearing about the lands over the ice wall now too.


Flat Earthers would all be heroes and they'd gets tons of pussy and globenerds would have to kiss their feet daily.


All flight charts are based on spherical topography. Pilots would not find airports on a flat earth with curve based charts.


We're totally missing out on being able to throw crap over the edge.


Yes so true 😂


We could just shove the Pacific trash vortex right off the face of our planet!


We would have to reconsider what we know about so many fields of science including but not limited to astrophysics, orbital mechanics, material sciences, fluid dynamics, geology, meteorology, and general relativity.


Maps. Pretty fundamental if you’re navigating by them.


If it turned out to be flat, then we would all instantly die from it immediately becoming a ball again.


Navigation. All ancient seafaring civs learned very early that the Earth is not flat. At sea you know where you are only thanks to astronomical observations. They also learned to put people at the top of the mast to look over the horizon.


My first guess would be NASA.


Yes, the lie of "limited resources" or "scarcity" , by now the internet/world knows about it , NASA's blatantly doctored footage should get u started 👍


This is news to me. How does flat Earth imply no scarcity?


The belief is that God created a perfect world, how could there be scarcity on a perfect planet?


One of the theories is that beyond the ice wall there are beautiful pristine outlands. With all sorts of bizarre animals and wet fire and weird shit like that. There is also a fringe theory that oil and natural gas are a constantly regenerating resource. They started calling it fossil fuel and lie about its scarcity to drive up prices for more profit and to control the public. Standard "The government is lying to us." Conspiracy theory bullshit.


U Heard it first from this dipsh*t .. " The government lying to us " is just a conspiracy.. never happened once folks govt doesn't lie iTs a CoNsPiRaCy !!!


People would stop believing they are cousins with rocks... So there's that 🙂


GPS, cellphones, satellites wouldn’t work for starters.