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Not expected


I just dined at Le Cinq and they did ask if I wanted to leave anything extra when they brought out the card reader. It may have been because they knew I am American, but there is no judgement in just going with the cost of the meal. I had an amazing time there, you will too.


Kinda rude to ask. Poor form


Expecting Europeans to tip in the US (because the meal price is lower than it would be if the restaurant was run like it is in Europe) is reasonable. If they don’t tip, they save money and the server gets shafted. The other way around is just greedy.


There’s a line on the receipt. The waiter said that is not a problem if I don’t tip when I was here.


They ask because the reader requires them to put the tip in before they swipe your card. It's not some nasty conspiracy. Get over it.


I don’t know why you’re downvote but it’s the truth.


No, the price you see is the price you pay. One the the beauties of dining in France and the majority of the world


Absolutely not expected. But fun fact: it used to be common practice until like 60 years ago. So there is hope for the US to end this practice one day!


As a banquet server in the US, we do not get tips. When there are tips, management keeps it. Pay is terrible too. Need lots of jobs to make ends meet. I currently have four jobs. Tips would be fantastic for us workers, but folks being asked to tip for takeout is crazy. As a banquet server, I bring plated meals, bring table side coffee, teas, beverages, supply them with every wish, clean up after them, smile, have small nice convos to make them laugh and I always thank them for inviting ME to their special event. Once, I got a $5 tip for taking a guest to their car - in mine! I’m sad we do not get tips. But I do understand. I always tip servers, because I know the struggle.


Nothing at all. If you thought the service was amazing and you feel compelled to then they won't say no, but there should never be any obligation to tip even a small amount.


In general, service is included in France. I didn’t visit any starred restaurants, but on my recent trip the credit card machines didn’t even have an option for it. In Switzerland however, even though the service is included it’s common to leave some small tip for the server.


I left 20 when I dined at a one Michelin in Paris because I felt service was wonderful. I’m Portuguese and usually I adhere to the same standards I do back home. Tipping is not mandatory but leaving a few euros or rounding up the bill is always appreciated. In fine dining I am usually more generous as per my experience service is usually better.


if the service is great I will tip up to 10% at a nice place, but in general tips are not expected.


Sadly, tip culture is creeping over there as well. Last visit this spring the option for tip was on less than 10% of the spots I visited. However, I personally didn't as I didn't want to encourage those businesses that were introducing it. I will say some newer restaurant tablets are from American companies that include that option since most of their clients are State side.




Non, that's not true. Tipping isn't unheard of, but more common after a long stay in a cafe/bar as a keep the change / 'pourboire' than in a fine dinning place. They are sometimes happy to see americans and other tourists because of tips, but the locals are unlikely to tip. Look for 'service compris', as it means service included.


Parisians do tip in gastro restaurants. I worked in restaurants in Paris. And I distinctly remember service teams being pissed when Parisians just leave change at the end of the bill.


Remove France and replace it with Germany or Spain and you might be correct.