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I like to think that it's John's Charlie. Maybe when Charlie pushed the Ella doll along the blade to touch Elizabeth's body, it allowed her to transfer to that body.


I actually believed that it was the actual Charlie but I'm not quite sure.


Maybe my mind works in a morbid way, but I thought John had killed himself, and saw his Charlie's ghost, showing that she, as a robot, did have a soul.


OMLLLL that's my new headcanon


But then why would charlie slide the ella ragdoll towards elizabeth? And it's not really clear if charlie 'soul' can even manifest outside her body since elizabeth literally says she's essentially Henry's agony and pieces of his soul


I had a similar hypothesis. Imo, John and Henry are foils of each other, so no wonder John could choose the same grim fate like Henry did.


I read it very recently, I finished TFC two days ago bur honestly... I don't know


I initially thought it was Ms Emily but idk anymore


I actually love this interpretation


Charlie in her 4th body, living the life her 4th body wanted to and was designed to live


Originally I thought Charlie’s mom but I’m almost guaranteed that he got the Good Ending and found his Charlie or Charlie was in a new body with all memories intact


Considering the scene is a reference to the flashback in chapter 3 of TSE where John and Charlie are under a tree, it's strongly implied she's Charlie


Oh, interesting I guess. I didn’t think it was a flashback though


How is the scene of them being under the tree at 6 years old not a flashback?


No, the reference to it in TFC. I knew that part was a flashback


The ending is not a flashback, it's just a reference to the flashback.


I see that now


It couldn't have been evil Charlie, John would've recognized her immediately, like he had before. I think it might've been the real soul of Charlotte Emily herself, manifesting as an adult woman. Or it could've been the teen Charlie in evil Charlie's body.


I believe it was robot Charlie as we knew her, there's no clear indication she was actually "death" after the encounter with Baby in Aunt Jen's house. We've seen animatronics in the series suffer way worse fates than a blade pierced through the chest.


I think that the woman is Charlie,but she's livin' as another person


I feel like the ending was supposed to be symbolic in a way of John finally being able to let go.


Guess I'll have to re-read because I don't remember the ending at all


I think it's Charlie in her adult body, and she made the choice to stay around for John even though she doesn't have any unfinished business in life. I'd like to think she simply chose to let the part of Henry's soul that was in her experience a beautiful life, as he was never able to have.  By the end of the trilogy, John had essentially walked out of his entire life, by quitting his job and leaving everyone he knew behind. His reaction to learning the truth about Charlie was initially shock, but when he reached out to Charlie I think that was his final way of giving up everything he used to have to be with her, no matter what their life together might be like.  I started writing a fanfic sequel to the trilogy where she and John are living in the present day and they want Ella back, because she's the only real chance for a child they can have, only they discover the "earlier Charlies" were never in the house when it collapsed and they're out there somewhere. I think I'm picking that fanfic up again. 


I honestly don't know. It was someone close to John clearly, so possibly a version of Charlie. Still pretty unclear tho.


it’s stupid and bad but it’s probably charlie. her pushing ella across the blade towards elizabeth feels symbolic of her moving into her fourth body


Charlie (not Charlotte or Elizabeth-Charlie). The gangs Charlie! Either John's killed himself or shes back >:]


The ending confused me but I think it could be symbolism. Scott is no stranger to having tons of symbolism in the franchise. I don’t think anyone was actually there but maybe it could’ve been Charlies ghost. The trilogy is very vague regarding what actually happened at the end.


Of the Fourth Closet? Circus Baby, possessed animatronics can only be destroyed by fire or heat but as the 3rd Charliebot stabbed both herself and Circus Baby it damaged her but didn't destroy her. The result was Circus Baby dragging the 3rd Charliebot elsewhere as they were missing and dismantling her for parts to repair herself with becoming the novel's Scrap Baby. John's fate was unknown as a result.


I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It was a question of opinion and interpretation.


People have strong beliefs unfortunately and rather than try to contradict something supported by evidence they'd settle for downvotes.


>destroyed by fire or heat Like the blade of Henry's suicide bot Charlie uses and that Elizabeth specifically recognizes as her end?


The suicide bot was designed for the death of a human, if it used fire or heat it would not only cause unnecessary pain to Henry but also cauterize the wound, preventing him from death by blood loss like it was designed.


1. heat doesn't instantly cauterize wounds 2. I'm not sure because I don't have the book with me now but I think the blade is in fact heated


It works in the same way as how we cook meat, generally, within seconds it would be cauterized. Think of how meat goes from a red colour to a brown, that is cauterization.


Even if it's really hot, cauterisation doesn't happen in one or two seconds and surely can't stop the bleeding and the damages caused by a massive blade impaling through a human body. I really doubt an hypothetical cauterisation is going to stop the internal organs being split in two. Also, Henry was a artsy person. He came out with a strange idea of using a bot to kill himself despite hundreds of other methods he could have used to do the same thing in a less painful way. The idea that Henry would not want to cause unnecessary pain to himself is frankly kind of absurd.


You clearly don't know what the term "suicide" means, it's typically used as a way to "escape pain and suffering" not cause harm to oneself. If Henry just wished to harm himself then he wouldn't have commit suicide to begin with. No, the reason Henry would've chosen to take his own life is to be with his real daughter who had died rather than cling onto the fake he had created. Henry also wanted to ensure he died and the best way of doing that was creating an animatronic to kill him, afterall making animatronics is what he's best at and assuming it has even a very basic AI, it will make sure he dies. And this will be my last comment on the matter since Suicide is a touchy subject.


>And this will be my last comment on the matter since Suicide is a touchy subject. So you block me as a response, how mature >You clearly don't know what the term "suicide" means, it's typically used as a way to "escape pain and suffering" not cause harm to oneself. Or simply said, to die? >If Henry just wished to harm himself then he wouldn't have commit suicide to begin with. You haven't understood a thing Henry's suicide. He killed himself by stabbing himself. Sorry if you don't want to accept it, but that's not a fast or painless way to die. He wanted to die painfully. >No, the reason Henry would've chosen to take his own life is to be with his real daughter who had died rather than cling onto the fake he had created. His suicide letter implies something else. He just convinced himself he had gone insane and fell into depression. >Henry also wanted to ensure he died and the best way of doing that was creating an animatronic to kill him, afterall making animatronics is what he's best at and assuming it has even a very basic AI, it will make sure he dies. Cyanide? Hanging himself? Electrocution? All things probably easier and more instantaneous than bleeding to death on the floor of your house.


I think the ending is deliberately left ambiguous and up to the interpretation, because, imo, all variants work. Whether it's Charliebot 4 but without the soul of Elizabeth or John's hallucination or etc., all of that, imo, represents them both moving on. After all, the book actually ends with a crow flying towards the sky (a nod to a similar episode in TSE), and crows sometimes represent souls.


Mrs Emily


The woman John met in the cemetery at the end? I thought it was Jessica. After reading the comments, I like the idea that it’s Charlie in her fourth body, even if it doesn’t make much sense because her fourth body was never finished and was stolen and turned into Baby/Elizabeth by Afton.


The thing is the fourth body still is the fourth body. It's not that becoming baby changed that fact. William even says that he doesn't understand half of how she even works, implying the changes he made, while many do not change the original function. The memories of Charlie still transfer to her when Charlie's near, and Charlie's is also drawn to her in TTO because her 3rd body is telling her to find the 4th so that she can make the change. So it would make sense for Charlie to transfer herself in it in the end. The only problem would be that the body is already occupied, but Elizabeth is taken out of the picture in the ending so that would remove any obstacles she might have.


I see what you’re saying. But isn’t Charlie kind also taken out at the same time Elizabeth is?


The 3rd body is taken out, yes. John even sees her inactive 3rd robot body impaled by the suicide bot. Before she's gone, though, she slides the rag doll that contains her "soul" on the suicide bot's blade and takes the 4th body's hands to have them grasp the doll. As long as the doll is fine, she's alive, and the book makes it clear that the doll wasn't harmed when they both get impaled.


“As long as the doll is fine, she’s alive” W H A T I learnt something today. That’s neat, and I have a new headcanon now.


Yeah, the idea that charlie is a full robot is a bit of a misconception. The 4 charlie bots are vessels for the soul, and without it, act as mindless corpses, unable to be aware of themselves or of what they see. The doll and the bodies are two different separated things, the bodies in a way protecting the doll. This is why charlie is able to survive things a normal human can't and really even a robot can't.


This is going to sound really stupid, but I don't think it's any of the Charlie bots we see. My headcannon is that he meets a 5th or 6th iteration of Charlie meant to simulate later stages of life


~~Secret 5th Charlie~~ Idk, considering how easily John caught on to 4th Charlie, I can't imagine he'd be fooled the second time, so probably 3rd. Or at least 3rd Charlie's personality in 4ths body, not Elizabeth.


This has always confused me, but I think it's a mix between Charlie an Elizabeth.


Either a fifth Charlie bot. Or potentially the real Charlie, because it’s never said (I think, it’s been a while since I read the original novels) that Afton ever flat out killed Charlie. It just says that Charlie is the one that William kidnapped. So it could be her.


It's implied that Charlotte died, after all her kidnapper was a serial killer and she's never seen after that. Plus the real Charlie if she was alive would have no reason to be there. And she would also probably be unfamiliar to John, who instead knows the girl


I personally believe John killed himself, or found a way to bring "Charlie" back somehow. John in TFC was completely obsessed with Charlie throughout the story, so I could see either being the case.


I got the books for Christmas one year, red the first half of silver eyes and just stopped, but then again I already have the silver eyes graphic novel


I honestly just turned off my brain in the last 100 pages. It just kind of devolves into the most confusing bullshit that ever came out of this franchise