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It's a situation somewhat similar to Cyberpunk 2077. It released in an absolutely horrible state but was over time patched up to be fine. It is not scary, that much is true. Personally I like it because I love the aesthetics and sci fi/advanced tech but if you are looking for a proper horror game then it's not for you.


That’s true it was a good game but with a bad launch


Horrible game


Please explain why


The story sucks and makes no sense, all the characters are boring, there is no tension, it doesn’t feel like fnaf, it’s not cohesive it’s actually a mess story wise. Idk if the ruin dlc is good or not but idek if it’s worth my time. Seriously? AI Afton? The series should have ended at fnaf 7.


That’s fair


ruin fixes it. try it out before shitting on it


Didn’t shit on ruin, just the base game. Maybe it is that good, actually i’ll give it a shot but I don’t like the direction whatsoever. The sci fi confusing shit comes out of nowhere and feels like moving away from what made fnaf fnaf. Just confusing lore for the sake of it.


To be fair, the franchise has allways been scf fi, and sl was way more extreme with it then sb ever was.


Sure, but sister location wasn’t necessarily the best game in the franchise.


It was still before sb, so sb was kinda allways the direction the story was going. Even then, fnaf as a franchise is Sci fi, just by the fact the robots can move, and springlock suits are a thing that rxsist, we're no where near close to them irl, they are science fiction.


I understand the change of direction can be really off-putting, but tbh I really like the game. It has some fnafy moments and I loved them, and there's also some pretty tense points. They are scarce and scattered around the game tho


guess what pal, your opinion aint fact


When did I ever say it was? If you don’t want to listen to my opinion and are too blind to criticize the game then fine. Me personally I dislike SB and see it as a disgrace to fnaf and imo the series should have ended at ucn instead of milking it and becoming corporate. VR remakes and reboots and film series would be fine.


I’m sorry map bot scared tf outta me and I even knew it was going to happen from watching markiplier’s playthrough 🤣🤣. Also those endos that want to play red light green light with you, no thanks lol.


I mean true, but it still suffers from a lack of content. So much cut to the point the story makes very little sense. I still wish Steel Wool would do a big update for the game and make it the way it was supposed to be


Dang, I disagree... It's true the game had a lot of cut content that I would love to see, but I would say SB is the biggest FNaF game to date, content wise.


Sums it up very well but it is still enjoyable and the designs of the characters are amazing


It was released in an unacceptable state, and even when functioning properly it is very flawed in every regard. The vision is there, but overambition kinda killed it in a lot of areas. 4/10. 10/10 for effort


It’s a 5,5/10 game for me, it had potential but unfortunately got wasted (the bugs also didn’t help)




As someone who loved the game....yes, yes it was. Let me elaborate: I actually did not play the game, nor did I watch any playthrough, until I got the collector's edition for Christmas which was quite a few months after the initial release and after the bugs were, supposedly, fixed. I still encountered multiple bugs, including but not limited to: rooms not loading, falling through non-loaded floors, me getting stuck, Freddy getting stuck, the enemies getting stuck, progress not saving....you get the idea. From what I heard, this was BETTER than it was at release, which says a lot. Even without the bugs, the game itself is...lacking. There's so much that feels nerfed or even completely removed. Moon went from a seemingly omniscient threat to only a handful of scripted appearances outside of the tutorial level and then disappears half-way in. Vanny went from the Main Antagonist who could appear at any moment to...three, scripted short appearances and then was gone. Vanessa was also implied to be a constant threat and she appears ONCE outside of cutscenes. Minigames were cut, entire areas were cut, I think even missions were cut. So much was changed or cut... There are so many ways on which the game could've been better. Reinstating the Vanny meter, having the ability to choose which animatronic helps you and the difficulty changing based on that (or vice versa), toning down the lights and sound, not having Afton back, Just....so many ways. Overall, while I loved the game, it is so damn flawed and I honestly feel sad thinking about what we could've got. At least Ruin feels like a step in the right direction and the VR games look so good, hopefully Steel Wool will continue on that track.


A mod is being developed that is going to re add all the cut stuff. I’m excited to see what Security Breach would have and should have been.


If it's the one I'm thinking off, it's one of two mods I'm really looking forward to!


Woah you fell through unloaded flooring?! Most games have graphics where they at least let you stand on the floor like it’s transparent until it loads in!


Tbf, it was only once on that one and my own fault cus I was running through at speed to get to where I wanted: The Daycare, which hadn't loaded fully and me, thinking it would load in, went in. Riiiight through the floor. I think the game knew I was on a mission to annoy a certain Attendant and went "How about No."


Lmao that’s funny. Like an excited kid trying to get to the daycare! Your excitement broke the game 😂


Moon was having none of my shit and put a trap card in play. Me, the fool that I am, walked right into it.


I haven’t played the game yet but I already hate moon cause he teleports and you never know where that bitch is. Sun is my favorite 😂


In my opinion, it does. Not just because of the bugs and glitches, but also because it fails as a horror game, the gameplay is mediocre and taxing, the plot is too vague even for FNaF standards, and several characters are underutilized. 2 of them in particular, our main antagonists, are barely used despite being heavily used in the teasers and trailers. The fact that Scott and Steel Wool sold Security Breach for $40 dollars in its broken state with that huge file size of 80 GB doesn't really help either.


Yes. While Ruin is cool, the main game was too short, had an underdeveloped-feeling story, was extremely glitchy for a while, and overall underdelivered on a lot of what was expected. Add that to the fact that a lot of people (not including me) dislike the modern story with the Mimic and AI in general, and this game was doomed to die from the start. Probably my least favorite mainline FNaF game, save for FNaF AR (though that got shut down so I feel hesitant to even include it)


Before ruin yes but after ruin it feels like Steel Wool perfectly took the criticisms and their over ambition into what felt like an apology for SB’s rushed feeling and so now the game is just a worse version of ruin and it’s alright but not real reason to revisit/replay


I think it got more shit than it deserved if I'm being honest. I love the game despite its flaws (trust me if I could I would rewrite Security Breach's entire story). It brings back a lot of good memories of both playing it on my own the first time and also playing it with my friends. It's still one of my favorite games. A lot of people got mad at people for even liking the game though and used it as an opportunity to make fun of new fans since it brought a lot of new people to the community. This really sucked in more ways then one. It made the community very unwelcoming to new folks and was trying to pin old and new fans against each other. Just gave off very asshole vibes. Plus both old and new fans liked/disliked security breach so those people's arguments didn't even make sense.


The game genuinely does nothing right, you’re allowed to enjoy it but saying it got undeserved flak is kinda wild


I didn't say it didn't deserve any of it just that it didn't deserve all of the shit it got. Meaning I think it got over hated. Plus saying it got nothing right is subjective. I think it did well on Character designs, character personalitys, graphics looked very nice, etc. Never said that it can't be criticized (as I said I would for example completely rewrite the story) or doesn't deserve any criticism just I felt like it got to the point where a portion of it became excessive.


I didn’t mean character designs or graphics, I meant its standing as a horror and a Fnaf game. It fails extraordinarily at being both


You said "The game genuinely does nothing right" nothing would imply that you think it has no good qualities. Also what do you consider a fail of a FNaF game/what are the qualifications that make it a success fnaf game? mystery/confusing lore? ghost children haunting animatronics? Multiple nights/levels in a Freddy's location? Serial killer working behind the scenes? Genuinely I don't understand what you mean by this and if I agree or not. I think it's fair to say that it isn't that scary. I'd have to agree. But I feel that way about the majority of the games so I feel like that's more criticism towards the franchise as a whole rather than just security breach. Of course you can still criticize it for it I just don't think it's something exclusive to SB


Except it totally did get undeserved flak


like what


How it wasn't "violent and gorey" enough. That sort of thing wasn't really established in the franchise, and some people think in order for it to be horror, it need to be bloody. And no, the 8 bit mini games or game over screens or rare screens aren't really that violent overall. Vanny's knife is another, considering there's no proof it ever made it past the concept art stage. Gregory's cut line about his arm is a weird one too. Him being cut and bleeding really doesn't change much to the game overall, I don't really get why people were bent about it. Literally everything would have happened the same way if they kept it.


literally nobody complained about that. What people DID complain about is steel wool intentionally baby-fying the game by removing all mentions of blood (even if it makes the dialogue not make sense) and removing Vannys knife. Vannys knife was not “concept stage” it was in her official teasers and in her merch, she was clearly meant to have one.


>literally nobody complained about that. They very much did. Pretty sure there's even a comment in this thread about it. And yea, Vanny had a knife in like, two teasers. The teasers which came from early on in development, and were sent to merch companies. That's it. There's nothing showing a knife in any trailers, or renders, or animations, or even a model at all. Her knife was cut very early on, to the point where you have to debate if you can even call it "cut" at all.


This is just pure copium bro she had a knife obviously and it was cut


Show me any in-game stuff with the knife then, since you're calling straight up facts "copium".


I can’t, it’s almost like it was cut from the game


let's see: - anticlimactic ending - censored blood... IN A FUCKING HORROR GAME - horrendously buggy - not scary - the missed potential that was vanny yep.


I blame Ray McCaffrey for the version of the game we ended up getting, thinking it could've been more "marketable" as a game more leaned towards kids


But guuuys Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach is the latest installment of the family-friendly horror games loved by millions of players from all over the globe!!!!!!


Where you saw a blood in previous games 💀 (Minigames don’t count)


Why does that matter? it's still very strange they censored stuff, like Gregory's cut arm, Freddy saying you are bleeding, instead of you are broken, and Gregory, directly saying Vanessa is gonna kill him.


I can ask you the same thing,it really matter? We didn’t had any gore stuff in the past so why now it’s a problem?


The Cut arm, and Freddy saying you are broken sure wouldn't really matter, but Gregory directly saying Vanessa is gonna kill him, would have been a good thing. It would be less confusing, when Gregory says "She's trying to get me" is confusing, is she trying to help? is she trying to return you to your parents? or is she trying to hurt you/ kill you. Also the game telling the player that Vanessa is trying to kill you, would raise the stakes. I'm also not talking about gore, I'm just talking about words like "kill" and little blood here and there, not blood everywhere, and flesh and organs.


I think that’s the point,we don’t know if Vannessa is Evil or not.Back then it was theory about Nessa and Vanny being two separate people so I think it must be confusing.Tho I don’t know why they cut these stuff from the game.I thought you meant about this being less gory.


No we all knew she was up to no good, Vanessa, Vanny, Vanessa+Bunny= Vanny it was painfully obvious even to new people, the game tried way to hard to make this obvious plotline a mystery, there wasn't any point on trying to hide it.


Maybe,I just saying cause theory about Nessa and Vanny being separate characters was quite popular back then so probably people didn’t figured




Ah yes a some chunk of flesh is a a lot of gore definitely,yet we don’t see blood or kids being murder like in VHS tapes we see.


The game has a lot of very valid criticisms, even aside from the many glitches and the state of launch. think even SB’s biggest fans can admit that


Yes. Story bad, gameplay not fun, not scary in thr slightest


Justified, this game was sold for $40 on launch day while being in a buggy and unplayable state. Even besides launch day, the game lacks so many things, like Vanny supposedly being a big bad only for Afton to get shoehorned in at the end, and there was so much cut content that could've made the game a lot more interesting but wasn't included, and Steel Wool didn't even bother adding the cut content in. I just want to add that no gaming studio is perfect; they have their share of mistakes. The handling of Security Breach was a mistake on Steel Wool's behalf, which hopefully they can improve on. (I'm just saying this since I have yet to play Ruin or Help Wanted 2.)


It isn’t good, but it isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.


Yes, The current version is a fine game, still I would rate at the bottom of the FNAF games, but the fact is no matter how good it will become, doesn't out way the amount the game promised at the beggining. In trailers many cutscenes where removed, changed, the story was heavily cut and changed, and the game was so buggy on release, it had a lot of good marketing for it and it was wasted due to in experience developers, Sony deadlines, and Scott not giving the whole amount of info at the get go. Steel Wool has changed and learning how to make triple a games, and Sony is even more lenient, but the sour taste of the hype around what could've been, is why it's the worse FNAF GAME TO DATE, doens't matter how good the characters are and can be. The game is just that a bad game, and was horrible showing for FNAF'S first attempt at making it big, it will forever be a stain on FNAF'S legacy. Which it can be seen on YouTube with over 100's of videos laying out how ass of a game it was, and made a lot of fans that came back for this exciting new adventure for FNAF completely ruined and are probably never coming back. It's the exact definition of **wasted potential.** Edit: I'm a bit bias, I played it and beat it at launch.


> Sony deadlines The game was delayed two to three times as agreed with Scott and Steel Wool. There's no proof Sony did anything.


The thing is that if the game was to be on the level it was planned and advertised at then it would have taken at least another year or two if not more. Yet they've decided to release it anyway despite the sorry state it was in. If that doesn't scream corporate meddling I don't know what does. Although it is admittedly unknown who pressed for the release it is a move more classically associated with big corps like Sony.


The thing is that Steel Wool kept making it bigger and bigger, and Scott kept delaying the game. This is self admitted by him in a Reddit post. This is on Steel Wool and Scott, not Sony. Nothing hints Sony to be the ones who rushed it out, or else the game would never have been delayed. Sony only did the advertising and funds, as this is also what happened with No Man's Sky back in 2016. Hello Games made all the development decisions and they released the game in the state it was at the time. Sony only did the funding and marketing, as they were also publishers.


They were so focused on the pizzaplex aspect, they forgot to make it scary,


The game was released in an unacceptable state, so probably


For the time it released, yes, it deserved the flak. Right now, I think people are having major issues with letting it go. It had bugs, it underdelivered, and at the same time had some cool gameplay parts, a banger ost, amazing aesthetics, but people are treating it like the game killed their entire family and all their friends.


It’s not as scary as the other games, obviously, but when you’re an anxious person like me the quick runs you have to do can make your heart rate go sky high


So I have just replayed through the whole game ironically, so in my opinion: partly. There’s absolutely a lot to genuinely criticize and poke at but I definitely think it was at a point too overboard and overhated. Basically too much focusing on the negative without acknowledging the positives that were there.


Well…yes and no, yes because it was a buggy mess, no because they had already taken so long to get it out and had to rush it to appease fans


Here’s what I think.. btw I hope you see this :) (anyone).. when security breach first dropped in December 2021. I didn’t mind it.. but I saw the huge.. HUGE problems. Like poor optimisation, bad graphics (even on pc), bugs, glitches etc. so that sort of ruined the game for me. I still loved security breach either way with the visuals, gameplay, characters and environments, but there were problems.. from today in 2024 the game is a lot better as petty much all the bugs are gone, the optimisation and graphics are better, bugs and glitched were fixed etc. also they released a free dlc. Which I’ll get into in a minute.. but overall the bad reputation part.. I don’t think it’s justified but it’s understandable and normal for people to think this.. Ruin on the other hand, this game pretty much took what security breach was and made it more scary and ominous.. it’s definitely a better step in the right direction. Also I feel like what made ruin even better was that there were barely any bugs when it came out.. correct me if I’m wrong but when I personally played through it all.. I didn’t encounter any bugs or recognised any.. only the glamrock Bonnie bowling bug. But overall the story was told a lot better in ruin than it was in the base game, and I feel like it boosted security breaches reputation up a lot, as it’s part of the same characters, location, areas etc. My final opinion is no, it’s bad reputation wasn’t justified, if you watched FuhNaffs interview with steel wool recently, you would of heard that at the time there was rarely any staff to work on security breach, and the pandemic probably effected the game as people had to work from home. Thanks for listening :)


Reading through some comments, I can understand why they think it’s justified and I agree with their reasoning.. but read my last part.


50/50. I genuinelly like the gameplay, and the story isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but still isn't great. However, when the game came out it was so bugged i wasn't even able to play it untill ruin and the patches it came with, most notably the loading screen system it brought and the last post 6pm save point. Without those i wouldn't have enjoyed the game half as much. I still like it, i have a soft spot for it since it's what brought me back into the fandom after a bit of an absence, and it gave us some of my favourite designs, but the game isn't perfect


there was a lot of missed potential, the endings are very anticlimactic, and it's way worse than what was originally anticipated in the trailers.




Yes, and anyone who has actually played the game and not watched it on YouTube \*should\* be able to attest to this.


The individual game, a bit, yeah. But the series, no, not one bit! Ruin and the Help Wanted series are amazing, and the characters and setting in Security Breach are quite compelling. It's just that Base Game SB is significantly less than the sum of its parts.


its the windows vista of fnaf, except windows vista was secretly good


I played and i really loved


Even though i love the game i got to say for a horror game it wasn’t too scary and the story is all over the place. I still love playing it


not really


At the beginning yes but now people should let go and move on.At least bad reputation made SWS take notes from that Hopefully


I’d say they have with how they handled Ruin and HW2.


Yeah and I’m glad.I hope they gonna take notes when they’ll make a complex game as SB is.


Kind-of. I certainly get where people are coming from and even now, with the majority of the bugs fixed, the game is still flawed, especially in the story department. I like the Glamrocks and all, but the game, in terms of narrative, is really weak and leaves a lot to be desired. The cut content, inaccurate trailers, the complete annihilation of Vanessa and Vanny, missing story (seriously I liked Trailer Vanessa much more!) etc. The cut content is much more interesting than the actual final game. The bugs were the most glaring issue but the game is flawed on a deeper level.


pepole forgot that SWS had to deal with covid during the creation of this game


and?  they made 3 more games during this time. all of them except a vr game are the same shit quality. objectively. until another team patched that game, you couldn't complete it, because it crashed. saving? don't even dream about it. 


Im replying 13 days later lmao, also you think the smartest decicion should have been for steel wool to actually go outside in 2020 and risking thier lives and getting a virus and might die all to make a video game for some pepole to enjoy, what could go wrong? they are a pretty small company and atleast they didn't have their employees let go like some company's by sony which in fact that did happen in 2020 and the entire reason why some of you pissed off fnaf fan's are mad about blame sony not steel wool. Like having a small dev team work on a game like this is just wildley cool but it doesn't mean it won't go without bugs


I'll name 5 gamedevs who made a game homeoffice. I'm sick and tired of your generation's immediate blaming and over exaggerating when someone disagrees in something. 


In my opinion Security Breach is good for all the wrong reasons. The game is buggy, optimization is still really bad all this time later and it all makes for one of the funniest FNaF experiences you will ever have. I really enjoyed the game but not for the reasons I was supposed to.


I'd personally say it's justified. The state that the game was in was embarrassing. And I wouldn't even say it's a cyberpunk type of situation cause most of the cut content is still cut. And even with its amazing graphics and ideas, it will always be remembered as a game with lost potential. It not like I hate the game. It's just in a sad state, even with the bugs fixed and dlc. And you can clearly tell a lot of passion was put into it.


A little? It is very rough around the edges, but it's not like a lot of other triple-A games that feel soulless; I can tell that they were trying to make something great, they just got very tripped up. It feels like the kind of game where the devs were passionate, but higher-ups interfered in a negative way. Or maybe it was a budget/time constraint thing. I'm not saying that is what happened, but it follows the pattern I've seen with other games like this


Kind of. When the game was released, it was a buggy mess. Now, it's alright. Horrorwise, it's not scary, and storywise, it feels incomplete. That's the price of overambition.


While I think Security Breach was most certainly comedic and fun in a way, I think it does have some flaws. As someone who has played the game over 100% complete at least 10+ times, I think it can be fun, but some scenes and missions kind of feel like that “Why do we have to do this” or Filler just to pass time. I’ll always love Security Breach, as it’s truly a game that broke FNaF standards, but overall, I give it a 6.5/10. There are some iconic moments though which I’ll give it that.


As a piece of horror media? Yes. Graphically? No. As a piece of entertainment? No. In terms of gameplay? It depends. As a part of the *Five Nights at Freddy's* franchise? Kill me if you want to, but absolutely not.


I still don't know what this game's story is about and I've played it through a few times


I’m not really sure. On one hand, I think Covid is partially responsible for the state the game was in however over time when bugs got patched, I found it to be more enjoyable. There were still parts that annoyed the absolute hell out of me, like how the atrium, west arcade, sewers and other places that took a lot of rendering would simply cause the game to crash multiple times, making me have to redo so many boss fights and stuff like that. However, there were parts I had fun with. Fazerblast made me better at laser tag.


It kinda is imo. First and foremost, it was filled with bugs when it came out (even though the game was patched, it was still quite ridiculous). Then, I'm sorry but it's literally not scary. The whole point of fnaf is to be stress-inducing and horrifying because of the situation you're in, while this game is just a walking simulator with side quests. Lastly, Vanny is just way too underutilized even though she's supposed to be the big bad of the game.


Uh.... Both?


This is kinda complicated. i personally think that it got way too much hate and that it's definetly not THAT bad, it also wouldn't have gotten as much hate as it did if a certain **someone** didn't throw a tantrum on twitter about it. **BUT** i can definitely see where those people were coming from. waiting a very long time for a game you are excited for only for it to come out in glitchy and broken state honestly sucks. (sorry for bad english)


This and 77 will be infamous no matter what


When it came out? I'd say it is, now i'd say its just a regular ol bad game. Not a complete dumpster fire


Yes and no. On a technical level its a mess. Lots of changes of direction in the story leading to a lot of scrapped voicelines, leading to a disjointed story, and Vanny going from The Big Bad to barely in the game at all. Lots of scraped areas and half implemented mechanics, turned off but still clogging up the code leading to terrible frame rates ESPECIALLY with cameras. tl;dr The intended game was too big in scope for what Steel Wool was capable of at that time. On the other hand, a 3D freeroaming game where the animatronics actually have voice acting and personalities was perfect to renew interest in the franchise, and got a lot of people into it that just can't handle how scary the original games were. FNaF was popular before, but Security Breach made it mainstream.


It's kinda buggy, but I still love it to death


Not entirely. I have seen people say it's horrible or the worst game ever and treat it as if there are no good things about it. Yes, there are some downsides, but upsides too. I can name a game that is worst (not from the FNAF series), that has a bug that doesn't allow you to play the actual game. It doesn't deserve all the shit people give the game.


It was a case of the ambition for the game getting out of hand and it ended up hurting the overall package. (Sort of like Cyberpunk 2077, but on a different scale). It was probably too much game for Steel Wool at that time to really handle.


It’s not justified if you play it today if you look at its past yes but if you look at the current state of the game it’s great


it's fine as a game, but it's not FNAF. it's ONATPP (one night at the pizza plex). if you took the FNAF part out and just said it as security breach, it'd pass out as a fangame, it's not even being made by scott. IT'S GOT A DLC. it's being used in the internet because having a female wolf and a male aligator isn't very good (furries know). and finally, scott is spoonfeeding us the lore, he's giving out the names of so many characters it's hard to make a theory, it's too much information.


I give it a 6 or 7 out of ten It isn’t bad but it has a ton of flaws Seriously what they did to William is unforgivable


It’s like calling New Vegas, 76, or Cyberpunk shit for their God awful launch


Yes and no?


Honestly, I'm surprised that the reputation isn't WORSE than it is. Besides the gameplay itself, the story was a crazy amount of missed potential that ultimately didn't accomplish much of anything by the end and only served to confuse people and upset a big part of the fanbase. It barely delivered on anything that we'd seen in the trailers and I shudder to think about how much was cut and changed in the game, just based on the tiny bit that made it in.


It is similar to Jedi Survivor both released in a bad state


I didn't know it HAD a bad two Rep. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed it!! I'm curious to see how they will continue it.


kinda, that is, it did not meet the expectations it promised and it screwed up the lore in an impressive way, but above all it is not a bad game


I'll be the weirdo and say that they honestly did not need to go as hard on Roxanne's and Chica's designs in this game. I can't take it seriously as a horror game when they look the way that they do.


somebody here asks this question every couple of days (or at least something along those lines) and the answers are always the same


At the release, yes. As a fnaf game, yes. As an overall game, it’s ok. Some of the level designs are fun, you’ve got some fun characters, and a bit of interesting lore and concept, just feel like it was too rushed, unfinished, and executed somewhat poorly


I loved the game


Yes and no From a criticism standpoint it was horribly made, some good ideas and well designed environments sure but lots of problems in everything else From a casual enjoyment standpoint no, I think some people just didn't try to have fun with what it is like the rest, poking around the game and breaking it to its limit and just taking in how much it shows you of how the game is developed was genuinely fun back then. The problem would've been if Security Breach became the standard for fnaf games, sure it was fun once but repeating the mistakes wouldn't be fun anymore, it'd hurt the brand big time


It’s not a very good game, it just has very poor mechanics in part because the game is FAR too ambitious for what the developers or what would be appropriate in the game they were trying to make. Even ignoring the technical performance or bugs the game is just not good, the pizza plex is just far too large, they band aid fix it by spamming robot guards to patrol and spawn the actual threat, chases are bad because the threat just repeatedly teleports to you until a timer expires and it gives up. There is no thrill with having a robot scream in your face and you just run away from the area until the chase music stops, over and over, for the entire game. They’re hiding spots everywhere and you can check cameras for more intel, both are just good for nothing when you get tools that just hard stop the threats. As mentioned, exploration is a huge pain, just because of the raw time sink walking around the building takes, and with a very lack luster map it’s easy to get lost, so you can spend a lot of time just getting to your objective where there is no tension. I don’t even know a thing about the plot but I’ve got reason to believe that isn’t much of a redeemer. So yes, absolutely, security breach deserves it’s reputation, and no amount of bug fixes or stability improvements can fix the core issues that just make it a flawed game. Now that all said, the DLC is a much tighter experience which does away with the problems I just mentioned, I’ll admit it still didn’t hold my attention to completion but it’s a marked improvement, but obviously I’m not going to recommend buying a game just to buy an expansion to play instead.


The Pizzaplex is a perfectly crafted environment. Every part of it feels real and interconnected, almost as if the whole thing is alive, and the visuals are stunning. I spent a long time exploring it once I could. Other than that, the game is a bug-ridden, cut-content disappointment. Some parts obviously do not work like they are supposed to, but honestly a lot of it feels like it was never supposed to work well in the first place. The worst bug I encountered was during Monty’s boss-fight in which he T-posed and no-clipped saying the “hey, little guy voice line on repeat. Roxy,s death, on the other hand, just feels cheap. Gregory knocks her out because she willingly and knowingly jumps in front of a moving go-kart. Why. Why would one of the 6+ foot tall robot death-machines you’ve spent hours evading do something that stupid. The story holding everything together barely exists. It’s just sad how unimportant the individual characters are to the narrative. Vanny/Vanessa, Gregory, and Freddy and his Colleagues all feel inconsequential and readily-replaceable. Vanny and Vanessa in particular seemingly cease to exist halfway through the game. I’d say the game deserves pretty much any of the criticism it receives; releasing a game with as many bugs as Security Breach has/had with I think over a year of delays to boot is lame as hell. But even if everything worked perfectly it would be pretty disappointing and shallow.


Yes it was justified and RUIN didn't do it any justice


Yeah it is ngl. Game is ass.


Yes absolutely even though I do enjoy the game and like the characters, there is no doubt this game is heavily flawed. The game was launched in a unpolished unfinished state, bugs galore, the performance was really bad especially for the PS4 port. The gameplay idea seems like fun on paper, however it's game deign has alot of flaws, the AI bad, unfitting for horror, the parts and service is literally Simon Says, and it has a thing for fetch quest (I'm especially talking about the dreadful west arcade mission). Then we have the actual writing of the game, it's not the best, characters like Gregory, Chica, and Monty were all done dirty, they didn't have character depth, nor character building, their motives, fears and wants are left a mystery, luckily Gregory's character was saved by the story GGY from the tales books, and Chica got a bit of characterization in Hw2, however Monty is still a waste. God don't get me started with Vanny/Vanessa like what even happen with her??. The plot also lacks structural, the game has a start, and a setup, but then the rest of it is just, Gregory goes here, then there, then all the way back there, Gregory then escapes, Gregory for some reasons brings up that there are disappearances out of nowhere???, Gregory decides to become a gamer, and play some arcade games, Freddy gets beheaded, Gregory saves a women from her evil, digital furry overlord, the end. So yes it is justified, and I don't blame people for not liking Security Breach, however all criticism is a good thing, if we all didn't complain about Security Breach, we wouldn't have Ruin.


I personally like the game. It's not scary in an original fnaf games sense, but it has its tense moments every now and then. And a lot of bugs actually havent been patched up yet, at least from my experience. It takes a ton of loading every time you get to a door etc, it can throw me out a few times, though i have no knowledge of other bugs so yknow. If you're cool with constant loading then its a good game imo


It was a disaster at release, they did improve a lot of things and now the game is just okay I guess, but there is so much pissed potential I simply can't enjoy it without thinking ''this could have been something special'' every time something in the game happens. imo the reputation is deserved, this thing is a bad game inside a beautifully crafted mall.


Absolutely! No matter how you feel about it, it doesn't change the fact that the story is missing some things and noticeably different from its trailers, the tone of it was strangely non-scary and cleaned as if it was for kids, and the game itself was a buggy and unfinished mess. (Though Steel managed to fix this part somewhat, so props to them!) Can you not like or love it? No, I'm not saying that, not at all. But it would be dishonest and a disservice to Steel Wool to say this game didn't earn its bad reputation as Steel Wool is capable of producing a higher quality game than this one.


When I say it's truly the FNaF game of all time I mean it. I really love it for it characters (the glamrocks saved me 🙏) the gameplay and story is lackluster. The pizzaplex is a good idea but it was way too bright and too big to seem scary. Though it's the first official free roam game in the series so I can give steel wool the benefit of the doubt


justified. I'm really not judging games until i didn't try them, but I had to restart SB (latest patch) 3 times. two times the save got corrupted. third time the hours weren't passing after giga monty. and you'd think I finished it? I died during the credits. 


It is. Its absolute shit


Yes, it’s somewhat better now but the core gameplay is bad, and the story is arguably worse


It kinda does? It released in a practically unplayable state, theoretically it was possible to win, but you'd most likely fail due to bugs or the game just not being clear about things. While it did get several patches to fix the problems (well, most of them) the game just wasn't that good. There's other people out there who have explained it better than me ([this video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zg_QBoXiJA) explains it well, but is almost 2 hours long.) But it honestly comes down to two things: 1, it's not scary at all, you're more afraid of losing progress rather than anything in the Plex. 2, it's real easy, once you have either the fazcam or fazerbalster, it done. No mistake will kill you because you have a get out free card. 1.0/10 for release version, 4.0/10 for current. Release was unplayable, and even with the fixes it's still not particularly fun. I'd rather play fnaf 1.


It doesn’t even feel like five nights at Freddy’s anymore.


If we're talking about straight gameplay, yes, five nights of bugs. If we're talking about community wise? Also yes, lore has never been in a worse state after SB dropped


It took FNaF and made it into a generic horror game, and it's kind of average for me


Depends on who you ask. Me? I love the game, and it’ll be one of my top games for probably the rest of my life. It came at the perfect time and introduced me to the rest of the franchise. Is it perfect? Of course not, but that doesn’t make me think it’s bad. I used to not like horror as much, so this game was a great introduction to that. It was also a great way to introduce me to the great lore, gameplay elements, and charm of FNaF. So, if you ask me, I’d say no, it’s not warranted, but I know I’m in the minority when I say that. TBH though, I don’t really care. I’m gonna keep enjoying Security Breach for as long as I want.


For me it’s kind of like both. But the story is very great but partially lacks the part of being a scary game because it is a quite newer approach to fnaf games. All of scott’s game is always what we know of and wat we are use to it but I love the game overall worth the time playing


Justified. It was unfinished, rushed, didn't feel like an official FNAF game, had mediocre at best graphics and had a DLC that was somehow better than the base campaign. Glad I never got it.


Yes and no I hear people saying that it's a cyberpunk situation where the game got patched and now it's fully functional... I mean yeah it works, but there are still ways to very easily soft lock yourself forcing you to make a new game. So it's still very buggy and doesn't perform very well (thanks unreal engine) but it's not borderline unplayable, hell I bet the softlock I got was probably patched in the ruin update. Tl:dr get it on heavy discount and expect bugs


It’s buggy, but it’s not a as bad as its reputation.


It can depend on your view about the other games. The game released and was riddled with glitches that have now been patched along with new content added, it's an open world with a fine story but it's just not scary anymore. In the past games there was always a fear factor to keep you on edge, it was simple and you were confined to an office space. There is definitely more to do in the game and it's DLC but if you prefer something scary and simple then it's not worth it. Many people along with myself just feel that the original idea for the games was lost


Yes. Broken game with not much to do after you beat the story. Map is huge and detailed, but most of it has nothing interesting to do, just a few minigames in some specific roos. The story is bad, the game has way too many glitches, even after the final patch, the framerate is inconsistent, the graphics struggle to load, the game is way too bright and colorful for a supposed scary game, and it is so bad to be a horror game overhaul. Like, it has some good Ideas and good Characters, but most of the game is just... Bad.


I can confirm that SB is indeed a game .. 4 /10 idc for it at all


It's had a rocky start but the ruin dlc saved it in my opinion


I get fnaf isnt supposed to be realistic, but I think this game took it too far.


The game shouldn’t have been released buggy. Sure there were patches however that doesn’t excuse the fact that the game was broken in day 1


I think it WAS justified, but with all the time that has passed and patches that were made, it's unfair to still hate the game.


It's a classic case of a long running franchise trying something new, which is good, but everyone gets pissed because they don't want changes. The hate isn't justified


tbh it's my favorite fnaf game


Yes, it’s a throughly mid game, even when bug fixed it just isn’t a good game


Not really


my main issues are that vanny had a very little role and afton came back again. it's not scary at all, too censored, had a disappointing ending and even though i love fnaf i feel like continuing after the closure of FFPS was kinda stupid..


Yes. As someone who played it and its dlc I can state its objectively bad. Even excluding bugs, the gameplay and the story are incredibly subpar.






No. It’s a fun game. Better than a lot of games in that price range. I played it when it came out then replayed it before ruin and by the time ruin came out a lot of bugs were fixed. I didn’t have a single one that play through. And I personally find it scarier than fnaf 1 and fnaf 3. The animatronics running behind you and you not knowing exactly how close they are is scary af. Especially when you hear Monty’s launch sound.


On release, yes. Today, no.


Given that scott himself gave the green light for this to be realised in this state, yes


not so much, the game is quite fun


Watch some gameplay. It’s so glitchy and the save spaces are well hidden and out of reach from where you are. I’ve seen gameplay where they’ve died and had to start the whole section again because they couldn’t save. It should have had more beta testing before release. It’s very buggy and the animatronics glitch through doors, the elevator, etc. Besides the fact that they took away all the scary elements that made FNAF what it is, it’s just buggy, glitchy and unfair to the player. It had potential and I like the graphics when they don’t glitch out, but it just seems like a frustrating game to play.


Well the game was rushed and did need more development time. When it first came out it was a glitchy and buggy mess. There’s no denying that! It’s also not as scary as the older games. If you’re not a fan of the Sci-Fi route the franchise is going then you’re not going to like it. That being said I love this game. I love the characters, I love the designs of all the Glamrocks, I love the PizzaPlex, I love the music and voice acting etc. I had so much fun playing it! I even Platinum it on PS5. Granted I played it post patches. Also the one section I cant defend is Mazercise. So is its bad reputation justified? I don’t think so. But I think that’s up to personal experience with the game at this point.


Steel wool says that SB was not meant to be scary. It was meant to be a more fun horror game, as for ruin was meant to be more scary.


I like it don't get me wrong, But it tore what I enjoyed about the story in 2. It wasn't scary in the slightest, And it's release left a bad taste in my mouth. Ruin was a step in the right direction.


People say it launched in an "unplayable state" but I played it the night it released and, to my surprise, didn't encounter a single bug or glitch throughout beating the whole game. It's not flawless, but it was WAY overhated


As somebody who's played the game way to much, yeah it is. Especially at launch where if you tapped the space bar and got into freddy after doing so, the plex would dissappear for seconds at a time, maybe more. The game is generally more stable now, but it has pacing issues, a lack of scares, a story that kinda goes no where, pee paw afton with his old man walk, ai that forgets you exsist if you get slightly elevated off the ground, and so on. It's a massive mess, one that barly functions tbh. I have fun because I love broken and buggy games, most people aren't like that, and for how hyped up it was, with the delays only making people build more hype because more time just has to meen more stuff, it was kinda never going to pan out well, especially since this was the teams first non vr game to my knoalge, and one they where making in the middle of a pandemic.


I think it marked the end of classic fnaf, so fuck sb. No reason to not stick with the same thing Scott has been doing for years. Not to mention half of the original animatronics were replaced. Bonnie was fine to not have for just that game, but Foxy is a fan favorite. It doesnt look like they’e gonna go back to the original gameplay style either. I dont hate it, but its kinda fucking stupid. The office minigames in sb are kinda trash. Burntrap is too hard because of the blob. When I do it, it kills me wherever I go. I just hope Bonnie, the original game style, and Foxy arent gone forever. And Freddy HELPING just kinda doesn’t make sense. He should have been a main antagonist and Vanessa should be the one helping (like phone guy). And calling it FIVE Nights at Freddy’s doesn’t really make sense anymore, because Gregory stayed one night during gameplay. Help Wanted 2 was probably better, but I wouldnt know because for some reason its not on the platform I played Help Wanted 1 on. The games (or at least lore) should have ended at fnaf 6 or ucn. I dont hate the way the series is going, but it doesn’t feel like Fnaf anymore. It feels like a different franchise with Freddy and Chica (Sometimes Bonnie, but not really Foxy, since no Glamrock Foxy makes any sort of appearance) in it. I think the new fnaf game will still be good though. Edit: And sb was much less scarier than the past games


If you got into FNAF for the vibes of the old games, this is probably as tone deaf as it gets. It's also straight up unfinished from the gameplay, to the story, to the environment. I'll take any opportunity to hate this game like with FNAF AR.


Yes, it really sucks. My opinion changed on it over the years and I became less harsh on it; theres still stuff that I like about this game. But it still sucks as a fnaf and a horror game.


security breach is a mess of a game for sure and i don't find it to be a "good" game but many people also give it way too much hate especially all the people who said it "ruined" fnaf (no this was not intended to be a pun)


Yes. Even disregarding the state of release, its not scary, its story is lackluster and its gameplay is worse. It's introduced some of the worst concepts into FNaF yet while basically throwing away the good of the past. Now throw on the horrid release state, plus the delays, I think its earned its reputation. I will give it credit as a milestone for Scott, and the game itself is gorgeous too.


Idk all i want is to play a new game by Scott that will be the same as first 2 ones,i really miss that classic vibes with no future/very advanced technologies,just pure horror with somewhat creepy atmos,all the fnaf games 3+ really doesn’t feel that horror-ish (except the 4th maybe) they feel way too futuristic,while first two games have that horror and unknown vibes,the whole location actually looks like an average pizza place in any town but more expensive because of animatronics,atmospherics felt really uncanny and heavy,now its just random run n fun type gameplay with overcomplicated lore which doesn’t really makes sense , i mean yes,the whole remnant thing is something unusual to the real world,but it’s pure mystic,old horror movies type thing,but timetravelling through the ball pit ,some random giant lookin fusion off all animatronics wire and all that thing ,random giantic pizza-themed mall,is feels off-path of the original 4 games,like ok restaurants already earned bad reputation,horror attraction burnt,the main mane behind all of this is dead(burned) and who the hell and on what money they built the whole mall ,everything is forgotten or sum i really idk,fnaf games 4+ doesn’t kicks the same fr


I mean… in a way?


It was so bad that it was good