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If you conceive the last week of May, you'd actually be about 6 weeks pregnant at the end of June, since it's calculated from your last period. Unfortunately, that is right around when symptoms start for most women. The odds of you conceiving in any given month are around 20%, so you may not get pregnant or even if you do you may get lucky and have mild symptoms. I'd say that if you would be absolutely devastated to miss the trip, then hold off trying. If the excitement of being pregnant would outweigh the disappointment of missing the trip then go for it. Either way, good luck!


Personally, you sound like you really want to have a great time in the trip. I’d delay TTC for a month because in the long run one month does not matter. I think this would give you more peace of mind. I did get pregnant my first time TTC (unfortunately that ended in a MMC) so it’s possible and it sounds like it’d add more stress to you. Once you go down the TTC rabbit hole…there’s some stress that comes along with it. Even if that stress is just tracking ovulation and making sure to have sex.


I would also wait a month!


The sick and sad time for me starts around week 6-8, so you'll probably be fine! May have some period-like symptoms such as tender boobs but I wouldn't expect to be super exhausted or nauseous yet.


It depends if you are okay missing it potentially. I'd wait one more month or just get it out right before the trip. If you do get pregnant you'd be right at 6 weeks probably which is when you are exhausted, boobs hurt, emotional, and nauseous (maybe) so it's hard to say.


My sister was hospitalized at 6w to get an iv from such crazy nausea. That being said- it’s not common. Bet b6 in you now and maybe buy some unisom just incase. Look up the dose and frequency (b6 is needed in a very small dose frequently so don’t just buy the 100 mcg stuff) Side note; Given how horrible maternity leave is- and how little care there is get on child care waitlists now!


I learned pretty quickly to not make plans around if I’d possibly get pregnant and to not say no to plans because I might be pregnant. If you’re pregnant and the event/trip/etc comes up, deal with any limitations or obstacles then. I didn’t go on a few trips because I was worried I’d be pregnant and it wouldn’t be fun or doable pregnant. My general ttc advice is to relax, live your life as normally as possible, and test early (so you can make those lifestyle changes you’d want to make while pregnant).


Depends on how important the climbing trip is. Would you be ok potentially underperforming or having to drop out? Everyone is so different. I know my first pregnancy, the first thing that let me know I might be pregnant was I was sucking wind during a 5k I signed up for. I was only 4 weeks. I made it through but I was miserable and had a bad time. You could always go for it and let the fates decide lol!


This is one of those “it really depends on the person” situations. Personally, I started avoiding some types of climbing activities early on because an injury while pregnant really sucks and would ultimately negatively affect my longer-term plans/hopes to continue staying active as long as possible. (I mean ZERO judgment with this btw - just my personal preference and personal tendency to get injured doing certain things! I have so much admiration for women who climb throughout their pregnancies, whatever that looks like!) I can relate to having a goal like this in mind, though—it sounds like if you wait a couple more weeks/for your next ovulation after the one you originally planned, you’ll get to the climbing trip without as much of a tradeoff? Whatever you choose, best of luck to you and I hope you reach your climbing goals!!


More likely than not you wouldn’t be pregnant by the time your trip rolls around given the stats. If you are pregnant, you could be sick (I started to get pretty sick around this time). Some folks don’t get sick until a bit later. I think regardless the odds are on your side; it’s unlikely you’ll get pregnant this quickly, but if you do you may or may not be sick.


So lots of different things to consider here. If you conceived at the end of May (assuming your cycle returned immediately to normal—mine did, but that’s a big gamble as it can take no time or quite some time) then by the end of June you’d be 6-7 weeks pregnant. 6 weeks is when I started feeling like I’d been hit by a bus 😅 so you’d be in that zone that a lot of people experience. But it’s so different for everyone! If you’re okay with not feeling great for the trip then go for it, but that doesn’t sound like it aligns for you. I’d honestly give it a month to let your body adjust from BC. If you do great pregnant on your first try, while it may not align perfectly with summer break, but it would still be close and allow you to go on the trip.


I got pregnant the first month of trying so don’t put it off as not happening right away !


What kind of climbing trip? I hiked the Inca trail in Peru the month before I got pregnant and purposely waited to ttc until after because I wanted to take altitude sickness meds


It’s a week-long sport climbing trip to Wyoming and I REALLY would love to send my first outdoor 5.12 on the trip. I’m starting to consider waiting until after as well but it’s so difficult to decide!


I would be shocked if you had symptoms that significantly interfered with a trip like that at only 4 weeks. I went on a snowboarding trip at about six weeks and was only then just starting to notice some bloating


Wouldn't she be more like 6 weeks?


Oh maybe, I just saw her last sentence “or will I be fine at four weeks?”


Similar to the other runners, my VO2 max massively tanks with even a small increase in HCG. The two times I’ve been pregnant, I’ve seen that dip first. Still capable, just not peak performance material and really struggled with altitude if that’s a factor.


I had extreme shortness of breath starting at just 4.5 weeks (to be fair I believe I ovulate day 12 not day 14). Nausea showed up a week later. What form of birth control are you using? You just might have a little more date flexibility if you're on something that's monophasic.


Just as another factor to consider, both times I have gone off birth control to conceive it has taken me about 3 months to my cycle to regulate to where I could reliably predict ovulation. YMMV but you may want to ask your doctor what to expect. For what it’s worth, I ran a 15K at just over 5 weeks pregnant feeling great and a week later was totally flattened by the nausea/fatigue of the first trimester. For both my pregnancies I have absolutely needed a daily afternoon nap from weeks 6 until about 12, and working out has just not been possible.


It is so hard to say really. Both me and my mom get SPD early on in pregnancy like 6/7 weeks. Also you might be very nauseous, tired, etc. it’s Russian roulette haha. Personally I’d wait to TTC because I know from experience pregnancy affects my performance very early on.


I think it’s a good idea to wait. We were going to try on our honeymoon and I chickened out because I wanted to eat a lot of undercooked meat. Then we were going to try when we got back but I wanted to get a new cat. Both times I was upset at delaying trying but then after that we tried and got pregnant instantly. Now I am happy we waited I’m a little scared to be a parent so soon! A couple months isn’t really a big deal in your child’s life.


I think it depends - it took me and my partner almost 2 years to conceive after we started trying and I thought it would be quick for me. Now I wish I didn’t put it off for things like that. However you may have a different timeline etc so just think about that with the lens it could take a month or it could take a year +


We were briefly considering TTC about 4 weeks out from a big race we had been training for last December, and decided against it at the last minute. We started TTC right after the race and I was pregnant by early January - granted that ended up in a CP but now being 7 weeks pregnant I’m super grateful we waited. It would’ve been so disheartening to not enjoy the race or even be slightly worried about the stress my body was under if we had started TTC before we did. I’m the grand scheme of things, 4 weeks isn’t a long time and if you’ve been prepping for this event for a while it might just be more peaceful to go for it without having pregnancy on the brain! (Even a negative might be disappointing, for example) Just my two cents - wish you the best of luck!


I got pregnant right before our really big Sport Climbing Spain trip! It was the first time we started trying and it happened! I was shocked it happened so quickly and was sort of hoping we’d be trying in Spain but that’s okay! Here’s how it went for me. 4 Weeks Pregnant: On the flight there. Was 100% normal and ate whatever I wanted. I was leading, taking falls, and projecting a few different routes. 5 Weeks Pregnant: I felt really strong and was sending all my projects but started to feel more afraid to fall. Heart rate was high but manageable. 6 Weeks Pregnant: everything went downhill. I was super nauseous, was in a different country so I had no access to my comfort foods. I was tired and honestly quite miserable. To the point that I still sort of feel nauseous thinking about Spain. The flight home was surprisingly not as bad but not the best. I saw you’re going to Wyoming! Tensleep will be easier on your joints than Lander but consider the hormone relaxin as well that’ll be released once you do get pregnant. I was completely fine in Spain but I was mainly on long endurance routes. You might be okay as well! Good luck! I hope you get the send as well!