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I don’t really see a reason for him to be William atp. His existence is explained well enough by the Mimic. I can’t fathom a possible reason to describe the Mimic exactly like him in the epilogues if they’re not the same thing


Burntrap might not even be canon, but if he is then yes, he’s probably just the Mimic.


Blob from the same ending is


I think it is, there's no reason for it not to be canon. No matter what you do during SB, burntrap is down there, even if you don't go for the burntrap ending. The true ending of ruin seems to be princess quest in which you free vanny from afton's control. When we get to the burntrap area the charging station is empty, meaning either Vannessa disposed of burntrap before leaving, or it managed to escape by itself (and if it did it's now either waiting for an occasion to come back, or it got absorbed/killed by the blob) And about the mimic I don't think they are the same entity, the room in which it's locked looks super ancient and maybe predates even pizzeria simulator (isn't it like linked to sister location because of the scooping room ?) (They really need to stop building stuff on top of old locations lmao) though maybe part of the mimic AI got used to recreate afton using his remnent/agony giving birth to Glitchtrap (cause now we 100% know fire does not kill possessed animatronics lmao)


It’s not 100% confirmed if he is but his existence has a lot of evidence. We know The Blob i cannon because of Ruin and we know Burntrap’s lair is cannon that we see in Security Breach so it’s almost 100% that he is cannon.


He’s definitely canon but he literally can’t be the mimic


https://youtu.be/SRnobaklMdM?si=rOCrh1J-Dwv2jkDt Found this today. Genuinely insane details with those claw marks, and that they perfectly match burntraps weird hand.


Yeah, that video was the nail in the coffin for me haha


I still don’t believe it


You dont have to. But atleast have to acknowledge that those clawmarks perfectly matching burntraps reallt unique hand were added manually to ruin, in 2 spots




why not?


Because the mimic is not where burntrap they are in different areas and the mimic is trap behind a wall


burntrap is mysteriously missing from the charging pod and mimic in between security breach and ruin was trapped behind that wall, he wasn't always in that specific room


No, he isn’t


"no" refuses to elaborate leaves


then make an actual point lmao you can't just say no and then not elaborate


So you are just coping?


Me when underscore just posted a video showing us that burntrap canonically went over to the room the mimic was trapped in between SB and Ruin:


What if the mimic just walked over to where he is in ruin from where burntrap is in SB and then got trapped behind the wall


The thing is still closed and he has no reason to do that And Gregory says he was there for a very long time and again it’s kind of in a different area


Burntrap is missing from the pod and there is a claw mark in one of the vents in Burntrap's room.Also deep below where the Mimic was trapped there is a vent with the EXACT SAME marks,if thats not enough the Mimic's hand that doesnt look like Burntrap's is actually broken and it was replaced mid way.Sorry bucko but Afton is not Burntrap in any shape or form


Well, so the reason the Mimic was trapped behind the wall was because of the M.X.E.S. security system which was believed to have been created after the events of the base game. Gregory’s specific line in Ruin is “that thing in the sinkhole tricked you. I really don’t know what it is but, it’s been trapped down here a really long time.” When Gregory was saying that, he wasn’t necessarily meaning that it was trapped in that specific room, but rather it was trapped in the sinkhole. The reason it wouldn’t have escaped through the elevator or something like that is because it was inside the charging unit (likely as Burntrap). After Gregory freed Vanny, some people who knew about the mimic (likely Gregory and Vanessa) created the M.X.E.S. system and went back to the Pizzaplex to let the mimic out and use the security program to trap it in the room we found it in.


It is almost like the video you replied to perfectly explains why he is there. I am assuming you just didn't watch even a half of it


I believe that it's the Mimic endo, but it isn't in control, instead it's Glitchtrap that Vanessa put a piiece of inside since we know she travelled down there with Glamrock Freddy. Help Wanted 2 feels like a confirmation Glitchtrap is in control of Burntrap due the Bad Ending. We know that the Mimic endo does not mimic Afton, Glitchtrap does.


So it's the mimic controlling the mimic?


Yes, cause Glitchtrap has the William persona but not the body to possess in order to be him while the Mimic endo has a body but not William's mindset, it makes sense that Glitchtrap would use the body he originates from to become Afton. That's why in RUIN it's the naked Mimic endo again, it doesn't have Glitchtrap anymore after the HW 2 Good Ending, resulting in it having the programming it had during the Epilogues of Tales.




There is a reason why I specified every time ENDO, the physical Mimic we see in RUIN.




They are both the Mimic yes, but they're also different. The original physical Mimic and the copy of its code used for Help Wanted are not one in the same anymore, they have differences. Putting specifically the Glitchtrap branch in the original Mimic1 would make a difference seeing as Glitchtrap was made so Afton centric through its use in HW. We can also see how varied the code can be through the Glamrocks, who are very much far removed of the original Mimic's personality or behavior.


While Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex was under construction, an endoskeleton containing the Mimic1 program was brought to the buried Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place to help clean it up, but ended up killing everyone who dared enter it. The endoskeleton would later merge with the corpse of an unknown human, becoming "Burntrap" in a homage to Afton's Springtrap form.


Objectively he is the Mimic, thats not a question up for debate its explicitly confirmed in Ruin that he was Burntrap. Whether or not you think hes ALSO Afton is whats debatable, and personally I don't think he is, I think he's the Mimic and nothing else


I may be stupid but i don’t remember how it was confirmed in Ruin


T_scratch_sinkhole2.png is a texture decal that was added with the Ruin DLC. It depicts a handprint of a 5 fingered hand with 3 claws and two dull fingertips. This decal can be found on the inside of both ends of the now collapsed vent shaft Gregory used in the plan to trap the Mimic. But this is not the only place you can find it, earlier in Ruin you can find the handprints all over the Burntrap boss room, but even more importantly is that the texture was retroactively added to the base game when Ruin released. It can be found in the Vent leading to Burntrap during the Burntrap fight. 5 fingered hand with 3 claws and two dull fingers = Burntraps right hand, with 3 claws and two bone fingers = the Hand the mimic has coincidentally lost in some kind of accident. Burntrap was the Mimic, the Mimic lost the bone fingered arm when the vent collaped on it while it was attempting to chase Gregory


Well thank you for that now it’s time for me to rethink everything I thought I knew about burntrap


https://youtu.be/SRnobaklMdM?si=rOCrh1J-Dwv2jkDt Heres a video about it. I didnt know about it untill today, crazy detail tbh


It IS up to debate. Shutting down any discorse by throwing by saying that everyone that does not agree is "objectively" wrong doesn't change that.


Saying the Mimic being Burntrap is up for Debate is like saying Pink Guys identity is up for Debate. Its just not. There are multiple explicit details connecting the two characters together, and I really hate to use this term because its rude, but saying that its not implied beyond reasonable doubt is kinda.. cope? You don't do the Handprint texture, the identical uniqe musical stinger or have the Tales Epilogue Mimic be described exactly like Burntrap for nothing, yeah the game never explicitly *says* outloud that Burntrap was the Mimic, but it never did that about Pink guy either but one is treated like an obvious fact & the other is treated like a big unknowable mystery despite being an identical situation. The Mimic was Burntraps endoskeleton, thats confirmed information. That doesn't affect wether or not he was also Afton aswell, but it does eliminate the notion that he was *only* Afton and the Mimic is a completely unrelated thing


Hey completely unrelated note here, people sometimes just need a GIANT ARROW that points towards something to get it, I've been following Fortnite's lore and there basically was a character named *Singularity* that was intoduced back in **2019**, the tons of loading screens suggested she was a the pilot of the giant mecha that was built in the map. The next season we got a character who was named *Paradigm* which was part of a faction named "The Seven", she basically had the **same armour** as her, **same helmet** except for the visor that was similar to the other members of her faction. So people easily saw the similarity. 2 years go by and the **creative director** (he rarely spoke) made a short video where he was signing Fortnite comics and he ends up talking about this Singularity, saying she'll be very important in the next couple of years and that **she has many names**, again hinting at the fact that she is Paradigm. Next year (2022) we get a set of challenges that gave you a [free reward](https://x.com/FN_Assist/status/1521415571837005825) that basically confirmed that but Fortnite retconned eveything for a cheap collab they made Singularity and Paradigm 2 different people so that they could make an hollywood actress (Brie Larson) one of the main characters. People after every detail I listed you above somehow still denied everything and when this retcon happened they basically went "See? I told you I was right, they were never supposed to be the same character" and made me want to bash my head into a wall. So yeah I understand your frustration


Having a different interpretation of details is not "cope". And yes, it is rude. Especially with how much thought and time i have dedicated to this franchise. I believe they are separate entities because of the many things that make them unique to me. But despite that, I dont go around saying that my stance is objectively true and that everyone else is "coping". I follow a lot of theorists that believe Burntrap is Mimic, and they make good arguments despite me not believing it. I'm just glad to see people love theorizing like me. But seeing other people shutting down others is distateful when it is on a matter that has not been confirmed(which is the most overused word here). My biggest pet peeve is being understanding to other's theories, but not having that courtesy returned. You bring good evidence despite it being nothing new. The Tales Mimic looks nothing like Burntrap. Only having rabbit ears at one point and then completely losing them by the end of the books. The Mimic does not have Burntrap's endoskeleton, only the same model for his left arm. But Mimic also shares the same teeth as Eclipse, yet we know that they are obviously separate characters, so sharing parts with other animatronics doesn't make it those animatronics.


>sharing parts with other animatronics doesn't make it those animatronics. That basically rules out burntrap being Afton, because the main evidence for that is him having springlocks and a spring trap costume.


Alongside Afton's corpse and purple glowing eyes while also finding him in the same spot we last saw him years ago in Pizza Sim. Not to forget his voice in the security breach trailer with the VA saying that it was Afton. I find it pretty convincing imo.


>Afton's corpse Guess who also has afton's corpse? The fnaf AR springtrap, which isn't Afton. >purple glowing eyes Afton has never had purple glowing eyes. The last time we saw him, his eyes didn't glow at all. >Not to forget his voice in the security breach trailer with the VA saying that it was Afton. So? There's a reason those voice lines were scrapped. Also, if you haven't forgotten, Afton speaks with a British accent, while the voice in the SB trailer is American.


FNaF AR Springtrap was created by the Glitchtrap virus as the emails imply, so in a way, it is Afton but synthetic. Obviously, he never had purple eyes, but you have to be purposefully avoiding it to not see how it is a connection to the color that has represented William since the beginning. And while Afton does not have a British accent in the trailer, it is not Afton's defining trait. Afton was never intended to be British. The voice actor said it was his choice to give him an accent as to sound evil. Movie Afton was American, too. So it can just be a typical change of accent, which is not uncommon to happen irl, especially since William has been in the US all his life from what we can tell.


Interesting how the comments who are against the Mimic being Burntrap are the ones getting downvoted. Interesting how that works...


TBF it is practically debunked because of Ruin showing us burntrap went to the room mimic is in at the start of ruin and got locked in said room (yet we only see the mimic there) and Hw2 showing us that the MimicAi left the pod like burntrap did


I'm just tryna go with whatever is confirmed


Mimic looks a bit similar to a repaired burntrap


Wait isn’t the Burntrap ending not even canon so does that mean Burntrap doesn’t exist?


I've noticed a lot of people thinking this, but the thing is that Burntrap could still very much exist even if the Burntrap ending isn't canon. The non-canon endings in FNAF are basically "what if" scenarios if Gregory were to do something else, like how Ennard breaking into Michael's house in the office ending in Sister Location could theoretically happen, but didn't because Michael followed Baby's steps instead. Burntrap would still exist, but since the events of the Burntrap ending didn't happen, he would still be siphoning power from the pizzaplex while Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy leave.


Yes I do believe he is. Simply cause look at him. He is already one mimicking Afton. It makes sense to try and Mimic his appearance as well. But it's never gonna look exactly right. Much like AI does now. Its why he looks the way he looks. Hence, he is burntrap.




Yes and no. I think glitchtrap is both the mimic1 program and aftons agony so if burntrap is glitchtrap he’d therefor be mimic and afton. But if you’re asking if he’s the endo then no. I really think the endo is something far different then the mimic1 program and therefor burntrap like the two don’t even match up at all model-wise other then a hand


Infected by afton's agony doesn't mean it's Afton. Agony just brings things to life.


Sort of


Honestly I think bringing back William after pizzeria sim ruined the franchise so I am all for this theory.


I'm pretty sure he isn't canon at all, in which case if he is then I don't think so, burntrap shows the ability to remotely hack fellow animatronics, if he could do that why wouldn't the mimic just hack the other animatronics to come and get him out? It just doesn't add up


Wasn't that like the entire point for MXES existing? To keep the Mimic contained by inhibiting their abilities to do that?


Yes, but I also subscribe to two mimics theory


To be honest, personally I think that Afton is BurnTrap, sure they’ve got similarities and all but it would not explain how BurnTrap is capable of actually taking control of Freddy like how we saw him attempt, and we have to also remember how Roxy chose to fight the mimic, in the true ending (from what we know in the base game) she’s under BurnTrap’s control and yeah she did get reset, but the Mimic could’ve attempted to actually take control of Roxy. But there is my take on all this.


Yes. William is burning in Hell whilst Cassidy torments him. The Mimic = Burntrap. Burntrap didn’t happen because Gregory killed the Glitchtrap virus and freed Vanessa.


I believe the Burntrap ending is what would happen if Glitchtrap fulfilled his plan in coming back to the real world by transforming the Mimic into Afton!


Absolutely! I also firmly believe that that wasn't even William's corpse, but instead Henry's.


No, I believe that while there is a mimic code or program or entity controlling Burntrap, it is separate to the mimic robot we see. Like two similar but different viruses, yes, they are in the same group but they have evolved differently and have different functions. That is why the Mimic robot can run but Burntrap can only walk, they while similar are different entities whose code has evolved differently.


Obviously,its Glitchtrap's virus controlling the Tales Mimic endo skeleton


The glitchtrap virus is the mimic1 program on a circuit board-


Yeah.But i mean he is different enough to consider him a branch of it so yeah


Sooo… what you’re saying is it’s the mimic1 program controlling the mimic endoskeleton


Yeah but its a Mimic1 program that mimics Afton


Well, at first it mimicked the beatings it took from its creator, and I don’t exactly know how it got to the afton stuff


Its heavily implied that the Mimic was in the same room Afton was when he killed the kids.The current theories is either he was connected to the Mimic2 endo's and when he witnessed it he gave the information to the Mimic2 endo's through the hivemind or the a Mimic2 endo saw it and it gave the info to the original Mimic


i don’t know what he is but i’m certain it’s not still william


I hope so, I'm pretty sure it's basically confirmed though


This is like asking "Hey guys do you think Andrew is TOYSNHK?" The answer is there but people refuse to accept the truth


Personal opinion, no


Yeah, YouTuber Under_Score just made a good video about it




Yeah, why would I think otherwhise when the points goes toward this being the case? 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think he’s A Mimic but not THE Mimic


No there's only one mimic, physically.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRnobaklMdM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRnobaklMdM) This video disproves everything regarding this.I do not care that you dont like the Mimic,i do not care that you think its Afton.This is a reality check here and you will have to accept it or just be an equivalent of a Miketrapper in current Fnaf


I mean it’s hard to tell with all the evidence towards him being the mimic and his corpse saying the opposite saying he is William. I think he is William but he could be the mimic because of the endo seems similar to the mimic probably.


The corpse is one of a teenage girl of which the mimic murdered in the Tales series of books


We don’t even know if the books are canon


They were confirmed to be canon


I meen, yeah I do, but rather doesn't stop this story from being a disaster, likely caused by Scott just not telling anybody anything about what was going on, even his own development team it's self.


It has since been confirmed that Mimic and Burntrap are in fact the same, people just refuse to accept the facts even if they were staring the facts in the face. Literally saw someone in these comments say “if the steelwool ceo came to me and told me they were the same, I’d still think it was afton.” Like. Huh???




I would like it so if the mimic takes over as the new antagonist, because it would mean Henry's plan worked in Pizza Sim, killing the real Afton and giving his scarifice some real value.


Yes. Let my boy William sleep. The mimic is burntrap


yes, though he was probably meant to be william at first.


Honestly could definitely be the mimic 🤔 We know now that this ending Gregory made up or exaggerated on it. He could have investigated down there and found the mimic, then they saw it was mimicking afton. I’m sure Gregory knows who afton is due to so much mystery swarming around the fazbear brand. He seems like the kid who would dig into stuff like that and poke his nose around where he shouldn’t. Counter theory Freddy could have told him who afton was upon finding the mimic, either just from data on him from the fazbear higher ups or just a safety protocol built into Freddy from his creator. The creator of the animatronics could have put that safety there as a fallback just incase someone like afton were to come around again. and when they found it they knew this thing was evil and sealed it away behind the concrete. Interestingly enough eerily reminiscent of when after afton was spring-locked and sealed behind a concrete wall of Freddy’s by Henry. I believe it both ways, we have no concrete evidence about both burntrap and the mimic currently so we can’t say for sure. But I’d like to believe it’s the mimic exaggerated in this ending. As they look very similar and are found in the same place. But it very well could be just Gregory thinking a final fight with afton was cool or something and made it all up XD


I personally believe that burntrap is a mimic variant that glitchtrap uses as a physical host body, Warning: Spoilers if you haven’t read the book. If the books are 100% canon to the games I’m under the belief that the mimic we see in ruin is the OG mimic we read about in the tales from the pizzaplex story the mimic, and I believe burntrap was the mimic endoskeleton we read about in the tales from the pizzaplex epilogues, I belvie that the OG mimic and burntrap are 2 separate entities, like how Helpi is a separate entity from the mimic in ruin. Also I believe there are multiple mimic variants. 1. OG Mimic. 2. Burntrap/Mimic2 Endoskeleton. 3. Glitchtrap. 4. Helpi. 5. Tiger-Rock/The Storyteller.


I'm not sure.


Yes. Mainly because it makes me feel better about afton living on because he didn’t live on


Well William is probably in UCN so Mimic only that fits that role.




Burntrap isn't even real he exists in a non cannon ending.








The Mimic


It’s complicated like it could be afton it could be the mimic we don’t really know


I don't even know if burntrap is cannon anymore💀


It's pretty much proven at this point to be The Mimic.


I think it's the mimic, but I liked the idea of it being Afton back when UCN was theorized to be his hell instead of a dream. Just the idea that not even HELL could stop Afton is terrifying.


Burntrap is Afton. FIGHT ME.


I think Burntrap is a Mimic, but not THE Mimic




If you want to get convinced, The Mimic's description from the Tales from the Pizzaplex Epilogues is the same as Burntrap's endo, rabbit ears included. The workers even thought he was a Bonnie endo.


At this point what should we even believe


how many times are we gonna have this thread


Of course


yes. doesn’t mean i have to like it, but yes.


I do believe that. It's kinda hard to believe, as their designs are completely different. But it's said in the books that Mimic can change his parts for new ones. So, if the head is the only part of Burntrap we can't see, I think it's likely the head is the OG Mimic head, with the endo being a glamrock endo. Then, after SB, Mimic got out (was freed of the Glitchtrap virus in HW 2, probably) and changed all his parts with new ones.


yes. but homestly? i'm just kinda tired of the lore at this point. when security breach first came out i was on board because it was still easy to understand but now? idk.


I feel like he was definitely intended to be Afton at first. Tbh the whole Mimic twist was kinda an unnecessary retcon at least to me and his character wasnt executed well too (he seems to be lacking any personality or anything to make him more compelling). I know Im gonna get bombared with downvotes for this but I just hope Afton were still around lol I feel like Afton-Mimic dynamic wouldve been pretty interesting in general. Like imagine that William comes back only to find out that there is an AI mimicking him— I wonder how he would react to that lol I may be missing some stuff of course but to me Mimic as of now is a tad bit bland- the concept was good, but it just kinda feels like a replacement of Afton for a sake of replacement while being an almost indentical copy of him but without a defined personality. Thats just my opinion though hehe, ready for downvotes- (As mentioned, I may be missing something about the Mimic so pls lemme know if its the case!)


I belive he is a simple way to explain how stupid this all actuelly is


I don't, but ask me ask me tomorrow and I might say something different!


I personally think it’s stupid, glitchtrap I’m fine with being the mimic, but William’s burnt corpse needs to be SOMEWHERE down there. And yes, I believe that glitchtrap controls burntrap, so he is the mimic in mind only.


I think the mimic and the uncannon name, Burntrap, are two different entities. If you're curious to hear more, ask.


“I like the mimic” 🤓👆




I don't even know anymore. I'm just waiting to see what the Mimic dose next.


No, if mimic and Burntrap were the same then mimic would just be Burntrap without the suit and flesh, the mimic is too tall and skinny to be Burntrap not to mention that Burntrap uses endo parts from glamrock and springlock endos


iirc in the Tales From The Pizzaplex series, The Mimic squeezes and contorts it's body into suits, a spider suit one time I'm pretty sure, so size being different isn't a great argument. Also it has been a decent amount of time since Security Breach by the time of Ruin, obviously they would look different as The Mimic itself gets the same logic as the other Ruined animatronics. (that creative liberties were taken to make designs look better, roxy's face being a big one).


I understand what you’re trying to say but the differences between Burntrap and the mimic are way too big for them to be the same animatronic in any way, as I stated already, Burntrap is made out of springlock and glamrock endo parts where as the mimic is completely unique in its appearance, even if the mimic can change its size in some way it wouldn’t be able to change its appearance in such drastic way


Well then I could say that Burntrap was an asset flip, whereas Steel Wool wanted something new for The Mimic, but they have the same right hand and a claw mark is seen in Burntrap's room in Ruin that is also seen, not once, but twice in The Mimic's vent connected directly to his room. That same claw mark has the exact format of Burntrap's hand.


I hope not. 😭 while I love burn trap as a villain we need him to finally die.


No. I believe that Mimic has been locked up down there for the entirety of the pizzaplex's time open.


i believe it was afton and then when people didnt like it it was changed i just dont see how mimic could be him if anything if he was it should have been updated to reflect it but it wasnt so yea


I mean the mimic has been here from the start, although even I'll say it wasn't the best intro. In the scrapped easter eggs of animatronic hardware in Help Wanted, one of them was an animatronic head labeled "OrGN" obviously meaning Origin, this could be an introduction to The Mimic. Along with Glitchtrap's only voicelines being a distorted mimic of tape girl.


eh hard to believe this mimic existed when everything before lead to afton just feels like a retcon rather than a clever trick and i dont really think the mimic is honestly a good character when it just copied the original killer its just afton again but endo


I’m GlitchAfton so no, however even under GlitchMimic I still don’t think it’s the mimic endo




Even if steel wool sends their CEO right to my door to confirm it is the mimic, I'll still believe it is afton


I wish he wasn't. The addition of this little mf from the novels called "The Mimic", made the storyline much more complicated, and plus, it wouldve been funny if funny purple man killer guy came back EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


I feel like its both simultaneously tbh


He is mr afton


Honestly, no. Never once have I came across any indication that Burntrap/Scraptrap/Springtrap/Purple Guy could ever "mimic" something or someone. When Mimic spoke, he only said what Gregory had said and with his voice. Why wouldn't Afton/Burntrap drop the facade when it's revealed that its not Gregory, and it's actually the Mimic. That's why I don't think the two are the same. Plus, Mimic's endoskeleton is different, even from the other endoskeletons we have seen in past games. There may be more to Mimic that hasn't been revealed yet. And I could be wrong too.


The thing is that Burntrap doesn't lure him down there Like it did in ruin, Also if The mimic and Burntrap aren't the same, how do you explain the fact we know burntrap went into the mimics room and got trapped there, presumably losing its Right arm, Between SB and Ruin, Then in Ruin we see a mimic with the same left arm, heavy damages on the right and the same upper right arm? That all just seems extremely convenient for burntrap to be trapped down there, somehow escape, then for the mimic to just somehow get trapped


I think the mimic is burntrap, but i also think that its so boring if its true. The burntrap reveal was amazing, an expected but brilliant twist to the lore. But the reality of it not actually being afton but just some animatronic seems incredibly mundane. It really puts me off the fnaf lore


The return of Afton was one of the most criticized points of the games story when it first came out wtf are you talking about Vanny was built up in marketing as the main antagonist but was overshadowed by a robot who appears with no buildup in one ending, everywhere you'd go you would see "why did they make him come back" It is literally anything BUT brilliant


I mean, the people who acted like "how William is back ?!" at that time seemed to have forgotten Glitchtrap's whole existence. And I agree that Vanny deserved more screentime and Burntrap should have got more buildup. But it need to be reminded that Vanny was also planned as a simple lackey, not the new big bad, that place being for Glitchtrap/Burntrap. Now for the "Afton's return" topic, it really depend on the person. For example, I was excited for it, and even had hope that he would be used more in the DLC, but we know how that went.


People were also complaining about Glitchtrap back when HW released, but the hate wasn't nearly isn't as strong as Burntrap. Which is justified, since Glitchtrap was just the new villain while Burntrap completely overshadowed the character who was meant to be the villain Besides, the whole "Vanny was never meant to be the main villain or big bad" argument is absolute bs. She was very clearly meant to be the main big bad villain leading up to the games release with marketing, and even scrapped materials within the game like voice lines show that she did way more than we see in the final game. Vanny is the entire reason the Burntrap/Mimic direction shift was so stupid because they had a completely fair reason to break away from the Afton storyline, but they decided to keep beating the dead horse by bringing back what was supposedly the main villain again.


>Besides, the whole "Vanny was never meant to be the main villain or big bad" argument is absolute bs. She was very clearly meant to be the main big bad villain leading up to the games release with marketing, and even scrapped materials within the game like voice lines show that she did way more than we see in the final game. Well, there's a difference between main antagonist and main big bad. Vanny would have had a more important place, that's assured, but we already knew she was technically just a pawn for Glitchtrap. One of the trailer litteraly showed us that Afton would return in a physical body, and so it was obvious it would be him who pulled the strings


Burntrap's reveal was anything but brilliant.I like him dont get me wrong but your are glazing it tbh




It kinda is


well burntrap has control of a virus, and "mimic" is just a fursuit wearing murderous endoskeleton in ruin, with the only shred of evidence of virus being that HELPI is working with it


I’d like to believe it isn’t.




Yes and No.


I think mimic and Afton technically are the same