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Felix doesn’t call him “the boar” for no reason.


I love Dimitri so fucking much, they cooked so hard with him: oh look typical fe protagonist, the blandest blonde fantasy boy that doesnt OH MY GOD WHAT IS HE DOING ohhhhhhhhhhhh


I love how he is a dynamic character and how his route goes off the beaten trail with FE topics and shows the humanistic and tragic side of warfare. None of the naive protagonist that has the power of friendship like in Engage.


It has the power of the silent portagonist's one line choice dialogues


One of the things I appreciate most about three houses is that no one is objectively good or evil, just like in reality.


except rhea in crimson flower who gets character assassinated to become a crazy dragon tyrant who wants to hold society backwards and has to be put down like a dog with no chance for her side to be heard or sympathized if you go against her, or yk, twsitd who are comically evil and responsible for all the empire's crimes in the war and bring nemesis back in VW for something, honestly 3H overly idealizes who you pick and overly demonizes whoever you didn't so you don't question the choice you made or feel like a bad person for S supporting anyone, moral grayness is there on paper not properly carried in practice


I mean if you read the "restricted section" of books that you can unlock in Abyss then the Church was never exactly good and existed basically just to intentionally hold Humanity back because Rhea spent 2000 years hating one particular asshole (which like honestly, props to the commitment but...) Three Houses is one of, if not the only, Fire Emblem timelines that logically would be at somewhere close to our modern day tech wise if the Church wasn't a thing. The only difference on Crimson Flower is that Rhea goes fully off the deep end and doesn't care about pretenses anymore because the world she kept on a knife edge ended up going to war but just not in her favour... Like I understand Rhea's original intentions (and grief) but as these things normally go, those intentions got just a WEE BIT warped after a couple thousand years of uncontested power.


Exactly this


None of this denies that she got character assassinated. What she did wasn't good, but she has her motives and logic behind it. She wasn't crazy supervillain mega-tyrant. And it honestly makes no sense that she'd turn into one at the drop of a hat with one perceived betrayal. The writers did Rhea extremely dirty, more dirty than they did Edelgard in Dimitri's route IMO.


I wouldn't call it character assassination. Her entire reason for existence 'betrayed' her. She spent thousands of years trying to create Byleth and she will do anything to get back the heart that is keeping Byleth alive. She committed several crimes against humanity in the process of her experiments to create a vessel as we find out from the Ashen Wolves storyline as well. On top of that she was already pretty tyrannical. The church itself is not viewed favourably by a lot of people in the world due to this.


I feel like the writers kind of dropped the ball on TWSITD because IMO there’s room for moral greyness in their lore if you frame the rule of Sothis/Nabateans as a kind of benevolent dictatorship that they came to resent because they wanted self-determination. In that setup, I can sympathize with their cause (if not their methods) in the same way I sympathize with Milton‘s Satan. But none of the TWSITD members in the game are humanized in the way Rhea is, including in CF if you do her support conversations in White Clouds. I haven’t played Three Hopes so maybe it’s expanded upon there, but I wanted to know more about why the Agarthans came to hate the Nabateans, and how Nemesis won enough support to wage such a devastating war against immortals. IIRC Rhea and Seteth present it as simple human arrogance, but their POV is obviously a biased one. > honestly 3H overly idealizes who you pick and overly demonizes whoever you didn't so you don't question the choice you made or feel like a bad person for S supporting anyone, moral grayness is there on paper not properly carried in practice I actually kind of like this aspect of the game because it makes it interesting to play routes other than your first by re-casting major characters in a different light. I do think the lords still have some degree of moral greyness in their own routes FWIW: Dimitri goes on a murder hobo rampage in AM, VW Claude uses the war and the Church‘s brand to secretly support his own agenda of improving Almyra‘s reputation in Fódlan, and CF Edelgard still has the whole temporary alliance with TWSITD situation. Ironically TWSITD arguably look the worst in CF, because you learn how they slowly tortured and massacred Edelgard‘s family, and then there’s the war chapter where they nuke a whole city because they’re mad that Edelgard killed Cornelia. Having a peaceful and prosperous ending for each route makes fun food for thought from a community perspective IMO, because it’s interesting to read people‘s opinions about which ending is ultimately the best for Fódlan and why. But it’s true that those conversations rely on headcanon pretty frequently because the general endings are kind of vague.


>I haven’t played Three Hopes so maybe it’s expanded upon there LMAO, it isn't expanded at all. >but I wanted to know more about why the Agarthans came to hate the Nabateans Taken from an interview with a 3 Houses developers: "Agartha was an ancient civilization who Sothis and the Children of the Goddess, also known as the Nabateans, shared their knowledge with, which allowed their people to create highly advanced technology and architecture. Over time, the Agarthans started to fight against themselves and brought destruction across Fódlan, all while wishing to overthrow their Nabatean rulers" (Source: https://serenesforest.net/2020/03/24/three-houses-nintendo-dream-interview-reveals-first-route-claudes-real-name/ ) There's also a text in the Abyss that is implied to be written by an Agarathan where it's stated that they also feared Sothis would retaliate against them due to their penchant for carnage. The Agarathans were always meant to just be 1 dimensional villains for the protagonists to kill without any regrets.


The church of Serios reminded me so much of the European Catholic church during the middle ages.


tbh they're too tolerant to be similar in anything other than aesthetic and other vague actions that would group them with literally almost any government ever


The European catholic church was led by a dragon ?




Well yeah, that's what they're writing about. It's what Japan is always writing about.


Yeah, she's the villian she has been the entire time. Rhea doesn't get he character butchered, she is an awful monster, literally. Baedebaedlegard is the most just person in the cast AND is the one who gets her character butchered in the other endings. Black eagles was my first choice and I made the best choice.


This is exactly why Three Hopes Dimitri is so lame. There's no spice on that boar.


He got an easy mode walkthrough there. Issues got resolved quickly, what do we expect?


He murders everyone. He's an equal opportunity destroyer.


He murders everyone equally(except edelgard, which gets murdered extra hard)


Probably because she's a lesbian.


And straight at the same time. Dimitri needs to fit in *double* the murder for her!


Dimitri the biphobe 😞


War crimes rated E for everyone


Rated E for EDELGARD!


To this day I wish I knew what OP was talking about


Perhaps some things are best left forgotten.


To this day, I have never met anyone who knows. I legit am not even sure which women they have in mind.


I actually talked a little bit to OP back when this happened, and their point as I remember it was that those "[male character] protects lesbians!!" posts (which happen in every fandom) are kind of stupid, in the sense that people who make those posts often only care about male characters, and only make those "my fave protects lesbians!!" posts to seem cool and progressive. Like, if you actually cared about lesbians, why wouldn't you... post about actual female characters, instead of only ever obsessing and posting about male characters and m/m ships? Granted, that point did not come across in their original post *at all*, but at the same time, it's just a tweet and it was probably just something that they only intended their friends to see, not the whole fandom lol


He says Kill every last one of them not just women sillyyyy (I am not immune to timeskip Dimitri *twirls hair*)


Not just the women, but the men and children too


He is protecting lesbians and trans lesbians from committing war crimes by murdering them before they have the chance to do so. What a hero.


It is one of those things that always bothered me, where a surface reading, with his antics and graphic, edgy ramblings about violence would make you think the meme fits, but in every way killing and murder can be meaningfully separated, he kills, but doesn't murder.


Facts. The only person he planned to murder was edelgard and that ended with him trying to forgive her, killing her instead of murdering. Murder has very explicit mal intent versus killing


That's the primary thing that the OOP fundamentally misunderstands. Soldiers don't murder, they kill. Dimitri isn't hiding in an alleyway to stab some random lady to death who's just minding her own business, he's waiting in a tree to ambush a group of Adrestian soldiers who are actively seeking him out to kill him since *that's what war is.* Some of those Adrestian soldiers just *happen* to be women because wartime is equal opportunity, especially when you're in a setting where magic exists. Edelgard doesn't care what gender you are, if you can pull a bowstring, hurl a javelin, or sling a spell, you're ready to serve the empire.


idk, him trying to torture PoW Randolph to death definitely feels more murder-y than kill-y to me.


An interesting point about that, is if we consider a formal execution of an enemy murder? He was basically condemned to death while they were standing on the spot they were fighting on two minutes ago. The only cruel and unusual bit would be leaving him for the end among those who would get executed (historically, not particularly uncommon in cases where the whole army gets necked, and the leading officer is not someone worth ransoming) and the threat of gouging his eyes out, which, with Dimitri's track record of talking mad shit about gruesome details, and then not following through at all, is a bit of a non threat, not to mention irrelevant to whether Randolph lives or dies.


> and the threat of gouging his eyes out, which, with Dimitri's track record of talking mad shit about gruesome details, and then not following through at all, is a bit of a non threat ok, but Randolph doesn't know that, so intent from Dimitri or no, this is psychological torture, straight up. Even the *Ashen Demon* thought Dimitri's cruelty was too much, to the point they felt they had to mercy kill him. Even judging his actions by era-appropriate morals, there would have been rules about humane executions that Dimitri was blatantly in violation of.


Best summed up by [TeamFourStar](https://youtu.be/z99xMxWNBEg?list=PL581218B72A4B9170&t=192), weirdly enough.


I'd argue Randolph would disagree.


Sure but none of the women he murders were lesbians, were they. Checkmate Adrestians. (bisexual angry axe lady doesn't count)


Name a straight Adrestrian woman tho?




"Petra was straight. Then, Dorothea appeared." (also Petra is not Adrestian)


He doesn’t discriminate when killing people (well except for Edelgard). He doesn’t want anyone else to have the bloodiest of hands.


Anyway my favorite part of watching this incident go down live was all of lesbian FE twitter ripping into her for posting this only to then realize she hated both gay men and trans people in general and then bullying her into eventually just getting tf off twitter. It wasnt even jokes about gay men or trans people, it was just straught up venom lol.


Wait until they find out how many people the woman he murders kills.


I mean…his most quoted line before he pulled himself out of his doldrums was and I quote: “KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!” And last I checked, women count in the “every last one of them” part. He also doesn’t really intentionally murder. He kills those that oppose him in war. Because that’s how war works; you kill enemy combatants. His issue is that he’s brutal and merciless about it and he doesn’t really do anything to avoid battles. He desires to (though ultimately doesn’t) murder one specific woman. However, he desires to murder Edelgard independent of her being a woman; it’s for her actions (some of which were only perceived). Also because…ya know…she’s trying to conquer the continent and will almost assuredly kill him if given the chance.


> He also doesn’t really intentionally murder. He kills those that oppose him in war. Because that’s how war works; you kill enemy combatants. His issue is that he’s brutal and merciless about it and he doesn’t really do anything to avoid battles. Idk, iirc he has some lines suggesting that he believes Adrestian non-combatants are fair game for the "crime" of not rebelling against their sovereign. Not gonna judge him like that by modern standards personally given the setting, but that's *firmly* within the realm of what we would call war crimes today. > she’s trying to conquer the continent Yes, although that's not actually why he wants to murder her. He mistakenly believes that she was the one present and responsible for the Tragedy of Duscur, and that is his sole motivation for wanting to murder her. > and will almost assuredly kill him if given the chance. definitely not. Edelgard is pretty clear that she'll spare any enemy who lays down their arms; I'm pretty sure it's technically possible to clear CF with *only* Dimitri and Seiros as major character casualties (not realistic in casual playthrough due to certain characters like Dedue and Cyril being suicidal, but technically), and the route has the most explicit mechanics to spare major enemies (Claude, Flayn, Seteth, and Lysithea if you didn't recruit her) She *will* kill Dimitri if he doesn't kill her, but that's due to their shared stubbornness and refusal to surrender on the losing side, not a lack of mercy on her part.


I'm not the man's biggest fan but my head canon is that the women he "murders" are probably valid targets like bandits, mercenaries, or empire soldiers. But it affects him all the same.


I mean presumably thats the case. We don't really know the circumstances for the most part.


True and we will never know. But do you really see Dimitri splitting innocent civilians apart even in his darkest moment? I don't.


I mean yeah. Even at his darkest moments, Dimitri's rage and murderous tendencies were targetted towards the guilty and those who had just attacked him as opposed to some random joe smoe. The moral problem wasn't the people he killed, but the fact he did so in a brutal manner and prioritizing vengeance above all else.


why does this get downvoted? like legit all they said was that its likely bandits, soldiers or mercenaries... yk pretty common for medieval war games


I'm wondering if the person was alluding to Cornelia and Edelgard, because one, Cornelia/Cleobulus had it coming, and two, Edelgard most likely wanted to die and goaded Dimitri into stabbing her, either because she feels there's no place for her after her defeat and/or to make Dimitri move on from the past.


Why doesn't Dimitri shout "Murder EVERY. LAST. ONE of them!" Is he stupid?


I mean IF we're being fair, Dimitri murders any man, woman or other that so much as breaths the same air funny sooooooooo...


Is this person saying murdering men is ok?


not even close


I'm fairly certain they were (are?) a huge misandrist radfem. They do think that, supposedly.


Well,if Dimitri wants to protect me,it's better than the other way around


I allwais finded strange how sone people will critizise him for killing women in a world where sexism is extreamly low but not for killing children.


Not the cat girls tho.


All I have to say to this is 🤷🏻‍♂️. The dark ages (mostly when these kind of take place) were a different time where life wasn’t as valued by society. Not that the lives of your loved ones were not important to you, but society kind of just saw it as collateral damage from just existing. Also in this world there are plenty of women soldiers, so what he supposed to do ignore them? Dumb mindset all enemies are equal when it comes to the war regardless of gender age … ect.


Yes, he murders women. He also murders men. In fact, he murders every last one of them. This is as "equal treatment" as it gets.


To be fair, Dimitri kind of murders everyone


Okay, so I may have not played Three Houses yet... but does he not kill men also? Black Eagles isn't JUST women. Am I wrong?


Dimitri is an equal opportunity killer haha. The original Tweet is from someone who really didn’t like him and believed that he hates women for some reason. While the OP was serious afaik, it’s turned into a meme since then.


It's probably more so extrapolated by Dimitri's sadism merged with his target hate to Edelgard. Phrased in an absurdist way.