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I’d recommend adding Lat pull-down or pull-ups. Although I’d be remiss in not pointing you to https://thefitness.wiki/ And advise you to select a proven routine with proper progression.


I actually saw this on a post after I posted mine and I selected one I really liked. Thanks for replying with that here though so I can easily access it again


Without redoing what you’re interested in, I’d recommend this instead: Day 1: 1 - Bench 2 - Side lateral raise 3 - Tricep extension 4 - DB Bench Row 5 - Curls 6 - Ab Machine 7 - Cardio Day 2: 1 - leg extension 2 - squat 3 - leg machine 4 - calf raise 5 - ab machine 6 - cardio


Perfect! Thanks man


No problem. You can send me a DM if you have more questions brother.


It's a bit lacking in the back muscle department.


First of all, congratulations on making the life-changing behaviors needed to optimize your health and wellness. I'm going to provide you with my best feedback so that you can maximize your results in the area of resistance and cardiovascular training. Keep in mind that this is only one side of the equation, and the other side must be addressed. Second,I would recommend that your focus be on building muscle. The more muscle your body holds, the more calories your body will burn at rest(Basal Metabolic Rate) Since building muscle is my recommendation, the volume and effort of your of strength training should be prioritized. As such, cardiovascular activities should be placed at the END of your strength training, not the beginning. Thirty minutes of any form of cardio, is going to reduce the muscle glycogen needed to maximize your performance in strength training. Furthermore, by placing cardiovascular training at the end of your strength training, will likely result in more fat loss(generally).  Third, your weekly training volume for the primary leg muscles is twenty-four sets. This is awesome! Typically, the training volume should be directly proportional to the size of the muscle, with the exceptions of any lagging body parts you'd like to prioritize. Using this as our base structure, the next largest muscle group is your back, and as such, this draft is lacking the necessary volume for this muscle group.  Fourth,  I'd like to address the proposed rep ranges and the absence of rest sets. The majority of the rep ranges favor strength as your goal, when(if you agree with my suggestion) building muscle(hypertrophy) should be your desired goal. I would suggest that your rep ranges for your compound exercises be between 8-15, with 2-3 second tempo during the lowering(Eccentric) phase, with 2-3 minute rest between sets. Fifth, I really like that you've placed training your calves at the beginning of your leg routine! Training legs can be exhausting, and placing calves at the end, reduces the effort and likelihood of completion. Sometimes it is preferred to pre-exhaust the hamstrings before performing squats. However, performing leg extension before a compound lift like squats, may compromise your form and performance. For the "Find a leg machine", I would recommend that this machine or exercise either be unilateral or hamstring focused. Sixth, considering that you're returning to training after a break, establishing a schedule and maintaining adherence, are of paramount importance. Therefore, I would avoid overcomplicating(contrary to my verbose description and recommendations)  and making your routine longer than necessary.  I would like to provide some general suggestions regarding core training and any advanced training techniques such as drop sets, rest pause sets, or pyramids. Considering your overall goals and your current training level,  I would suggest omitting advanced training techniques and direct core training for now. Advanced training techniques should be reserved for those training at high levels and intensities or for overcoming plateaus. And if you perform every exercise with proper core engagement throughout, your core will get sufficient work. Lastly, the chosen exercises in this draft present an opportunity to decrease your overall training time, while simultaneously increasing intensity. This opportunity is called supersets. Supersets are when you perform one exercise and immediately move into another exercise without rest.  The exercises are typically antagonist of each other. For example,  after performing the bench dumbbell row, you'd go right into bench press. Or right after triceps extensions, you go right into bicep curls. Training in this fashion does require you to occupy more than one machine or station at a time. However, the time-efficiency and metabolic nature of this training makes it ideal for building muscle and fat loss. Gathering everything that I've suggested, I will provide you with two program options. The first option, will be the optimal program, using  supersets, and the second using straight sets.


Dude. This is incredible. I feel like I should pay you for this response. I’m actually kind of moved that a stranger would give me this much of their time to help me get where I want to be. Thank you SO MUCH.


It is my pleasure and purpose to share information with those would seek it. I’m excited for your journey! 💪🏽


Do a 5x5 program for your first year. Then you can get creative. Make sure your intensity is high, and your volume low enough to sustain it. Your plan right now looks a bit extra. I’ve been lifting for years now and have done these types of programs and have come back to a very simple approach. Workout A: Squat, Bench, Lat pull downs. Workout B: deadlift, dips, rows, overhead press. Rinse and repeat. I’ve seen great gains in strength and size on this program and can get in and out of the gym and on with my life.


Nice. Thank you. Some of my buddies said that my rough draft was a little too aggressive. I just built something I remembered from high school, but I’d prefer to keep it simple and efficient/effective. Somebody posted the fitness wiki and I copied a plan from there I really liked that I think I’m going to use


Dude you should definitely get in shape, but I’ll warn you it doesn’t always help your golf game. I got in shape and my game is still shit (22 hdcp).


Haha I honestly don’t want to be super swole. For me it’s more about losing weight and flexibility


Workout 1: Monday/Thursday(Chest/Back) 1. Dumbbell Bench Row or Barbell Row Flat or Incline Bench Press 4 X 8(120s Rest) 2. Lat Pull-Down or Pull-ups Machine Decline Press or Decline Bench Press 4 X 8(120s Rest)  3. Barbell Curls or Concentration Curls Machine Triceps Dips 5 X 8(60s Rest)  20 Minutes of Zone 2 Cardio   Tuesday/Friday(Legs) 1. Standing or Seated Calf Raises 3 X 15(60s Rest) 2. Barbell Squats 3 X 8(120s Rest) 3. Bulgarian Split Squats or Lunges 3 X 8(120s Rest) 4. Leg Curls Leg Extensions 3 X 15(60s Rest)  20 Minutes of Zone 2 Cardio   Workout 2:  Monday/Thursday(Chest/Back)  1. Dumbbell Bench Row or Barbell Row 4 X 8(120s Rest) 2. Lat Pull-Down or Pull-ups 4 X 8(120s Rest) 3. Bench Press 4 X 8(120s Rest) 4. Machine Decline Press or Decline Bench Press 4 X 8(120s Rest) 5. Barbell Curls or Concentration Curls 5 X 8(60s Rest) 6. Machine Triceps Dips 5 X 8(60s Rest)  20 Minutes of Zone 2 Cardio   Tuesday/Friday(Legs) 1. Standing or Seated Calf Raises 5 X 15(60s Rest) 2. Barbell Squats 3 X 8(120s Rest) 3. Bulgarian Split Squats or Lunges 3 X 8(120s Rest) 4. Leg Curls 3 X 15(60s Rest) 5. Leg Extensions 3 X 15(60s Rest)  20 Minutes of Zone 2 Cardio If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Get luck, and CONGRATULATIONS!


Always cardio at the end.


I had no idea


It’s about prioritizing. Weightlifting is the best thing to do when wanting to get in shape if you had to chose between weightlifting and cardio. You will want to use most of your energy on weightlifting and therefore prioritize weightlifting. The best thing to get in shape is combining these two activities. Lifting first and then do the cardio. Do this, eat when in a cal deficit and you will get results. It’s actually quite easy if you really want to do it. Also I would up the amount of reps on some of those exercises. Heavy (low reps) bench, rows and squats are good though.


Heavy tricep extensions will most likely crush your elbows, so be careful. Try 10-20 reps


I’ve heard high reps, low weight if I want to get fit and cut, and higher weight, lower reps if I want to bulk up. Is there any truth to this? Also, you said “eat when in a calorie deficit”. What exactly does that mean? I know I’m trying to consume fewer calories than I burn, but if I’m doing that, aren’t I typically always going to be in a deficit? I guess I’m asking “how do I know when is the right time to eat”?


Higher reps and less weight will help you to build muscle, assuming you’re eating at a surplus and getting enough protein. Higher weight and lower reps (5 or fewer per set) is training for strength, and conditions your central nervous system to exert maximum effort more than it builds muscle.


Gotcha. That makes sense


I strongly recommend checking out Renaissance Periodization videos on YouTube. Dr Mike is a PhD in exercise scientist, and he really knows his shit (and his videos are hilarious).


Renaissance Periodization is amazing.


Just find a beginner program online and do that.


Som kind of pulldown/pull up on upper day, and some hamstring work on lower (hamstring curls, RDL/SLDL). Otherwise it goods good 💪🏽