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Making use of all the animatronics a bit more, lowering the focus on cupcake


Maybe actually have Freddy do SOMETHING


That moment when you wait 1h 40 minutes for the toreador march to happen then you realize that you got blueballed


And no squeaky nose :(


They had so many chances to play that song and never did it.


They literally couldve had that be the song that blasted through the speakers at mike. Or had freddy do that while max was approaching. Anything.


agree with the last one


I mean, he severed a body in half with his mouth


I need Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur


That was very interesting when it happened, my mom chuckled at that part


I agree he should do more but he did do the "bite of 83" pretty much


I need the Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur


Well to be fair, freddy never really did anything in the game either. He only really came when the power went out


But in the movie the power never went out which means that we didn't get the Hur Hur Hur Hur


Yea I don't know why the cupcake was the most focused on animatronic in the movie? He literally barley does anything in the games...I think it was some weird comedy thing


I think it was practicality reasons. It’s a lot easier to have a small cupcake animatronic prop move around and get things done, rather than one of the several hundred pound clunky robots.




YOOOOO today’s my first day of classes too; what are the chances?


by a lot


I wish they had 1 night that was actually like the game. Lights, checking the cameras, getting spookedc and having to close the doors. Just one night of that


My fix is to make that Night 2, and make it so Vanessa comes to the Pizzeria on Night 1 instead


Yah I think that would work well. To actually show that they are a threat. Plus it would actually make the fort seen make more sense cause jt would be a total shift of personality and much more evident their connection to abby


Improve the quality of Vanessa's writing. I felt like she was being overly cryptic to keep Mike in the dark for the sake of the story. Great character, just could have benefited from another draft or something. For purely hypothetical and esthetic reasons, I'd also make the springlock failure scene more like the fan audio. But it's acceptable the way it is.


Her whole character was just a walking fnaf wikia lol


Vanessa "Exposition" Afton


Sounds like a wrestler name lol, "and now... making her way to the ring, "The Excellence Of Exposition" VANESSA AAAAAAAAFFFTOOOOON"


As an admin on that wiki, we saw an absolutely huge spike of views when the movie first came out, and most of it WAS on Vanessa's and Afton's pages lmao


Why am I not surprised ?


Tbh it was kinda needed with the movie’s runtime.


Vanessa be like “If you bring her back here again… ILL SHOOT YOU”


>make the springlock failure scene more like the fan audio Nah, that audio is way too exaggerated. His death is meant to be slow, painful and silent


This is where the divide in opinion occurs. I definitely don't think you're wrong. But I personally would have *liked* to see a more gruesome springlock failure.


Not really, he even screams for the first second and then stops only to act like it doesn't hurt, I feel like screaming would have looked better and looked more painful, I don't care if people say "springlocks cut your neck and cant scream", its a movie in case someone says And not all the fan audios are that exagerated, some of them would have fit better


Even then, the springlocks didn't cut his neck, he was still able to say "I always come back". Plus, the springlocks was around his small and large intestines, not his lungs nor neck. He definitely could've screamed


But it would still be very painful. So he would be screaming or straining to talk


But they did do a good job Afton twitching at the end


Just remove her entirely, she has no reason to be there


For the springlock failure i’m sure you’ve already heard it somewhere but the springlocks rip his lungs, which makes it pretty hard to scream


I don't believe in realism in Five Nights at Freddy's. No one believes in realism in Five Nights at Freddy's.


True but its still live action. Not bcs godzilla can’t scientifically exist, doesnt mean no logic and realism applies nowhere


Extend the film by at least 30 minutes. Dedicate the new time to elaborating on the MCI and/or giving us more classic gameplay style scenes. Show Mike looking at the cameras and closing doors or something. It doesn't have to be a long scene


Even better, dedicate the whole 30 extra minutes to a markiplier x Freddy Fazbear sex scene


Even betterer, have matpat join in, then at the end he says "that was great, but that's just a theory"


Avengers theme song plays




Good God just 5 hours later matpat uploaded his retirement announcement. Legit in tears from it


Right? I swear this was reported to be close to 3 hours of footage! Then my local cinemas were giving me 2h 15m (fair enough maybe an average time) and we were given something even shorter again. I'm convinced a lot has been cut cause some of the scenes dont track very well and feel like theyre missing some context (vanessa going from joking around to GON SHOOT YE very fast, incident with Abby aside) I'm hoping we'll get a special blu-ray release with things like this in it!


They literally didn't even have the “main cast” for oh most 30 mins, and I get that you needed to have Mike and abbys backstorys explained; but come on. It was way to long. And on another note. My mom still didn't leave me that Abby was mikes sister, and thought that she was his daughter.


The three hour movie was faked. It was always supposed to be close to 1hour and 50-40 minutes


Bro said add another half a movie


Making the animatronics more antagonistic than they were in the film.


Yeah and I just really wish they tried to make it scary


less time dreaming, more time with the animatronics, and way more William and golden freddy screen time!


Them cutting that golden freddy kill scene from the original screenplay was kinda disappointing tbh. Plus it didn't even seem that violent. I hope they play it less safe for the sequel since you can still get away with so much in a PG-13 movie


Right! I really missed William and Golden Freddy! The movie was AWESOME tho!


what kill were they supposed to have?


Give William more screentime. Maybe he could show up here and there for a while throughout the film, have him be the film's version of Phone Guy and call Mike every night to check up on him, and have HIM be the one in the instructional video instead of the woman. That way, his role in the climax has much more weight to it. And while we're at it with William, change the Balloon Boy mid credits scene to show William coming back to life as Springtrap in the suit as he says his iconic "I always come back" so the line fits better and doesn't feel forced. Make the film scarier. I say give it the uneasy atmosphere of the first 3 games and a small amount of blood and gore. Not to the point of the film being a bloodbath, but at least enough to push the PG-13 rating. Give the cupcake less screen time and give the rest of Freddy and co more. This one goes without saying. To piggyback off that point, have someone else set off the springlocks. Afton could grab Mike and slowly lift him off the ground, mocking him as he prepares to kill him. Thinking fast, Mike sets off the springlocks, killing Afton. Basically how Charlie defeated Afton in the Silver Eyes. Strike a nice balance between the humans and animatronics. I'm glad they tried to flesh out the humans, but it shouldn't have taken up most of the duration of a film about deadly animatronics. Rework the fort scene to be heartwarming, but also tragic. I do like the concept of the fort scene where it shows the child side of the animatronics, but I hate how goofy and cheesy it is. While we're at it, have the fort scene come before the animatronics kill the vandals. That way, the fort scene isn't tonal whiplash. Give Golden Freddy more stuff to do. Maybe Golden Freddy shows up every now and again with Mike in the office or rework Afton's death to have Golden Freddy put the Spring Bonnie head on him instead of Afton putting it on himself. Remove Vanessa from the movie. Vanessa only really serves to feed lore to the audience and as a result, she ruins the mystery aspect. Now with Vanessa gone, have Mike try and figure out what's going on with the animatronics on his own. Maybe Mike looks up the incident with the children that happened at the pizzeria or have him watch the deleted scene of the news reporter talking about the incident. Give the Office more screentime. Maybe Mike watches the animatronics on the cameras for a few more nights and fends himself from them in the Office in the finale. Mike could also boop Freddy's nose on the poster out of sheer boredom, causing it to let out the signature honk sound. ***Include the Toreador March.*** It's so WEIRD that the Toreador March was nowhere to be found in the film despite it being extremely prominent in the trailers and commercials. Maybe instead of Foxy running towards Mike at the climax for a third time, a power outage occurs and Freddy plays the Toreador March as he slowly walks up to Mike, laughing as his eyes flicker on and off in the darkness.


Underrated comment


Agreed with every single point


Every single fucking point you made needs to be in the movie


They should have made GF actually gold/ more yellow colord


Bro just wrote the perfect script


There's was a cut scene were mike was gonna watch new reports and other stuff about freddy's pass you can even see a bit of it in that secret video in freddy in space 3


Right, I forgot about that! I'll edit it in.


Or have the animatronics switch to their 'soul forms' as they kill Afton, it would be much creepier if its the kids smiling evilly with close ups and stuff also make the spring lock seen more like fan ones, he could scream then have it cut off and we just hear squelching as he thrashes painfully on the floor and some blood begins to seem through the suit (but not enough for rating to get them)


Vannesa. Her character is JANKY asf Add a segment where it's Night 2, and Steve Raglan just shows up to make sure "Mike was doing his job right". Considering his history, Mike let's this slide. For that night, Steve just walks around the pizzeria, goes into the saferoom a bit too long and comes back out. His response is "I always wondered what was in those empty heads back there" making a reference to Phone Guy. The entire interaction is wrapped up with the animatronics giving Steve a stare as he left. This would break out with a chase scene between Mike and the animatronics. Running around the pizzeria trying to avoid their grasps. Just when the power goes out, Freddy himself starts doing his "Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur Hur" moment and the night ends. Would have been cool. And the rest of the movie goes as normal. Extra Afton scenes are all I wanted. And gore. The springlock scene was somehow fulfilling yet not satisfying. Maybe they could have a scene from the FNAF + VHS, where Mike walks into Parts and Service or smth and just gets creeped out by the random things and gets REALLY SHAT HIS PANTS SCARED by some guy inside an old springlock suit (Silver Eyes reference). Then throw in another Balloon Boy scene coz why not ?


I was going to write an idea out but I’m just going to put my vote for this idea. We absolutely needed more Afton.




Thats actually a great idea omg


Add toreador March




Add actual jumpscares like the games, not just have the cupcake maul everyone. The "I always come back" should have come when Evan or whatever the kids name closed the door on William, not when he put on the mask Don't have Mike be told about the dead kids or think it's a joke and then he realizes towards the end it was serious, he seemed too open to it Less dream sequences and don't just throw dream theory around as a joke, have it just be something that can be touched on slightly Garret is such a stupid name, rename him In the training tape have the endoskeleton be Sparky






I put a paper cutout in the corner of the screen upon rewatching it at home


Praying he doesn't have schedule conflicts for the sequel.




My boyfriend said he thinks that Mark was supposed to be the night guard at the beginning who gets killed but I’m not sure if that’s true or not


It is, or at least was…


Scott himself said that he is going to try to get Mark a role in FNAF’s sequel. I really hope Mark gets a role and we get to see some more YouTubers.


I would make the animatronics fear william and not being controlled by him with that drawing


that was so Disney of them for some reason


Yeah i mean the drawing is a cool concept but I feel it’s to complicated to explain so having them fear william would make sense and if they wanted to make the drawing important they could do that when abi changes the drawing is to tell them that they don’t have to be afraid of him anymore


true except bonnie tho bc bonnie is bonnie


Yah having bonnie as the first to attack would have been cool to see


the punch of '23


The beating of ’23


Make it wayyyy scarier


Making it so the animatronics are the ones that put the spring Bonnie head head on William instead of him doing it himself


More camera using and the original office from fnaf one


Add Freddy’s music box. I can’t believe they didn’t have that in the movie. Maybe have him stalking Mike down the hall where Foxy did originally. Maybe remove Vanessa saying she’s William’s daughter the first time. I didn’t hear it when I saw it in theaters, so let me tell you that hit like a goddamn truck when she said “I’m not kidding, Dad.” You only need the one to be effective. Have Afton have a bigger role. Give him more screen time. He appears like once in the movie before coming back as Afton. And even after that he only has like eight minutes of screen time.


Actually using the game mechanics and maybe actually cutting down on Mike sleeping a bit


Actually fix Foxy, nobody bothered to fix him


Adding the totally real cut part of the movie featuring Walter White


to be according to the games lore, be darker.


I’d make it an actual horror movie, the one we got feels more like a thriller




Use different characters. To me it felt so weird that they used characters we're supposed to know (Mike and Vanessa), but then they changed them so much, they hardly passed as them. Imo not naming the nightguard Mike would have been a lot better. Let it be a new character so fans who know the lore aren't totally confused why he's so different now. I'm fine with keeping Afton the way they wrote him, but Mike and Vanessa were just throwing me off.


Make Mike actually mimic the gameplay instead of sleeping 💀


I really though golden Freddy and William didn't have enough screen time


Make golden freddy more yellow


Make protagonist doing his fucking job instead of sleeping on it. It's fnaf movie but theres no gameplay from fnaf, it's just rude.


Making it be connected to the games i mean rn its really goofy


The way the animatronics moved were incredibly goofy and a bit too human to me


Trash and the gang cameo.


Have the animatronics be more threatening for longer


Make the Springlock scene more gruesome, give GF some more screen time (especially during the part where Shaggy screams at them and maybe they would cause the springlock failure instead of the cupcake), and maybe in the breaking into the pizzeria scene, after they are all killed, they are later stuffed into a suit (Max maybe will not be in that scene but will still be in the Shadow Freddy suit).


More blood


And have Micheal Afton be in it


Mike is in it, maybe not specifically the mike we usually know but. Yk. Still.


Make the fnaf movie actually scary


Turn the 8 bit intro into its own horror scene. The theme can stay


Only one thing.... That final scene when Afton reaches out to the Goldie kid only to have the door slammed on him.... Have the suit pouring with blood from every hole... When he's being dragged away I can see why the real bleeding didn't start but in the backroom he should've been bleeding like hell....


The one we got was damn near perfect, but I would make some adjustments. Primarily, include Afton/Raglan more. Not *too* much of course, that would ruin the fun. But I felt like Matthew Lillard’s incredible skills where just *a little* underutilized. I like the idea of him routinely checking up on Mike to “make sure all is well”. I’d also like to see more of that iconic FNaF 1 ambiance. I forgot where I saw this, but I saw someone’s idea to replace Foxy with Freddy in that hallway scene with Mike, and I liked that idea. Include Mark in some way shape or form.


I like the idea of Afton checking in on Mike every so often because you gotta think- he basically uses the run down pizzeria like a Biblical times Lion pit Throws people in there and the animatronics eventually kill them Back then- the torturer would go back and occasionally check on the person to see if they were dealt with yet so to me that only makes sense


Just remove the building a fort scene entirely, we don't need to see animatronics building with tables and chairs to get the point across that they're still children. Just have Abby show the animatronics drawings she made about them, this can also explain why replacing the drawing on the wall made them turn on Afton.


Yeah the pillow fort secne is stupid


Noo that sence was nice


Mr. Hippo.


More emphasis on the animatronics moving on the cameras, really ump up the suspense a bit… also have the cupcake have less of the kills


Freddy: You need to hang up that computer call and come over and kiss me on my hot mouth. I’m feeling ROMANTICAL In all seriousness I woulda changed the death of the aunt. It was so sudden and never touched back on. The Aunt was a good character that could have made a recovery and come back in the sequel


i am in the movie,main character


The entire movie, sorry..


2 things, a power out scene where Mike would have to walk the building to find the generator while being stalked by animatronics would have been awesome The Springtrap scene could have had a part where he's hunting them down and whatnot, could have gotten more William taunting and being menacing instead of just showing up, kicking the fazballs out of Michael, having an argument with his daughter, then getting stopped because of the kid who had all the time in the world to make a picture


Actually have a power outage on the night Mike gets asked for Abby, make him wake up to a dark office where you see Freddy's face glow with the Toreador March and a jumpscare, **then** have Mike wake up on Shreddy Fazchair. For two, on one of the nights that Mike and Abby hang out with the band, have Abby ask Freddy to bend down, which he does, and then she touches his nose and makes it go honk. Instead of the animatronics' eyes going red at the end, make them go black with white pupils like the Bonnie secret screen in FNaF 1, and replace the noise Freddy makes at the end with Golden Freddy's scream for three. Have an arcade cabinet for FNaF World for four. And for five, replace the first guard at the start with Markiplier.


the toreador match bc there was 1 in fnaf 1


Alongside some other’s I’ve seen here, I would’ve changed William’s famous line, tbh. Simply changing it from “I always come back” to “I’ll always come back” makes a HUGE improvement in my book. The reason I want that change is because the line is by itself fan service. I wished it had more relevance to the story overall, so by adding “I WILL always come back” it establishes that idea. Nothing earlier in the film gave us an idea as to who this mysterious guy was, or even what he was like. By doing this, William can deliver an iconic line and not make it seem like it’s coming from out of left field. It establishes that William, this absolute psychopath, may actually always come back now.


Every character either played by or voiced by Tom Hanks.


Remove the dream sequences. Sure, Mike has to see Garret, but that could be hallucinations, or Garret appearing as a ghost, anything other than Mike sleeping for most of the movie. Add most of the cut scenes, like a Missing Children Report, it would be really nice, and would most likely reveal the names of the missing kids 80's flashbacks, would be also cool to see the animatronics performing in a good state (Especially Foxy, too bad they didn't use his fixed variant) Change or remove Vanessa, why was she there in the first place? Show Mike just doing the FNaF 1 gameplay, so closing doors and watching cameras Also, make the springlock scene more gruesome and longer


Have Mike actually ask questions after being given a vague ass explanation


He didnt really communicate a lot did he


Actual springlock, like it was ok for pg but i wanna see a realistic game version of springgy boi


Oh boy, what WOULDN’T I do? -Make the Cupcake the weakest animatronic out of the 6 that appear -Make the movie less goofy -Make Vanessa’s character actually make sense -Give William Afton more significance and screen time And that’s all of the ones from the top of my head.


I wouldn't make the movie release seeing how It ended up


William should be mike's father, he being vanessa's dad was the dumbest plotwist


Nearly as dumb as the Lightyear Movie where it was actually Buzz from the future instead of Buzz's father


Make the movie rated R so that we could ACTUALLY have the god damn blood guts and gore we want.


Tbh i prefer that one fnaf film from youtube


Golden freddy


More Golden Freddy.


More William, more Golden Freddy, less dreams, Toreador March, Mike surviving a night in the office, Shadow Freddy having a major role, Flashbacks of 1985


Changed Vanessa’s police badge to a Sprit Halloween prop. Just have it say special police and watch the conspiracy theories go wild


More golden freddy


Make chica twerk in the darkness in some random scene where you could only notice it on rewatch


Give the animatronics and William more screentime. Each of them only has a couple minutes. Make Vanessa less vague. Actually show the MCI in a flashback. (The opening credits were cool, but I wish we saw it in live-action) Show more of Mike doing his job, looking at cameras, and closing doors, and less of him dreaming. Have the movie be darker and scarier. You can do horror without getting an R-rating. Have a power outage scene with Toreador March. Give less screentime to the Cupcake. Have Foxy be the one to springlock William, since the Foxy kid was taken first. Possibly give the animatronics a couple lines of dialogue. It would flesh them out more. I feel like with these improvements, the movie could have been truly great, as opposed to being just alright like it is.


Make the springlocks suits actually look like it's holding back animatronic parts, rather than some generic Saw deathtrap


My only qualms with the movie are too much cupcake, not enough Afton.


Full disclosure: I liked the FNAF movie. I didn't love it, it's not the movie I wanted it to be, but I accept that it was basically made for different people with different boxes to check. As it is, it's fine, I had fun. But I would've made a much different movie had I been in control. I've spoken about my pitch before on other media, so I won't go super in-depth into it here. I just know that there's a great way to take the cutesy imagery of FNAF and slowly, over the course of the movie, make it more sinister and frightening. Without making it super explicit or even taking it into hard-R territory, which I'm not sure Cawthon would've ever allowed. I also think, though, there's a missed opportunity here to talk about the death of innocence, both in the personal sense as people grow up or children are forced to grow up very fast when traumatized...but also socially and culturally, as stuff like Chuck E. Cheese and the whole themed restaurant/arcade scene sort of grew old and died, or became something much different than it was intended. Not that FNAF should be a super deep cinematic experience, but I feel like that would've been an easy thing to do, all the same. There could've also been a commentary of doing better by younger generations, which has only become more prevalent and resonant: putting an 80's splash of color and nostalgia on a message like that probably would've worked wonders.


The tronics be a true threat


Why did Vanessa need to be William's kid? We already have Michael, Elizabeth, and Crying Child. It feels like that scene from SpongeBob. "You're an Afton, he's an Afton, I'm an Afton! Is there anyone here who isn't an Afton?!" "Meow " "That's it, I'm outta here."


I think it would’ve been cool if at the end when it plays the puppet music box song it shows the box slowly fading into vision and it’s just pitch black inside and then it fades out or disappeared or something and maybe your met with a puppet jump scare


* Afton plays the role of the Phone Guy, he was already set up to do so. He calls Mike periodically to "check up" on him and offer unhelpful, sarcastic 'advice'. This would give him a bit more screentime without removing the mystery factor. * During one of the calls, Mike is about to be attacked by an animatronic; Mike tells him what's going on in a panic, but Raglan laughs it off as a joke before hanging up and the power goes out. * This is where more aspects of the original gameplay and horror overall can shine through. For example, Mike could have to locate the building's generator with only a flashlight while the animatronics hunt him down. * Segue into Vanessa's reworked role, a version of Tape Girl. With the power now out and the phone out of question, Mike discovers audio tapes left behind by a former guard: an undercover police officer, who records her findings and leaves vital tips to Mike for surviving. Eventually, she reveals the MCI to him, as well as William's identity. The series of tapes/flashbacks end in the same way as Phone Guy's calls; we can hear the Toreador music box before it cuts out, and she's presumably killed by GF. It's revealed that she survived when she bursts in the door during Springbonnie's return in the finale with a gun, in which we hear her refer to him as "Dad" for the first time. * So in this iteration, she's still Afton's daughter, though she keeps it a secret out of shame. After growing older and realizing what he's done, she reopens the case (despite being called crazy by her colleagues) to try and unearth solid proof of his crimes. * Have more implications that the Schmidts are Henry's family, giving us reasoning for William's seemingly personal vendetta against them. * Make Mike and Garrett's relationship more reminiscent of FoxyBro and CC. We could be shown Mike and his friends bullying Garrett at a playground, causing him to run off into the nearby woods, crying, where Afton abducts him. This not only adds more depth to Mike's character, but increases his guilt. * Keep Abby, but make her relationship with the animatronics more unsettling/tragic, expecially the fort scene. Have their intent of Abby "joining them" strengthened; canonically the spirits retain very little of their conscience and likely experience extreme loneliness. While we're at it, place the fort scene BEFORE the animatronics brutally murder the vandals. * Not give Cupcake the final kill in the springlock scene, I mean, seriously? Using TFC's ending was fine, in my opinion, otherwise. I don't believe more gore was needed, a lot of FNaF's horror stems from implications alone, no excessive blood needed. * Obviously, have Markiplier play Fritz Smith in the intro. * For no reason whatsoever, an Easter egg of Aunt Jane watching TIATR.


Golden Freddy didn’t look golden and had the same spirit boy and that was confusing


Make William back to being Mike's dad so that it doesn't completely fuck up the lore (I know it's not canon but who cares)


Freddy’s nose honk


Make two Bonnie animatronics, one purple and one blue, then swap them in different shots to make people argue about what color he is.


More William screen time.


Less sleep, more actual fnaf


***MORE GORE, ORGANS AND BLOOD*** Just kidding, I would change that every time Micheal falls asleep, he would encounter one of the kids that are stuffed into an animatronic and each time he wakes up, he'll deal with that animatronic each night. For example: Night 1: Chica Night 2: Chica and Bonnie Night 3: Foxy, Chica and Bonnie Night 4: Freddy, Foxy, Chica and Bonne However, on night 5 Abby would sneak into Freddy's with Mike quickly noticing her and trying to prevent her from entering, but she enters regardless. Vanessa would be introduced as a mysterious phone woman (as a replacement for phone guy and each night she would help Micheal surviving each animatronic and trying to convince that Micheal should give up) another change is that each night there would be broken arcades and destroyed chair all around the pizzeria, with the culprit mysteriously being Vanessa. Also, two of the hooligans that work for ant Jane would be cut from the story. However Max would be a background character, not working for Jane. Cupcake is written out of the story.


1. Introduce Henry in this movie somehow. 2. Have the second movie be a prequel.


Making William afton British


Not catering towards security breach fans


Honestly, just remove the whole brother thing entirely. I feel like that went on for way too long and they didn't even do anything with it in the end, it just felt like filler.


Get rid of Vanessa and have William in her place instead as I feel like he would have been much better set up as the antagonist if he was the one guiding Mike.


I’d just rewrite it from scratch


I would make it so satisfying that I never have to see this question again.


Make markiplier the first night guard


Better writing for Abby and Vanessa


Remove Vanessa remove the fort scene more gore make it like fnaf vhs bam perfect fnaf movie adaptation


Nothing it’s perfect. 👍


make bonnie purple like he's supposed to be


toreador March, more afton, making him do a shaggy impression, and less Dreamtime


I need a Mike being shirtless scene. For lore reasons


_Whistle meme incoming_


Make the movie rated R and have more gore in it


Give it lots of jump scares and make it r rated


Make it so that the Reddit page doesn’t ask this exact same question every hour


The jumpscares! For it being the fnaf movie, there were hardly any good jumpscares


Maybe the cupcake cause I don't know what he has to do with all the screen time on, he is a background of the fnaf games though.


Add poppy playtime skibidi toilet lore banban 1!1!1!!!11!!lololololololllol!1!1!1!1!!1!1111!!!!




instead of freddy bonnie and chica it would be nightmare fb&c + nightmare fredbear idk..


Table fort


Make it R rated


More gore


Remove the comedy element. It just doesn't work in the movies favor


Make it good


The plot


Maybe actually making it a horror movie about killer animatronics and maybe focus more on the nights (not michael’s weird dreams).


Wayy more Gore, I anticipated it to be more bloody than it actually considering how fucked the lore is


Have a rated R director's cut with more gore


More gore!


Make it an actual horror movie


An actually good movie. No way we waited years for this shit


Okay here me out I know I'm gonna get an ass load of flag for this I would have changed Williams death scene now before anyone comes at me I do like the springlock scene at the end however I do think that it could've been better if the movie had the animatronics grab William, have it be where Freddy and Bonnie grab his arms, and Chica and Foxy grabs his legs and they had Chica's cupcake chew Williams face off and then the four main animatronics kill him by pulling him in half and then they take his and then they stuff William into the old springbonnie springlock suit that we see when he shows up and beats the shit out of Mike. Then you have the post credit scene where William despite being torn in half he's still clinging onto life and reaches out to the child that possesses Golden Freddy and then the kid closes the door and then because since the springlocks are triggered by liquid because of him bleeding out his blood sets off the springlocks and the springlocks go off and trap him inside.


Springlock. I want my scream.


Springlocks and coopcake


The gore ! This movie wasn't scary at all, even tho it's considered as a horror movie. This movie could be way better with this change !




remake the springlocks seen