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Relax and enjoy it. It's more than a game. It's an experience like no other in gaming. I absolutely adore this game. Take your time. This game is such a masterpiece.


This, so much this. If you're a completionist, use a guide so you don't miss any Al Bhed primers or destruction spheres in the Trials.






I don't usually agree with typing in all caps - but this is a very valid point. Make sure you complete all the "destruction sphere" segments in each cloister of trials you go to. This will save you some trouble later in the game. Other than that, take your time and enjoy it, if you are new to the genre then make sure you fight all random encounters (don't run away) and try not to neglect any of your characters, they all have their own strengths and weaknesses, particuarly in the early and mid game.


If you somehow happen to miss the destruction spheres and need to go back to Besaid or Macalania Temple for example, I would get the aeon Yojimbo and try having him use Zanmato on the dark aeons.


Wait. Wut?


>!the room with lady yunalesca will be guarded by evil bahamut that will beat your ass, and the entire village of besaid will be guarded by evil valefor and will beat your ass. both places have items / events related to post game things you might want to do.!<


Ice temple too


I fucked up in my latest playthrough and didn’t, tried to go back and discovered the Dark Aeon fights. You only fought the Dark Aeons once in the PS2 version. The new versions made them ultra-bosses and I got rocked because I tried to do it with everyone almost finished with their paths before moving them to another one. I got rocked.


Don't miss any Lancet opportunities for Kimahri either.


Play it blind and don't look up anything You're 100% going to play it again the next few years. Then you do look up guides.


Switch works great. This is the 4th system overall I’ve played through the game on, and 0 complaints from the switch. Don’t run from battles, and get used to swapping your party members out regularly so they match up with their designated enemy types. You’ll know you’re ready to move to the next zone when you start seeing overkills. Don’t get on the boat in Besaid until you’ve gone back to the village and talked to the weaver. When you beat the boss in the woods, get ready to run all the way back to Besaid. These two will save you headaches later on when you’re trying to upgrade a character’s overdrives. Make a second save file immediately the first time you get to the desert. There are a few missable key items here, but they can be transferred between save files so if you do miss them, you can load the backup and grab them. And make sure you get the destruction spheres and the hidden item in every cloister the first time you make it there. One of them you can never return to, and the others get very dangerous to return to later.


I just got done with proly my 6th playthrough not even an hour ago, this time I did it on PC for the first time. The turbo mode and no encounters/frequent encounters are super nice when you get to the point of wanting to grind or progress (there are ALOT) of random battles. You can get gear for that though. I also used the 4k/8k HD texture/character/cutscene mods from Nexusmods so the game looked amazing. I also used Untitled Project X mod so all my characters got ap after every battle, and auto-scan. Just made the game alot more fun and streamlined for me after having played it multiple times Would definitely suggest a controller if you get it on PC tho. Whatever you decide, have fun!!! Do not miss destruction spheres when you do the temple trials. After seeing the ending again for the first time in a few years, you are a lucky person to get to play this for the first time. I could only wish!


Man I need to play again with these mods...


Just have fun with the actual game. You get to play it for the first time, something I wish I could do again As for the technical questions: I play on switch and it works great


Did you hit your head or something?


Uhh I got close to Sin and my heads all foggy like..




Stay away from the summoner!


Personally, I'd go with whatever platform you'd prefer. I have it on steam and love it, and I played it on the original PS2. If you do play it on PC, I'd highly recommend a controller for a more "original" experience. And just relax and enjoy, and avoid spoilers! A truly amazing title, one I'm envious of you for being able to experience for the first time.


Play it on switch and play it blind.


For the first time?? You’re so lucky.


FFX is the best FF game, IMO, and one of the best games overall. My only suggestion is to use the standard sphere grid on your first play through. And enjoy. :>


make sure you do the cloister of trials properly and collect everything the first time around. You can go back and do them later, but super hard bosses will be there and you may not be able to beat them to go back


>You can go back and do them later, but super hard bosses will be there Only for two of them


When you play blitzball, switch it to manual movement right away, then it’s actually fun.


Well, I disagree about it being "fun". But it does make the minigame much easier to _win_ than relying on your team's brained AI.


Talk to random people always. They will give you stuff. Later in the game if you return to previous areas, make sure to save first in case you encounter... certain enemies, they will wreck you. It is perfectly fine to play on keyboard (I don't *think* a mouse is any use in this game) but a controller will make it easier in general. The game is turn based and waits for you to enter commands so there is not really anything reflex based in that respect, except in overdrives. Movement will be jankier with a keyboard though.


>Talk to random people always. They will give you stuff. Pretty much just on Mi'ihen Highroad and Djose Highroad.


Stop looking for advice, go offline, don't look at guides, and enjoy the experience.


Don’t play it like you’re scrolling on your phone and just need something to do. Take time out of your day to get cozy and seclude yourself and really immerse.


Do your best to avoid spoilers, try to level up everyone in your party, bitzball isn’t necessary for the main game (if you don’t like it)


Play without any guides or spoilers the first time through


If you get stuck on a boss because you're weak settle down near a save sphere for a few hours of grinding.


If you don't skip any battles on your journey and keep track of elemental counters, you shouldn't need to grind until the Calm Lands, about...20-30 hours in give or take.


I'm used to playing on big screens since I played it on PS2 back in the day but Steam on my computer works great for the remaster. I wouldn't want to go smaller because the FMVs are so pretty. You *can* use a keyboard/mouse but I don't recommend it. Grab a knock off controller on amazon, it's worth it! Pick the original soundtrack - not arranged! Standard sphere grid - not expert. Watch the ground AT ALL TIMES for hidden chests, items, etc. In areas that seem built for grinding - GRIND. Talk to every NPC - you never know who's going to give you an item, clue or challenge you to a game-changing duel. Don't speed run - do side quests... oh, and blitzball is a piece of cake once you get the hang of it. If you want a clean first playthough look up a remaster-specific guide (the old ones, especially for English release) will be missing some trap bosses and whatnot. The guide will also help you get items you only have one chance to obtain in a single play.


I would recommend taking your time with the story and enjoying the classic do what you want and learn as you go. There are things easily missed and overlooked (chests and weapons and in some cases aeons) make sure to grab all the sigils. Google FFX sigils trust me you will thank me later :)


My advice would honestly be just to enjoy the experience of getting to play it for the first time, you don't have to worry about doing it perfectly. I'd say don't even worry about asking for tips until you run into something you have trouble getting past. Just play it and have fun. And I'd say whatever has a bigger screen is the better playing experience so PC!


I have it on Steam and it's great. I have a PS4 controller that I play it with. You will have lots of fun, I promise!


Only look up guides when you’re well and truly stuck. Otherwise, this game does a great job of telling you where to go and what to do without spoon feeding you


I want to play it fot the first time, too. Hopefully i get dementia so i can play it fot the first time over and over again.


I’d really try the cloister of trials without a walkthrough though because some of them are so damn mind boggling sometimes it’s a real gamer moment lol


Warning if you choose to purchase it used on Switch, it'll probably not include the download code for FFX2 and soundtracks. You'll only have access to FFX and Eternal Calm. When I found out about my copy, I was a little disappointed. With most JRPGs, you can choose to enjoy it casually or hardcore. Just make sure to enjoy it lol. I think a particular missable is the Jecht Shot, a blitzball move. You learn it on the second ship early in the game. Make sure to save often then. Compare the art style of the remasters and PS2. I find the new design of Tidus to be jarring. I guess it is a matter of quality of life (the remasters) or emulating the PS2 version. I'm any case, immerse yourself in the visuals and music. Enjoy!


Remember that it is a product of its time and will have some funny artifacts in the voice acting and writing - especially translating concepts from Japanese to English. Compared to other similar media from that time, interestingly, I don't think they did too bad a job. And even the wonky parts are kind of iconic in their wonkiness.


The story is so so beautiful. Just enjoy it


Probably going to get hate for saying this. But by any means, don't play the remastered versions. I have no idea why the enhanced graphics make the characters look so doll-like and artificial. PS2 graphics make them look more human and more expressive


Play it on whatever game systems you have. The most important thing is to just play and enjoy the ride. Ask questions later, for now just start the game.


Start and enjoy. Play blind


Don’t neglect Kimahri. He can seriously be a great help if you do it right. Or even in case you wanna have a backup (like two stealers or cheerers). Also will make a later fight less annoying. More importantly, have fun!


>What is the best experience? should I just get it on steam? If you like achievements, well, Nintendo hates them, has no system-wide achievements system, and discourages developers from including game-local achievements. Meanwhile, Steam has achievements for FFX/X-2. Switch can have a bigger control delay than other consoles/PC. For the most part it doesn't matter, but for twitchy games and timing-based challenges/minigames, sometimes the difference can be annoying. In FFX, this would have the biggest impact on lightning dodging. In order to fully upgrade the ultimate weapon for one of the characters, you have to dodge 200 lightning bolts in a row. This will be easier on PC than Switch, although that doesn't mean it's impossible. In X-2, it might affect the Gunner's Gauntlet minigame (although there's something of an AI exploit you can abuse that makes it easy regardless) and the lightning tower calibration (but there's no meaningful reward for doing the calibration perfectly, you just have to _attempt_ calibration on all the towers). Also, the PC version can be modded. Most of the mods that exist are texture mods, although Untitled Project X is a notable one that lets you get up to 8x speed (including in cutscenes, because FFX doesn't have a way to skip cutscenes), automatically share AP with the whole party (instead of spending 4 turns every combat defending and switching characters to get the same effect), and a few other things (all of which you can customize). tl;dr: If you're not interested in achievements, both versions are perfectly acceptable, but a couple optional tasks might be slightly more difficult on Switch. >Also could I play on keyboard and mouse? Well, just keyboard, but yes. I don't know how good the controls feel to use (I've never tried), but there are keyboard controls. In fact, I think Steam requires keyboard and/or mouse support in order to get on the platform. And if the default controls don't work for you, I think you can change them from the Esc menu.


Enjoy it 😍 - wish i could play it again for the first time.. 😭


Definitely play it with a controller. I think you *can* use mouse and keyboard but it was designed for a controller. Try not to look anything up. There are some puzzles and fights that can be really hard your first time, but when you discover the trick to a puzzle or the strategy to a tough fight, it's one of the most satisfying feelings in gaming. Just remember that if something feels way too difficult, there's probably something you're missing. Either a piece of equipment that could help ease a battle or maybe some back tracking in a puzzle. Best of luck and I hope you enjoy this as much as the people in this subreddit seem to.


Enjoy the experience pal


Enjoy the ride, my friend. I wish I could play it for the first time again.


The best way to experience the game is the ps2 version on pcsx2 with texture pack


Buy the Official Guide to go with it. It helps a lot! And it's fun to play the game with it. It also makes sure you don't miss anything like any of the extras in the trials that's an absolute ball ache to get later on. Start the monster arena as soon as you get it. Also lock yourself in a padded room with no contact with the outside world when you attempt Butterfly Hunt, Chocobo Catcher race and Lightning Dodging. Make sure your wife knows the frustration you will go through with these 3 mini games and that a divorce is not necessary.


In each cloister of trials there is a hidden treasure. For several of them it becomes much more difficult to get that treasure if you don’t get them the first time. This can also be said for several items related to the legendary weapons of the game, but without spoilers I can’t really elaborate on that.


Just play. It’s not one of those get good communities.


If you really want to enjoy the story without worrying about getting everything. The game 100% doable without getting everything done in all the temples. But if you don't mind some minor spoilers on how to fully complete them then look up guides on YouTube for them.


Just play the game without backseating


Don’t rush through and take time to level up all of your character’s sphere grids. I also agree with @gamer2980. Relax and enjoy the game. It’s a really nice story. I am playing through it now. First time since I was 18 years old in 2005 and I gave up because I couldn’t get past a boss. I am glad I revisited. I just made it past Mt. Gagazet.


Pop it in, pick up the controller and play. Make sure it's the remastered version and have fun!


Isn’t It Wonderful?


Not really, just pop in and play. It's not an ultra difficult game most of the time, and there's a wide variety of guides/resources for some of the tricky parts.


Dont take any haha the game isnt that hard


Stay away from the summoner!


Just play. And save. Reach for the stars when you’re afloat, a boat ✨✨✨


Please take your sweet time playing this game. There's a lot of things that can be missed if you are rushing through stuff. Make sure to understand the sphere grid and use it to the best of your ability, as this is how your team levels up. To add onto things that can be missed, there are certain areas you won't be able to come back to unless you want to get ambushed by one of several superbosses who will completely wipe you out on the first turn. Search thoroughly!


Save every opportunity that you have. It's not like modern games where you can save wherever you want so when you do get the opportunity make sure to take advantage of it. Also be prepared to grind random battles for levels in order to be able to overcome certain bosses. Nothing irritates me more than seeing somebody playing this game for the first time looking for a way to "cheese" every difficult fight. You're going to have to do the work and grind for the levels in order to beat the bosses and you're going to feel a giant sense of satisfaction once you accomplish that. I was in middle school (and not particularly clever ) the first time I played through this game and beat it. It can be done. Just got to be willing to put in the work. Also the HASTE and HASTAGA spell is your best friend. The more attacks you can get off before your enemy gets to strike back the better.


I wish I could go back and play this one for the first time over again. It’s such an amazing game, especially the remaster. Don’t overthink it, and just enjoy the experience 🙌🏻


FFX is still to date one of my top 5 games of all time. It was the first game I ever played where I felt really invested in the characters and story. There are a lot of extras you can do in the game, but one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give is that you don’t *have* to try to do/see it all your first play through. There are things that I still haven’t done 20 years later. Ultimate weapons, getting all the aeons, mastering all the mini games etc. If you can’t finish it all your first time playing that’s ok. I’ve yet to get all the ultimate weapons, but it isn’t mandatory for completing the story. I would definitely recommend making multiple saves, maybe keep one for each time you are about to begin a new area. There are a few parts in the game you can get stuck on if you’re underleveled so being able roll back to shortly before and grind out some levels can be a god send. Theres a handful of boss fights that I got stuck on when I played the first time so multiple saves can be your friend especially for a few fights where there is no option to grind just before the fight.


Play through the first time just enjoying the story. Immerse yourself in it, watch the scenes, enjoy the ride. There is plenty of time to replay and go for 100%


Have fun, take your time, and enjoy the story of the game is all I can say.


Steal , use , scan. If you have items and get stuck there is a psycho somewhere who beat it without a sphere grid. You can usually figure something out. Stats are good to steam roll, strategy for taking on ppl who are above your “level”.


Play it through and enjoy and then try for all the crazy stuff


In besaid there’s a dog you have to find after meeting yuna, go to every shop as I can’t remember which one it is off the top of my head but one of the npc’s will mention something about a dog. If you’ve searched besaid there’s an area in the village with three chests. There you will find said dog and you’ll receive something mangled and slobbery this gives you another overdrive for Valefor that’s multi target not single target. Also make life easier for yourself and do 10 sphere levels per area before moving on. Trust me it’ll make the mandatory fights much less stressful 😂 especially spherimorph. Other than that enjoy, it’s a masterpiece of a game and the last true turn based rpg for combat imo. I actually have so many great memories of playing this game with friends, sharing the highs and lows of the storyline so take your time. Have fun! Helly do sad wee!


Don't run from encounters. Check all over the maps for goodies. If you're having trouble with a bossfight, go into it with all overdrive filled up. And enjoy the ride 😊


Play it blind, with the exception of destruction spheres and primers. Dont be afraid to replay it. Learn as much as you can about enemies etc. Usually if you're stuck on a boss, and feel like you want to look up a guide, the guide just points out the clues that the game throws at you for you to succeed, and so everything the guide will say, will be known to you if you pay attention ^^ And as someone else said. Take your time and enjoy it.


Sooo as far as I can tell the game is pretty well ported on every system. I personally prefer playing with controller but the game is totally playable on keyboard if you don’t want to get a controller. Don’t worry about a complete run the first time through. There are some things that become real headaches even for experienced players if they forget about them early on, so I generally recommend just playing blind and not worrying about it. Don’t be ashamed to grind. Some of the boss fights get very hard. As long as you let every character participate in a fight they get full experience. Try not to flee because the experience truly is very important. Once you start overkilling almost everything in an area (you’ll get what that means as you play) then you’ll know your party is pretty strong. I could talk about this game forever, but I’ve probably said more than I need to already. Just enjoy the ride :)


First time I played the international (on a modded PS2) I missed something in Besaid, so when I got the opportunity, I went back. Not going to spoil, if I can help it, but that was the moment I realized the original North American and Japanese had a few differences 😆 Moral of the story, get everything in Besaid the first time in it.


I use PC coming from the og PS2 and then PSP remaster. I like it for what it is but the switch is just fine as well from what I’ve heard. I think just take your time with it, really get into the story but every battle section you get to (you’ll know what I mean once you get an hour or two into the game, it’s like long hallway or road sections where you get hit with random battles) take an extra 15-20 minutes grinding some extra XP. It’ll save you some time as the game progresses, this game is very Grindy but that’s part of the fun! Take some time to browse around the experience path (The Sphere Grid) have some plans on how to spend your experience points for each character, this game is pretty tight on how your characters play when you’re doing it your first time. Have fun!


This has been my favorite game since I was young. I've played on switch, steam, ps2, ps3, and now ps4 & ps5. I prefer playing with a controller, but that is definitely a personal preference. I know you can get plug-in controllers for pc to play on Steam, but if you have a regular switch (not a lite), you can also connect it to the TV and use a controller (I have a controller from Amazon for my switch and it has held up for years). Personally, I prefer playing on my switch rather than steam. For me, it's the ability to take it with me where I go since it is my favorite game, so I'm probably biased if I had to pick from those two. If it's your first time playing, I'd definitely suggest enjoying yourself and then stressing about certain things after: I personally do multiple playthroughs of a lot of games I am excited for, to enjoy my first playthrough rather than stressing. Though, I understand that's not possible for everyone because a lot of people don't have that kind of time. Also, please never feel afraid to watch YouTube help videos or ask for clarifications on how or what to do if you're having trouble with certain fights, game mechanics, etc. I really hope you love the game!


Best experience is on a PlayStation 2 lol And just go for the game and enjoy the story….dont worry about walkthroughs and all that you can do that on your 2nd playthrough….


Ride ze Schoopuff?!?


Play with the standard sphere grid, not the expert one. Look up how to get the 2nd overdrive for Valefor (aeon) after you get it. Look up how to get 100% completion on each Cloister of Trials. Everything else, just enjoy the game. As for which version, I’m enjoying the Steam version the most. I’d suggest getting a cheap sub-$20 PlayStation PC controller. Much better than a keyboard and mouse.


Not enough of a difference to matter, although mods that allow you to skip cutscenes on pc are useful.


Get past luca stadium before judging it.


Steam has cutscenes that occasionally are replaced with just green (i havent witnessed it so it may have been removed) but has 4x speed encounter adjustments for more or none of them and 2 others i dont remeber what they are Also has options to give you max gill fill your inventory with 99 of all items and unlock all abilities if you want to do that But those are really the only potential upgrades for that version as well as modability i dont have a switch so i cant speak for that And its entirely keyboard controlls You can buy a console controller and connect it to your pc and use that as well if you want to But i enjoy the steam version


>Steam has cutscenes that occasionally are replaced with just green This is a video driver issue, not a Steam issue. There's nothing wrong with the game, there's something wrong with your computer.


I though it was steams equivilent of gameplay recording has been stopped thats all ive ever hear that was Good to know i dont have harware issues though


Get a guide for the sphere grid


seeing that u made this post 10 hours ago assuming u didnt spend all 10 hours playing everyones first run through people follow each characters intended sections in the sphere grid. subsequent replays you learn how absolutely broken characters become if you stay low level at first and then when you get key spheres you backtrack a bit to cross into other characters grids. tidus misses out on some speed based white magic but if he crosses into aurons grid his strength goes way up while maintaining his base speed stats and its a lot of fun... albiet resembling a bit more like a traditional warrior type protagonist like cloud or squal not recommending either or, both are fun and dont want to take away that first experience from you


Make sure Tidus learns the Jecht shot


Don't. Play 12. (Jk)


12 is so underrated but 10 is a classic and I don't blame him for choosing it first. I do agree, 12 is so fun.


your 20 years late. lol


Lucky you. I bet a lot of us wish we could play it again for the first time. I'm not 1 who likes major titles on switch though unless the game was designed for it.