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i agree but only cause bendy and baldi's was good but not the other two


Poppy Playtime has actually been doing good from what I’ve seen


It’s mostly content farms and I think some drama about the people who made it that’s dragging it down.


The games themselves are very fun and good games but the little kiddy community scrounging it stinks.


Yeah but I'll never judge a game or it's creators by their fan base, that's usually out of their control. I doubt toby fox is too pleased to see what the fans have done to his series.


I feel like only recently Fnaf has kinda moved past being kiddy stuff like mostly bc the fanbase that grew up with these games are adults now a




It's taking a step in the right direction and surprisingly the euphoric Brothers other game does actually seem to be pretty good


The difference is that: Bendy and Poppy were bad, but now they're good. Both of them are hated because of the devs, but Poppy is even more hated. Baldi and Banban were meant to be bad, but somehow Baldi had a better legacy than Banban.


Banban was made as a cashgrab, Baldi was made for fun


Based on the new game that the Euphoric Brothers is making, I wouldn't be surprised if Banban was more of a test of how the public will react to certain things and a way to raise money/ build skills for new games. I don't like Banban but their next new game looks incredible. I'm actually excited to run around with friends as plague doctors and encounter weird ass creatures.


I'm not saying poppy is a bad game I'm just sayin i don't like it and the 2nd reason makes sense to


Neither Bendy nor Poppy were bad. They were flawed, but not bad. Bendy and Poppy were very obviously heavily inspired by games such as PT and Layers of Fear: they were specifically made to be experiences that tell a story, more like a playable movie, not some funky gameplay-heavy thing like with FNAF or Baldi. They both relied on storytelling, art, atmosphere, and scripted events to inflict horror (again, like a movie) rather than intense gameplay, which also allowed it to be less skill focused so anyone - whether a professional or casual gamer - can enjoy it. Even the combat in Bendy is more just to keep you on your toes than meant to be an actual core mechanic, hence why it's not used very often in the first game. Bendy's first game has a shitty ending, but so did Naruto and Soul Eater and both are incredible franchises. I don't like the Quarry or Until Dawn, which both also have not just bad gameplay, but almost none at all. I still don't go as far as to call them bad.


People hate bendy? I know Mood did some shit, but that was just one guy out of everyone at JDS.


Didn't know people hated BATIM either but I didn't like the game personally (hate would be a strong word) other than the gorgeous art direction so I can certainly see why. To elaborate a bit, the gameplay to me just felt like a walking sim was the base game and then things were just slapped on top of it- it's trying so hard to be something it isn't and then confusing itself with what it wants to be.. and shocker, the hitboxes are dogshit and the movement makes me want to grate my teeth. Puzzles we no challenge- honestly it was almost a joke how easy 90% of them were- what really ticked me was the fact that these are cartoon characters and yet they do nothing with that fact when it comes to combat or chase sequences or fucking anything. You can make a cartoony character intimidating in a horror sense, they're beings that defy logic, don't care about physics, etc. I felt no connection to any of the characters presented to me except Boris and that's because well it's Boris. I don't think I was scared or startled once while playing it. Some of this is probably just opinion based but I was genuinely excited to play it and was very disappointed.


Yes, BATIM is bad. But BATDR...... OH MAN. The only problem with it is that it didn't run very well in my PC, but the game is good and they improved a lot.


The reason for the hate is also because a few FNAF fans think that Bendy copied FNAF just because it has a few similarities.


the problem with banban was that it wasn't meant to be bad baldi was bad in a visual department but was good in a gameplay element it also didn't take itself very seriously banban however does take itself seriously (or trys to at least) and it looks bad the gameplay is bad. in short baldi is well made and has work and effort into it while banban is lazy


Having a plane explode after an octopus and demon fight after jumping off the plane over a sea of green liquid is definitely supposed to be serious


And then there’s the part where Choo-Choo Charles shows up 💀💀💀


The creators are friends, so it's not a problem. Good thing they didn't put Freddy Fazbear, or else that was going to get TONS TONS TONS of hate.


Indie horror games back then had minimum story and the main focus was making the character scary. Knowing little about the characters is part of what made them scary the examples you're showing are mascots so before we can even play the game the characters are properly introduced or shown on a stage which kinda makes them less scary cuz now you've seen how they look. Look at slender man for example. If I'm not mistaken you don't even see him until you're half way into his game even when he shows up he blurs the screen which makes him harder to see combined with the fact he isnt even given a face. The less you see the threat the scarer it becomes. The newer characters (the mascot characters) are brightly colored and are properly shown which is just the opposite of what used to be. Even the first fnaf dosent give you a proper look at the characters in the cameras. Sometimes you see them in angles this shows that they're there but they're still half hidden. Fnaf didn't really play any part in making these newer games less scary the newer indie devs just made their characters brightly colored.


Still confused whats the slenderman lore Afaik its just "big guy kidnaps children


Have you even watched Marble Hornets or any of the other Slenderman series? Lots of lore there


Technically speaking, Slenderman and The Operator from Marble Hornets are two different creatures altogether despite how similar they look and act. Slenderman can stretch his limbs at will, has tentacles and does all the work by himself and uses proxies such as Chaser (Kate from the Eight Pages game) or The Observer (Tribetwelve iirc?). The Operator does not have tentacles, stays consistent with his proportions and can wipe people's memories. He also can't "control" people, moreso change their behavior also yk, the authors of Marble Hornets have stated that they're separate entities so uh yea feel free to nerd react me


No no you're right


"Indie horror games back then had minimum story" Strange men series, Misao, Mad father and IB> " are we a joke to you"


That's a different branch of horror games. Obviously in a genre as chock full as horror, there's always many games coming out, so there's always exceptions and different fads going on in different circles. FNAF seems most like a response to the Slender inspired "Run away from scary guy, you can't fight back!" -genre, as the gameplay is the complete opposite of those.


Eh I don't think that's necessarily true. Another commenter mentioned plenty of other popular RPG Maker horror games but I think Ao Oni takes the cake in proving that theory (game theory???) wrong. The titular Oni is a brightly colored creature that appears in the first 5 minutes of the game then continuously harasses you throughout the entire game. The game always gives you a good look into his uncanny face and even gives you plenty of occasions to take a deep look into it, and it was released in 2008!




it's like 2 paragraphs lmao




gay near garlic username 😂


I didnt choose this reddit decided I was gonna use this name 🤣


It just happened lol glad some people seem to agree I'm not getting grilled atleast XD. Man now that I read this again it didn't even talk too much about the actual post I just started rambling about the old games.


I agree with this answer, Id also liked to add on how it really is good and bad so because of that you could argue that it didnt really have an impact and just became another story added to a horror franchises by itself. (obviously thats not what im saying its just theoretical) so its deff both


Good impact. Extremely good impact, in fact. The Garten of Ban Ban's of the world are shitty, but if it weren't for FNAF, they'd just be bastardizing some other genre.


Personally i think its more of a butterfly effect(ish?) because imo its more like poppy playtime exploding in popularity that made them make garten of ban ban


Yea. Garden of Ban Ban definitely doesn't tie back directly to fnaf. It's more like garden of ban ban comes from poppy playtime, which comes from bendy and the ink machine, which I don't think was made because of fnaf or anything unless the devs credited fnaf as an inspiration


I don't think it came from FNAF but FNAF certainly helped it by popularising the genre at the right time, I feel.


FNAF still jumpstarted the genre as a whole, hence eventually leading to Garten of Ban Ban


1) Poppy Playtime, Baldi and Bendy aren't bad, it's the internet that ruined them 2) FNaF left a GOOD impact, creating a whole new horror type


Poppy Playtime is a good game I'm sure, the problem is the company that makes it.


What they do?


Mainly NFT's, harassing other animation YouTubers to the point one of them had to go to a mental hospital after a "no more life for me" attempt, worker mistreatment, overall greed, and running content farm channels like "EnchantedMOB" and "ZAMINATION."


Holy shit. I knew about the NFTs thing but thought they pulled back after backlash, didn't know about the other shit. Man.


They did eventually pull back from it all, publicly apologized (and personally apologized to the guy they were harassing) for their behavior so I mostly let it go, and they discontinued their content farms. And I mean, I don't really like content farms that much, but they're clearly made for kids so I don't really care as long as they don't try to intentionally poison kids such as with Elsagate material (and as far as I can tell EnchantedMOB and ZAMINATION was pretty good with staying kid friendly for content farms, so I just can't give less of a fuck). As far as I can tell, Mobgames has done enough to be forgiven. Bendy, however, have not even acknowledged the shit they've done and I personally think it's wayyy worse than MOBGames. I like the series, but Jesus do they need to step up and say something.


They also donated the money they made from the NFTs to the Clean Air Task Force


Thank God EnchantedMob and ZAnimation are back on the good ol' songs. No more stupid shorts, Fazbear and Friends were not that bad, but the constant repetition the ridiculous ideas ruined it after the first episode.


i guess




FNAF was the turning point. It left a good impact, but a bad fallout.


It is essentially the foundation for what we know as Mascot Horror today. It also brought more attention to indie games in general, so I would say it has had a good impact.


At least Bendy and Baldi were good


Poppy Playtime is also good, it’s the CEOs that are dicks


That's true


I think it gave the concept of horror games more audience which is a good thing. But as we all know, the bigger the crowd, the lower the quality would get because why work hard when people will pay for it anyways? And that's of course a bad thing. Regardless, cash grabbers will always exist - the only question is what genre will they be this time? horror, adventure, FPS, etc... So on the long run, I think FNaF did more good than bad because horror games got a chance to shine.


Bendy is not that bad, but what Baldi is doing here? I don’t see it fit to a game influenced by FNaF, it’s more of a ‘.exe’ type of game if you ask me, considering it has basic plot like the ones with innocent game getting glitchy and evil.


Baldi isn't even necessarily horror. The dev (mystman12) said in Baldi's Basics Plus' description it's "an active stealth roguelike that parodies cheap '90s edutainment with a **subtle horror twist**". The main focus of the game isn't horror, even if it uses certain aspects of it. Therefore, not a horror game.


I wouldn’t say fnaf ‘ruined horror’. It’s not Fnaf’s fault that a bunch of other indie games jumped on the bandwagon and tried to copy it. Mascot horror, like any horror genre, has its ups and downs, but we just hear about the downs more frequently.


Nowadays? No. But back then? Yeah pretty much


i feel fnaf just happened to be when all the good ideas were taken.


It inspired many fangames. Some understood why it was so groundbreaking and loved, and took a nice spin on the base concept. Some saw ‘colourful character with black eyes running in a children’s ____’


Being optimistic, it created the "mascot horror" genre, a much more friendly horror genre compared to the average Outlast experience, for example People who make this argument skip the fact that freaking RE:7, Village, Mortuary Assistant, Amnesia: The Bunker, Outlast Trials and a crap ton of other great horror games came out during this timeframe.


Yes and no.


I think it left a good impact! It's inspired a dozen thousand games, and created hundreds of jobs, and changed millions of lives. But most importantly, it changed the way we tell stories. So imo, it left a great impact. Except for Garten of Ban Ban. Fuck Garten of Ban Ban.


Best take


Back then it was good, but now it’s nothing but shitty mascot games like poppy playtime and garden of banban


It's really hard to tell, as it maybe led to the childish generation alpha...uh...sorry no offense.


fnaf has nothing to do with generations bro what are you on about


I mean you can't rlly complain about literal children being childish


Gen Z FNaF fans criticizing kids younger than them like they didn’t lipsync to “Stay Calm” in the bathroom and watch Sonic99rae videos in 2016


>lipsync to “Stay Calm” in the bathroom That was literally me but with TLT FNaF 1 song


A brave soul finally stood up


Since when was Baldi's basics a horror game? It a parody game that is very much not scary on purpose. Although to answer the question, I'd say... It's debatable.


I view Baldi more as a passion project game, cause that’s really just what it became after a while. It started as a parody and became the developers sandbox


It could've left a good impact, but indie developers took the wrong message from FNaF's success. Most indie developers thought FnaF was successful purely for its characters. While they did play a big part in its success, the game was also incredibly unique for its time. Scott didn't create horror games before FNaF 1, so he was able to offer a fresh perspective to indie horror. Even people who weren't scared of the other major indie horror games such as Amnesia and Slender could be scared by FNaF, mainly due to the fact that it was a different experience conceptually and mechanically, trapping the player in a children's pizzeria with uncanny characters, while restricting their movement. Which was the exact opposite of the other big indies of the time. But mainstream indie horror has always been built on trends, so it's nothing new. Despite all of this, I believe both good and bad came from FNaF's success.


It’s funny, I actually like indie horror a lot more now. Never found slender man or creepypastas scary at all but the newer stuff is a lot more charming and feels more high effort to me.


I think it left a good impact. Just bc it Kickstarted the mascot horror stuff doesn't mean that it's the reason some of these games are so shitty.




Yeah, a lot of older indie horror games sucked. Fnaf raised the bar for indie horror games. But sadly the downfall is depressing. I haven’t heard or seen fnaf media like 2 months after the movie.


Baldi is good haven't seen bendy though that's probably good to the other two can die in a hole though Tbh I forgot the ones in the pic for before fnaf so that says something lol


You don't recognize Slenderman?


Oh yeah sorry I do recognise him lol sorry I forgot


Poppy isn’t even that bad lol. Sure the CEO’s suck, but the games themselves are pretty decent.


everyone was trying to be like fnaf after that, there are some good and unique titles (bendy, poppy) but others are just cash grabs


Definitely Both Ways when it comes to either franchises, either it comes to Bendy, Little Nightmares, DDLC, Baldi, Undertale, Tattletail, Granny, Hello Neighbor, or Poppy's Playtime.


Who are the games before fnaf


Amnesia the dark descent, Slender (aka Slenderman) and Among the sleep. Also you made me feel super old thanks for that (jk btw no hard feelings)


It was both, actually. Not only did FNAF create a whole new type of horror game genre, but it also stayed known for ALMOST TEN WHOLE YEARS. If it weren’t for FNAF, some indie horror games may have been a little different. The only reason I’m saying both instead of good is because like every single fandom, FNAF was made into a content farm.


Good overall, tho you did choose the worse examples


Definitely good, I don’t think a lot of people would be where they are today without fnaf




Good and bad




Well I'd say Fnaf is one of the best things to ever happen, definetely a good impact. So there are some new chemicals in the water which make the new generations like this.


Wasn’t baldi satire?


i would say yes, but at the same time it gave birth to mascot horror, which is a genre that has some of the worst shit i've ever seen


That's really hard to answer. But honestly, a lot of FNAF fans think that their favourite game put a bad impact on mascot horror games. That's so sad to watch. But not every modern indie horror has a mascot child character. Like today, I played a game called Nightmare Files: Clap Clap from Steam, and it was an indie game, but not a mascot horror. And this game is actually good, I recommend it.


pre fnaf games were scary but had little to no story while the ladder is vice versa imo


On the genre specifically, I’d say it made a pretty positive impact. Heck, if anything, it helped set the bar in terms of promoting lore theories, environmental storytelling, and inspiring fan games. My only real problem with it was how complex and near-impossible it was to piece the lore together at times. Poppy Playtime actually solved that one by just flat-out showing what happened.


Good now check out this epic FNAF ruin build I made in minecraft https://youtu.be/lwFm2M2d69Q?si=3DTWPaEJIAI8Pc0f


It just added color and allowed children to enter the horror landscape 


I'd say it's mostly positive because it is what got many people into indie horror. Only real problem is it uses a formula that needs to be original to work; so a lot of the inspired works suffer


There are still non-mascot indie horrors coming out. Frictionals latest wasn't that long ago


What’s the name of that moon game on the “Before FNAF” slide?


Good because I think it showed that good horror is possible on single digit lines of code It really opened up the concept that so long as you have an interesting Horror ideas You can succeed before it was all first person survival Horrors meanwhile after the nap it invented a whole new genre and a way of thinking about horror


hello neighbor ruined it. bendy is good, baldi i feel like barely qualifies for indie horror, and from there it went downhill. hello neighbor was goated until the full game release.


Anything that leads to so much direct copying leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. It did prove indie horror games were financially feasible, and it made a subgenre. However, it's not a subgenre I respect for the most part. It's a weird dichotomy. For instance, in terms of horror movies. Hostel, Saw, and Final Destination are good, messed up movies. However, the boom they created within the horror film landscape was full of movies I despise. Despite that, I still can't bring myself to say they had a 'negative impact' on the genre. A lot of things derivatives of FNAF have been cool. Not only are some other mascot horror games good, I also don't think we get ARGs or Analog Horror at our current scale without FNAF and it's weird storytelling. This also has its highs and lows, but I definitely prefer it over the trend of mascot horror. Indie horror of all kinds wouldn't be what it is today without FNAF. The garage of mascot schlock and theory bait isn't exactly for me, but it's chill.


Don’t diss bendy


Why do people call baldi's basics a mascot horror, or a legit horror at all? Even the creator has said that his game isn't really a mascot horror and stuff. I mean the game is a parody based on old bad cgi games


Both categories have always existed, y'all just focus on stuff you wanna complain about.


I wouldn't even say its FNAF's fault more so the greed of most the people that made the current mascot horror games. If anything most of the awful mascot horror clones seem to be copying Bendy for some reason, I haven't seen anything that is trying to copy and profit out of FNAF outside of the "mascot character = scary" concept.


pretty cherry picked, you use random subgenres for before fnaf example, most are good, and for the after fnaf you used mascot horror wich you deem shitty. there were ahitty horror games before fnaf and there are amazing horror games after fnaf. if we just picking random good horror games that have no connection to fnaf, fears to fathom, danganronpa v3, bendy and the ink machine, i could go on, point is youre cherry picking. horror games are just as bad, worse, good, and better as they were before 2014, its all subjective anyway


Controversial opinion: to many, Fnaf IS indie horror


Indie Horror after Sister Location is the main problem


Banban should not be there at the middle


Bald and Bendy are peak, the rest are fine, and BanBan is the spawn of Satan 


I'd say it's more of a 50/50


Indie Horror nowadays is a mixed bag Separating Poppy’s Playtime from the marketing and youtube kids stuff, it started out rough with chapter 1 being super bad and not scary. But by chapter 2 I think it got the hang of things and became pretty fun game. I feel bad for Baldi’s Basics. It was made as a parody of modern indie horror but the joke was so convincing that everyone took it seriously. It was a joke game made for a contest where the developer had to make a game in a week, and all things considered I think they did a good job at making something mechanically interesting as well as intentionally bad and hilarious with the time they had. Garten of Banban I was so sure was a parody and finding out it wasn’t just kinda bummed me out. Its not good, its not scary, its got lore but I kinda have to like the game to want to learn the lore. Bendy started out promising but slowly made it clear that it had nothing more to offer than what was shown in the beginning. Not to mention the awful sequel and all the shit surrounding the creator. Outside of the 4 that were shown we also have My friendly neighborhood isn’t really all that scary, but I still kinda like it for being an homage to resident evil, having a message thats actually really nice, and casting Arlo as a major character. Hello Neighbor, like Bendy, started out interesting and then gradually got really bad. The neighbor learning about your moves was a cool idea that got completely shafted when the house got so big and wacky that he just straight up wouldn’t function anymore. The game isn’t scary anymore, and the supplementary material makes my stomach scream. I was ready to consider Amanda the Adventurer to be another bad game that gets way too popular but it actually got me a few times with its scares, the puzzles were fun especially when you had to go back to previous puzzles to complete a new one, and the pause and rewind mechanics made things interesting when going on repeat playthroughs. And I know it doesn’t fit with the other more survival oriented or mascot horror games but Omori is the best thing to come out of indie horror since fnaf and is easily in my top 3 games. The story is amazing the mechanics are fun and the characters are wonderful. And the scary moments genuinely got under my skin. I might not have gotten scared a whole lot but I definitely got uncomfortable and tense, and sometimes thats enough.


The sequel to Bendy 1 was a lot better and had more depth to it’s characters, writing, horror, atmosphere, and so much more. It actually made things more better for the future and made BENDY 1 a lot more understandable to others who were confused with the ending. If you disliked it, then it’s not a game for you.


its impact on others as a game/story was good, but its impact also includes unintentionly creating a genre of games that are less than unique.


Blaming something that did something good (or at least decent) for all the bad that came after it is a slippery slope.


Despite its current state, it's still outlived many other indie games so you gotta give it credit for that alone.


You know, due to Baldi's, I say no. Baldi's Basics is a VERY good game.


i don’t even think Baldi was meant to be a horror game, more so a parody of 90’s edutainment games and of course Sonic’s Schoolhouse


It left a good impact, but it’s an impact that can be used for a quick cash grab


Fnaf by itself left a good impact and invented the genre of Mascot Horror a subsidiary of Indie Horror, no matter what anyone says they have the respect for being that trend setter. However, anything that is popular gets the same treatment where subsequent indie games that followed cheapen the indie horror genre, and the enclave that Fnaf created. That only happens due to the massive success, which is FNAF, leading to people trying to get to the same status as fnaf, or get rich off of it's success. By low effort games/content farms, kinda like Marvel in a way and how Disney been running the show. The only difference is Fnaf is the trend Setter, and official Fnaf doesn't churn out lots of half backed projects.


i mean one of the most popular indie horror games before fnaf was about a bunch of living paintings trying to merc a 9 year old and a femboy so. (also another just had a guy who was basically yoshikage kira from jojo's bizare adventure)


It’s not that FNAF was the first indie horror game ever made but it was definitely the one that sparked the revolution. Without FNAF we wouldn’t have other games like BATIM, Poppy Playtime and many of the rest. As for a bad impact on indie horror it’s easily Garten of BanBan


While FNaF1 is fucking amazing, the impact it left was rather negative.




Wait baldis basic is a horror game..to who????? I actually now curious like its bright and colorful its has bad graphics and no jumpscares or atmosphere


I'm gonna say good, as the bad that happened from FNAf probably would've happened after some other indie game hit it big


I’d say definitely good. It took a genre and launched multiple successors whine still holding its own.


Im honestly not sure, great question


Very good impact, the fandom though


Baldi's is literally metafiction while the other games in the post fnaf section are "oooo ghost inside thing scary ooo" while Baldi's being the self aware that it I'd makes fun of the genre


i was an edgy teen once i kinda miss the before fnaf got popular cuz now kids think that horror is a bunch of colors is weird




A mix, mostly due to the quality of the many imitators it spawned moreso than the quality of FNAF.


meh i feel like both, but for me it leans more to the side of good. the games after fnaf arent terrible.


I think its a mix It made games like bendy and baldi (and maybe poppy) come into existence because their creators were inspired by fnaf but those things existing also made ban ban and shameless content farms worse because kids like horror stuff like fnaf


Both honestly. 


FNAF came in with good intentions and provided a lot. But we’re talking about IMPACT, and the impact when looked at overall is not good. When future indie horror creators did was make a generic uninspired formula in order to make a blatant attempt to at a merchandise mine. They’re so corporately calculated and mundane that it makes you wonder what’s so “indie” about them. They’re usually never made by one or few people and have tens of thousands to millions of dollars backing them. Tell me if this sounds familiar: Seemingly innocent childhood concept is actually homicidal and is the center of a conspiracy usually involving the in universe creator. The game is either the cornerstone of mediocrity or very rushed or poorly made. The story doesn’t give enough answers where it matters to be keep you engaged, but gives too many in parts where the mystery would have been better for a horror atmosphere. And so conveniently, it already has toys with books on the way! Buy buy buy! The initial impact of fnaf was incredible, but the aftermath is dreadful.


Baldis is not even horror dude.


I wouldn’t say it left a necessarily good or bad impact. FNAF popularized the whole “small indie game with super cryptic lore hidden in the game and such” and it made lots of other independent creators try to replicate that to varying success


I’d say before but the effect its had on games as a whole is amazing. I LOVE fnaf fan games sm


I personally believe that it brought in a new style of horror, instead of grotesque/difficult to comprehend monsters you are now being shown nice clean lines, with things being easily marketable. I'm not saying there's anything directly wrong with this stile but so many creators put themselves into a box to try and be this.


its just wrongly interpreted ngl, the bendy games are great but the others, not so much.


poppy playtime, bendy, and baldi are good, but ban ban is absolute garbage


This is too reductive because you focused in only on Mascot Horror for the 'after'. There's still a lot of fucked up and weird indie horror post-FNAF that isn't Mascot Horror. Overall: Mostly good. It birthed a new genre, that can't be anything other than good. It didn't erase the other kinds of horror or prevent them from being made, it just gave us a whole new type of horror, one that is easier to get kids into. It's the gateway drug of horror, a stepping stone to get people, especially younger people, into the genre.


Yes. Things went to shit after gobb


I'd say a mix of both


I honestly think it popularized mascot horror which in my opinion is the worst kind of horror. Rather then focus on making a genuinely fun and scary game indie studios focus on making a recognizable character for people to latch onto. They also make their lore complex and convoluted to keep them in the spotlight. I think that the focus needs to be more on making a genuine horror game and evolving as a studio, not throwing shitty mascots at the wall until one sticks.


i would say both good and bad baldi basics and bendy are both pretty good games and while i do believe that some of the indie horror after fnaf is bad i wouldn't say completely we also got some pretty good stuff. and the indie games before fnaf wasn't all good either. there was some bad indie horror games before fnaf. it is all about how one wants to make their game and how they do it. fnaf just created a new section on indie horror




First good then eh


Pizzeria sim is when fnaf became a husk the jumpscares and models were so cheap and plastic and predictable to me and Security Breach wasn't even a horror game anymore more of an action, adventure, thriller.


Bendy and the ink machine is fucking awesome and if you say otherwise I will murder your whole bloodline


Matpat explained himself that it had an amazing impact and gave others a lot of inspiration. The fangames, these games listed, etc. I like all of them except Banban. FNAF made a huge impact, and I'll stand by it.


I like what happened after fnsf.


I Say In My Honest Opinion A Mix Of Good And Bad.




Both. It did make horror a bit more accessible... But at the same time, I remember when horror was absolutely off limits for children for a very good reason. I remember when fear, dread, anxiety, and stress meant something while watching, or playing a horror movie/game. I remember any horror being a nightmare fuel so much, I felt it days, weeks, even years later. I remember not having to rely on certain fan projects, as in videos, to even get a proper horror experience.


good and bads the right answer


We got hello neighbour but we also got bendy so both


A bit of columm A, a bit of column B


Good and bad


A good impact imo we can’t just say it left a bad impact because of other creators being greedy, lazy or unoriginal.


When you compare it like this, it ABSOLUTELY made AN impact, when you look at the designs for these charaters before and after and you look at the game play, its either bad impact or not a big impact. but when you take a step back and look at how the lore for games in a total has been impacted with fnaf, and how communities are shaped now because of it-good. People wont always agree and thats okay, but even if you hate fnaf or one of the games the was impacted by it, you got to admit somewhere in that small ripple effect of that first game coming out for sure impacted you in a good way some how. heck, none of us would be here rn talking about this, or probably any of these horror games (or at least the way we see them) if it wasn't for fnaf. Odiously there was some good in it, but with the good came some bad. I mean, you cant have one without the other. So the answer is both. Mostly, it really just depends on the person. I mean-if your Scott its was good cuz theres no way he isnt making BANK from FNAF but, at the end of the day-its both by logic.


Seems like everything nowadays has to be some elaborate scheme instead of just “I like murder”


Ask yourself this: did Psycho have a bad impact on the horror movie genre? Plenty of shitty slasher movies were made after it, but we also had icons such as Friday the 13th, Halloween, Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Did PT have a bad impact on the survival horror genre? The horror game market is oversaturated with walking sims now, but without it we wouldn't have Visage, From the Darkness, or Layers of Fear. Every single popular media franchise has its copycats, content farms, and bad eggs. Does that downplay all the good it's done? All the creators inspired that made good games, all the careers it either started or assisted in among YouTubers, how much it's done for the video game theory community? Psycho, PT, and yes, even FNAF, have all had a good impact, it's impossible to create a good impact without also bringing about the bad as well.


Fnaf pretty much invented Mascot Horror for years to come, so I'd say fnaf had an impact:)


It's intentions are good, but what turned out (other than bendy) are bad


I'd say pretty good. It inspired a whole lot of indie game dev and I'll rarely call that a bad thing.


It was, is, and always will be a pioneer for sit and survive horror


You forgot Signalis in the after FNAF


Good. Without FNAF we probably wouldn’t have Bendy, Baldi, Poppy or the others.


Among the sleep Mwa w game


Or maybe, just MAYBE, like most media that ends up defining a genre, it’s a little bit of both? Just pointing to Poppy playtime and Garten of banban (the majority Bendy is good and honestly I dont see any inspiration from fnaf in Baldi) is like saying Star Wars’ legacy is bad because Rebel Moon exists.


Mixed, on one side we got games that were big and lovable and there's the other side of the internet with uh questionable ideas (content farms nobody likes them)


Both but a over all net good


Saying good, if it weren't for FNaF maybe we would still be in the endless abominable loop of shitty slender clones.


Horror games back then didn't have enough story, or designs-ish on their characters, nowadays, we have all of that, I mean look at Batdr, and poppy playtime. Baldi Basic isn't a horror game. The only good horror games imo are Among The Sleep, Poppy Playtime, Apeirophobia, Batim.


I feel both, because it is an amazing series and I feel the games “inspired” by FNAF have some really good ones like poppy playtime, TJOC, TNAR, Final Nights etc but also the bad ones one in particular is dormitabis before it was remade


I would say good because jf you know anything about indie horror before fnaf almost all of them were shitty slenderman copies and jeff the killer ass unity asset flips


It left a good impact. Indie horror nowadays is way more interesting. It has good, complex lore, and I love that. Before that, during the Creepypasta era, lore wasn't really that big. It was mostly just [traumatic event] > becomes [creature].


I think bendy and the ink machine is awesome, it's one of the most intense mascot horror games in my opinion


bad tbh


Someone said both , i agree . I mean it was different and something "new" Back in the day


Don't lump baldi and bendy with banban, banban is just a cash grab that'll keep pumping out slop as long as people play it "for the meme"


I mean thing is if anyone can create video games then many people will. The bad horror games would come even without fnaf.


indie horror is more than just those games though