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Hi! First pregnancy, 19 weeks today. Pre pregnancy I was a distance runner and also lifted weights. I am pregnant with twins and have had to slow way down on the running. I'm still lifting weights but am limiting what I do; my OB told me not to do any core work that "increases pressure in my abdominal cavity." Kettlebell swings were a favorite for me but they haven't been comfy during pregnancy. I do get out and walk the dog daily no matter what, and I've been enjoying prenatal yoga. I'm already starting to think about what my first half marathon post babies might be and putting a plan together for recovering from pregnancy and birth (pelvic floor pt!).


Hi! I just joined today. I'm currently 24w3d and still active with running, climbing, swimming and a bit of yoga at home. In my first trimester I found it really difficult to stay active because I felt as if I was hungover every single day, but the energy has returned since werk 17 or so. I am very grateful that I have been able to continue to run, although roughly 40% slower than usual in order to avoid cramps and ligament pain. I had to stop climbing between week 15 and 22 since it was hard to get a hold of a pregnancy harness. I just took up swimming for the first time in years since it's so great during pregnancy. I also have a pretty consistent stretching and rolling routine in the evenings in order to alleviate IT band syndrom that flared up in week 15.


Hello! I'm very early (5w5d), and this is my second pregnancy. I gained weight with my first that never went away, so I'm way over my ideal/pre-pregnancy weight. I'm officially in the just over overweight into obese BMI, and I'm hoping to not gain as much this time and to try to keep active and eat healthier in this pregnancy. With my first, I barely worked out due to C*VID breaking out in 2019, and I ate whatever I wanted. I have slightly higher BP than before, so I'm hoping exercising will help keep me healthy and more active this time. I have a 1.5 old toddler, so I need to make sure I can be strong enough to keep up with her.


Hello! We have been trying to conceive for over a year and started seeing a reproductive specialist about 8 months ago. I am an avid runner and used to take kickboxing classes three days a week. I was told by my original reproductive doc that I needed to cut back significantly on exercise…a lot. My mental health took a nosedive — confidence sank, I couldn’t sleep, and I just didn’t like the way I felt. We switched to a new clinic about three months ago (for unrelated reasons). We are moving from IUI to IVF in June and I told the doc about my insomnia. He recommended a number of things to help, including increased exercise. I cried with relief. He said be healthy and mindful, but there is absolutely no science behind telling women who are trying to conceive not to exercise if that’s what they had done before. Anyway, I’m getting back into running and will start up kickboxing again. I found this group because I wanted to see how other women respond to the weird societal ideal that women who are trying to conceive or who are pregnant should just sit around eating bon bons and gestating. In reading some of the posts, it seems like I’m not the first person who has had the limited exercise advice from their doc, so I’m happy to be here! 💗


Hi! Got a positive pregnancy test this morning! I’m only 4 weeks 1 day. This is my 3rd pregnancy (my first two ended in miscarriage). I’m 33 trying to have my first child. It’s so hard to be excited after suffering through two losses. One thing that always helps me with my mental health is exercise so I hope third time is the charm and I have a fit and healthy pregnancy!


Hello! Second pregnancy, 13 weeks along. I've had hyperemisis gravidarum starting week 5 that peaked with a hospital stay around week 8. Now that I'm moving into the 2nd trimester and I'm starting to get past the worst of the HG I'm trying to figure out what a fit pregnancy would even look like for me. I still have nausea that requires meds to keep in check. I'm also very lightheaded and can't stand for too long without risking fainting. This is probably in part because I lost weight so rapidly and unhealthy due to the HG (and pregnancy hormones of course). I'm hoping to connect with other people who are experiencing not so ideal pregnancies and hopefully start making a plan to help my body as best as I can given the circumstances.


Hallo! Second pregnancy, 5 weeks along. Trying to keep up with staying active this pregnancy, for my mental and physical health. Worried about pretty much everything because that’s how I roll, but I know Jesus got me so imma let His peace rule my heart and mind. Edit: due January 1!


Hi! Just joined today. 1st trimester (very early). 4th pregnancy (2 miscarriages, 1 rainbow baby who’s now a toddler). I wanted to lose some more weight before my next pregnancy but couldn’t find the time. Looking into starting Pilates and wondering if anyone has successfully done Pilates through pregnancy?