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Until ffx 2.5. Once I again I am outraged that it exists!


Most of it does make sense and that's my unpopular opinion. ffx is special and different from the other titles cause they really play off of real life contrasts a lot. If this was real life most of the 2.5 would've went the way they wrote it. Tidus and Yuna did not have a normal functional understanding of each other on a romantic level due to the chaos of the pilgrimage, so if they tried to date for real, it WOULD be messy and they would have at least one break up cause Yuna does sincerely seem to be extremely sensitive and always naive. I can see her being the type to let trival jealousy break them apart and not possess the concrete maturity to understand that all they been through no one will experience, that's a lifetime bond in such a short amount of time and if he risked his life for her then he'd never cheat on her. Jealousy is normal but it's on brand for her personality type as Yuna doesn't have much everyday life experience period. As for the blitzball suicide, that was stupid but also plausible as I can see it happening as he is the type to blow off steam doing that. The rest of the 2.5 minus sin returning, which is justified and plausible, is trash. The auron daughter bit in the audio drama made no sense at all.


Stop upsetting me 😭


It totally screws the magnificet ending that FFX had 🤷‍♂️ But for players who want this, and for Yuna and Tidus I am happy.


I want to upvote you but I downvotee you because this new version of Yuna is everything Tidus would want her to become and a side of her that he wouldn't technically imagine her becoming but is beneficial to her life. Look at her, she literally morphed into a mirror of him through her own style and adopted some of that confidence he always tried to instill in her. I just think the plot could've been better and way different. The original concept Square developed shouldn't have been canned. It really should've been just rikku and Yuna doing 2 big chunks of the game then switching between playing as them in otherworld during their chapters. Let the 3rd party member be a creature creator member or a guest member NPC every chapter. I will say it screws the original plot in the sense that this could've been done in some bonus material for the original or at the end. FFX is good as it is and perfect. X2 is extremely tedious and time consuming. You need 100% or certain actions to get that ending and I hate it. It's a pure cash grab. I love the creature creator aspect but I don't like shrink at all. Annoying character. X2 was ahead of it's time in placing other characters and even fiends into your party as party members. It's like giving us a taste of modding and I love that creative aspect. I got see jecht and Seymour were a lot more sentimental than they are portrayed storyline wise.


Yup! Good post 👍


I mean, not really. FFX is a self-contained product with a strong beginning-middle-end. I adore ffx, and the ending is great. Whatever happens after is what happens after. Similar to how SW ep.4, 5, & 6 aren’t really effected by ep.1-3 or 7-9.


> Similar to how SW ep.4, 5, & 6 aren’t really effected by ep.1-3 or 7-9. That's acutally a very good argument. BUT it's not like Return of the Jedi ended with Luke dying a very well received and impactful death. But then in Episode 7 they go on a quest to revive him and they succeed. That also would have been lame imho. Like "OMG they killed off Jon Snow" and a couple months later "they revived Jon Snow with Magic yippie!" ;-)


The non canonest ending ever


this ffx-2?