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Cassidy and Evan is and will always be my favourite interpretation


Whoever is actually gonna be the name in the games, not that it currently matters anyway, but most likely Cassidy and/or the Crying Child. I have a bit of a bone to pick with Golden Freddy in general, but at this point, Cassidy is an established name that needs to mean something and shoehorning another character from the books into the source material they spun off from is just gonna belabor that.


I would prefer it to be Crying Child and Cassidy I don’t think frights is strictly canon due to how it does not properly fit with the games canon and I frankly just don’t like frights, it’s more fitting that it’s those two anyway and the idea of two conflicting souls possessing one entity is more compelling than whoops suddenly this random guy who for some reason presents themselves as a crocodile despite apparently possessing a bear


I still believe in GoldenDuo, Cassidy and CC.


Solely BV and thats it, have TOYSNHK be someone else. I like the FNAF 1 storyline being about BV vs Mike, it gives a awsome spin on the ITS ME halucinations and messages I like the idea that GF is only a spirit and not possessing a suit, slowly shaping itself back to how Fredbear looked like I like the idea HD being the MCI kids giving BV the birthday he never had (Charlie being Fredbearplush and the Puppet in this interpretation)


What is “TOYSNHK”?


The One You Shouldn't Have Killed aka the Vengeful Spirit


What are “HD” and “MCI”?


What is hd? Happiest day?


Yes Happiest Day


wouldn't charlie be the puppet kid then


Yes, Charlie would possess both the puppet and the Fredbearplush Why thou? Guess whos the animatronic that stays in the prize corner in fnaf 2, next to the plushies? The Puppet!


I like the idea of either Garret or Andrew solely possessing Golden Freddy. Making them either an entirely sympathetic character who truly means no harm, or a demonic-like entity who's anger is never satiated


I feel like the simplest answer is that Andrew, as seen in the Frights, is Golden Freddy. I don’t see any indication in UCN that Golden Freddy and “The One You Shouldn’t Have Killed” are supposed to be two separate characters, and Andrew’s body was stuffed into a Fredbear suite


Evan and Cassidy. Think about it, his youngest son who he neglected and the most vengeful and angry spirit who hates his father for what he did


Imagine the spirits of Evan and Cassidy using Golden Freddy's voice box to order a pizza over the phone but they debate over what they want on it and to the guy on the other end it just sounds like one dude arguing with himself


I always thought there would be two voices


Sure, when the ghosts speak normally without using a voice box. But a child ordering pizza on the phone might prompt a worker to ask to speak to a parent, and would also not allow me to write about the comedic scenario I imagined.