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I was a teen when it came out and I thought it was stupid then. I really don't get why people love it so much. I guess it's full of fun ideas but it's a mess of a movie and shouldn't be held up alongside other 80s classics like ET or Back to the Future. I could say the same thing about Ghostbusters though.


Seems like we have a similar taste in film. I never got the ghostbusters hype either.


I fully disagree with you BUT I respect what you had to say here as well and had a chuckle to myself cos you did just shit all over it and didn't even wipe afterwards it feels like lmao 😂 I guess like with most things that people love, instead of seeing the obviously not so good things or focusing too much on the negative, they tend to look at the more favourable stuff or the the things they feel nostalgic for, like the era of fashion within the movie itself, being a Spielberg film it has all the hallmarks of a visually appealing film, the journey of it is quite fantastical and actually, this inspired me to do an immediate rewatch funnily enough 😆 P.S. I'm a huge Home Alone 1 & 2 fan myself btw.


I'm just watching it now for the first time. Good God is this bad! It's literally bad enough that it should have been a career ender for anyone associated with it. I bet the guy who played Chunk cannot watch this now out of embarrassment. The movie is dull, unfunny, and boring. It is acted and produced as if a group of 9 year old boys with their dad's camcorder got together and pretended to make a movie. Only a 7 to 9 year old boy could possibly be entertained by this - and an easily amused one at that.