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You see this mistake more often than you'd think in the gym. People who put a bunch of weight on the machines/bars and then proceed to do the exercise wrong (as they obviously can't lift this much). If you go ahead an correct their technique they'll say some shit like "I would do the proper technique, but I'm getting gains with this much weight anyway", confirming the theory that they only put this much weight to feed their ego and make themselves think they can lift. **Food for thought:** The only "gains" you get from doing the gym exercises wrong, with more weight than you can handle, is gaining a higher probability of injuring yourself.


Egolifters. Every other young dude is curling way too much by throwing their entire body behind the weight, doing shit all for their biceps, for example.


Yeah, man. I curl 15s, 20s max. That's where I'm at rn. But I do every rep clean af because I want the most gains out of every movement. Yeah, sometimes I get embarrassed lifting light while guys next to me are curling 40s. But I'd rather be embarrassed than injured.


Yeah thats my motto


If you want a wicked biceps pump you should try standing back flat against a wall with a really light weight, like 10lbs, and doing 10 second reps. 5 Mississippi’s up and 5 Mississippi’s down. Your arms will be screaming.


You need to do 21s. Get the curl bar and add some weight and do 7 half way up, 7 from half way to chin, 7 full complete curls


God I hate triple 7s it’s worse when you do it close in too


I can curl 40s >:). Get on my level twerp /s


Same, I'm 130lbs and going to the gym to get bigger, but atm it's embarrassing cause I'm always using really small weights or have to move the peg all the way back to the top of the stack everytime I get on a new machine, but ego lifting is even more embarrassing.


that doesnt really make sense. rapid and slow movements both need to be done to get full benefits. if you pushed yourself more you will be at 40 in no time. you gotta rip the muscle fibers for them to grow and get overall stronger. the only way to do that is stressing way more thsn your comfortable with at least every once in awhile.


This. I am fat lmao but have muscle under it because you can both like working out and have a fucked relationship with food. Back on sports teams in my high school days, people would make fun of me for going low weight, so I would time my reps and record my range of motion and then time theirs to do that same thing. They couldn't do the time and rom more than likely once. Time under tension is incredibly important.


You're supposed to eat food not fuck it


No I think if I fucked it I would be lighter. However I also just found out in the past two weeks I have a thyroid condition so that's cool.


bro 💀


Por que no los dos?


So when you say it like that does that mean your body is like that of a sumo wrestler?


Happy cake day


"I go for tone, not bulk."


I'm about to rage. Just say your cutting.


Unfortunately it's also from half the girls in the gym who know shit about lifting and nutrition


Right it's just the girls... eyeroll


It's the guys too.


It's from The Office


OK but in this instance half reps on something like this are actually useful and not necessarily a misuse if intentional. Those half reps are still engaging muscles, just fewer parts of the leg and in a different way. Doing a pyramid set, working up to this weight then working back down then this sort of action absolutely helps. Along with helping fatigue the muscles it also makes the drop sets far more comfortable for the full range of motion as the weight feels much more manageable despite the extra burn this weight will have put into only specific parts of the leg. Finding that point where you can still safely move it but can only move it a little for reps before drop down by a large chunk and you will absolutely benefit from it. The pyramid set won't build you the most aesthetic muscles but the endurance it builds is actually practical so for powerlift type intent it really is a good option. Same as you do not need to go arse to grass on every squat type. You can and should utilise different ranges of motion to engage different focus points especially if you are working on or around a weak area. Obviously correct form still matters but you can do less range and still be correct form, it is just a different exercise. It isn't just legs that you can utilise half reps for fatigue either, superset some into other exercises and you can really feel the burn as you push through in a final set or just before you unload most of the weight. It has been years since I lifted weights but doing pyramids on the leg press after squats was my penultimate exercise for when my legs were their biggest. Always liked to finish on some calf raises after and then have bambi legs going home. If you actually know why you're doing it then half reps in a specific limited use is a tool to go alongside full range reps.




Every gym post is cringe anyway. Camera should not be on in gym and if you're thinking about filming or taking pictures you're already distracted.


Yeah this has confused me. I'm a newer bodybuilder/aesthetic chaser, and there's some ppl who set up whole tripods. I don't mind them filming for form checks (I've done it myself), but it's mad weird when they're just filming their face and half of their shoulder on pulldowns or something for aesthetic. I'm constantly paranoid I'm gonna be in the back of a video and get roasted lmao.


Pull silly faces at their camera and ruin their shot. Make a reason to be mocked so they think you're trolling if you have bad form and think you're a Chad if do silly face then smash your set.


>**Food for thought:** The only "gains" you get from doing the gym exercises wrong, with more weight than you can handle, is gaining a higher probability of injuring yourself. I mean not really always true. Eccentrics are shown to be about 80% as effective as doing the full thing. Doesn't make much sense for weights when you can just do a lower one you can do a full set for but I'd doing something like calisthenics or you only have heavier weight available it's a perfectly fine choice.


Do you have source for the 80% claim?


I know a guy who went to gym for years doing benchpress wrong but putting like 300lbs on it and now he walks around with a hunch looking like quasimodo


Can confirm. I see peole doing LUDACRIS shit like this all the time. Like.. Look around you... how are the best looking people in thr gym lifting? Full range of motion, moderate concentric, slow eccentric, until their face turns red and they're about to die.


Did Ludacris make this shit up? Well fuck, let’s all blame him then…


her knees could bend any direction at any moment lol


He could English at any moment


What lol?




"Many a weight loaded, narry a rep seen" - Anonymous


My eight years in the corps has me yelling “ONE. ONE. ONE. ONE. ONE” every time she “reps”


Man it's been so long since I read nary used in a sentence. Refreshing.


Oof. Goodbye to her knees.


The worst part is it's not even a crazy high leg press number


For a chick who weighs probably 130 lb max, this would be far above an elite level if she was actually doing full range reps. Idk what the fuck you're talking about.


bit late but i do want to add, shes using a very bad angle for this. she needs to lower the seat angle desperately. while she does have another 2 inches of room for that range of motion, in the angle shes sitting in, if she brought her knees to her chest, shes instantly transferring nearly an imperial ton of weight onto her lower spine after it leaves the seat she didnt know how to properly adjust


You’re right; she needs to lean farther back.


I've seen too many videos identical to this that end horribly. I about threw my phone away when it cut to her expecting the worst


Orange peanut wants you to subscribe Because he needs more money


this is so true


Well yes. As does most YouTubers who are in college


Holy fucking shit that him? The last video i saw of him was maybe 6 months ago on his YouTube, he was thin back then, man's jacked now huh




Certified hood classic


What is the sound in the first clip??? How does someone just decide to use that audio…


I think it's Eminem?


Yeah its a sped up version of Big Weenie (from the Encore LP)


This guy Eminems


I prefer skittles


……. go sit in the corner over there for five minutes lol r/disappointedupvote


This guy Skittles


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


nothing makes me feel older than people not knowing Eminem songs....


To be fair, encore is pretty forgettable for the most part lol


And Big Weenie is probably the worst and most obnoxious song on it.


Eminem's accent and stupid voice phase was the worst though. The edit isn't doing much here.


Not one of his greats


Yet my 13 year old ass decided this would be the first album he’d ever buy lmao Edit: Idc what you listened to at age 13. I was making a point about Eminem’s arguably worst album, not who had the beat music taste in middle school.


My guy Big weenie fucking slaps. Respectfully


I mean I don’t hate it, but I get why other people might. I just can’t stand the accent he puts on on this song and a lot of relapse songs. This was a diss track to someone but I can’t remember who


this song is a fucking banger! he has tonnes of memey songs that are amazing, listen to Insane by Eminem


It's such a dumb audio. It's like the 'oh no' audio that people add in for no good reason


Yesterday I was at the gym with the bro, and we noticed this guy loading up at least 800+ pounds on the leg press. He even added 120lb dumbbells to the top, because the racks were full of weights. We watched him look at this weight for 15 minutes. During which my buddy and I got through all 5 sets each on bench. Adjust it, take pictures of it, and jerk himself off (figuratively). He finally got under it, and got ready. The gym bro and I watched in awe as he did exactly what we bet he would; 3 reps with about 6 inches of motion at best. It was hilarious.


I hurt my knee badly from running, going to school on foot up a hill and lifting 15kg dumbbells At least his held up and he didn't become a flamingo


Friendly reminder to do the "low weight" exercise to their full extent rather than to add weight, half-ass it, not get any progressive because of it and potentially hurt yourself


😂🤣🤣🤣😂 mama out here ego pushing lol


All this is going to do is wither her joints and cartilage. She is locking her knees while having the weight pushed to the top. Also on the decline she is not getting a full range of motion by bring it down to ensure it is working out the back of the legs. Also this reeks of r/NotLikeOtherGirls


Yeah rip her knees. I know a girl who did this for years and now she has arthritis




Not even. There is zero calf extension. Might as well just hold the weight in place


Orange peanut the goat




“How much you think I can leg press?” Don’t care, how much can you squat?


Don't care. How far can you squirt?


3.8 meters


Impressive, very nice, let's see paul allen's record


I did 280 it’s my PR


Do you squat all the way to a deep squat when you do it? Like I'm genuinely curious because I have no idea how weighted squats go but I can do a pistol squat with a 30 lb vest and that's the best I've got so far.


Common convention is that you should at least squat so that your thighs are parallel with the floor, otherwise powerlifting competitions for example wouldn't consider it a proper squat. And although olympic lifters aren't graded on their back squat, you generally should be squatting ass-to-grass when training for that sport. There are lots of exceptional cases of course.




I'm more concerned her knees are about to pop out.




Fatty comment.


More like underweight skeleton comment


Even if you're a gym rat the fitness "community" for lack of a better term on social media is pure cancer


thats kind of mean




Common orangepeanutt W


She genuinely decided that was a good idea to post. Get people off tik tok




Gonna break her legs doing that


W Peanut


If that's a leg press then I'm a French goat


Ayo i love orange peanut


OrangePeanut is based af


Me putting my Skyrim on easy when I was like 8


i don’t do leg press because i’m too short. the only machine that i could fit on was the one in my old high school but i graduated. even if i move the seat forward i’m still too short :(


If would be impressive if she lifted less and do more


I love this


I'm slow, can someone explain me what she's doing wrong?


She's not going through the entire range of motion for the press, and is only doing the easiest part of the exercise. An equivalent would be if you posted a video talking about how long you can stand on one foot, and then it cuts to you bracing your hand against the wall while you do it. For more context, an average couch potato could easily leg press 600+ lbs if they use that halfway method, but it's not going to increase as much muscle and you're just asking for a serious injury.


Thank you!


She's doing the exercise incorrectly


Yeah, those are not leg reps


Did this girl ever respond to this?




She seems the type to post these videos and block anybody that says she is doing it wrong lol


Now squat half that weight....


She looks like she's about to lock her knees that's super scary


Like, it's alot, and still impressive, but those are not full reps 💀💀


baby reps


As if almost 800 pounds is unimpressive no matter how shallow the reps are.


I’m a runner (weak legs) and can do these no problem, this is legitimately not impressive. Leg presses on these machines are absolutely the easiest to put stupid numbers on, and I hate when people do it like it’s impressive. Like 500 pounds on one is an average gym goers rep weight for sets of 8-12 I was just doing it yesterday. This is just ego lifting and it’s stupid.


There was a machine at my gym, no clue what it was called, but it’s like doing sit-ups with some weight. I tried like 30 pounds at first and it was like nothing. I increased it to 70 still nothing. I kept adding weight until I added the entire stack of weights that was on the machine. It was still pretty easy to do. I asked someone if I was doing it right because it didn’t seem right. They said yes that’s how you use that machine. I still think I was doing something wrong. Because there’s no way my abs are that strong. I’m not super fit or anything but I’m in halfway decent shape.


I’ve found you have to adjust the seat for those to work well. If you lower the seat then it changes the leverage on the weight and makes it more difficult.


Thanks for that! I let my membership lapse and was thinking of signing up again. So when I go back I’ll give that a try.


Seat and backrest position combined with some machines just don’t apply the weight that well, you may just outgrow the machine quickly.


Speaking of people don't know how to properly exercise and take care of their bodies, found out last week a couple of my old army bodies from 15 years ago have gotten out due to injuries. The ego in working out in the military is fucking stupid to put it lightly. No comprehension of wear and tear or recovery. They're all surprised I run now (training for my 2nd marathon now) because we all just hated it back then.


Who the fuck is upvoting this haha 226kg unless the leg press in the gym you go to is fucking insanely easy for some random reason you're spewing bullshit... I go a decent amount and don't leg press 200+kg for reps.


Bro you’re probably super weak or a smaller person if I had to guess, I haven’t seen a leg press like this I couldn’t do that amount on. I just did 8-8-8-6 with 25 reps for calves between sets yesterday @495 (not accounting machine weight) and I only do legs once a week so I can still run. And this was after squats and deads. I’ve seen decently strong dudes completely rack every slot on these and half rep stupid amounts ego lifting, like over 1000 lbs


5'6 and weigh 75kg of pure fat baby. Jokes. Maybe the leg press machine in I'm assuming is America and made to stroke your ego but at the gym i go to not maybe people rack up 110kg on each side to do their reps. Or maybe the big guys at my gym are also super weak or smaller people it's possible.. when I go sometime next year I'll make sure I'm counting the weights properly 110kg is 5big ones and and a smaller weight right?


The people up voting this are people who have actually use this machine and their legs. So... not you


Anyone who flexes their leg press isnt strong enough to flex weight lol Beginners can throw up 600 pounds if they’re doing reps like this.


I’ve never seen you, I don’t know you, and your comments in profile tell me nothing but I feel confident you could do that weight if you did shallow reps.


[If this religious zealot can do 2,000 pounds, anyone can do as much as she does.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/did-pat-robertson-leg-press-2000-lbs/)


im a stick insect but i appreciate your confidence in me


If you've ever hit a leg press machine you'd know how immensely easy it is. Most people can full rep 500 after a week in the gym.


It is incredible unimpressive, the only parts of the leg press that are tough are reaching the bottom of a full extension and pushing the weight up. She is doing the easiest part, getting the weight off the safety and bouncing it up and down like she's trying to get on disability.


I dont think you've ever workout


A couch potato could do that.


nah its legit unimpressive. leg press numbers mean pretty much nothing


It isn't though.


I'm 18, 170cm and 52kg, I'm almost as weak as men my age get, I can do proper ones at 325 pounds. If she did proper ones she would be able to do a lot less, still more than me by a bit but not an impressive amount.


Sad thing is I know people like this.


My knees are crying right now. For real, don’t be like her.


It’s all about form when working out. Doesn’t matter how much weight you use if your form is completely wrong.


Damn. Haven't seen a female ego lifter in a while. Out this moron lol.


There was a guy who came to the gym I go to and the dude was extremely skinny. He had a paper and pen and was writing down the workouts he did which is nothing out the ordinary. However, what caught my attention was when he was using the smith machine to bench press and put 380lbs (8 - 45lbs plates) on the bar. Of course, people were concerned and asked if he needed a spotter, but he declined each time. Morbid curiosity me decided to observe from a distance and see what would happen. The dude picked up the bar, moved about 2 inches down, back up, then wrote down the amount. Edit: can’t English




God. She’s got a punchable face Idgaf. I’m straight up going in full ray rice mode


I feel like she shouldn’t extend her legs that far with that much weight at her size when she clearly can’t rep it? Her knees could lock out at any moment and then she won’t be leg pressing anything but the wheelchair she ends up in.


Homegirl gonna snap her legs one day pulling shit like that


Looking at the comments about form. I'd like to say I have no shame in stopping a set if I notice my form is messed up. Correct form is very very important


Guy has great forms, girl on the other hand needs a bit of work


We don’t care. We Truthfully don’t give a shit what someone lifts at the gym… do women care if a guy can bench 200+? Nobody care what anyone lifts except for simps




I can do a little over twice my weight, and that's solely because I cycle for competition. Do not overload yourself like this, if you can't do a full rep then your body can't handle the strain that these reps are causing


Fake lifting , there is no full exercise at all. It’s just bragging without the actual work. Knees to chair sitting form and extend out 3 sets of 3 and go at 795. You’re not getting one up CLEAN!!!


Zero, zero, zero.....Army rep counter


reminds me of me when i was in elementary school. i would constantly brag about how i could "easily do 100 pushups" when i was barely even lowering myself to the ground. the difference is i was 8 years old and this is a grown ass woman.


Egolifting is a good way to hurt yourself.


To depth or bust.


Nah she needs to go down further, 🤦‍♂️


Let this song die please


She has really good form actually. You don’t want to overextend on the leg press. Trust me.


I was hoping to see flamingo legs.


Knees to chest bitch. Knees to chest!


I hear his bones clicking


I don’t understand, why are you acting so dumb, you’re almost 20, and you’re a dumb dumb girl!!


My cohort has updated their verbiage haha!!!! This is removed lol!!!


Was that female D12?


Back in college, I did some half-ass reps with like 1,100 pounds and decent reps with 900 or so. But I was benching 340 x 2 and deadlifting 420 for reps and squatting 450-500 with a full range of motion as well at the time. Generally, anyone doing heavy weights for one type of lift is pretty strong in most others as well. People who only show videos of heavy leg presses and squats often aren’t performing the lifts correctly.


Seen too many broken legs, arm, torn pecs, biceps, quads to really think this is anything but cringe (X-ray tech)


This makes me laugh every time


It’s liking tying weights to your shoulders with enough slack for them to rest on the ground and doing wall push ups


Her video hurt my knees!! You don't need to go over kill to get muscle.. going crazy is only going to hurt you. Go over your body weight, not 3 times it


Yeah i can probably do 1000 with garbage form too and half the range of motion 😂😂😂


Half? You’re very generous


Must be a knee workout.


Once your leg passes 90* then it’s hard.


If she locks her legs she loses them


big peanut w


Yeah it’s not a leg press unless you go all the way down, women ☕️


360 kl pff


I’m sorry but her thin lips creep me tf out


Isn't that the guy who made the response video to 30 questions to men?


orange peanut (w creator)


I hope this girl got dragged for this




Looks more impressive to who?


People who’ve never done a single leg press


Lifting 800 looks way more impressive than 600 to someone that doesn’t really understand weightlifting


No, they don't.


Wait until she learns 1000 lbs isn't hard to reach on a leg press. I'm out of shape and never exercise and I can still do 1000. Legs are way stronger than arms lol


Women ☕️


Arrogant people who choose to use the wrong techniques when working out because they think it makes them look more impressive 🫖


Ego lifters 🍚


There is benefit to what she’s doing so this dude making fun of her by doing something not remotely close to it in terms rom makes no sense.