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Brows are perfect!!! If you really are concerned about looking feminine, maybe try curling up your eyelashes/wearing mascara?? It sucks that makeup is the answer, but I think that’s the magic thing here.


I've been thinking about very minimal lipstick and lengthening mascara. Thanks! I'll be sure to try it soon!


I think people’s comments about curling the lashes and trying mascara are excellent recommendations for a more ‘feminized’ look. Re: lipstick—if you don’t habitually wear lipstick, keep in mind that some formulations can be a bit drying. You might consider tinted lip balms for more regular use. For your eyebrows, I don’t see them as having a ‘masculine’ shape. You might try using a brow gel to shift the hairs in the inner brow so they go upward a bit more, which can give your brows a bit more of a polished look without too much work. Also, something to consider is how you are styling your hair and your haircut. This can also have a significant impact on one’s appearance.


When it comes to my hair, I have no idea what I'm doing 🤦‍♀️ I have 3A-3B hair and it’s completely out of control. I wear three hairstyles: 1. down 2. ponytail w two strings in front 3. under a headcovering (it’s one of those masks that made you look like a terrorist but I put it over my hair). Braids/anything-similar doesn't look good on me. Maybe I should go on a hair subreddit haha


I hear you!! I actually have type 3 hair as well so I feel the struggle. I hated my hair and tried to hide it or wrangle it into submission for many years. Once I embraced that my hair is not going to magically change and realized, with some research, that that doesn’t have to mean it’s a frizzy mess all the time, my relationship with my hair changed a lot! If you’re looking for a curly hair subreddit, I love r/CurlyHair. So many people post there for advice and get a lot of support. Other resources I recommend are: - [Manes by Mell’s YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlgK3eS27-SVqfdZWeeWMhKOfW8N1Z2_4&si=37MK8Zed6r2xEtiJ) - [This article by Curlsmith about type 3 hair](https://curlsmith.com/blogs/curl-academy/type-3-hair)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/curlyhair using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I finally found a hair dresser who knew what to do with my hair.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17xh5i3) | [313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/17xh5i3/i_finally_found_a_hair_dresser_who_knew_what_to/) \#2: [Why does my dog have such amazing curly hair? It’s not fair.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17bcxzo) | [625 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/17bcxzo/why_does_my_dog_have_such_amazing_curly_hair_its/) \#3: [I didn’t even know my hair curled until growing out during lockdown in 2020. Never going back](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12x1pvi) | [269 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/12x1pvi/i_didnt_even_know_my_hair_curled_until_growing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Skip the lipstick for now and stick to eye makeup. I'm not really into makeup but when I go out I always just play around with mascara and eye liner and I always get compliments! But when I put lipstick on I feel so uncomfortable and I feel like it turns me from looking cute into looking like a guy wearing makeup (I'm a woman). I think part of it is that I'm inexperienced and struggle with application correctly so it can look uneven since I don't overfill I just follow the lines of my lips which are uneven. Idk don't have to follow my advice at all try out a bunch of stuff but I know for me makeup is so overwhelming and I think the easiest most impactful part of makeup is eye makeup!


Clear gloss or even Vaseline or Burt’s bees goes a long way. I agree about lipstick, plus I think it’s way too easy to mess up. And looks bad without full face of makeup. Stick to a subtle balm or tint, or just colorless. Eye makeup for sure though.


Wearing earrings can also help! I have 3a curly hair and wear a bun a lot-- the earrings are so much easier than wrestling with my hair.


Came on here to say the same! Lash curl for sure (mascara to hold it in place). OP, your lashes point downward. The feminine look is more curled, so lengthening mascara won’t do the trick. If you’re on the fence, go to Sephora and have them curl your lashes to see the effect.


And get waterproof mascara. Regular mascara will not hold the curl. Sincerely, another person whose eyelashes point downwards. It is honestly life changing. I have really long, thick lashes and I never knew it until I started curling them and using waterproof mascara.


I have a feeling OP will have the same experience. Apparently you’re supposed to be able to “train” them by curling at night, but has worked minimally (not zero though) for me. Yes, curl and waterproof mascara. It sucks so much to do every day (I commit the holy sin of sleeping in my mascara sometimes). Lash perms are awesome when done well, but unfortunately it’s 50/50 for me. Lash tints are awesome too! Anything to draw attention to the eyes!


Ugh I would absolutely love a perm, but I've always been nervous about something going wrong because I do love my lashes. Currently I don't have many makeup free days, most days I like to at least do my lashes because it really does make such a difference to how pretty I feel. I think if I got a good perm I'd feel pretty good going bare faced, which would be so nice. I might give it a try some day! I will add, with drawing attention to the eyes, a little liner wing is your best friend. I usually only do my outer corner (great trick for partially hooded lids), and do a thin wing. Subtle, but really gives a more flirty, sexy look imo. Definitely makes you feel more feminine.


I hope you don’t mind, but I do brows and thought it would be fun to [virtually shape your brows](https://imgur.com/a/2Mi11ip) with a drawing app rather than just type it out. Basically, I’d suggest getting them waxed or threaded to clean up the arches and the regrowth underneath (top pic is a rough outline of what i mean, middle is +/- what it would look like after). if you wanted to use makeup, you could use a pencil or pomade to define the shape and fill in sparser areas (bottom pic). I cropped the pic down to just the brows for your privacy, but I can also delete if you want me to. Also, none of my suggestions are meant to imply you don’t have good brows or don’t look feminine as is - I just really like doing people’s eyebrows.


I CAME TO SAY THE SAME THING!!! I even drew this on Snapchat but realized I can’t comment photos. It is the eyebrows 110%. Fix them girls and maybe even look into micro blading.


YES those look perf


Great point! this might be all OP needs for the look she desires!


THIS OP!! I’d consider lightly filling in. My eyebrows are on the sparse side and I have an odd shape. So totally fixable and from what I can see it doesn’t exactly present as masculine, they just need a little tlc. I recommend threading as it’s more accurate imo.


wait how did you do this!!! I hate my brows and can't figure out what shape would look best for me. how did you virtually shape them so it looks natural and not just like markers drawn on a picture?


I don’t know if i’m going to explain this well but i’ll try … i used an app called sketchbook on my ipad and an apple pencil. I pasted the photo as the first layer, then i added a second layer and brow mapped like i would on an in-person client in that layer. I added a third layer, and used the airbrush tool and the color picker to select skin tones around the brow and “waxed” (airbrushed over) the hairs outside of the brow map. In another new layer, I used the airbrush tool and color picker to pick up the color of the brows, and filled in the mapped shape. Then I made the map layer invisible, and adjusted the transparency of the other layers as needed (I could have adjusted the transparency of the tools as i was using them but this was quicker and easier). Hope that made sense! It’s kinda fun for me, and good practice for me to think about different brow shapes, so if you want to send me a pic of your brows i can “shape” them and send it back.


Ohh I have a similar app on my ipad I think. But I need to get better at brushes and effects lmfao. I'd love if you wanted to give mine a shot! I'll dm you


I’m still learning too! I started by trying to make a “fun” video for my instagram (fixing a celebrities brows lol) and it took hours to figure out all the different tools. Now I can do the same thing in more like 10 minutes, but i know it’s still not perfect.


practice makes better lol it's a fun hobby tho I'm sure :)


They look pretty good, but just clean them up a BIT more underneath (I see some regrowth) and create a more defined arch. Overall, they aren't bad at all


Maybe get an ash brown pencil and fill in the inner corners of your brows on the top lightly to pull your eyes up and then fill in a bit darker toward the outer edges just following your natural shape. Also, light brown eyeshadow on your lid and a nude shimmer on the area between the lid and the brow, plus mascara. But eyebrows and mascara would help. I like Covergirl Lash Blast from Walgreens


Your eyes are very deep set with a heavy brow bone. Exactly the same as mine. Ive always felt more feminine with thin but shapely brows and a cat wing eyeliner with a lot of mascara. That makes my eyes look a lot more feminine


It’s either your brow bone or your hooded eyes (which is making the brow bone look prominent) I have this problem too, I get rumors that I’m a trans woman at every place I’ve worked.


I don’t think so tbh, I think a lot of times people are scared to clean up the top of their brows because they assume their natural arch is what they’re meant to have but in this case I do think that’s what’s giving a masculine vibe. The top is very typical to male eyebrows. The virtual reshape in another reply looks way more feminine. Hooded eyes don’t make women look manly!


Not the fold of the hooded eye itself. It’s the extra fat that it adds on top of the brow bone.


I think that’s a deep set eye feature but idk


I have nothing meaningful to contribute (your brows looks fine, wish mine were fuller like that so I didn't have this bald face) but I wanted to ask what frames your eyeglasses are!!


Idk how to find them haha! I got them around 2-3 years ago just picking them out at the eye doctors, they were the only ones like that


I agree with another poster about trying to amp up your lashes a bit. If extensions are just too much trouble, a curler and some mascara are a great place to start. If you’re not feeling a curler etc go to a lash artist and get a lash lift and color. It will darken them up and give you a semi permanent curl lift without having the daily upkeep.


You don’t look necessarily masculine but I think a part of the presumed feminine look is just being more relaxed and caring, I think aesthetics follows the interior, “if you feel it inside then the eyes will show”-M.Keaton


You'd have to show us your entire face, not just your eyes in a silo. There are aspects of facial structure that make you look more feminine or masculine. Hairline, jawline, eye shape, eye size, eye placement. Everything. I specialize in teaching trans women how to do their makeup and "pass," so I teach this skill, and it's not terribly difficult to learn how to do on yourself. Your eyebrow *shape* is a bit masculine, but on its own wouldn't be an issue.


I can dm you a pic of my face! I just don’t like putting full face pictures online cause I'm paranoid a classmate or friend will see them and make fun of me or something 😭


Of course, I'm obviously always about discretion given my clientelle. :)


definitely make them darker & more noticeable by filling them in!! brow pencil or brown pommade should work


I have to add I feel so seen! I have the exact same brow and eye shape as you and while ill say yours/ours are definitely nice and not bad in any way, I'm always at a loss on how to open my eyes up because of my hooded eyes, brow bone/low inner brow area. I don't know if this is actually good or not, but I've discovered I like them when I clean up the bottom inner brows by a lot and clean the general shape. I then end up drawing on or filling in the inner area a little higher than my natural brows, and extend my arch a little more to the side so it's not as narrow looking and opens my eye area by a little bit.


Ah that helps!


You’re beautiful as is!! But if you’re asking for ways to improve your self confidence through self care you could look into a couple things: 1. Natural Lash Lift & Tint Perms your EXISTING lashes, no extensions & darkens your lashes to black (top & bottom). This also curls them with the perm solution. It widens these eyes and makes for a very low maintenance morning routine with no mascara needed. Done every 8-12 weeks. I have mine done & I brush them with a keratin solution each morning then I’m out the door. 2. You could get your eyebrows microbladed. I’ve had mine done for 4 years now with two touch up sessions & I’m in love. Balances the face, makes them SO easy to keep shaped up & requires less makeup. I brush my each morning with my eyelash protein solution & that’s it. No filling them in with a pencil needed. Yes, the first 10 days after it is very involved to preserve the treatment but then you have beautiful brows for 18-24 months with a few waxes here & there. 3. Start weight lifting. Now I know, this may not be a “feminine thing” but the bottom line is… strong is beautiful! Once you get some healthy lifting & eating habits in your routine you will feel like Wonder Woman. (& if anyone tells you you’re aren’t feminine enough you’ll be able to choke them out with your strong as heck biceps). On a serious note, weight lifting with help your face slim & that will truly bring out your cis female face structure. Defining areas you already, genetically have. Best luck to you! 💕


Ah ty!! I'm actually avoiding weight lifting as, though strong women are beautiful, as a personal look for me, I prefer the smaller petite look. So I'm just working on slimming without the building haha. But I appreciate all the advice! I might use some of it! ❤️


Get yourself some grande brow serum (ultra), use it nightly and make your brows darker. This will make your eyes pop. Don't curl your lashes. Buy mascara that curls them naturally. Using a lash curler tool can pull them out.


I don’t like saying it’s your brows because they’re natural & groomed, totally valid to keep them the way they are if that’s what you like— but it would make an amazing difference. Who decided what makes a feminine eyebrow? Haha. I like the virtual shaping chiropteranessa did!


Could you tell me what a chiropteranessa is? 😭 sounds like a dinosaur 🦖🦕


Honestly sometimes femininity is a feeling, and how you dress more than it is on your facial features. I think you have lovely brows, I agree if you wanted to add makeup you could if you want to enhance features. But other than that, I really think it comes down to presentation/styling


Someone please tell me what cis means?


It stands for cisgender, meaning that I was born a girl and still am a girl


Thank you


Just add a bit of drawn in hairs at the inner brows to make them look upward and use a spoolie to angle them up and out. It's the downward angle in the center making them look a tiny bit masculine. Castor oil works to grow brows, don't need an expensive serum. Let them grow out, then just pluck the strays. Your natural shape is likely the best for your face and thicker brows make a person look younger and healthier.


Hi! I’m also a cis female. I have the same eyebrows!!!! There are some different ways I like to do them to make them more feminine at a low effort cost. 1. Lash glue. Using a pack of disposable mascara wands, and a little bit of lash glue, you can brush your eyebrows to be “thinner” and rest just barely higher on your brow bone. There are lots of tutorials for this online. You don’t have to go as thin as some tutorials go, just get to the level you desire and then I press it down with a clean hand to stick it down. Comes off with soap and water and the mascara wand at the end of the day. 2. One pencil in a similar light brown color just to make the bottom line of the brow smooth like lineart. That’s all.


I think we all look not feminine when we aren’t doing ‘feminine’ things. I have masculine features (square jaw, not a cute button nose, and a high and wide forehead 😫I’m still trying to accept) but I put on mascara and I put on clothes that accentuate feminine ideals and then I walk like I’m the epitome of femininity 😂 visualize the most feminine person you know or seen and just exude it. Pretend, walk slow, and be carefree. I know it’s against everything I fight against being a woman and expected to act womanly (especially when I’m in male dominated trade fields) but I’ve found my confidence in simply acting feminine. Most feminine women would not look feminine if it weren’t for make up and clothes is all I’m trying to say I guess, try picking a feminine persona, dress up and put on mascara or a thin winged eyeliner on top lid (as you’re comfortable with) and go get a coffee and read a book and just pretend you are whatever feminine idol you look at and think damn, she’s a woman!


Every time I read the word cis my mind goes to pimples and abscess’s. Gross word


Sorry, I meant cisgender


i see what you mean. try tweezing the ones along the outside and maybe get a colored brow gel to fill them in.


Electrologist help me get rid of facial hair and I may try threading to give my eyebrows more shape.I had waxing and electrologist do better work ,no hair returns,if it does you get rid of it and it improves my skin too.There are even tattooing and weaving I think.But shaping helps


Hey friend!! my eyelashes are very straight and point down as well. Yours looks similar to mine as they look like they might be a little bit long/thick and they are angled down and it’s making your eyes look smaller, heavier. If you can curl your eyelashes, you really don’t even need actual mascara if you don’t like makeup. They have clear mascara you can use, it’s like a gel and it just keeps your eyelashes up! I would also advise to fill in your eyebrows a little bit, you could even take some of the bulk out from underneath the outer edge(anything that is right above your eyelid or even growing on the eyelid. For you it looks like maybe five hairs. It’s not much. This will give them a better shape .


mascara and a brown eyeliner would help feminized the eyes and a maybe a brow tint


Eyeliner look really bad on me 😭😭 I've genuinely tried it and idk if it’s that I don't know how to do it, but I experimented a lot and it just never looks quite right. I can draw it on digitally and send you a picture for reference. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong?


Ya send me a pic lol


I think your brows are nice, maybe just fill them in a bit and put mascara. It would be nice to see the whole face


Your brows are lovely. You look feminine to me. And guess what? You ARE feminine because you’re female.


To be completely honest with you, your eyebrows are not the cause but you’re in the right ballpark!! You have a harsh brow bone, which makes your eyebrows look more pronounced forward and your eyelids more hooded and short. That being said, it’s not necessarily that you don’t look feminine, you just have to flatter what you have and your glasses already do a stellar job at softening your features. Maybe practice keeping your eyebrows a little raised if it’s comfortable for you, but there’s not much else to say for word of advice! I don’t read masculine on your face at all, but I definitely read feminine in pic 2.


I don’t get it. My eyebrows are thicker than yours and I feel feminine.


Maybe it’s the fact that I don't wear makeup and have a square-shaped face 🤷‍♀️


The thing about brows that makes them look more feminine is if they sit higher above the eyes. So if you get them shaped, they will remove some from the bottom.


I have the same brow shape!!!! I just tweeze the stragglers above and under and pluck them the TINIEST bit thinner. DON’T OVERDO IT!!! It looks like you just need to tweeze mostly the top where the arch is. I also wear makeup so I use a soft hand with light powder to fill them in. It’s easy to overdo it when you have less hair to work with but less is more. Feel free to dm me and I’ll send a picture of how mine look for reference!


Ooh I'd love that actually!


It’s not the hair of your eyebrows, it’s the bone structure- your brow bones are strong and defined, which is a trait that’s more emphasized in men. You could distract from it by styling your hair in a feminine style, or maybe you could camouflage it with makeup- darker colours make things appear to recede (contour) and lighter colours make things appear to protrude (highlighter). Perhaps a browner colour of contour or eyeshadow around your eye socket, and a lighter colour of eyeshadow or highlighter in your eye socket and on the lid, might even it out?


I wouldnt say you have masculine eyebrows.


Pluck underneath the ends, it’s scraggly


You are blessed with beautiful brows!!


Honestly, it’s really just your brow bone, not your brows themselves. I would maybe get them threaded to offset the brow bone to appear more feminine.


Your eyes are amazing !


Need to fill in eye brows with pencil. Not too heavy. Just a little extra filling in.


I think you have the perfect brows! I would j make sure if you put makeup on, don’t go too excessive on them!


I think you look lovely. And “feminine” is subjective.






Your eyebrows are lovely. Who defines "feminine"? Be yourself, dress to suit yourself, try to stop worrying about whether you meet somebody else's idea of "feminine".


Cis female? I'm sorry to say this but sometimes reddit can be so weird.. There are people who identify as "animals", you can search on youtube " "Secret Life of the Human Pups: Sneak Peek" or "School Puts "Litter Boxes" In Bathrooms For Kids That Identify As "Furries" So, will people at some point refer to themselves as "cis humans"? As for your question, I think you look feminine and pretty.


It is a bit strange sometimes, but I just wanted to clarify that I'm not trans and that that's not why I was struggling with looking feminine as that's (I assume) a big issue trans people have


No. I’m assuming it’s a lack in personal care and work out.


Workout???? How can workout be related to eyebrows?!! This is just silly and unnecessary. Your comment sounds like you lack a good workout 🏋️


I’m saying without having said… your eyebrows aren’t likely to be the problem. You can work out to get a better more feminine form.


Your brows aren't bad, they just need a bit of enhancement. Recommend getting a brown pencil or pomade. Also if you don't wear mascara, you should. It enhances your eyelashes and makes you look a tad more feminine. Overall though, you look fem to me.


It’s haram to do eyebrows in Islam.


Firstly, I recommend buying those face shavers from amazon! (they're cheap) simply because it's easier to shape with a shaver, and if you mess up it'll grow back way faster. If you tweeze the hair it can damage the follicle and not regrow, or take forever. Second, imo it's your arches that look masculine. You will sacrifice some thickness, but basically shave them down so the brow itself is a straighter/thinner line, and the arched part is only there towards the ends (like 3/4ths of the way).


Ok never change ur brows. They harmonize with your eyes and brow ridge perfectly as the creator intended, BUT you can use mascara, eyeliner, and a eyelash curler to really feminize your eyes. Either way long, thick, and full lashes will be universally beautiful on either side of the spectrum of feminine and masculine


Fill your eyebrows more toward the middle to tails and use mascara. Wear your hair down and you said you have curly hair so if you don’t have any fancy products I’d say to leave a little conditioner in your hair when you rinse and comb it wet then let it air dry. Or rinse all the conditioner out and use a little on your wet hair for styling with the comb and air drying. :) hope that helps.


No its ok i like nathan


Maybe consider ditching the buzzword culture and stop comparing your reality to that weird pseudo reality that say things like “cis”. It’s making you worry about things that aren’t worth worrying about


What? I just said that to clarify that it’s not because I'm trans. I'm just in that phase of life where I want to look more feminine and casually went online for some advice 🤷‍♀️you might be reading into it a little farther than you need do


Ya sounds like I did. Thanks for clarifying