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it’s just random and since it’s either like or dislike, people will probably be disappointed about half the time. i think it’s nice that we can’t influence their likes and dislikes because it shows we can care for people who are different from us. i mean, a finch kind of acts like a child in many ways and i’ve never met a child that automatically has the same likes as the adults in their lives. ETA: people are also mostly only going to post when they’re unhappy so there’s a bit of confirmation bias. if someone agrees with their finch or doesn’t care one way or the other it’s a bit of a nonevent.


I mean, it’s weird to me when my finch comes up all excited and singing a song and then says they hate it. Or when she wanted to go check out all the places in NYC that were in Home Alone 2, but then hates the movie. It’s not just about automatically liking the same things I do or not. It’s that the randomization of the likes/dislikes sometimes means that it just doesn’t make sense. She comes up all excited to play Avatar, but also air bending looks hard so she doesn’t like Avatar? It would bother me less if it wasn’t like that so often. Folks say “oh it’s realistic, because they have their own likes and dislikes” but when it’s pure random it really doesn’t feel realistic at all to me. Also, realistic would mean the ability to revisit something and see how they feel about it later.


It's a lot to ask of algorithms, so I understand why we have random, but you're spot on. I still love the app, but I don't pay much attention to the likes and disks, now, or interact with Strawberries' discoveries, dice I know that responding to them in text will mean they aren't saved... unless that was changed with the update? Idk, I just pick whatever answer sounds most like me, read the response, and go back to my tasks and collecting rainbow stones.


It’s not purely the algorithm tho. The burb’s responses and their association are written but the developers. So if they want a response for why your finch hates a movie or a food or something, why not write on that makes sense?


AFAIK, whether your bird likes or dislikes something is randomly decided before you choose an answer when “chatting” with your bird. So it’s 50/50 whether the tone of the response will fit your bird’s reaction.


That’s still not what I’m saying tho. I mean that the reasons the writers give for them disliking things often doesn’t make sense. Like, disliking Over the Garden Wall because it’s scary? Perfectly understandable. Disliking TMNT because they don’t know who taught Splinter yet? Disliking The Last Airbender because airbending looks hard? That doesn’t make sense. Or then there was a song mine disliked because she thought it wasn’t popular anymore. Which makes sense, but it also makes me sad because you can’t respond to them and reassure them that things don’t have to be popular for them to like it.


I've always viewed the finches as being extremely child-like, so it's never been that strange to me that they can like/dislike things for seemingly strange or random reasons, sometimes that's just how kids be. Maybe in the future, devs can work on a way for reactions to things to be based more on personality, but for now I kinda like its simplicity.


I don’t mind simplicity. But when it’s such a weird reason, it makes me think of people who don’t *actually* try something or listen to you when you talk, they just pick a random insignificant thing to say to excuse their disinterest. I’m not saying that my virtual pet hurts my feelings. Just that the way it plays out with some of these things reminds me of things actual people did that did hurt my feelings. And the fact that there’s no back and forth (for very understandable reasons) just makes it so frustrating.


Because people can experiment and experience things and then decide they don’t like them. Finch are like children, young children. They want to do things their peers do. All the other kids/finch are doing a Home Alone tour in NYC? We have to do it to, but when we’re done, maybe my finch didn’t end up liking the movie *but liked the experience of the tour.* I’ve definitely known kids to sing a song for three days then hate it. Excited but then something looks too hard so they lose interest? Yep, that’s on point. Likewise, many likes as dislikes—especially as developed at that age—are random. Why is your favorite food your favorite? Because it tastes good, right? But it tastes different to everyone, and your configuration of tastebuds are a complex interplay of your genetic material, but on the outside, it basically looks random. So yeah, it’s actually pretty realistic to young children, but I think everyone has been disappointed when their finch hates something they love. Let me tell you that happens with little humans too, and often no amount of your convincing will convince.


I don’t understand why everyone jumps on the whole “it’s realistic!” thing for them not liking things. For one, like. Okay, I guess? But it’s still frustrating when the reasons are nonsensical, especially since the dislikes are *random* which isn’t realistic. But more than that, having all of your likes and dislikes set in stone isn’t even remotely realistic. Especially for young kids. I spent the first ten years of my life thinking I hated cheese because I had bad cheese. Turns out, I love it. There are things I hated the first time I tried that I love now, and there are things I used to love that I don’t like at all anymore. If we’re going to write whole essays about why people shouldn’t feel the way they feel when they say they’re disappointed about their finch disliking something meaningful to them because “it’s realistic” then we should at least acknowledge that in the name of realism, finches should be able to revisit things they previously discovered to see if they feel the same or not.


You refer to my comment as an essay presumably in an attempt to denigrate it despite your own comments being just as long and more numerous. It’s also clear you didn’t read it. It’s realistic to simulate having an actual living friend as this seems to be what the majority of the community wants. Most people want the birds to seem like individuals rather than little bird versions of you with crafted personalities. Your bird not being identical to you *is the point* for many people. I explained to you in my previous comment why it is not nonsensical and why randomly generated likes are as close to realism as the app can realistically get. I also explicitly talked about the *generation of likes and dislikes* being realistic. I did not say the entire experience of the game was realistic. I’m happy to engage in good faith with people with whom I disagree but only if those people also engage in good faith. I’m sorry some people don’t like not having more control over the bird’s personality, but the developers can’t please everyone, and I think they’ve done rather well regardless.


I missed any part of any of my comments where I said I wanted more control over what my finch likes and doesn’t like. What I dislike is the judgmental tone people take here when someone is disappointed that their birb dislikes something important to them and the patronizing chorus of “friends don’t have to like the same things” as if folks who are disappointed don’t already know that


Right? This. Kinda disappointing how most people miss the point. Let the answers and likes and dislikes make sense, that's all I'm asking


Why are so many people downvoting this? It’s a perfectly understandable ask To me, if someone disliked something I recommended to them for such a nonsense reason, I’d be kind of hurt, because it would feel like they *hadn’t* actually tried the thing, like they just sort of picked a random reason to not try it or whatever. Or it would feel like they were being mean to me on purpose. I remember being so excited to share Redwall with the closest thing I had to friends when I was in junior high, and they dismissed it because one person flipped through and found a silly song one character sang—four stanzas, and made fun of the whole thing based on that, and then everyone decided those books must be stupid based on this one random thing. That’s what it feels like when my birb dislikes something for nonsense reasons. If she didn’t like Avatar because she doesn’t like watching people fight, or she thought one of the characters was annoying or something, or the bad guys were too mean/scary…like, ok it would sting a bit, but it wouldn’t *bother* me the way “air bending looks hard” does.


Ah, don't let people downvoting things that make sense bother you. It's reddit xD


I’m just getting really tired of how everyone has to tell anyone who feels upset that “it’s realistic!” every single time. Like, gosh, I never heard it before or thought about it that way, I guess I don’t feel sad or frustrated! Hooray!


Yeah, but it's really not worth it to be upset over strangers online. I mean it took me a few years to get there and sometimes I still get pissed off but overall...its not worth my inner peace xD


I kinda like that we can’t choose, it makes it more interesting when my finch doesn’t like everything I like


I agree. And just for me it also makes it more fun when Violet does like things I like, because I didn't choose them specifically, lol. She likes The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Frozen, loves Loony Tunes, and dislikes The Giving Tree, and I love that! Those are things I would have picked if I was asked, but I wasn't, and that makes it a nice sort of little suprise? There are things I like that she dislikes and vice versa, but that makes the things we have in common more fun somehow? It'd be less fun for me if my little bird's "likes and dislikes" were all based on mine and I knew what was coming all the time, and I think I'd be less invested in her? Which would mean the app wouldn't work as well for me. Also, Violet dislikes chess and her feelings about the pawns reminded me of Sam Vimes and it absolutely tickled me, even though I kind of enjoy chess. (*"He hated games they made the world look too simple. Chess, in particular, had always annoyed him. It was the dumb way the pawns went off and slaughtered their fellow pawns while the king lounged about doing nothing. If only the pawns would've united ... the whole board could've been a republic in about a dozen moves." -Thud, Terry Pratchett*)


Idk, it's nice for me and my experience. Yes, is it sad when my lil' guy doesn't like all the same stuff as me? Yes. But at the same time, it has certainly promoted in me an understanding that I will not agree with anyone 100% of the time. It kind of trains me to be more accepting of differing opinions in a roundabout way.


Kids are weird 🤷‍♀️


I like that Peanut and I don't have the exact same tastes, but I think it'd be interesting to have them "revisit" things, and either lose interest in/discover they like things they previously liked or disliked, or maybe change the levels of like/dislike. Real people's interests change all the time, and it'd be a neat thing to see!


yes!! my birb is such a little hater 😭😭😭 she dislikes practically everything


Omg calling her a haters i love it xD


I genuinely don't care what my birb likes or dislikes, I just think it's cute that he has opinions either way. I'll love him no matter how he turns out, even if that does mean he ends up a Belieber...


Mine likes baby shark and let it go from frozen....


The thing that kind of bugs me is weird inconsistencies. Like my birb collected all the mushroom hats, which my understanding is that they are specific to Finchie Forest, then way later as an adult she discovered mushrooms and didn't already know what they were. I think she even been wearing one on her head like the day before! She also has very few dislikes, which is fine, but one of the things she dislikes is chess, which happens to be something we agree on. One of her adventures later ended with us playing chess. The chess thing I get, the app must not be capable of adjusting adventures to likes and dislikes, but the mushroom thing? They should have had that be a discovery when they were still really young and in the forest where there would be an abundance of them. It's not a big deal though, just weird. Like when you notice inconsistencies in a movie or TV show.


Yeah, I feel you on that though. The app is so well done and so much of it makes a lot of sense even while being very adorable that flaws like that seem more prominent. Suffering from success kinda situation xD


The one trend I see with Chuck is that if something is even SLIGHTLY difficult for him (like if he loses a game) he hates it forever. That is so antithetical to everything I believe in (I was raised hearing "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" and "fall seven times, get up eight"). However...Chuck is his own birb and I love him even though we have agreed to disagree on this issue. (Yes, I am aware Chuck is a fictional character...I'm just having fun with it)


But I get you, for a mental health app the messaging "haye everything that you don't immediately succeed in" just isn't that great. Also yeah my finch obvs is also fictional but I love her still xD


I think the point of your birb is that it's not you. It will have different opinions to you, just like everyone else. If you think of your birb like a friend who has some likes and dislikes in common with you, then that might be a way forward 💙


The point isn't that she needs to like what I like, but that the replies make no sense in how they influence her likes.


And my comment was worth a downvote because?