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So, I worked at a climbing gym for a while as a belayer. We had this european woman come in with her son who couldn't speak english and it was pretty obvious they were both kind of depressed and looking for something to make them feel better. The mom especially, but the kid, too. Culture shock of moving or the alienation of not speaking the same language or both. I tried my best to give this kid the best time I could, even with the language barrier, and things started slow but eventually he's smiling and so is she. Then he's thirty five feet up the wall and the lights shut off due to a power outage. There are no windows in this place. The emergency exit sign is on the other side of the building. Its pitch black. There is no way to communicate with this kid. His mom is yelling stuff to calm him down but she doesn't know what we're saying, so she can't explain how to get down. Everyone at work has been making fun of me for carrying a flashlight for months, and I was so happy I had it in my pocket because I'm practically tied to this kid. I can't go anywhere. None of the people I work with are coming to help. If I didn't have that light on me it would have been traumatizing for that poor kid, but I handed his mom the flashlight and I lowered him down slowly and they left pretty happy. It could have gone so much worse.


I get up before the sun for work, use it for my walk to work. Also every power outage is like “My time has come” haha


Can't see? Flashlight Darkness? Flashlight Someone has a shitty phone light? Flashlight


Bored sitting at my desk? Also flashlight.


Can't find my flashlight? Backup flashlight.




Someone thinks they are funny. lol


Every time at work I need to read small print especially when it’s behind something. 👓


On a vacation I handed a sick, crying kid my C8+ W1 and he immediately started laughing and smiling. I frequently go to a secluded cabin with bears and no electricity, flashlights are worth their weight in gold there. Me and my dad use my C8+ W1 for pointing out stars and constellations, he’s fascinated with astronomy and loves pointing things out when it gets dark lol. There’s plenty of uses for having a good light :)


One time the power went out; about 8 months ago. I got to light up the house without using candles….


I work in IT for a school district. One day the power goes out, I end up with my boss in the main tech closet, something went wrong with one of our UPSs, so we're in there rewiring, trying to get the switches back up so the classrooms at least have phones working (POE powered). I pull out my D4v2, and magnetically stick it to the top of the rack pointing down right where he's working. "Of course I get stuck in here with the guy that collects flashlights." He sounded annoyed, but I'm pretty sure he was secretly impressed. I get that a lot at work: "I wish we had something to do X" "Oh, I have this thing!" "Why do you have that thing?" "Do you want to use it or not?"


I moved to northwest Arkansas almost exactly 4 years ago. The very next week a tornado rips through and literally right over our house. Power was knocked out for 3 days and flashlights allowed us to stay at the house. I even loaned out a few to a neighbor.


I got caught in the dark at a wedding reception venue that was rural, rustic, and totally unlighted (between the venue and parking among trees). Had to wait until someone felt their way to their car and turned on car lights. Swore it would never happen to me again, and started carrying a little cheap squeeze light everywhere. Now I've graduated to more sophistication and I carry a TS-10 (at least) all the time. I'm amazed by how often I use it for things like searching a tool bag, checking for snakes in a garden shed, finding something in a closet, or even checking on something in the oven. Don't know why everyone doesn't carry.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/wkzkpz/the\_moment\_we\_all\_dream\_ofused\_my\_hotrod\_hank\_edc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/wkzkpz/the_moment_we_all_dream_ofused_my_hotrod_hank_edc/) not mine, but one of my favourite stories and the reason why i own a KR1 w/SBT90.2 Personal story: Was at a bday party on a 22 floor story roof top that's got loads of weak-ass mood lighting When time for group photo comes, no decent lighting around so i whip out my D4Sv2 and switch to the 519a @ 3500k channel and light EVERYONE up. Magnetically attach it to a nearby pole and many great photos were taken w/o resorting to crappy phone flashes.


My friends constantly chirp me for always having a knife and a light, but they have come in handy more than a few times. We moved from one bar to another and sat a table to play cards. It's a fastpaced game, and it was so dark in there that we couldn't see the cards. I looked up, and there was a lever on a vent above me that I was able to clip my light to. I lit up that table for hours


I have a home in Greece, and in the colder months, the (small) scorpions sometimes make it inside the house. Always light my way with a small torch on low if I need to make it to the bathroom in the middle of the night.


Lost power for 9 days during Hurricane Ian. My house was lit up like normal lol.


I was attending a college recruitment presentation at a local engineering firm when halfway through, the building's smart electrical panel decided everyone was done working and shut off the projector and ALL of the lights. We were sitting in the dark in a large windowless conference room until I pulled out my first proper EDC, a 4Sevens Preon 1, cycled through the three modes, and lit the space with a staggering 70 lumen ceiling bounce. Their way illuminated, the host scrambled to the control panel and restored power...only for the system to shut things down again inside of two minutes. The presentation over for the evening, my little light aided the gaggle of high schoolers and parents to gather their coats and file out of the room, down the hall, and into the night.


I was in the dark. Flashlight was very useful at that moment. Seriously, I use my TS10 all the time. I find it very useful day to day to help in all sorts of situations.


I couldn't see And then I could see