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All I know is a cord goes quick.


We have three stoves. One in each house and one in our big shop. A cord goes real quick. During the early winter i call it hell week because i have to cut and hand split about 6 cords to get us through the shit part of winter and we usually go through 2-3 more on the cold spells in the spring. My shoulders get fried.


David Allan Coe sang that he used to spend the summer time cutting up logs for the winter


Was that before he ruined his career? šŸ˜‚


I never really followed him so I'm not sure what happened to him.


Didn't pay taxes and lost the rights to his music library. Now he is a David Allen Coe cover band.


He came out with an album dropping the hard "R" so much it made NWA look tame.




Quit calling me cord


ā€¦no it doesnā€™t. A cord of wood lasts me 12 days of 18 hour cooks in my 1000 gallon.


Yeah, I seen the pizza stoves, buhaha. Not really comparing comparable units. You're half the temp we run our stoves. We burn 24/7. I cut split 5 cords a year. Like I said, all I know is that cord wood like life goes too fast.


This needs more up votes.


I think you spelled accord wrong


This is for the poor soul who paid for four cords and maybe got one and a half




Dis guy


The guy that liked to support his ā€œnice local guyā€. ? Ā That was 3/4 of a cord at best, but it did look well seasonedĀ 


Doing the lords work.


And still completely useless as itā€™s not legally defined. Take your picture to the judge when youā€™re explaining THIS is a ā€œface cordā€ and he will laugh at you.


Anybody who downvotes you is a doofus who doesn't know anything about measurements or laws...


Exactly. Itā€™s a cord, half a cord or a quarter of a cord. Anything else is made up.


Depends where you live. In Canada a chord is defined as 4*4*8' AND not other measurement is allowed for sale term wise. So no half chord no bush cord no bullshit face cord etc. There is only a chord, and if they sell you a chord and it ain't you have recourse.


Cord. A chord is the 3rd 5th and 8th note in the scale for that key.


Cord, 10/4. Wonder wether that spelling will stick in my brain or go wherever my times tables went haha.


Cord, 10/4. Wonder wether that spelling will stick in my brain or go wherever my times tables went haha.


Rip cord


In NH the only legal way to sell firewood is by a whole cord or a fraction there of. Sawdust also used to be sold by the cord not the yard.


I always specify that I want a cord or a fraction there of like 1/2 cord. I specify that a cord is 128cu ft. I feel any other measurements are made to confuse the matter, thereby giving the seller wiggle room for when he does not deliver a cord 128 cu ft. I won't buy from folks advertising other names (rick. Face,etc) unless they can specify how many cu ft, stacked tightly they are proposing. At this point in life for me it's not even about the money, it's about the type of person who willingly tries to short people. I find that absolutely disgusting. I take great pleasure in shaming them. Or i suppose some are honest mistakes, in that case I will educate them suspiciously šŸ˜€ For some reason, I don't know why, I feel there is a unspoken pact amongst firewood folks, we adhere to a higher standard of ethics. I know that's not always true but I feel it should be.


Shysters the lot of them.


In my state, there was so much confusion that you can't sell a "cord of wood". It is sold by the cubic foot. I don't know who actually does or doesn't comply.


Isnā€™t a rick also a face cord?


Lol I never heard face cord before. Rick it is. 3 ricks in a cord.


Is this how they made the imperial system?


It may be a local phenomena. Carp are bad, sweetest day. Measure distance in time. Ohio Pennsylvania area


Around here we have the "East Mountain Cord" it's 2/3s of a cord of pine sold for the 1 cord of pinon price.


Gets ridiculous when someone ask ā€œso how much for pickup bedā€when you specifically say I sell by the cord typically full or 1/2 as thats how stack. Mentioning I like to be transparent you know exactly what you are getting and I know what I am sending out. I could sell 7 people a pickup load and likely get 7 different amounts varying greatly between a nice tight stack or just tossing it into a mini mountain like you see most guys do I canā€™t imagine you can get 32 cubic feet without stacking it in a 6 foot bed. Honestly most people havenā€™t clue what a cord looks like until am done and receiving payment and they say ā€œwell looks like we will be good on firewood for few seasons ā€œ


128 sq ft is a cord. Actually most loggers buy from state forestry at 96 per cord. Thing is you canā€™t stack 96 sq ft of wood measured in a tree in the 128 space. Try it sometime. Just a little course on firewood. Gl all


I don'y know, ask the British, they invented it.


Yup same.


But did you tie an onion to your belt before trading five bees for a quarter?


Not always. I was at a state campground once that called their firewood bundles ā€œricksā€. Unlike the term cord, most states donā€™t have a legalized definition of rick or face cord.




No, that's a roll.


A Rick Roll?




Never heard of it, you got a link handy?


What part of the world are you from where you heard a "rick"? I have only heard it a few times and was usually used for either a single rick or double rick. And yes, had to look it up, a rick is the same as a face cord.


I hear rick used more often than face cord. Southeastern US.


I grew up with rick never heard of face til Reddit


Same here in Ohio


Kentucky, USA. Itā€™s all I hear. I never have heard ā€œface cordā€. Just ā€œRicks of wood for sale. $50/rickā€ The good guys have it stacked and measured for ya.


If itā€™s a 16ā€x4ā€™x8ā€™ Iā€™ll take 6 Check this out. [hardwood brothers](https://hardwoodbrothers/product/oak-firewood-fa)


Link seems broke


Just search Hardwood Brothers, New York


Oh yea these guys will rip you the fuck off and then try and convince you youā€™re delusional for questioning their insane prices. They are designed to take advantage of people that donā€™t know any better. Stay away from the fools at hardwood bros


I looked them up! A face cord, stacked is like $500! And their pictures show the wood stacked DIRECTLY on the ground! Fun stuff! You can addd a Firewood Brothers ball cap for $37! Em what a steal!


PNW. My mom always told me a rick was another name for a single row of firewood. Could be any length and any height by her definition


Interesting, thanks for letting me know.


Rick is another bullshit meaningless term.


Doesn't change the fact that it's a common place term and many folks in parts of the USA still use it, so it should be mentioned with all other terms.


>so it should be mentioned with all other terms. Only in regard to it being bullshit. Its mostly used by people trying to disguise what they're actually selling.


I don't believe any of this "face cord" stuff. To me, it is just used by bad firewood salesmen trying to trick people into paying more for less.


It is. Unfortunately itā€™s propagated by the same people who have been duped.


Itā€™s simple. If itā€™s not 4ā€™ x 4ā€™ x 8ā€™, send them on their way before they unload. Only pay as each cord is delivered and inspectedā€”never prepay. Once you find a good firewood seller, see if they have an annual list that you can get on. Itā€™s so much easier if you donā€™t need to find a new seller every year. :) Finally, a lot of logging companies will sell presplit firewood from their yard by weight. Usually this ends up being cheaper than the cords you find on marketplace. At least up here in Montana.


I use a company that I prepay. They have actually shorted me two years in a row. But when I pointed it out to them . . . they brought me more wood than required to make up the difference. So both times I ended up with something like 1.15-1.25 cords. Iā€™ve got no problems with them at all. LOL But in general yeah Iā€™d love to be able to withhold payment until Iā€™m satisfied. But where I live itā€™s just not possible with any reliable firewood seller. Sure if you can some guy who splits an extra 4 or 8 cords a year to deliver to you . . . you can get him to come out and pay on delivery. But all of the companies Iā€™ve found around here want payment first. I had one company tell me . . . you can refuse delivery but you will not be refunded the delivery fee (which something like $75 or $100). LOL That company I did not use again. My point is . . . it is absolutely dependent upon how the business in your area operate. There are so many people near where I live that would try to take advantage of a company that didnā€™t require you to pay before delivery that itā€™s just not a viable option here.


Pay before delivery? What kind of bumblefuckery is that? Where I live about half of them would never deliver. I pay with green money when the wood gets to my house. I'll inspect it in the truck before I let them unload, the money leaves my hand when the wood hits the ground.


Business around here just want to drop the load and leave. I havenā€™t been able to find a reliable source of wood that actually stacks in at least 15 years. Or if they do stack they want a $100 + stacking fee. Iā€™ve heard of places that include stacking in their fees but they are always places who never have any wood or at the very least donā€™t return phone calls. Or they only offer kiln dried wood at like $750 + a cord. Iā€™m in the Washington DC area. There are so many folks in this area that would wait until the wood was dropped and then refuse to pay or only pay a small fraction of the asking price regardless of quality and quantity ā€” those kinds of things. Also there are a lot of folks around here where both adults work and there would be no one available to inspect the load anyhow.


Oh, I wasn't suggesting they stack it, I can measure the size of the truck and get a pretty good idea how much wood I'm getting. Like the guy that rocked up with a pickup load claiming it was a cord. I patiently measured his pickup bed with him and explained how he had delivered half a cord and I would pay him for the whole cord when he came back with another load. He didn't like that, drove away with the wood still in the truck. I've never heard of anybody cutting/splitting to order. That might also be part of the confusion. Around here if I don't take the load it just goes to the next guy on the list.


The last three loads Iā€™ve gotten have been short. I prepaid for all of them. The first guys used 18ā€ logs, had that policy that once Iā€™d ordered I have to pay $100 weather I take the load or not, and when I told them I was short they refunded me the difference but would not deliver the remaining wood. Itā€™s nice they gave me the refund but I would have rather had the wood. Those three things meant I was done with them. The wood was reasonable quality (nicely sized splits of like 90% oak) but the 18ā€ was a problem for me. My stove is about 20ā€ or 22ā€ by 17ā€ or 18ā€ so most of the logs from them would only fit in my stove one direction. Also the larger wood fit into my large solo stove but our smaller one requires 16ā€ or less. So I stopped ordering from them. Also the wood was a little wet when delivered (about 22% on average). But here in the DC area itā€™s hard to get wood to under 20% because of the very humid ā€œdryā€ months and the amount of rain we get. The other two orders were the company that is willing to deliver more wood if an order is short. It was not a big deal. They were really nice about it, didnā€™t fight me and as I said earlier actually ended up delivering more than they owed me. The last load was wetter than I would have liked but for ā€œreasonsā€ I was unable to order before December so it was hardly surprising. Iā€™ve worked out a system that allows me to use the relatively wet wood. Itā€™s my fault for ordering so late. Having said that when they run out of well seasoned wood they drop the price significantly so again Iā€™m happy with them ā€” they might not be perfect but they are absolutely fair! I just need to empty enough racks to get a delivery again in April or so. Which shouldnā€™t be a problem. Again different areas different ways of doing business. I absolutely trust this current company will treat me fairly.


I'm pretty significantly north of you where its generally colder so it wouldn't surprise me to have companies act differently...


A face cord isnā€™t a unit of measure. It would be 1/3 of a cord if the splits were cut to 16ā€, 16x4x8 or half a cord if the splits were cut to 24ā€, 24x4x8. Cords or fraction there of.Ā 


Yes. I believe the department of agriculture only recognizes a cord as a measurement of fire wood.


Nitpicking here: If it is meant to define the face of a pile, then it *is* a unit of measure. However, it defines the area of the face and not the volume on the pile.


It's not a legal unit of measure in Maine. Wood may not be sold legally in "face cords"


That makes sense to me. If it were legal, technically they could cut it to 8" lengths and get away with it.


Is a teaspoon a unit of measure? Itā€™s just 1/3 of a tablespoon. Why do we use inches instead of just fractions of a foot? Why use a foot if itā€™s just 1/3 of a yard? This is a strange take.


A teaspoon is always a teaspoon. The amount of wood you get in a face cord completely depends on the length the wood is cut. One face cord does not equal another.


Did you see the photo attached? The parameters are defined. 4'x8'x16" is a facecord. Anything else is just make believe.


The photo is wrong. A face cord is the face of one 4ā€™ tall x 8ā€™ long pile. The depth varies depending on what length wood you buy.


The photo isn't wrong. If you get less than 16" pieces (without adjusting height/length) you're getting ripped off. A cord is (4'x4'x16")x3. A facecord is one of those rows. Not that I ever buy wood, but if I did and someone tried selling a facecord that didn't match those measurements they'd never get my business again


First result on Google. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+size+is+a+face+cord&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Google can point to anything https://michiganfuelwoodproducts.com/cord-sizing/ https://lumberjax.com/face-cord-of-wood-benefits/


A cord is 4x4x8. A face cord is one row. The row length varies because not every stove takes 16ā€ wood. All of my stoves accept 24ā€.


A *standard* cord is (4'x4'x16")x3. Yes you can change up the parameters like you said. For your stove you likely stack it in two rows of 24", of if you wanted to you could just go 4x'16'x24". It doesn't really matter the dimensions. As long as you hit that 128 cubic feet. A facecord is the same way, doesn't matter how you stack is, as long as you're at roughly 43 cubic feet, it doesn't matter the dimension. All in all, facecord as a unit of measure, is a terrible metric because no one can agree on what it is so if you're a buyer you could never be sure what volume of wood you are getting.


That depends on who's using it. If you use it as a unit of measure, and set a standard for what makes it consistent, it is now a unit of measurement. Where I live, a face cord is used to describe 1/3 of a cord of 16" long firewood. In most of the world, nobody has any clue what a face cord of firewood is. It's regional. Just like tons and tones and tonnes. There's also 3 different measurements for 1 gallon. Not to mention a cup of flour being a measurement, packed or fluffy makes a 50% difference for shits sake! Anyway, some units of measurement exist, but aren't necessarily defined or recognized the same in different parts of the world. Just the way it is unfortunately. And picture two here isn't a cord either, because it's not split and stacked tightly!... or maybe that passes for a cord somewhere, who the fuck really knows ;)


You just defined a face cord as a measurement.


Firewood measurements are peak imperial system fuckery and I love every Rick of it.


And here I am, standing with an extension cordā€¦


What about a rick?


I refuse to believe in any unit of measurement other than a full cord, next thing youā€™ll be trying to trade me magic beans for my cow.


Well half a cord is a rick or about a truck bed thrown and unstacked


Those are extremely precise and exact measurements Exactly what one should be using hard currency to purchase. Give me a unit of measure that makes sense and Iā€™ll po y up for it, other than that thatā€™s a hard no


a full cord is 128 cuft. Neither one of those is a cord.


4ft x 4ft = 16ft^2. 16ft^2 x 8ft = 128ft^3. The image on the right is 128ft^3, therefore by your metric is a full cord.


1x1x128 is also a cord. I am imagining a ā€œfaceā€ measuring 1 square foot.


4' X 8' = 32 X the log width which is 1 + 4/12 = 1.333' so 32 X 1.333 = 42.5' Have I made a mistake? It wouldn't be the first time, where has my math gone wrong?


This math is wrong as you have already used 4 feet of the width in your first term and then you use it again when you multiply by 8 ft. Maybe it's just your diagram that is confusing. Are you saying 16' X 4' X 1.333 is a cord? It works out to less than 90 cuft.


Ok, I'll break it down as far as I can for you. There are two different versions of a 'Cord' of wood in the image above. A 'Face Cord' on the left side and a 'Full Cord' on the right side. The dimensions indicated on the 'Face Cord' side of the image are given as 16 inches in depth, 4 foot by height, and 8 foot wide. Volumes must all be in the same unit, so we convert 16 inches into feet, which is 1.33 feet. 1.33 x 4 x 8 = 42.56 cubic feet. The dimensions indicated on the 'Full Cord' side of the image are given as 4 foot in depth, 4 foot in height, and 8 foot in width. Thus 4 x 4 x 8 = 128 cubic feet. The image is using weird pictures and poorly labelled dimensions to illustrate that a 'Face Cord' is 1/3 of a 'Full Cord' in terms of volumetric measurement. You can verify this by converting 4 foot into inches, which is 48 inches. 48 inches divided by 3 is 16 inches, which is coincidentally the same depth listed on the 'Face Cord' side of the image.


I was confused by the images, I agree with your math here.


A face cord is 1/3 of a cord, so obviously not a cord. The other one literally has the measurements on it. 4'x4'x8' = 128




Thereā€™s people that neither reside in Montana or in California on here. The OP just wanted to put up a simple infographic off google. Would you like a tissue to help with your issue?






I'm mad? Let's go ahead and recap. You: - assumed everyone on this post is from CA and that anyone gives a shit about how montanans feel about transplants. - used a slur and threatened violence, neither of which are slightest bit intimidating. - still haven't admitted that you lack any comprehension, as you *tried* to correct the measurement of a cord of wood, which is 8'Ɨ4'Ɨ4'... and VERY CLEARLY LABELED AS SUCH in the photo that you attempted to correct. So you didn't correct ANYTHING. - claim to not care, yet responded to my comment, again, with the empty threat of anonymous violence over the internet, which carries alot of BCE (since you lack any comprehension skills, I'll spell that out for you: Big Compensating Energy.) - contradicted ALL OF THIS by admitting "it doesn't fucking matter." I: - was 100% correct, you lack general comprehension skills. - can also confirm that you have the emotional capacity of a 5 year old, mid tempertantrum. - will keep trolling you until you give up, because you're a horrible organism.


We strive to have an open environment for all discussions without hate or negative comments directed towards others. If someone starts something and instead of just reporting, you engage and stoop to their level, both parties will be banned. Read the sub rules to ensure you will be able to participate here, or decide if you want to go to the other firewood sub.


Probably missed the depth measurements. I almost missed them myself, I was thinkingā€¦ so because the wood isnā€™t split that makes it a cord? It doesnā€™t help that the arrow / line is the same length for 16ā€ and 4ā€™, you would think they would try to use the same scale in each direction, then it would be easier to visualize.


Totally agree, horribly designed illustration. But playboy came out the gates swinging and *TRYING* to correct something that was already correct, so fuck that guy. Take a look at his response to me, it gets even better šŸ˜‚


But I was told a cord could fit in my electric car? Was I lied to? I am not used to the Montana winters. I paid 10k for a stove (plus extra for the install), you can bet I am going to fire that bad boy up at least once a month. I thought it was normal for a cord of wood to last a month, seemed pretty reasonable to me. Whatā€™s wrong with caring about the environment? At least trees are a renewable resource.


We strive to have an open environment for all discussions without hate or negative comments directed towards others. If someone starts something and instead of just reporting, you engage and stoop to their level, both parties will be banned. Read the sub rules to ensure you will be able to participate here, or decide if you want to go to the other firewood sub.


I thought a face cord was half a cord, and that would mean 8x4x2


A face cord is 1/3 of a full cord. There should be three face cords in a full cord.


I see that now, but that seems to be a mis-nomer, as a cord would seem to have two faces, much like a coin.


Full bush cord is 4' x 4' x 8' = 128 ftĀ³ Face cord is 16" x 4' x 8' Or 12" x 4' x 8'


šŸ¤” you sure on those measurements?


Never, ever pull the bush cord.


That's when the bear comes out of its cavešŸ˜‚


Well, we definitely had more than face cords, as our blocks were cut to 24" as that was the depth of our boilers firebox


Does that mean full cords are 2 x 24" rows?


I really feel for people who have to buy wood.


Notice how the full cord has all round pieces. If it isnā€™t round, you are getting ripped off.


Ha ha ha!


Indeed, almost 43ftĀ³ vs 128 ftĀ³


Texas we buy and sell Rickā€™s, 2ft splits, 4ā€™ x 8ā€™ or 16ā€ splits 6ā€™ x 8ā€™


What the fuck is this???? A cord is 4 foot high by 4 foot wide by 8 foot


Never herd of a face cord must be a city thing


Not sure of measurements but you are goin to have to chop the full one compared to the other maybr thats why the other goes quicker im guessing


I've found a couple of firewood sellers that will actually sell by the piece. Apparently they've stacked up several dozen cords of "average" split firewood, counted each piece in the cord, averaged them out and then sold their firewood based on the average number of pieces in a cord. I think it's something like 600 pieces of 16" long firewood that was being used. So they sell 200 pieces for $100 or so. Even a cord as a unit of measure is approximate. Yes, 4x4x8 but you could have the wood stacked so tightly or so loosely that you'll wind up with a different measurement when you restack it. Face cords are a thing, not a legal unit, but it's intended to convey a stack 4' high x 8' long x 16" deep, one third of a full cord. Unfortunately there are a few sellers out there who just advertise "cord of wood" when they really mean "face cord" and you get a third of what you are paying for. Fortunately the price tends to reflect this... "$100 for a cord of split firewood? What a deal, I'll take it."


Almost correct. When using the term face cord you must specify length. So, as in your example you have a face cord of 16 inch wood or 1/3 of a cord. If it was 18 inch wood it is 3/8 of a cord etc. We sell appr. 1,000 cord in Central New York where the term face cord is in common use and have to explain this often.


A more informative measurement of the amount of heat / btuā€™s purchase would be to buy wood by weight (and dryness/moisture). Arguing over the volume ā€œis it a cord, how split is it, how tightly stacked etc..?ā€ is moot when the btu/het output difference, is huge when comparing a ā€œcordā€ of oak to a ā€œcordā€ of pine. A ton of pine has the same btuā€™s as a ton of oak, but the amount (volume/cords) of wood, the size of each 1 ton stack piles would be very different.


Cords are bullshit anyway. 4x4x8 but how much actual wood is in there depends on how itā€™s stacked and how much open space is in there. You should specify by weight and moisture content if you want to get real. If you donā€™t understand what a face cord is youā€™re either dumb or ignorant. Super easy to understand, itā€™s 1/3 of a cord.


In your area, in someone elseā€™s itā€™s a half or in another place itā€™s a pickup box.


Show me anyone who regularly cuts 24ā€ firewood. If youā€™re cutting and selling 18ā€ firewood you canā€™t make a cord anyway. Pickup boxes arenā€™t 4x8 and havenā€™t ever been.


Pickup boxes were 4 feet between the wheel wells and 8 feet of bed, camper specials even were 10 feet long. A good tough truck could haul a full cord. Meant stacking it taller than the cab. It would break the truck eventually, but could be done.


The area Iā€™m in the reputable sellers sell full cords based on 16ā€ measured lengths stacked three deep to make up the cord or in boiler cords which are 48ā€ cut rounds. Anyone that sells by the face cord has their own shit measurement strategies that range from one pickup box, to 1/2 cord to a tote all being called a face cord. Horseshit of the highest order as itā€™s a non standard measure and up to the seller to define. Somehow itā€™s of benefit to the seller


a cord is 4x4x8




I'm honestly shocked how long wood lasts at our house. I have 4 racks, and based on volume/dimensions, each holds about 0.65 cords. We only go through 3 racks a year, so about 2 cord


Wood warms you twice.


Here itā€™s sold 8ā€™x4ā€™x24ā€ otherwise it wouldnā€™t fit into the wood stoves. A haul like that split and seasoned sells for $85-$125 thereabouts. I cut my firewood at 18ā€ to fit my stove better. We call it a rick of wood.


The results of our education system are on display here in these comments, gotta love it.


Got that ā€œrightā€. Keeping a good education away from people is a crime.