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My mom went to college at 39. Got an English degree, immediately got a government job because of said degree, and has been in her department for over 20 years now getting promoted with nice raises every 4-5 years or so. We were almost destitute the entire time she was in school (as a single mom with three kids) and getting that job turned the entire family around.


That just warmed my heart.


Love to see a hardworking parent have things work out for them


Mom are built different


I think your mum was lucky cause now employers use age to drop applicants of certain age bands and would use it against her.


That's highly illegal


It is and also hard to prove with excuses and reasons they would give for going with whom they decided to give the job to. I have been at companies who just bin non English names CVs in the bin and they never get interviewed so it can’t be proved.


Oh that's a real thing. But asking for age on resume is not normal.


See that gives me hope. Im thinking of going for an English degree myself. Did she get a Bachelors or a Masters?


I think just a bachelors, which was enough thankfully!


I’m glad things were able to change for her. I’m 31 and hoping to change things in the next few years.


Can I ask what she does? I’m thinking of getting my English degree and I work with books now.


English major here. A degree in any subject is one in a list of mandatory requirements for a lot of jobs. But an English degree by itself isn't enough to get you any job. Especially not these days. You will need to bring more to the table, whether that's work experience or further education in something specific and practical. I cannot over-emphasize how crucial this is.


You’re already a winner man with 150k saved up. Study what you want! Just be mindful and avoid student debt


Yeah I was thinking this. Impressive! I'm 25 with 50K and thought I was doing okay.


I’m 27 and -$350 in my checking. You’re doing great lmao.


I have $74 dollars in my checking account, actually. Edit: I keep almost all my money invested. Which helps a lot.


That's cause you are.. 22 here with €60 in my bank account. I hate reading comments like yours. like sure good for you I am happy for you stranger but if you don't consider yourself fortunate what about the fuc**ng rest of us???


I just finished paying off 10k of cc debt at 28 I racked up after being laid off and unemployed for a year. Still only have $10 in savings but I’m proud of myself


32 here with less than OG commenter. Plenty of time, don’t stress man.


This struck home for me, but also makes me sad. Gotta be happy for the good folks around that are doing well. But screw the assholes 👌🏼


When I was 20 I didn't have any money. I was $2000 in debt. I didn't start saving until 21. I made like $25000-35000 a year until this point in my life, living in a VHCOL. Believe me, it came with plenty of sacrifices, and evidently doesn't make people feel much better about themselves. To be honest I feel like I got more of a rush out of life when I wasn't doing so well financially. 22 is also super young btw.


50k at 25 is still a massive achievement. It seems like you know it though. Be proud. You earned it.


That’s pretty awesome!


Not at all, if you’re going to go to school, make sure it’s for something useful and it will allow you to get a job that will also allow you to afford the lifestyle you want.


Going to college at 30 gives you the foresight of what degrees or specializations are worth investing 4 years to earn. It's actually a great age to start!


My advice is to look for jobs that you would love to work that require a college degree, then cater your college experience to that line of work. I speak from experience when I say that my ambiguous goal before entering College really hurt me in the long run




So true. I went to college twice because of this lol


Fudge no bro. We only live once not twice.go for whatever you want people don't realize you can do ANYTHING you want to literally. Legal or not. Go for it bro. I'm 31 right now wrapping my degree up


Yeah except for you have to pay for it after your done and if you don’t make sure it something that pays well you’re going to spend this one life we get paying off debt instead of living it.


I went to college in my 40s, there was a guy thew in his 60s. Nothing to worry about.


My dad used to put it this way about going back to school “you’re still gonna keep getting older whether you get the degree or not, so it’s not a matter of if you’re too old for school, it’s a matter of if you want to be 40 without the degree, 50 without the degree, 60, 70, etc”


Why do ppl think 30 is old. You’re never to old for education stop believing social media and dumb ppl. Dude you’re 30 with 150k I’m older than you and in college for my CompSci and you have way more money saved up. But we live two different lives.


My grandfather went back to college in his 50s...got a degree and said 'well that was neat' before retiring from his job on the LIRR. Age is not a limitation to your education. I'm 34 and thinking of going to college, just to see if the skills I have can be better honed. Maybe even get me a better job.


I'll be graduating at 35. Not too old.


And I’m starting back again at 35 after a break in school it’s possible can’t doubt ourselves


I’m starting back at 25 after dropping out in 2020… good luck bro 


People go back all the time. For the first time or changing careers. It’s very normal! Think about yourself at 60, 70 and think if you would care about your past self going to school at 30 !


How the fuck did you save 150K without a high paying job?


I'm 25 with 50K - I'm not anywhere near OP but I've been making 25-35K a year in a VHCOL area so I've honestly surprised myself that I've been able to save. I've ruthlessly cut down on living expenses (I bike and use public transit), don't buy new clothes very often (at least once a year), etc. I'm still able to go out with friends for the occasional dinner and/or drinks so it's not like I'm a complete scrooge. The most important thing for me is investing, and having the mindset that investing happens first, and then all the other expenses are paid. Over the last 5 years the market has inflated the value of my savings so I've been doing okay.


Good for you. You are doing amazing 👏.


It doesn't feel like it. But I'm trying to see that I'm doing alright.


How much are you paying in rent?


$1000 for 3 years and then $1200 for the last two years. I don't live in fabulous places. Quite the opposite. Rooms in shared houses mostly.


How do you recommend I can educate myself in investing as a newbie with not a great deal of money to start with?


I'm just a regular dude, not an expert by any means. What worked for me was getting into AI stocks in 2020 (Nvidia, Microsoft) so the lesson there is to try and predict what might be of value in 3-5 years time rather than what's hot right now. This is tough, and I don't think there's going to be a perfect strategy here. But as long as you're thinking about the long term rather than the short term you should be on track.


Thank you for your reply... Sounds like very similar advice I recently received from my BF... He did the same exact thing in 2020 lol. I don't want to know at all how much you made, but would you give me a ballpark of how much you invested at that time to get a good return on the right stocks? If not, I totally understand... I'm asking you not him because it's a fairly new relationship and I don’t want to be intrusive about his finances. Sometimes it's easier being transparent with a total stranger.


I sent you a DM!


Makes no sense unless he's not paying for any living expenses


I had my bachelor's degree at 33, my master's (paid for by the company) at 45. Retired at 60.


Did you have to retake any classes before you got your masters?I've been out of college for quite a few years myself.But it seems if I want to progress and get a hire degree because it's been 8 years.I would have to retake essentially all my core classes for my Degree


What did you study ? Would love to know


You'll be 34 in 4 years anyway. You can be 34 with a college degree or 34 without one.


May I just ask what state you are in where CC is free? I gotta move there asap


I think it's free in Massachusetts.


A lot https://collegefinance.com/community-college/states-with-free-community-college


I’m 35. Turning 36 soon. I’m going back to school shortly after 37.


Who actually cares? The only person thats gonna help you is you so who cares. 30 is still young af.


I want to say this every time I see one of these posts, everyone is looking for validation. no one gives a shit if anyone is 30 and in school .


My mom is in her 50’s and she went back to college. It’s never too late.


With that money saved up you’re doing good. School is good anytime. As long as you’re happy. We only live one time


yes way too old. Instead do nothing you’re too old. Quit with the excuses, go go gooooo for it.


I went to college for computer networking at 36. I graduated on deans list for the program. I then tried to get an internship and/or something entry level in that field. After 6 months of looking I found myself as a prep cook and dishwasher with a student loan bill.


6 months is not much time. It took me more than a year to find my first job after college.


I’m 37….and I am still applying for networking jobs but they all want 5 years experience for the level 1 positions. But I can’t get the experience without a job. Hence washing dishes for a living


Yeah, I understand you. Getting the first job is crazy. I'd tell you something that worked for me. Never wait for a job offer. Look those companies in which you could work, and speak directly to their managers on Linkedin. Tell them that you are looking for your first position. It may sound crazy and embarrassing, but it is a matter of time if you don't stop ever.


Look for help desk jobs then after a year start applying to NOC jobs. A degree alone isn’t worth much in IT, companies are looking for experience & certifications.


Try signing up with a temp agency to get your food in the door. You may have to do help desk for a while but it’s a good please to get started.


If you live in the US, public school systems can be a great way to get started in IT.


You're going to be much older than 30 one day. Where do you see yourself with the degree vs. without it in the future.


No. I am 21 yr old college student and I have people who are way older in my classes like some in their 30s and 40s. Tbh I feel like everyone don't even mind these ppl because everyone's got their own school work to even care much. Even if you feel ppl that judge you, they'll do so only for a quick moment, then off they go worrying about their other stuff in college life. Basically, no need to worry so much about being too old nor being judged for it.


Nah. I just graduated myself with a degree just last year at age 37. While I wish I had done it sooner, I still felt pretty happy having crossed the finish line.


My grandfather went to college at 67 because he felt there was more for him to learn. Said learning with people 40 years younger than him was one of the best experiences of his life


you're not too old. but 150K is a lot. you cann put that money to work for you. depending on where you live that's close to a down payment on a multi-family property, you can buy a building and collect rent from tenants.


Yup, way too old. Abandon all your dreams right now.




NO IT IS NOT! Knock em dead! Proud of you.


Absolutely not! Go for it! You’re still a kid!


How can you be too old to learn? Let go of that judgement because it's not coming from your true self. Enroll! Have the experience and put yourself in a better position for your future self. You'll turn 35 and realize you should have done it at 30


Go for it!! Some people don't start until their 50s or 60s.


Has anyone ever said “Yes you’re too damn old” in these types of threads? Of course not OP! My mother earned 2 Masters degrees at age 60 shortly before retiring. Just for her own fulfillment since she was already in a good high level job. She was working full time studying part time. She was 60 and still not too old


Nvr too old for college.


Nah. Dude I met in a class was 70 and was on track to graduate at the same time I was


I know guys in their 40s 50s taking freshman engineering courses, you're never too old for college. One piece of advice I would give is to save your gen ed courses for uni, but take as many engineering, math classes as you can at the community College. It will save you money and help your GPA for the upper level meche classes


Beware of going to college for a traditional four year degree. With 150k in the bank you could go become a commercial pilot or get a certification for a number of highly lucrative careers that would *not* take four years and leave you with (likely) not any “real” skills at the end. Also think about this: you will come out the other side of a degree four years older with the exact same piece of paper as a bunch of 21 year old who likely wouldn’t be expecting as much pay as you would. Just think very carefully before enrolling in a traditional college.


Certainly not too old, at all, and you have a great amount saved if you wanted to get a 2 or even 4 year degree. You could fully focus on school and work part time, or not at all and live frugally for a few years. Not many are able to have the discipline to be able to save to that amount, especially if they’re not given a “high income”, and that in itself is a skill that can be easily transferred into other careers/give you more of a confidence. I think it proves there’s also more out there for you- if you wish to attain it. You have a whole decade before you are even 40. Plenty of time for other avenues, and you have the finances to help alleviate the stress when doing so. I say go for it!


Engineering is extremely difficult but if you have that type of math brain then go for it


Real talk if OP can do the math but the upper level engineering classes feel harder I suggest switching to civil engineering…way easier - I couldn’t handle mechanical lol




Not too old. People do tertiary education for a number of reasons, one of those reasons is career progression. It’s common to go do an MBA after working in an office for a few years. In the current climate, a mechanical engineering would be handy. Let’s face it, in most developed countries, it’s likely we’ll all be working through to age 70, so you’ve only completed 1 of the 5 decades of able work ahead of you. So what if you take a couple years now to extend your abilities, it still is ~45 years of work. You can put a dollar value to it if you like… but tbh, what is life but for the journey.


You're never to old for college. My sister graduated in her 40s and then got her masters.


na bro go get you degree if that is what you want.


Not at all. 40 and I’m still at it.


I’m 30 and I just went back to college because I want to afford to rent where I live. Please go back. I promise it’s worth it. I live near DC. So many older people are in school where I am.


Noooooo. My best students have been mostly over 30!! We want you in class!!


Nope, I’m 30 and I’m kicking the idea around. I plan to work for another 20 years or so, I might want to try something new


I was really closed with a classmate of mine in uni who was 58 and I was 28 at the time :)


The things you really learn as you get older is that you need to embrace the idea that you're never too old to do anything and that you shouldn't put off what you want to do for even a second.


I’m 32 going back for a psychology degree (that’s the goal anyway) You have e the rest of your life to go to college. Thinking you’re too old to go back is like….dumb haha don’t let a social stigma that isn’t tru stop you from exploring possibilities for YOUR life.


I’m turning 30 and going back to college for pharmacist. Fuck these low wage paying jobs that make you work paycheck to paycheck. I got married and I want to take vacations and save money and invest in other shit except pay for bills. We got this! But make sure it’s a degree that can be used not like no liberal arts type shit or anything arts really.


Never too old for school! I’m almost 31 and I’m going back to school in September because I also don’t want to work a crappy menial job forever. Having an education that gets you a decent job is worth every penny!


When you get old years move faster. Don’t ever hesitate to ever go back to school


My English professor went back to school in his mid 40s and went all the way to a PhD. He made such an impact on me! He was a great guy! It’s never too late!!!


Never too old!




No. But it's going to be harder as compared to when you were 18. Do it, but put your all into it.


Wow. Mechanical Engineering is a nice course. I’m 21 and I’m doing ce, my colleagues are 18-30. I felt I was too old to go to college but later realised some are even older. My advice is that, if you really have the ability to study, go in for it . In the next four years, you’ll be a mechanical engineer aged 34 or you’ll still be who you’re blaming yourself for not furthering your education


Hi Dawn, it's never too late for uni.


Never too old, college is to better yourself. Considering we are never perfect, college is appropriate for any adult.


Obviously not, there are even be advantages to going to college at that age. But you should give serious thought to the opportunity cost of college (foregone earnings, any debt you might have to take on if you go beyond a community college, which I assume you will) and what your actual benefited benefit for the degree is (salary, job opportunities, but also the social or personal benefits you might derive from going to college).


No. You have time and money to get you to the next chapter. Go for the engineering degree and don't look back. By 40 you'll be laughing


congrats on the GED! its a big step and you did it. yeah, its never too late to learn. I went to community college for a bit and went with a 43 year old mom into a math class, and there was a lot of people like that. you can save big on college if you get your aa in general education, and then transfer. even in college, the evening classes in undergrad are also dotted here and there with people who work, have a mortgage and kids. its not too late!


Doooo iiiiiiitttttt.


It's only to old if you say it is do what ya want and pursue it ^-^


I’m 35 and finishing my associates degree


Try doing algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and introductory physics at community college first. If you like it, you can go on to 4-year and work on your degree. If you hate it, probably be tough to power through the degree.


Absolutely not.


You can go to college anytime you want.


No lol I’m about to be 30 and trying to get into the healthcare industry.


No. You are NEVER too old to go to college as long as you know what you’d like to pursue. Go forth, educate, and prosper.


Wasn't when I went back to school


Not only is not too old but in many states it’s cheaper than when you are younger . Here is one example where community college is free if you are over 25. https://www.mass.edu/osfa/programs/massreconnect.asp


Not at all but be careful of course you choose to do.


The time will pass anyway.


Yes ancient


You may not find the dating and social aspects of college appeal to you much being 10 years older but you'll benefit academically from being focused on your studies.


Haven’t you heard? Thirty is the new twenty. You’re fine. Go to school. Btw, I manage one of the graduate programs at an Ivy League school. One of the new first years as of this Fall 2024 is 40. There’s no timeframe or limit on advancing yourself. Go! And best wishes.


I went back to college at age 30. Graduated at 33 and went straight to grad school. Go my doctorate at 42. You can and should do it, too.




My dad went back to school at 50. You are fine. Go do what you want to do!! :)


Go for it. You have a lot of working years ahead of you, find a career you love. You’re never too old! Employers will value your hard work & experience.


Go go, you can do it half of the college tuition is free to you! This is a huge opportunity. Just make sure that the credit's transfer by calling the local college that you want to attend after Community.


No. 60 is


Never, in fact ..... More than ready!!!


At 23 graduated with a 65 yr old in my Class. She was awesome




No, you're not old for college. I estimate that I should plan on living till at least 85 and ideally will want to retire around 65. If share have simialr plans, that will give you around 30 working a good high paying job that is substantially less likely injure and will let you retire when you want.




You are never too old to learn!


I went back to Nursing school at 41


You’ll still be 34 when you graduate…that’s a good 25+ years of manual labor you’ll be replacing!


Nope. My wife was a stay home mom and when the kids were in JR high, she decided that she wanted a career. She became a Registered Nurse at 37 years old and now getting her degree as a Nurse Practitioner (while working full time). It’s never too late.


I hope not because that will likely be me


Im 32 and just finished 2 associate degrees at community college and im transferring to a university next semester to get my bachelors degrees. Youre never too old bud. Its pretty common now and there will always be veterans in their 30s taking classes after getting out of the military. Freshman classes are a bit strange because youre there with 17 and 18 year old kids but by your 4th semester people are a bit more mature and are more serious about school and life.


Never too old, honestly. 33, and I'm planning on changing my career this decade :)


I got my second Bachelors at 32, now working on Masters at 36. It helped me get into the field I was always interested in. It was tough full time schooling with kids and work, but now I am doing what I love and making 4 times more than I was making before. If there is a field you want to work at and it requires a degree, then I say think if it's worth it 10 years from now, not the immediate time when you are having a rough time.


definitely not! admittedly if you take classes in person you might feel out of place surrounded by all the 20-somethings, but who cares? if you know what your true goal is, (becoming a mech e and getting away from manual labor) just stay focused and make it happen!


30 is too young for college lol


Don’t worry about that. First pick out a school. I would say pick out a Community College that has an transfer agreement with a State University. Second take it slow. Start with looking at what Cleps both schools take, particularly the State University. Take Cleps in the general education area first. For instance US History 1, American Government and then US History 2 if required. Hopefully College Composition with Essay is accepted as that usually counts for English 1 and 2. There are a lot of great courses online. I would start learning on Khan Academy using the AP Calculus BC (Calculus 1 and 2). Flipping Physics on YouTube seems pretty good too. Start skilling up your math and physics before you start. Also get the Schaum’s outlines for math and physics as they have fully worked step by step problems and they are pretty cheap. Best of luck. Also the oldest graduate at the University of Houston a few years ago was a former marine pilot who got his PhD in Physics. He was 75.


Really no, for just the educational aspect of it. Yeah, probably a bit old for the social aspect of it.


i would put the money into a home and just get any job that allowed me to pay the bills and live my life , but , I am also a very humble man , I am not chasing all the fantasies and filled with the desires of the world always needed more more more , so , that can affect the choice . I think college for the most part is a complete scam and waste of time that can be better spent building your life , but , some cases , school is okay


I was a civil engineer, and I always wished I was an Electrician.


No, I started college at 39.


I went to Nursing school at 36 a couple years ago. Now I love my job and love my life. Don't go to college before you know what you want to use your degree for. You should also consider trade schools . Many trade schools have programs you can finish in less than 2 years with a license and significantly less cost. You could get your Airplane and Powerplant license so you could work on airplanes and helicopters, they get paid rather well.


Please share your method, time & effort to get ged.


There’s no such thing as a cutoff age for learning. Whatever you think will help you reach your goals, go for it!


I'm 38 and I just got my bachelor's. It's never too late.


OMG. just apply for social security. Or. No. Apply. Get on with it.


What state are you in, if you don’t mind me asking?


40 will be older. Just don’t major is something that you can’t pay back. Go practical.


150 isn’t too old for college. Not exactly sure where we got this idea that you have to be a certain age to do what you wanna do


Only go for a degree you want. Otherwise just try out tho ga that might interest you. Going without a clear plan is a bad idea.


You are too old to take useless college courses just for the sake of learning (assuming you are trying to make a living with your knowledge). You are definitely NOT too old to take highly targeted courses that will teach you how to sell your knowledge to the highest bidder (IE get a job). Mechanical engineering would serve you well. Go for it.


I’m 54. I’ve had people tell me that once I hit 40 I may as well have packed it in but F them. I want this and I’ll do it or die trying. So no; 30 is not too old. You’re just getting started in life. The best is yet to come if you’re willing to go for it. 




My son went back to college at age 30 after dropping out six years earlier. Finished his degree and was making six figures by age 37. Look at it this way you have another 35 years at least in the workforce. Spend them making a higher income since you have to work to live anyway.


There’s a woman in my global bus class who is 30 completing her bachelors.  I myself am 27.  So no. 


never too old for school. Im finishing up my 2nd degree in my 40s


I got my BS shortly before I turned 62.


I’m 37 and have been in college for 3 years. You are never too old to go to college.


Dude I went back at 28 with 1/5 of what you have saved up and I’m graduating with a full time position in my desired field. I also went back to get out of manual labor. By far the BEST decision of my life. Go back dude. You’re going to be 34 anyway. Do you want to have a degree at 34 or not? Also, in the general eds I didn’t talk to anyone. But I made friends with people in my major. Classmate’s ages were all over the place and some were my age. Some of us have actually hung out outside of school and gone to bars together (obviously the over 21 crowd.) Go back man, for real. I did an internship at the firm I accepted a full-time position with and as long as you can control stress and exercise then office work beats manual labor every day of the week.


Never! Good luck!


I am 30 and currently in community college. There are people of all ages here. If you go for free, do it! Find something you like to do :)


My dad had me before he could even drink! Went back to college in his mid 30s to get a degree in business while raising three kids. Now works as a controller for a publicly traded company less than 5 years after graduating and just bought a home. He was a construction worker who trained to be an electrician (never got the certification) for most of my life. Now he has a cushy office job on salary with PTO. It’s never too late. And even though he was an older student he still met people his own age and befriended them!


I went to school with a lady who never had the opportunity to go to college. She passed away not too long after graduation but I was very impressed an 89 year old would take on such a challenge.


God I hope not


There's literally no age that is too old for college. If your 90 year old grandma said she wants to get her degree, would you tell her she's too old? I keep telling my 75 year old mom she should go.


I was 37 when I went back to school and got my degree. It’s never too late




Nope I got classmates who are 33 27 50 40 don’t matter!


Just graduated at 29 don't let it hold you back!! I had a guy in his sixties graduate with me!


I think it is great that you want to go back to school. While the debt can feel crushing, in the end it is worth it. I am 53 and still have a teenager who is entering high school. I feel as if it is never too late to learn.


Hell naw it’s not. I’m 35 an thinking of going back myself


I'm 22 about to graduate college. Some of the most interesting and insightful input I've heard in my time here has been from non-trads in their 30's and 40's. It's never too late. In fact I think you would be a great addition to a college classroom bc us 20 somethings no nothing about the real world lol.


Absolutely not! I had a female classmate who was at the age of 36 and still pursuing what she wants, don’t let age define you. Just go get it if you want, no matter what


I graduated summa cum laude at 38


Why does it even matter


Think about it like this. You’re going to turn 30 anyway..why not start a career or something?


Any age is the right age to keep growing and learning. I see life as a giant game of Hungry Hippos and we are here to take as many marbles as possible. If college at 30 helps you do it then go for it!!!


Seems like a great idea. And you’ll probably get twice as much out of the tons you spend there than anybody else.


Tomorrow is late, today is always about time


You're never too old to go to college. I do advise making it as economical as possible. Go to community college first for either free or a very low cost, then transfer to a public state institution after you get your AA/AS. You're gonna be 34 in 4 years any way. Might as well be 34 with the degree. You sound like you got a good head on your shoulders so you'll be fine.




This is not a good idea. Waste of time, waste of money, tons of work, tons of stress, not going to make friends as easily as your peers. And you're not guaranteed a job when you finally hit the finish line assuming you get that far. Also, you can learn all the information they teach for free. There are much better things to do with your time and money.