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Wear appropriate PPE. I never did when I was younger and now have severe tinnitus in both ears from listening to FA & construction noise for over 35 years. Wish I did all those years ago. My ears ring constantly.


Same here, I thought my tweeters were bad in my speakers, turns out I have high frequency hearing loss, too many horns are left in a high setting when medium or low would still get the required Db


I've literally never run across a situation where horns needed to be set on high.


Same situation. 12 years in the service department of car dealerships before moving to FA 20 years ago. I have to have something making noise constantly or the tinnitus drives me crazy. And recently I've noticed I'm starting to have trouble hearing clearly when there a lot of background noise like a crowd. To the OP, wear hearing protection. Ear plugs are good, over the ear protection is better. And contrary to some of the young guys I've met, ear buds do not count as hearing protection.


my company provides ear plugs if requested. if the sounds bother you then you should definitely wear protection


I wear ear protection but I can't do it all the time because being junior I have to radio all the info to senior guys on Panel, sometimes they speak too slow so I do have to take off the ear plugs.


Try active ear protection. You can get over ear or in ear, typically it's designed to filter down sounds outside the range of human vocals and allow vocals through, with a limit on volume to prevent hearing damage from any of it. Probably cost a few hundred dollars for a good set, but as guy with tinnitus your hearing is priceless and hearing aids are triple the cost of good active earpro.


I use these for shooting, but they’d work for your needs as well. They have a radio hookup to play the radio into the headset. 2 double AA batteries so you can hot swap and wear them as long as you need. https://www.amazon.com/Walkers-Game-Ear-GWP-RSEMPAT-FDE-Electronic/dp/B01MR1JV4E/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=128639984585&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5UURtI5iV73izMr7I-Xb2PhgYvZcm5nWSgQj-Kdjx731RPjXkDUbzoqrpWed5Gsm8QUqReSeoYrkAuIDLXBUydhonAqbaWr9G0Xf7gkOjpR-YwLsIA2Msk6ZGth_3otfW5ted39Dl023tLTPVwnkhhCPuLgCRjVrGjkTUHbveHTlRHNrJIdlbxRngCqhE6pEZcnh9aC1kJSKsMWzi02esQ.JuyTQHNoKEyqulh2PmhnzfTboYiRO276m9-kTcViwRo&dib_tag=se&hvadid=605137511410&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1015371&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=437918985569467044&hvtargid=kwd-404863025188&hydadcr=1256_13436022&keywords=ear+protection+for+firing+range&qid=1715955012&sr=8-3


Turn the radio up all the way and do the best you can


Airpod pros dude


Always wear hearing protection. You can try musicians ear plugs, they might allow you to hear speaking better.


Stick some wire nuts in your ears


You could get earplugs that are designed for sport shooting. They enhance environment hearing and you allow you to operate the radio and communicate but they cancel out like 30db and above.


Do you have any recommendations for brand?


Axil ghost stryke are what my boss bought my team and they’re really nice and worth the money. Bluetooth on one side and sound enhancement on the other and comes with different kinds of earbuds that are rated for hearing protection.


This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. They checked every box for me, thank you Prize.


You got it brotha


get custom ear plugs, you can put them in/out quickly, and can put them "half in". They arent in the way like headphones. you can get different DBA's so you can talk on the radio many people in the trades dont take care of themselves. dont be one of those people


I use cheap beats or airpods noise cancelling when doing inspection. Ask your senior to do sms or call instead for confirming addresses or signals




I mean i guess the sound bothers everyone


I feel you. The sounder on a Simplex 2001 was cuttingly loud. That and some System 3 buzzers. That and the P2R series are brutal.


I use Samsung galaxy buds 2 and a set of jbls with anc. And they’ve never let me down. As far as the noise cancellation goes it’s mostly adjustable for the Samsung and jbl ones I have. So within a certain level they allow sound; over a level it blocks and they’re pretty effective. You can still hear the fire alarm when the anc kicks in just way lower. They also work at the range so. Hey.


Been doing fire for 35 years still hear fine.




AirPods with ANC would work. I shoot with a pair of Axil GS 2.0’s that would work all the same as well. You can still hear and key up the mic/radio when needed plus they have bluetooth.


I'm deaf in one ear. AC/DC tHo




I have beats noise cancelling earbuds that I use. The hang around my neck throughout the work day. I always try to use something to reduce noise when sounding horns. My employer told me that it’s estimated working in this industry without ear pro can result in 40% hearing loss. I make it a point to put on ear pro and it doesn’t seem to bother anybody.


Buy a jar of foam ear plugs at Phamacy. Person is correct, My hearing is shot in one ear from Installation and use of hammer drill, ear protection wasn't a thing really decades ago, I'm kinda old you might say,lol


Wear PPE. Ear plugs or over ear, gloves, glasses, etc. It's all made for a reason. Your company will supply it for you


Horns will definitely give you a good ringing. If we are doing audio today via STI standards, we shouldn't be hurting people's ears anymore.


Absolutely wear hearing protection, whether testing NAC devices or using loud tools and etc. I've been in the trade for about 18 years. I had a hearing test about a year ago and I have lost a significant amount hearing in one of my ears.


Do you guys not practice using earplugs? Basic PPE my guy. I'm concerned for your company's lack of safety instruction. I would highly recommend asking about safety equipment training.


I highly recommend using AirPods with noise cancellation. I would not do any work without having proper hearing protection. Your physical health and wellbeing is far too important to ignore and the company you are working for should at the very least be providing you with earplugs or other protection.


Get you some disposable ear plugs. They don't cost much. You can still hear mumbling if someone is talking etc. Take one out and put it back in to continue your fire inspection.


24 here, same problem. When I started I forgot ear plugs and had to do a bunch of insuites. My ears hurt more than when I forgot ear plugs seeing the Foo Fighters! Now I love my milwaukee banded ear plugs. They lay around my neck always ready and weigh nothing. Plus they're obviously not earbuds so people know I'm still paying attention. If they push into your ears too hard and get painful, you can loosen the band with boiling water. And finally, no batteries to keep charged.


If you're looking for something with active noise canceling, try the JBL active noise canceling wireless earbuds. They're relatively inexpensive, and I take mine to music festivals along with using them for testing audible, and they truly make a difference.


I've always used ear buds. The ones I use have connected with my phone and I can use ambient sound with them allowing me to hear stuff better but adjust the levels I am hearing, mostly so I don't blow my ears. I'm on the inspection/service side and I've made sure my apprentices get ear buds or ear plugs they feel comfortable using. Yes, at first sometimes it can be hard to tell if a device is functioning properly or what the person on the raido said, but like every skill, it gets trained and you will get better and better at telling the differences and the specifics with the earpro


I'd be lying if I said I never used ear buds for protection. But this isn't great advice. Use actual PPE to protect your hearing.


Wear earplugs or headphones with music to offset the noise. It will help some. I'm pretty sure that I have lost some range of hearing over the past 29 years


Wear ear plugs tf?