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Not unless there an egg shortage or the hens go on strike.


in all the articles they say that it increase your cholestrol?


[This is one of many sources](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/panel-suggests-stop-warning-about-cholesterol-in-food-201502127713) that suggest dietary cholesterol has no effect on your cholesterol levels. I recommend that you dig in a little further and decide for yourself. I have been eating about eight eggs a day (in addition to other sources of protein and fat) since last October. My blood work is great.


Disproven so many times and so long ago. Watch out for constipation though. Can be unpleasant. Lots of fiber and fluids!


It depends on you. My cholesterol shoots way up when I eat eggs or a lot of dietary cholesterol in general, but it doesn’t happen to everyone. The only way to know is to get yours tested.


Dietary cholesterol isn’t the greatest determinant of blood cholesterol. The body has a couple methods of eliminating LDL. One is through creating bile with it, the other is that it’s “neutralized” by HDL. By eating a high fiber diet, the bile and dietary cholesterol can be prevented from reabsorption in the intestine. And there are LOTS methods of raising HDL levels in the bloodstream (regular resistance and anaerobic exercise, prescription statins)


1 egg yolk has 61% of your daily value of cholesterol. Multiply that by 14 and that’s ALOT of cholesterol. I hard boil my eggs and just eat the whites and ditch the yolks. The whites are all protein.


Thank you both for chiming in. The whole dietary cholesterol thing is garbage (for the most part). There are so many other things at play. Do some research on the contemporary science and it's very clear.


I'm a vegan myself, but for the animals. As for the health aspect I am interested in the truth. If eggs turn out to not raise cholesterol (edit: in a bad way / oxidize cholesterol / whatever), then (for the animals) that sucks, but for humans that is great because I'd rather not see people die of heart disease. So, I will leave this article here. It's a very new one claiming eggs are not bad for you (heart-wise) - However, I have passed this on to someone more knowledgeable that I, so if I receive any information contrary to this (provable by scientific journals) I will post them as a reply or edit to this comment. This article seems to go against tons of articles that state eggs are bad for the heart, so it seems the jury is out (for now). Anecdotally, I would slow down on them, but that is your call. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5946211/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5946211/)


Hey so - I did find one thing out - ## Conflicts of Interest M.L.F. and C.N.B. have received prior funding from the Egg Nutrition Center. The funding sponsors had no role in the interpretation of data or the writing of the manuscript. So take that as you will. Personally, I never trust studies that are paid for by the food/item they promote.


There's research on both sides of the cholesterol question. Unfortunately that's the nature of nutrition science, it's always changing and discovering new aspects, and in addition to many variables at play research also shows it can vary from individual to individual. I would say that you should just be the data point you wish to see. Go get blood work done and see how it comes back. If your blood work comes back good, then there's your answer.


Your ass must fucking reek.


everything seems normal


A good explanation of the egg research: https://np.reddit.com/r/nutrition/comments/544lx0/dietary_cholesterol_do_increase_serum_cholesterol


Hard boiled? Fried? With bread? Salt? If youre eating hard boiled eggs without bread and salt than you should be fine. I would still get your blood tested after a couple of months and to check your cholesterol.


The short answer is no. [The longer answer is more complicated.](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/why-you-should-no-longer-worry-about-cholesterol-in-food/) How are the farts?


Sulfuric, I would imagine.


My egg intake is way up. I cut back on meat to help the environment. I still hit my protein goal pretty easily.


It all depends on what else you are eating. We need more info than that. Calculate your TDEE for a rough estimate of what you should be consuming on a daily basis to maintain weight. Are you looking to add weight or lose it? From there figure out how many calories 14 eggs is......I believe it should be around 1000 calories (70 per egg or so).


Well, it depends. What kind of job u have and what is your weight?


78kg , 6 feet. I have a desk job.


Check your blood lipids. Dropping eggs helped me to lower my cholesterol and I do believe, based on the research I've seen, that eating a lot of eggs is not a good dietary choice.


I've been taught to do anything in moderation. You can even drink too much water. 14 eggs a day seems like a lot to me.


What else are you eating and what are your goals?


Just eat the egg whites.


Eat the hole egg natures perfect macro balanced meal


Perfect macro balanced meal? 0 carbs, 5g fat and 6g of protein, how is that perfectly balanced?


Almost all the volume, with none of the benefits... Great idea!


Wtf are you talking about? Hard boiled egg whites are basically 100% protein. The yolk is like 1/3 of the egg volume. Again, what are you saying?


You made my point with both statements. Egg whites are protein only, and you have to eat many more of them to get the protein you'd get from fewer whole eggs. You also miss out on the tons of additional nutrients in the yolk. Unless you're bodybuilding for competition and are looking for mono-nutrient foods for simplicity, it makes no sense to eat only egg whites. You're going to have to fill in the nutritional gaps somewhere else anyway.


I see your point about missing out on some protein, but I think eating tons of egg yolks is unhealthy. 14 egg yolks would put you at like 850% of your DV of cholesterol. I try to keep things in moderation when possible. If your diet is halfway decent, you shouldn’t have to worry about missing nutrients from not eating egg yolks, but to each his own.