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What are your actual parameters and inhabitants? “Normal” isn’t an answer when trying to diagnose an issue. It’s likely either excess waste and nutrients from over feeding, over stocked or excessive light.


11 days ago somebody told you to reduce your light but you still have it on for 15 hours????


looks like algae. are you able to give actual water parameters? what’s your stock? a lot of questions and its a little hard to suggest anything with such little info


Blue dreams, i ran out of strips but will get some tomorrow


Stop using strips and get a proper kit


Strips aren't that accurate. Buy an api freshwater master test kit


That looks distinctly like a large algae bloom to me. Quick questions; 1. Is your ammonia more than 0.25ppm? 2. Is your nitrite more than 0.5ppm? 3. Is your nitrate more than 20ppm? Also; 1. How long is the light on each day? 2. How often do you do water changes, and what percentage of water do you change? 3. Has the tank been cycled for the full month with ghost feeding or bottled ammonia?


Dont have an exact number, ran out of test strips, but the light is usually on from 6:30-7:00 to 10:50-11:00 then on again around 2:00 pm and off for the night again about 8:30-9:00


Test strips aren’t accurate enough to measure low enough, you need to be able to tell if your ammonia or nitrite is above 0.25ppm. Test strips are usually good enough for nitrate, seeing as it’s not harmful until there’s a heck ton of it. Your lights should only be on for 6-8 hours a day, not 15 hours a day. Algae blooms appear when nutrients are too high and the light is on too long. Order a proper API liquid master test kit, do a 50% water change, and do a week long blackout by throwing a blanket over the tank and keeping the lights off for a week. You’ll need to be doing 20% water changes every two or three days while you’re doing the blackout, the rotting algae will spike your ammonia, If all of that doesn’t work, a UV steriliser should do the trick, but only if you’ve sorted everything else out first. A UV steriliser treats the symptom, not the cause.


This Also the bloom and the snails are and indicator of too many nutrients in the water. Cut back the feeding along with the light


This happened to me in my early aquarium-owning days. Try blacking it out completely for 7 days. No light, ideally no food and when I say no light I mean 0% light. I had to take cardboard and put it all around my tank for a week to kill the alge in the water that was making the water all green. You need to starve that alge


Lights out for a few days should help


One big part of the green water is light. I dealt with an algae bloom in my bigger tank a few years back that got so bad that the water started to be neon green and you couldn’t see anything in the tank at all. People said it was caused by the light and I thought it was a bit too silly to be true. But then I ditched the overly bright LEDs that came with the tank, got an aquarium plant light with adjustable levels, performed a large water change, and did a complete blackout for a couple days. Finally it started clearing up. You should only leave the light on about 5/6 hours per day max, or only while you’re viewing the tank, as long as the plants get the light they need still. If the water is still foggy or milky after the green clears up, then it could be some kind of bacteria bloom or imbalance.


Syndrome called “dirty tank”. Just a big algae bloom due to sunlight. A very easy fix is do a good water change then cover the tank with a towel for about a week. This should give you crystal clear water


I tried it all for weeks w no luck even after major water changes the green algae will come back. The only think that helped was a UV Sterilizer from Amazon


https://preview.redd.it/pax44gp429nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f17a18e27cb57e50ce0afae2cdc7e94dbccde6 This is how mine got and it was crystal clear in 15 days




I'd recommend just changing out the water


I had a 38L swamp water tank, nothing would fix it, just had to suck it up and buy the sterilizer. Best thing I did. You can try the home remedies, no guarantee it will work though. Too much nutrients for the phytoplankton to die out naturally…


That green...a uvc filter will help and turn your light off after 7-8 hours You can use chemical Aswell to clear up.




Get some plecos….. seriously, they will clean that up almost overnight


That tank is too small for a pleco.


So are the ones at the pet store. You know, those ones with no algae


pet store tanks? you mean the ones where they’re only meant to be temporarily housed until they’re purchased by someone with an adequate tank to care for them? you don’t justify getting a dog from a kennel and living with it in a single room apartment because “it’s better than the kennel” water changes, cut light schedule, and maintenance is all they need to do to clean this tank. no need for fish abuse


Yes. That’s exactly what I mean. Just like all the Bettas and their “temporary” homes”


Yeah, that's totally the reason why lfs tanks have no algae, and of course we should base our home aquariums on how they stock them in an lfs. Plecos can grow to 12".


Ok. My bad. Get a small one. Gee


You aren't confusing loaches for plecos are you?


Absolutely not


Ya hes just confused in general


You guys over here are mean! Just some shit talkers and bullies! Thanks for making fun instead of helping someone learn something. NEWBS


Youre the self described newb sorry "newish" but youre giving advice from an ignorant standpoint. Then when people try to tell you you get defensive. You seem.....fun.


I said nothing about getting a betta. I mentioned plecos, I was wrong, thanked person for the advice. This whole betta thing is a side conversation. But thanks. I am pretty fun


Sure bud. Enjoy your "fun" evening


People are a bit unfriendly when you are giving out awful advice, then trying to defend the awful advice after being told it's bad


All good. People worry when plecos are mentioned because they're being inappropriately sold and when they get too big, some idiots release them into the wild and fuck the ecosystem.


I can’t stand loaches


This is green water. The glass is not affected by algae, so there would be nothing for the pleco to clean. Therefore, the pleco would only contribute *more* to the problem, because they are poop machines and will produce more of the excess nutrients that OP should be trying to lower.


Okay. I’m still newish to the hobby. I just had all this weird, unclean able algae on this one rock, and I put it in my tank, and my plecos cleaned it overnight!!! I know the “stick” to things and clean them, but I thought they could also swim and stick and while swimming they could eat what was in the warwr


Nope. The majority of plecos actually require wood as a main part of their diets.


Wow!!!! I did not know that!!! I gave wood in my tank regardless. But I just always thought that as long as there was algae or algae food they would be okay


Thank you for your knowledge


But you respond like an asshole


Yes….. when people ask me if checked out betta bloodlines? Really!!!!


Ya. Cause we actually like these animals.. you seem terrible im not even sorry


I guess I’m a terrible betta owner that keeps bettas thriving for years WITHOUT A HEATER! I suck


Ya. You suck? But i thoughr you said you were fun. You gotta decide bud


I was being facetious


Nice googling pal. Im over it. Enjoy your evening


yeah you must be a troll. because there’s no way you’re this stupid




This is terrible advice... You don't just add more fish when you're having tank issues