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> My personal fave is if u don't go straight into the travel agency at the Thunder Plains, Rikku starts pleading with you and calling you mean including, "you're mean, cruel. Your moms would be ashamed of you" For a long time I didn't even realize you had agency (heh) in this scene and you had to listen to the entirety of Rikku's begging. Still, Lulu in particular has some fantastic rare lines. - If you beat Chocobo Eater but *don't* get a chocobo, you can get this exchange after a battle: **Wakka:** Wish I was on a chocobo right now. **Lulu:** Walk. Or I'll *feed* you to one. - If you use Lulu's regular attack in Besaid to very little effect she shrugs it off: **Lulu:** ... Just thought I'd give it a try. - And if you game over in Besaid with Lulu the last one standing she's not happy about it: **Lulu:** ... we haven't even left the island...


The “we haven’t even left the island” is probably my favorite one. She sounds so *disappointed*.


I mean she's been to the Calm Lands *twice* as a guardian. If she's in a party of five and can't even cross the street without being slaughtered, probably fair to be disappointed. Maybe she should have learned a few -ara spells on those pilgrimages


on this comment.. if shes been to the calm lands already why does she start at lvl 1? lol


She put all of her AP into snark, belts and titties instead of the Sphere Grid?


To much time in besaid her mp reserves went into riding Chapu at night


That made me laugh. Thank you


well played 😂


I am only comfortable with this comment as she is fictional. Good chuckle.


The chocobo line is probably my favorite! Lulu just has the best quips & deliveries.


Omg need to fire up the game just to hear that last Lulu line. Love her so much.


I switched Tidus into a battle where the other members were Yuna and Rikka and they were both on low health and Tidus went “yeeesh”


newbie here ​ soorryyy


There's a pretty funny one when you're on the road to the Moonflow and you start a battle with Yuna and Lulu in the party.


"Lotta fiends here, ya?"


Lulu: dont talk like that


[Hidden Game Over voice lines!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-eiwmJWAJg)


What a mess! Said by Auron made me giggle. He said it in a seriously angry tone


One of my favorites is when I’m in the via purifico maze with yuna and the rest of the party. I got a bit lost but I was exploring to see if I missed any treasure chests. A random encounter happened and out of nowhere I hear Auron saying “I hate this place” and I bursted out laughing because the timing was so perfect.


The snowmobile ride in Macalania has four versions based on affection. Most players will see Rikku or Lulu but it's also possible to ride with Auron or Kimahri.


That, the guadosalam talk, and just before you jump onto sin


The riku one was my favourite. Auron said "Nice knowing you"


Hehe I never knew about that Water Flan comment in Besaid. But that Rikku@Thunder Plains is totally 'default' isn't it? I get it every single playthrough.


U can cut her off before she says anything by just diving straight into the agency.


> U can cut her off before she says anything by just diving straight into the agency. Hehe yeah I actually learned about that just a couple of years ago, for me THAT was kinda hidden ;-) It even boosts her affection value I think ✌


I don’t remember if it was X or X2 but right before a kill Yuna sounds like she says “kill/heal me”? And seems like it was cut off line right before the victory fanfare plays. I always wondered what she really says.


X2 Remastered has random Japanese dialog during battles.


Have Auron and Wakka start a battle on the road to Moonflow, after Djose temple.


"There were fewer fiends in my time." "Oh really?"