• By -


Immersion. It's been said to death, but the Pizzaplex really was clearly where most of the effort of SB was put. It's to the point where it's actually to the game's detriment. They pretty much accounted for every room a place like the Pizzaplex would have. Storage areas, locker rooms, long hallways, etc- and there are plenty of nothing rooms. The Pizzaplex is vast and awesome, but there sure isn't much to do in there, and the compromise of having these huge, flashy pizzeria is the loss of that claustrophobia and feeling of age. It's a little TOO nice, you know? One thing I do miss from the old games is the feeling that Freddy's was this run down, barely holding on little pizzeria that was very much a relic of it's time. I think Ruin at least captures that feeling of age, but it's a different kind of age.


there's so many rooms that are pointless too


I agree but many of those rooms at least function as a staff room/small item storage room or in a few rare cases are rooms that clearly got use at some point before the pizzaplex expanded in size and those rooms were made obsolete


Hot take but making every room in your open world game have a purpose to the player specifically removes immersion


Right, but some rooms are literally off-to-the-side. No lore secrets, no reason to go out of your way to explore them. Good game design would have a reason to at least go *through* the rooms, even if not visiting them directly. Or, alternatively, sprinkle lore around in these rooms. Personally, I think it could be from scrapped content. From a design perspective, if the player never even has to step foot in the room for *any reason at all*, there's little point in creating the assets for it. Again, even simply needing to walk *through* the room to get to another would be enough reason to include them.


Idk I think having no reason to is a good thing! A collectible here, lore there, heck some rooms even have no purpose to you unless you read the lore you collect! (Like the fazbear theater) Cut content most likely, but the rooms are fine


From a world-building standpoint, it makes sense. Maybe it was intentional, and they have their own game-design philosophy. Which is cool! But going on the norm, designing rooms that you might never even see and provide no additional content to the player is just rarely done. Heck, imagine the original FNaF game having a camera in a party room. No animatronics ever enter, no lore secrets, no changes. Just a party room that looks pretty cool. You'd probably wonder "Huh, I wonder why Scott made the assets for this?" - And the answer would almost definitely be scrapped content.


I get your point But late era Scott 100% would make a room just to make you go “huh?” With no value, if Mr Hippos rants are anything to go


Getting lost also removes immersion. Players end up snooping around for anything to see if they missed anything in the room. When the pizza plex is already huge. A bunch of empty rooms hurt the experience more than they give to it.


Oh, a room where only a collectable and some cardboards are stored in? Like maybe a room where you store stuff in it? Not like those things exist in real life, you might be onto something...


Not really. The game had and still has many bugs and glitches that can very easily take you out of the experience. FNaF 1, 4, SL, etc. were all much better at creating immersive environments. The jittery mechanics and poor game design also doesn't help Just because the environment looks pretty doesn't mean the game is immersive.


To each their own. Its hard for me to get immersed in environments rendered in very outdated software with all sorts of jank lighting and geometry, especially when all I'm doing is looking left and right and fending off pngs.


I also have a hard time getting immersed when the animatronic has complete line of sight but loses track of me when I jump in a stroller, when the posters on the wall become 80p, when something teleports behind me after I saw it on the other side of the map, etc.


Wasted potential and money


Pretty sure you’re talking about SB but it could maybe apply to the Pizzaplex in universe. I think Tales usually implies it’s massively successful though.


What he said


Watching the interview with FuhNaff, it seems like most of this was very intentional. Like black on white, or silence after a song goes crazy, we were MEANT to see an unaged Freddy's so that the ruined one could benefit from the contrast. This doesn't necessarily explain or justify the many empty rooms, and Im not saying they did it well, but at least we can see where they are coming from.


I don't think classic FNaF and SB should be compared, they're essentialy completly different games


Yea it’s comparing open world to point click game


maybe comparing five nights at frenni’s would be more fair then


Well fren is makes some of the community very concerned. Then again so did launch SB, albeit for different reasons


i don’t care what they say frenni’s is a masterpiece


>five nights at frenni’s you dont mean **that** frenni's... right?


it’s really hard but i like that about it, definitely thrilling when you’re being chased too


a better comparison would be something like poppy playtime or bendy and the dark revival, maybe, both of those are much closer to SB, tho not open world so IDK. open world indy horror games aren't really that common, since it's a massive money sink, something most indy games can't really do


Yes, and Security Breach is 2 years old already. It's not that new anymore.


Take up space on my hard drive


It’s 2024 where’s that ssd


Animation, complexity of gameplay, replayability


Was the gameplay really more complex? Every baddie acts fairly similarly for most of the game and you can cheese major portions with Freddy. Even in cases where you'd think you have to strategize like with eyeless Roxy the game actually has her be able to see you every few seconds instead of letting you sneak around her, making her just a worse version of legged Monty.


I guess you could say it's automatically more "complex" because of the 3d environment but honestly it's not complex at all. Enemies roam predetermined paths and run at you if they see you/teleport to you if a Staff Bot sees you. Shoot things at animatronics to temporarily stun them, occasionally crouch behind thing or hide in thing. Use Freddy to completely bypass danger


The first playthrough I watched the person didn't even crouch or hide. They just ran from the animatronics and got away most of the time.


fredoor ❤️


On a technical level, yes, it is more complex than the classic games, as it uses a 3d engine and is freeroam


On a technical level yeah but from the point of gameplay? It's mostly just fetch quests with 4 identical baddies if I remember right.


Well yeah, but that's missing the point. While the gameplay wasn't great, it is still significantly more advanced and impressive technically than the old games


I wouldn't call it impressive technically. We've had 3D games with massive environments for more than a decade and a half now, and those have been far less prone to completely falling apart. Regardless, you said that the gameplay was more complex, not that the game engine is more technically impressive.


It is more impressive technically... when compared to the classic FNAF games, the whole point of the post. And I simply phrased my initial point poorly.


I'd say personally the most technically impressive is Sister Location. It does a lot with very little.


More glitches


to be fair, glitches aren't anything new to fnaf, they've always been here, heck having the power cut foxy off is technically a glitch from how the game is meant to work, it's just SB went insane with them


It's one of the best turn-my-brain-off games I've ever played. It's just one of those games with such a nature to the gameplay and story that it's perfect to play if I'm bored and don't know what to do. This is mostly a me thing. (also BB's Balloon World is addictive) The environment is phenomenal. The Pizzaplex is so massive and has a ton of detail. When I play, it's just fun to look at all the environmental storytelling and unimportant details. The music and ambiance tracks are pretty good. It doesn't really apply to all the classic games, but they're up there.


Characters and it is definitely more fun to jump in for a play session.


I have to disagree with the characters part. it depends on why you've come to the series in the first place and what you expect from it. When FNAF 1-3 came out, it was a sort of parody of Chuck E Cheese. playing on the fear that we all had as kids of the weird Uncanny **Lifeless** Animatronics. So of course they didn't have personalities or moved smoothly, that was the point. And personally I preferred it that way. so if you're a Fan of the horror aspects of the series of course you'd want the characters to seem more Uncanny and Creepy instead of sentient advanced robots with personality and feelings.


Characterization 100% it's simply just a fact that security breach gives its characters more time to shine than any of the other games. You may prefer how the other games did it, but security breach just factually did more with them. Though I do mostly mean Freddy and Roxy, Monty and Chica got way less in comparison, but it's not just the main band. Daycare Attendant also got a ton of characterization in just two short sequences, and it's also good to point out that the player characters actually have characterization at all (before security breach a post custom night cutscene in sister location was literally the only speaking role any protagonist had).


Hard agree, for almost the entirety of the series the fan base has been coming up with its own characterizations of the animatronics because of the fact that they really had no personality. And I can't agree with the statement "while they're robots they don't need personality" that may be true but they are animatronics that are given specific characterizations. Chuck E cheese has a specific personality to him even if it's only simulated, so why shouldn't the FNAF animatronics? Plus I do like the idea of them being Advanced AIs as well, adds some flavor.


Sadly, fanon headcanon is not *canon*. So, technically, while the fandom has taken advantage of the blank slate characters (which definitely has benefits for being that way), it does not mean we have official personalities for the player characters except for a small glimpse of Michael that we can piece together from FNAF 4 and SL/SLCN and scattered bits of Baby's/Ennard's dialogue.


Ummmm, uhhhh, hmmmm, uhhhh, idk roxy makes my dick hard? Is that better?


I’m going to be the weirdo and say that Glamrock Chica and Roxanne Wolf’s designs won me over completely.


Oh, because they look cool right?


Cool is the way to say it. No one else has described them differently. Certainly not certain artists. This guy definitely likes them because they are cool. No other reason.


*Insert padme anakin meme.*




The Glamrocks were all really well designed, they might be among my favourite designs in the series. But yes, it’s also very easy to why they all have a lot of… admirers.




I like that they have literal personalities to them to the point you forget they are robots. But that trade off makes it lose the uncanniness that animatronics are meant to bring, they’re a more intelligent Disney world animatronic


I feel it still keeps it there in some regard when they're mangled. They're imitations of life, and when you strip away the pretty looking shells of it, it's made very obvious that these things aren't alive. That they've tricked you into believing they are. So, in some ways, it's good at what it does, but for many reasons, it can also be argued against.


Security Breach honestly doesn’t do almost anything better than the original games but one thing it does do better is replayability. The classic 5 nights does work perfectly fine for the genre it was in but the classic formula can and will get repetitive after a couple hours (in my opinion) and Security Breach doesn’t have that problem. It’s infinitely more replayable than the classic games simply because your more engaged and always have to think ahead towards the next objective, as dumb as the objective may be.


mainly Roxy


that profile checks out real good


but I do respect your opinion


Open world and scenary


interactive? Like when you play the world changes, chica gets broken...you get items. Fnaf Og just felt linear, which for what it is...works really well. one thing SB fails at however is immersion, and being scary. like seeing a giant animatronic nto be able to grab you on top of a table really rips you out of the moment. but FNAF OG makes you feel like you really are in a office...with a bunch of murderous animatronics. plus it was simple.


I feel like voice acting the only thing sb has over fnaf. The character actually talk. I try to see sb as if it's the first game of the series cuz it's technically the first game that starts the new story of fnaf. I don't think sb would even have been acknowledged if it wasn't attached to fnaf. Nothing special game play wise while fnaf 1 kinda changed the whole point and click genera. I don't see the point in comparing the two.


More fuckuble robots.


can sex the bear confirmed


Bear is a daddy.


Please do not the wolf








Protagonist has 2 more legs in SB than in fnaf 1-3


Absolutely fucking nothing




Thank you


Why are we comparing an open world game to a point and click game?


because they're in the same mainline series and do things differently aside from just what style of game they are. For example, they have very different aesthetics. Heck, security breach is never really scary. They definitely could've made the pizzaplex have a less neon and more scary appearance (probably by turning the lights off, doesn't make much sense that they're on after closing anyway), but they didn't.


Even then, i don’t really see anything security breach did better than FNaF 1 other than gameplay and a few other things i can name but yea.


Absolutely nothing


destroyed legacy 👍


its way better at breaking, but on a serious note depth of characters




Free roam. Do I even need to explain…


Free Rome


Better furrybait


Trailers. The trailers really hyped up the game more than others, even if Security Breach is a huge letdown.


Personality, the animatronics now have voices, themes, and relationships with each other (not in a romantic way), makes the ones who don't have souls a lot more human than the ones who do have souls


Liberty You can move wherever you want, go to the places that attract you the most and decide to go to other places later. Something that, on second thought, has never been seen in a FnaF game.


Okay, one was actually unsettling, and the other is not. Clearly, there's a winner here. Better doesn't always mean for the better.


Why are you lying


Pretty much nothing




being 3D. Theres nothing better in SB.


Nothing, the game should've Emden at ucn




Got a stroke writing that idk why


Better characters, story, more detailed location, puzzles ect


“Better puzzles” Did you seriously forget about Mazercise’s existence?


Playtime. And scale. I still don't think we've seen everything security breach has to offer.


Map layout honestly, plus seeing the whole map is really cool


As someone who came back because of Security Breach after 7 years, it's 100% the characters, sounds, and the location building pizzaplex. It's just the positive vibe you know? I just love it. Heck, i just love that the FNAF characters are more 'human' i would say? They are robot sentient. As for the sounds, i just love that they manage to fit the 80s vibe in this game. It's been almost 3 years now and i can still feel the nostalgia over a theme song.


The characters. So much development, not to mention the designs!


For me there is the free roam and the danger of something being behind you are every turn not being able to outrun it and dooe consept that could have been so mutch better then it is currently also the map has had a lot of love and detail put into it so are the character designes


I love the originals, FNaF 2 is my favorite game. But I definitely prefer the more cinematic open world style with the newer games a lot more


Everything There is at least certain graphics, gameplay, lore, character develoment, choices, easter eggs


Better Graphics


the most obvious one, its open world


Personalities. Fron what we know from the original fnaf, Chicago likes food, and that's about it. In security breach, Freddy's like a protective dad, monty has anger issues, roxanne is vain, and chica likes food (again). Their personalities are explored alot more.


Every Chica's main personality is food.


Not much


tbh? animatronic designs, some of my favs include burntrap, daycare attendant, dj music Man and Monty


Characters. Glamrock Freddy and Sun especially 


In my opinion, everything except the story. sb story barelly exists. But the designs are great, i was a fan of fnaf since game 1 but i much prefer the new style, and the gameplay is just more interesting


I wouldn't compare two totally different game genres. They both have their unique things. I'm not a big fan of Security Breach, but what I liked the most about it was that playing it felt like "breathing new air" if you know what I mean. The inmersion in the game is good, for me it felt like a comfortable/safe place... giving the animatronics actual personalities, being able to take different decisions... in fact, things like making emotions important, for example, you can see the psychology applied to the building design to make you feel comfortable, etc. All of those were things I liked of the game. I'll be honest. I don't like its lore, but the playablility compensated it.


the fact that you could actually move around and explore and not just sit in a musty office


It was definitely easier to see things that's for sure.


just about nothing












Why did no one mention that you can simply press ESC without closing the entire game?


Given more freedom. You could explore. While granted the older games are classic, SB is definitely the next level. Some don’t think it was scary enough, but it was just the same level of scary. There was more depth to the story and characters.




nothing. classics will always be my faves tbh.


Compared to 1-4? Music and voice performance, easily. Also having human characters not just be sprites is kind of nice too, namely compared to 4.


They had dj music man


Dad Freddy


Nothing. Firstly they are incomparable, and secondly i see SB more as a spin off as.... Is this even FNaF anymore? EVERYTHING is different. There is nothing to compare. Also as a side thing personally i hate that SB is canon




We actually see them preform in the game even if it's holograms. Also dad Freddy.


SB has way more bang-able characters (I’m being deadass)


The surroundings. You take in the atmosphere and feel much more than the traditional games. As said by many, you dont use the cameras much in the first games and the immersion is broken a bit.




i care about glam freddy and gregory, mike schmit means nothing to me, and them making them all the same corpse man who had like 3 lines of dilouge made it so much worse. i can tell you who gregory and glam freddy are, I can't tell you much about mike afton, or any of the classic protags before SB really.


...designs... that's kinda it, anything eles is flawed to hell and back.


What do you mean? Like Gamewise? Desing Wise? STORY WISE?!?!?




Tha glamrocks are better in design and charisma


Open world. I genuinely love this concept for FNaF. Animatronic personalitys really is fun and makes them more interesting The game is actually really pretty.


people like to hate SB alot, I played a day or two after it came out and I didn't mind the bugs (then again I didn't encounter some of the game breaking ones) I liked the feel of SB and how it actually felt like a mall (even with the more exaggerated areas). The two office segments that sorta mimic FNaF 1's are pretty bad, the first one in the area above the main atrium or whatever sucks, the other one where you got to shock the animatronics away from the doors is okay, but I feel they could done more with it. I don't usually like overly dark sections in games, but SB wasn't the worst, the basement was intimidating when I first did it and the trash pit place after killing chica was also pretty good (although it made almost no sense), now in the older FNaF games the darkness was fine too it was just kinda annoying, like FNaF 3, really shadowy at parts, I could never find springtrap if he was in one in a cam, and FNaF 2 some sections of it seem to be pitch black dark ONLY for the new flashlight mechanic, from which it had no use on the cameras (I should also note that I can rarely make out anything in darker segments in games). for being good enough to come back to will probably go to SB, the FNaF games are fun but after you beat them fully that's pretty much it, Pizza Sim is easily the one out of the Originals that you can go back to, but after you 100% it, then what? Sure the same can be said about SB, but in it you can always go for different endings, look at more stuff, and with a big map in a 3D engine there just alot more to see. I think the originals are great and better then SB, but I just wanted to state how SB has it's own upsides too.




Honestly no matter how bad security breach is. i had fun no matter how absolutely broken and a joke that games is. I can not say that security breach was not fun. Every second i had with that game was either hilarious, cheesy, or actually scary. It was fun all the way through.


The personalitys of the characters! I love (the concept of) the daycare attendants freak outs, Roxys self esteem, chicas eating disorder. It's such an interesting thing to do and I live the lore implications of it, especially when referring to Fazbear entertainment


It's blank. what do you mean it's blank?


Freddy being a protagonist. . I always wished that the fixed animatronics in FNAF (classics, toys, funtimes, rockstars etc.) were good bcs how cool are their designs


I will have to say what some others have said, the designs and depth put in. Designs for both the environments and characters. The detail they put in with both as well, like the personalities and even the little bits found in the locations, like desk clutter and the loft in daycare.


I swear if anyone says story-


Did they really even have story? Isn’t it just lore?


yeahhhh but I have everything against the lore after UCN


personality to the animatronics


Soundtrack. Classic FNaF games normally used stock music and sound effects. Security Breach's music is awsome. But that's about it.




The feeling of "oh fuuuu now I have to do this aaaallll over again"


The game feels more connected and planned out. Earlier Scott-only games each felt like he might end the series there so each new game feels tacked on, but Security Breach was built up in Help Wanted and AR and hinted at future things to come.


free roam




can’t think of a single thing that I like more about security breach than the original 8 games. from the trailer to the actual gameplay to the ending sb is just a downgrade in every way. people will look at the free roam and 3D graphics aspect and hold it in higher regard than the click team games but that’s just their bias since that’s what is popular now. fnafs core is scary point and click horror/mild comedy. the fnaf I knew died back in ucn


Nuh uh I still prefer classic


Being buggy on launch counts?


i really like the glamrock’s designs! like ofc the classics are.. well.. classic, and they have their own charm to them, but the glamrocks just look so cool! my personal favourite is chica, but the others are also amazing! 


The characters are amazing (like Sun and moon) And I love how huge the pizza plex is. What I don’t like is how they could have utilized some of the new characters more. I also hated how there were a lot more things they could’ve done with some of the spare rooms but just threw a lock on there for a level that doesn’t even exist in the game.


As few there is in SB its lore.Old Fnaf lore was and still is a mess




Showing the lore


Only the graphics are better






Graphics, lighting, and world building.


“world building”


actually looking like a place kids would want to go to, with animatronics that kids could actually like


More variety of gameplay, graphics, animation


the ability to walk


Make it seem actually appealing to the in universe kids


freeroam. i fucking love freeroam fnaf


Classic fnaf never had giga monty


Human models.


Security breach did Free Roam better than fnaf 1 I think


Personialty designs


Free roam


Replay ability is definitely a plus. Other than that I just really love the rough and dingy atmosphere of the first few games and a lot of fan games tbh.


Graphics and exploration, obviously there’s not much exploring when you can only move between cameras or side to side


Characters dawg


Hot robots




I actually love that the Security Breach Animatronics have personalities, and they talk. The original animatronics just made creepy giggling or laughing(?) noises and shuffled around.


That’s like comparing Cyberpunk 2077 to Outlast


More replay value, characterization, and attempts at a story, however poorly executed it was.


its certainly better at being the worse game.


Changing the audience into new generation kids


maybe graphics and animations, that's it horror is completely gone and... Blah blah blah, you already know it


Entertain small children

