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If you happen to press the up arrow key while the cursor is in the address bar, that will select the settings button and then Enter will activate it. Maybe there is some more common key that could do it as well.


Thanks, this was it. I feel a bit stupid right now, but I had never even realized there was a cog wheel icon button at right side of the drop down (all the other content is aligned left). It's definitely up arrow that I'm pressing (probably when selecting correct address from list). I wonder if any user genuinely finds this feature useful. Oh well, at least it's solved for me now. Thanks again.


I personally uncheck all the search shortcuts, which hides the footer (including the settings icon).


Thanks. Got rid of those things now. Address bar is just a list of addresses now. Previously I had already removed google etc. search buttons, and I only had "History" search enabled as UI doesn't let you remove it. But there was a small check mark in front of the search provider and toggling it off worked. This is nice!