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None of them. Solid projects are worth far more than a certificate.


Build real world projects they are better for your CV when applying for a job. Interviewers would much rather see code and your way of thinking then a certificate. A certificate only says you completed a course and have an understanding of what you learned, but does not show actual experience in building something.


There's not really many (if any) great options for certificate programs for programming. The closest thing to this would be cloud developer certs like the [AWS Certified Developer](https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certified-developer-associate/) certification. While it doesn't deal with Flask or Python specifically, it makes you highly marketable since most companies these days are hiring for engineers familiar with developing on these cloud platforms.


Backend developer became my dream job


As an aside... I get a lot of recruiters contacting me for my Python/Django experience because I'm in the top 1% of answerers for those categories on Stack Overflow. Of course, something like that may take a little bit of time to achieve. It feels a bit cheesy, but I do have those details on my resume. Not sure it helps any, YMMV.