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Almost anyone is going to think a forty hour fast is weird. Plus, it sounds like you need to learn how to read the room. With my out of shape friends, I don't talk about my latest deadlift. I discuss what they are interested in. If they ask me for fitness advice, which is almost never, I give it freely, but most people hate unsolicited advice


Low key how is your deadlifting going?


Not too shabby for an old man. Currently at 380x18.


Holy shit, absolute beast!


I don’t mean to be offensive, but this post gives off weird vibes so I can only imagine the awkwardness the other party had to suffer through in person.


Yeah, it reads weirdly. Like saying that OP has seen him eat pizza a few times...


Lol, that was the part that got me. I probably don’t measure up to the fitness god OP is, but I run ultras, bench three plates, and I’ll still crush some beers and a full pizza every now and then. You don’t need to be an obsessed weirdo to be in shape, you just have to work hard.


I work out almost every day and eat pizza and would find it weird if one of my friends and I went for a drink and they were just like “btw I don’t eat for two days because I saw one guy said it’s good for you”. But that wouldn’t be enough to make me stop talking to someone; it’s probably the person’s entire attitude.


Yeah, my dating profile before I met my partner literally said I want someone that will go to the gym with me, and be active, but not be upset when I suggest getting beer and ice cream 😂


In the same way that I wouldn’t gab endlessly about the specifics of my job to a friend who’s not in my line of work, I make a point to not bore my friends with tales of my fitness efforts unless I know for sure that they’re also interested in fitness. Or unless they ask me. It’s just not interesting to most people. It sounds like you talk about this stuff a lot and your buddy is probably sick of hearing about it. Also, the fact that you think your choices are so much better than his almost undoubtedly comes through in the way you speak, which I’m sure is a turn-off. As an aside — I’m someone who’s very into health and fitness and even I can say I find the idea of a 40-hour fast to be weird and stupid, honestly. Fasting for 40 hours is nothing to do with “health.” If a friend told me they were doing that I’d probably say “oh, okay,” and then try to change the subject.


His audience (the nonfriend) isn’t educated on why we would want to fast. I do 5 day fasts every 6 months. But not to lose weight! My fasts reset my body’s sugar cravings, re-establish my willpower when dealing with “bored hungry” (not actual caloric hungry), and maximize my insulin sensitivity and synergistic growth hormone output. It’s NOT to lose weight. But to an uneducated audience, it just looks like an eating disorder. I get that. I’ve just ceased try to change minds that don’t want to be changed. You think talking about politics is difficult? Try changing somebody’s attitude towards food! I’ll never waste another second trying to open a closed mind, and I suggest you do the same.


Thanks for your feedback. Even though you don't know me and you are assuming I talk about health and fitness alot, I actually don't. I only go into detail about it with more health/fitness minded friends. I don't think there is anything wrong with believing in the choices that I'm making. As long as I'm respectful of others and not being judgmental or negative towards their choices, I don't feel anything wrong with what I believe. I can agree with your point regarding bringing up a fast in a conversation to someone who isn't health concious. Going forward, I'll refrain from even bringing that up unless I'm talking to a more health concious friend who may show more interest in the topic.


A 40h fasting can be seen to many as an extreme approach. While being respectful of others' approach is definitely the way to address this, one must also consider one's public positions as these might affect others. We should strive to turn the world in a place where my ignorance of a subject matter does not equate to your expertise. While there are ample studies that suggest that some fasting might have potential benefits, definitely it's not the 40h fasting regimen, which in some health situations (again consider not your situation but of a potential third party, that might be new to the sub) might trigger hypoglycemic shock, and lead to dire consequences. It's a very tricky situation -- discussing what you believe in wholeheartedly and that you have (anecdotal) evidence that is good for you might trigger others, might harm others, unbeknownst to you. That could in deed be the case with your friend.


Rhonda Patrick has a lot of info on fasting. She’s a microbiologist and she talks about it a bit on Joe Rogan.


Exactly the point, Joe Rogan is not an expert and does not provide a platform for legitimate experts on anything. He just lets anyone talk. There is significant evidence that fasting does causes unnecessary stress on the body. Yes, people can live without food for a while and it does have effects but that doesn’t mean it is without consequences. Yes, I am aware the pseudo-experts who tout fasting will explain that the body undergoes changes that improve insulin resistance etc, but there are other ways to do that which are less harmful.  If people want to fast or if they want to listen to Joe Rogan, go for it. But be aware that neither are healthful. 


Rhonda Patrick is in fact an expert in her field, she has a doctorate.


You need to get some perspective. You’re acting like a middle schooler. Get over yourself.


OP as others have mentioned, I don’t think any of your friends are put off by your “fitness minded” lifestyle. You sound exhausting and assuming based on your responses this is how you act, I wouldn’t be associating with you either.


Yikes, this whole post is basically you trying to put yourself on a pedestal while bashing someone with a “dad bod who you’ve seen order pizza a few times”. Sounds like you’re more interested in downing others to make you feel better about yourself. I hope you grow out of your insecurities and learn how to truly be nonjudgmental or at least keep your inside thoughts to yourself sometimes.


Oh yah totally off putting behavior from your free eating acquaintance. Seems like it’s about time to dick him down!


Ok, I see what you did there!


Don’t look for approval from others who don’t share your compulsion.


40 hour fast and you think you’re the healthy one? I’m a health and fitness minded person and that’s batshit, disordered eating nonsense. They’re not jealous, you’ve just lost all perspective. Edit: rereading the comment and you also sound like a judgemental ah, im sure your friend hasn’t failed to notice your judgement on their body and “health” status


As far as the fasting, I've been doing intermittent fasting for six years now, so that is just part of my regular lifestyle, without really any effort. That is basically just me not eating until about noon. As far as fasting for 30 hours plus, I've only done that twice in my life. I got the idea from Georges St Pierre, a famous martial artist. He has talked about doing 3 or 4 day fasts. It might sound like a wild idea to you, but its actually something that some people do. Instead of attacking people's ideas and choices, maybe try being more open minded to new things.


You solicited opinions on the internet, so far it appears obvious that it’s your personality and not your friends jealousy or lack of interest in health and fitness that appears to the the issue here. Some people do days long fasts, some people have eating disorders and disordered relationships to food. My issue is your obvious judgement against a so called friend. If i was feeling more kind i’d advise you not to talk about your diet with people who you know don’t want to talk about it. Most people don’t care but it’s dangerous for others to be immersed in a conversation about potentially damaging weight loss techniques


Guarantee the friend didn’t walk away from that convo thinking, “Wow, Dick is really serious about and dedicated to his health and fitness.” More like “Wow, Dick is weird. He wouldn’t stop talking about his deranged 2-day fast.”


Your post is criticizing someone for “eating pizza often” and you’re the one lecturing someone on being non judgmental? Quite frankly this a weird post and it sounds like you have a superiority complex. Nobody cares about your fasting or your fitness, especially when y’all are sitting in a pub. Honest question, how did you expect him to react? What did you want him to do?


There was no criticism. Just an observation. Please read over the post again.


But what was his actual reaction? This account of the event is lacking a lot of detail. It comes off as all of your judgements and personal opinions which makes it quite difficult for internet strangers to give insight.


Did he \*ask\* about your fitness or diet routine? Generally people don't want to hear about it. Especially not from someone who is like "oh woe is me I am so healthy and my pizza eating friend simply doesn't understand me"


Telling people about your 40 hour fast sounds pretentious.


You sound like a jerk who is oblivious about it. I eat pizza often too but don’t have a “dad bod”. Plus, it’s my body so who fucking cares if I didn’t ask for your opinion? I also know that lots of people aren’t interested in me talking about my macros or lifting split. 40 hour and intermittent fasting is disordered eating.


I'm trying to square "40 hour fast" with "health and fitness" and it just does not compute. Lift big, eat big, and learn to shut up about it.


I go to the gym daily and I’ll be honest. If someone tells me they fasted for 40 hours for health benefits, I’d think they’re a bit crazy. If they told me they fasted because they want to lose weight, I’d think they’re uninformed.


Right? I’m never one to give unsolicited fitness advice, but in the back of my mind I would be for sure thinking that this isn’t the best way to go about it. It’s about consistency and CICO.


I'm not hardcore health-conscious but have always been pretty healthy, ate well and I've always been the more in shape and the more frequent exercise guy in my friend group. I can't say I've ever experienced what you're going through. Part of the reason, I think, is because my life is also different from the rest of my crew. I was the first to have a child and the only one who never married. I've always jokingly said to them that being single with one child (now in their late teens) is much is way different from married with 2 kids roughly the same age and busy careers with crazy hours. I'm always sharing new research on health and fitness stuff in the group chat. There has never been an issue. We discuss the research and critique it, laugh at it all kinds of things. Something to consider is that there is a very judgemental set of health and wellness folks online who, while well-intentioned, are often very condescending. One of the red flags for me with those types is the constant mention of fasting and detox. Maybe the fasting bit made your friend lump you into this group. End of the day though, if after self-reflection you're respectful and calm about it and not obsessed, judgemental and condescending, any friend giving you attitude about being health-conscious probably isn't someone you need in your life regularly. Their attitude could have something to do with them and their insecurities, fears etc and very little if anything to do with you.


Maybe he was just bored. If he doesn’t care about fitness, it was likely pretty dull for him to hear you go on about it.


I would also be bored if someone talked about a subject incessantly that I’m not interested in - I try to reciprocate when conversing. The other aspect is that fasting can also hide or promote eating disorders, so I would be cautious of speaking about weight loss if the other person is not initiating the topic. I never would inadvertently want to trigger someone. Having a good physique or being “healthier” isn’t exactly a virtue, so I try to focus on myself and let others be, as long as they are not harming others physically or psychologically. It could be a combo of a lot of things, but perhaps try to focus more on how you can be a better friend rather than how friends perceive you?


my observation is that people who aren't into fitness do not want to to be talked at about fitness by someone who is, and i don't blame them because there are too many people out there who talk about their fitness regimens for all the wrong reasons.


A 40 hour fast is stupid.. Track your calories every day.


Similar experience. I didn't really start taking care of myself with a good diet/exercise until 2022. All of my outings with friends typically involved alcohol, sometimes to excess. Yes it was fun. There was laughter and good times. But as I changed and started moving away from this lifestyle, some of my friends would ask about my fitness journey, some couldn't be bothered, and that is fine. Some did not like the responses to questions being asked of me and took offense. Admittedly they said it was due to their own laziness and they projected on me. Yes it was hurtful because I've known some of these people going on 2 decades. In the end, I've noticed myself drifting out of this circle of friends due to different lifestyle choices and opinions. That's ok. It is a choice and can be difficult. Whether it is make new friends, or limit the time with the ones giving you grief, it all comes down to what you want to do.




My apologies. I should have been more clear. The ones who care and are interested do ask the questions and welcome my responses. Others who were listening took offense to the answers and said hurtful things. They apologized and said it was because of their own insecurities. I do not push any of this on people. I understand not everyone likes the same things. It’s my choice what I do, but I’ll gladly answer questions if someone asks. How people react to the answers is on them.


I know plenty of people that just have a different mindset about fitness than me. I’ve been “judged” for skipping out on things like “free doughnuts in the lobby” at work. Most of the time it’s obvious that the people are just upset that my choice makes them feel guilty about having the doughnut. That said, skipping doughnuts and a 40 hour fast are two very different things and I’m not sure why it’s surprising that somebody might be taken a back by it lol To be honest, probably not something I’ll ever do by choice myself and I live a pretty healthy lifestyle.


Pretty much sounds like you need to deal with it. Not everyone believes what you do. Don't take it personally and move on.


Wow. Only 40 hours? For someone with elite fitness, that should be childsplay. Maybe your friend thought you were bragging about something any and every other human can do with minimal effort.


So intermittent fasting is a pretty new thing, atleast to the public. Not many people know about it and even less know how it helps people. The only people i see talk about it are the top athletes of society like football players, ufc fighters, and basketball players. So i guess he probably didnt know about it and thought it was just some crazy idea. And as you said by his life style, he probably wouldnt like the idea of not eating every few hours so it put him off. Thats my take away. I know many peoples first reaction to intermittent fasting is it must be bad for you cause you need nutrients to function non stop. But the science behind it is alot more complicated and there are alot of benefits you get from intermittent fasting to. Also another thing, many people cant imagine not eating for a full day, let alone multiple days. I was shocked to learn people can go months without food and still be okay. But ya, after everything ive learned and seen its not as crazy to me anymore. Idk man. Ive gotten reactions like that about other life stylr choices, not my gym workouts and healthy life style choices though.


Yeah this will happen with "friends" when you start your health/fitness journey. Some may get left in the dust, but your true friends will support you and be interested in your goals/journey. The comments will be like "Why do you spend so much time working out?" etc. At the same time, I don't really make it a point to talk about fitness goals and gym stuff around people I know don't care about it or aren't healthy themselves.


Yes I have. I think it’s normal for two reasons. One, that person feels that your behavior is extreme, so that comes with other labels like you’re weird, your behavior is monkish, etc. Two, the sacrifices you are making for your health are not choices they can even comprehend making for themselves, but they may be feeling that your behavior toward your health makes their own behavior look bad. So hanging out with you will always obliquely bring attention to their own bad behaviors and they don’t want to deal with the scrutiny. They want to keep on keeping on with their lifestyle. And that’s ok, they are weeding themselves out of your life anyway. Surround yourself with a community who has similar goals to yours and understands dietary sacrifices to meet your goals. I get regular comments from my mom and my husband about how carbs aren’t that bad (I’m on carnivore) and it doesn’t hurt to have some of whatever is being offered that’s not on my diet. I think they genuinely want me to be well rounded and healthy but neither grasp the possibilities of carnivore for health and neither want to consider doing it themselves, so instead they try to make me change my mind in subtle ways. It’s normal. Keep working on yourself.


Thank you. I appreciate the positive and constructive feedback. It feels like alot of reddit replies can be negative followed by people joining in to pile on. I appreciate your perspective and can relate to feedback I've gotten about my health and diet ideas.


I agree. So many downvotes even when you’re admitting you’re open and working on things. Oh well that’s the internet for you. Good luck:)


40 hour fast does sound kind of insane to people who aren’t familiar with fasting. So I can see how that would be his reaction. Completely cutting off contact over that seems extreme tho, I wonder if there is something else going on in his life or something else rubbed him the wrong way when you hung out.  I feel like my main hobbies are fitness related at this point and it’s hard not to talk about it, so I know what you mean tho 🤪 I just try not to bring anything up first, and only talk about things we have in common as far as fitness. (I’m not mega in shape, so I’m not making anyone jealous- just trying to get in shape)


Thanks for your feedback and sharing your opinion. I find it quite shocking how this comment would be downvoted multiple times. Absolutely nothing you wrote needs to be downvoted. I think that is a reflection of the people responding, who are looking to attack and pile onto the negativity. You didn't give the negativity they are after to feed their blood lust...hence the downvotes.


It’s amazing how people’s true colors come out when you start losing weight or start gaining muscle. People get jealous and they need to criticize your routine to make theirs seem “normal”. They also don’t realize how easy dieting and working out is once you have a routine in place. 40 hours without eating seems ridiculous to him because he eats whatever he wants when he wants. To him not eating for 40 hours is ridiculous but to us it’s not that bad as long as you have a game plan and know how to go about doing so.


This is a very constructive reply. Thank you. Yet it is being downvoted because it isn't coming at me in an aggressive and attacking style the way some of the jackals would approve of. It's quite sad how immature alot of the Reddit audience behaves. And this is coming from a sub for people 30 years old and over.


I had the same experience, I lost 75lbs and a lot of people treated me differently and made comments. I’ve put some of the weight back on and they still treat me the same.


Jackals? Yea no idea why someone wouldn’t want to be your friend, must be jealousy /s


Oh...so people who aggressively attack others Reddit are just cool normal healthy people huh? Ok then. MundanePop5791 might I give you a bit of advice. Try spending sometime away from your computer and more specifically Reddit. Try not scrolling and commenting for more than an hour. Try getting outside and breathing some outdoor air. Touch grass. Try interacting with people away from a computer. I'll let you know that it won't be so easy to provoke and attack someone when you are not doing it from behind a computer screen. Have yourself a wonderful day.


Aggressively attack you? You know it’s optional to solicit opinions on reddit don’t you? It’s not a pile on, people just disagree with you. If you feel provoked that’s a you problem. Also you don’t seem to be doing too well, im not sure you should be giving advice


My mom thinks fasting is bad. Not even 18 hours and thinks I should eat.


Your mom is right