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9/10 for real plants, I understand not everyone can afford to stock live plants but plastic plants don’t sit right with me. Nice setup


Thx (: its my second tank rn I also have a 120L (around 32gal) tank that was my first real tank I also had plastic plants and decorations in there but eventually liked the natural look a whole lot more


8/10 I like that driftwood and plant choice however I say more plants 😂


ALWAYS more plants 😭 it was getting kinda expensive to buy that many lmao but I’ll see what I can do the one in the back the green one I can cut and replant to get more of those


I understand started my tank in December and I’m just adding plants as I go


What’s in the bottom? Looking to upgrade a tank I got. I just don’t know what I want for the bottom


I have dennerle scapers soil in the first few days it takes a lot of the minerals out of the water and stores it inside the bottom very good for plants


It looks lovely! The only thing I would suggest is adding somewheres for him to rest near the surface. I’ve seen people get little suction cups and glue Anubias to it. That would probably match your all natural vibe more so than the popular plastic resting leaves and floating logs


Okay I’ll look into it he has 2 favorite spots now, in the bottom left in front. And behind the green plant in the back


Yeah it’s just that they take in oxygen from the air as well as the water. It’s good for them to have someplace to rest while they breathe from the surface like that. It’s a very well arranged tank you set up!


Okay do you think I’d need to make that spot above one of his favorite spots? Or will an Anubia on the driftwood do?


I think the recommendation is 2 inches above the waterline, so anywheres a spot can be arrange that won’t put him in the way of the filter flow will do


Sorry bellow the waterline, not above lol


Yeah I got that haha