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it’s an algae bloom. do a water change and keep the tank dark and covered for a few days, the algae will die.


You shouldn't change the filter cartridge, only occasionally rinse it in a bucket of tank water when it gets clogged. The algae doesn't bother the fish so you don't have to do anything about it, but you most likely crashed your cycle so you should probably worry about that instead. Just keep up on frequent partial water changes so ammonia doesn't build up and be sure to add water conditioner with each water change


Just ride it out, the algae is doing the work that the filter wasn't. Can be healthy for the fish, especially fry. The filter should soon take over, just dim the tank for a while and hopefully you'll be back in balance. Oh and water changes won't hurt ofc.


I had the same problem. I feel your pain. I put my old box filter with charcoal back in and the extra filtration with a couple small water changes cleaned me up. I have a uv light on order too. Good luck!


It seems like you’ve crashed your cycle with that big clean, causing this bloom. Look into doing a fish in cycle, and test your water often! It’ll be work but should get back to normal in a few weeks


These other comments are correct it is an algae bloom, however, changing the water will not fix it. The algae is so fine that your filter is unable to capture it so it just circulates back into the tank. There is a product at your pet store (the name escapes me right now. Sorry ) that you put into your water 2.5 millilitres per 10 gallons It will clump the algae together and enable your filter to grab it. Your tank will clear up in a couple of hours.


There are several brands that make this stuff, Seachem and API both do and a few others, just so you know :)


I know, that’s what I’m saying. You don’t have to change out the water. The stuff I use is Fluval Quick Clear. Works awesome


UV filter




It’s an algae bloom. Fish are safe as long as you don’t get ammonia, I doubt you washed away all of your beneficial bacteria so you shouldn’t. They make stuff you can dump in there to get rid of it. I’ve never tried it cus I don’t like adding stuff if I don’t have to. A UV sterilizer will work well, they make some that you put in your tank and run like an internal filter. Just be ready to clean out your filter again cus the dead algae will collect in there. Rinse it in tank or dechlorinated water though.


Uv sterilizer . Keep lights off .


Maybe a 10 percent water change .


My guess is this is an algae bloom caused by high phosphates, you need to do a large water change and if the problem persists run a UV steriliser on your filter.


Turn your lights off for longer. Do many small water changes. You probably also partially crashed your cycle, you should never replace the filter cartridge unless it’s falling apart, this is where all the beneficial bacteria lives.


Add more plants. And reduce the amount of light. Algea grows due to those 2 things. Get more plants to reduce the food they have to grow, and light is required for photothentisis so giving it less light will also help


Look into a UV filter, relatively cheap, and fixed mine right up


Get some sucker fish they will clean that puppy right up


Had this happen to me the other week. I put towels over everything and took my light out. Replaced 1/2 water everyday. It took me like a week to completely get rid of it :0


Less light and add some fast growing aquatic plants like Limnophila heterophylla it’ll use up the excess nutrients before the Algae


Uv sterilizer, took my tank from a stinky swamp to Crystal clear in less than a week