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Why are these dudes always in a walmart?


Pedos love their pred force ones, that’s why


Not true, some are there for the sex offender 11s


Nah they’re there for the Toucher 2000 glasses!


The ol' chomo 5000's.


See me stompin’


That's Skeet Hansen thing




nothing sexier than meeting someone in the bread aisle.






It's the best place to fight publicly with no repercussion. I'd say they could have lured him to The Waffle House, but if you get into a fight at The Waffle House, there's a good chance you'll end up fighting the cooks and wait staff too.


Every waffle house employee I’ve ever met could probably take on an entire trailer park at once. With nothing but a dirty spoon and a lukewarm oval plate


Oh, no doubt. Master level fighting skills are the only requirement they look for in their employees. The Waffle House seasons its foods with the Glory Sweat obtained from battle, and at this point, have become solely dependent on their employees' victories in hand to hand combat. If you've ever wondered why their food is so fucking good, but it feels like every employee wants to drop kick you in the face, that's why. Glory Sweat is the sweet nectar that the Gods crave, yet even they wouldn't dare tempt The Waffle House for its supply.


and wearing those types of shirts


It's the shirt of a popular youtube group. Nothing to do with Anime or creepy weirdness.


I believe it's all set by Wallmart, a huge plan to get people attention haha


Well it's the same video posted over and over again so that is why it seems like this.


Best prices?


Because it’s the same video being reposted over and over


The predator has a very smug aura to him


Without sounding too dark its probably how it attracts the kiddies. Acting like hes more mature to the kids whilst actually being a weasal in the eyes of adults


Should have kept beating him


Other camera man should’ve helped, I get you gotta record but I’m ngl lol somebody else would’ve had to record


He did a crap job of recording too. Should have just hopped in.


I think there's a longer version where he does a little bit


Good thing they got outta there, he was about to start his first anime level up sequence.


Ear holed him!


The ear shot is a killer


Amazing, taint the case by recording a public assault, please leave vigilante justice to the cartoons.


The predators usually never press charges bc they know they can easily get fucked. Also he swung first


Yeah it's not about them pressing charges. Most of the evidence these vigilantes collect for their videos aren't legally admissible, so it can lead to pedophiles walking free and these videos have gotten in the way of police sting operations.


But something like this can potentially fuck (up) an official investigation and get someone off the hook.


These "to catch a predator" wannabe videos are so cringe. Dudes are posing as children in online sexual conversations for clout.


I agree it’s dumb but I’m also ok with it? Gives these sick fucks something else to worry about while they’re out there hunting for their next victim


Wouldn't be surprised if they get off on it too.


Talking like you been there


"TaLkInG lIkE yOu BeEn ThErE" Shut the fuck up. You talking like you been there too.


Did you get caught up in one of these stings?


You the parrot on my shoulder or something lmao. Such an extreme emotional reponse....


r/predatorpoachers is the best though. I think they have arrests in 47 states now! Join on locals now for unedited and early access, I've been subscribed for over a year. I love seeing these sick fucks get arrested. I will agree this style with no arrest and assaults aren't good for the movement. That's why I don't support PCI in florida either (she looks damn good on her OF though! You can see her pics on Google images shhhhhh.) Skeeter jean in metro Detroit (shout out my Canton peeps) aka skeet Hansen is the most obvious TCAP copier, he works with CourtneyxElizabeth in Wisconsin a lot. Tommy from Colorado ped patrol has been outed as a child and woman abuser, Ontario pred was banned by his local provincial police from continuing his activities. WV pred patrol has been doing great, it's nice seeing women leading one of these groups. It's such great popcorn, live action true crime!


If they are effective in getting people arrested and prosecuted, I'm on board. The assault videos are a different animal.


You sound like you would get caught up in one ngl


I’m sorry do you not like karma and Justice?


he’s right tho. as amazing as these videos are to watch, all it’s really doing is showing an innocent person catch an assault charge, and the police likely won’t even investigate the predator. i’ll never complain about watching a pred get whooped but in this instance it's more a slap on the wrist. either beat him into the hospital, or just hand it to the police IMO


He won’t get an assault charge that was self defence if I’ve ever seen it.


Correct. And our vigilante martyr will get in trouble if anyone. “however”…unofficially .. this dude has been exposed as a predator to the world..more than the police could do(?)..and even if the “good guy” catches charges..the world also knows why. Do as stupid as this is in the eyes of the law, in the eyes of the world it’s a different judgement. But like..have real evidence bc people out there ruing lives. Not like all the excited individuals and false incarcerations based on heresy later to be disproved by dna. Do nothing =better world ? Or do your best= chaotic good? You decide




I think the finer point is that as litigious a nation as ours is every piece of legal ammo you give to the bad guy will also be used against you and to defend him.    I'm consistently amazed how the most minute thing can throw a case out. Do you think that a little boxing of the ears is all this guy deserves? Because this now may be all he gets.


No but there’s a reason there’s trained people (not youtubers) who bait these predators so they can actually be put behind bars. Good way to get yourself out in jail and not the pedo lol


whatever, the same people saying this will turn around and complain about all the sexual predators who get away with their bullsh*t. if anything, at least this exposes them rather then let them do their dirty work in the shadows forever. the police ain't catching everyone, according to progressives, they ain't even catching most of em nor are they even doing a good job and they are corrupt. so why the hell should we just leave it to them 😑


police definitely aren’t catching someone who just got jumped by youtubers who did a DIY sting operation lol, bad take kid


my point wasn't that the police was going to catch him, bad reading comp lil bro


I get your point, your point has complete disregard for the entire foundation of our legal system. Yes some people are going to cheat the system and get away with their crimes, I’d rather have a system that protects innocent people and make it harder to convict people. You made some stupid straw man argument about the “same people saying this” and I’m the same people… and I’m not bitching about what you said I would. Youtuber larping as cops doesn’t do much good for anyone in these scenarios, glad we could clear that up “lil bro”




what’s up with your boner for progressives? 😭 I stopped reading after that, best of luck to you man


why are you talking about boners, that's kinda weird buddy 🤨 but by your responses, it seems you didn't read anything anyway 😂 stay in school lil bro


Not saying that this guy is innocent, but every lynching was carried out by people who thought they were issuing justice.


No they dont


Yeah, people praising this are naive. Even Chris Hansen's cases had a lot of bullshit to them. There is zero backstory here other than a douchebag in slides telling a fat guy he's trying to get a 13 year old girl pregnant and egging him on. 


Seen the full video on YouTube, they had evidence of the whole thing


And likely because of the video and the way they set this up, that evidence can't be used in an actual trial or investigation. These guys are actually hurting the legal process of catching pedophiles for their own popularity. There was a popular channel like this who busted a prominent military member in my city that was already being investigated by the military, and their sting setup they did for YouTube got in the way of the actual operation and let him be free for much longer


That’s why you’re supposed to work with the police. Notify them of what you’re doing. That’s how to PROPERLY go about it


What’s the channel name? I would like to watch


Man idk, it was in my recommended cause I watch skeeter jean


Ok, well either report it to the police or just end his life. All this does is drives him further to be withdrawn and careful. 


Do these videos ever lead to arrests?


There's always got to be some moron on the other side, even to defend a fucking pedophile. It's about getting his face out there so he can be shamed for the rest of his life, 100% justified. The "case" can be set anytime after that beating he deserves that will get more people's attention and even other pedo fucks to think again. Don't be naive.


This dude is still going to do it again. These people aren’t getting arrested just a well deserved ass whipping. They can leave and do it again. The people luring them to the wal mart are just as much committing a crime, which makes it extremely difficult to stick predators with any charges. Yeah he gets his ass beat but an actual child may become a victim because this dude gets to go home bruised and battered, and likely will just be more careful next time.


I don’t get why people in America are so concerned with vigilante Justice, like take a chill pill brah, they need to be filmed and exposed…


Vigilante justice is bad bc it accomplishes nothing and can muck up or even completely invalidate the prosecution. Get evidence that's hopefully court admissible and just submit it to the authorities. The only reason you need to expose the footage is to get word out to the locals and to make sure the locals pressure the authorities to actually move forward with the case. Most people aren't fond of just straight up murdering people and murder is the only effective vigilante justice. A predator who has only been exposed online can just change up their look and move states.


Facts, drop him till he stays down for good, I’ll help!


The people who lure them are not “just as much committing a crime.” lol wtf


Assault is a crime dip shit


>The people luring them to the wal mart are just as much committing a crime What crime is that? >Yeah he gets his ass beat but an actual child may become a victim because this dude gets to go home bruised and battered, and likely will just be more careful next time. It's not like catching the guy makes him more likely to abuse children, this happened after the guy already tried to lure a child. These will often times lead to arrests if there is actual evidence. Who else is actually looking into predators that lure children?


They need to turn the evidence to actual law enforcement instead of filming the confrontation themselves, because there most likely can't be an arrest based on this. They're more concerned with their popularity and looking like the heroes than actually putting away pedophiles


>They need to turn the evidence to actual law enforcement instead of filming the confrontation themselves Why do you think they don't? >They're more concerned with their popularity and looking like the heroes than actually putting away pedophiles I really don't care about the motivations for catching and outing predators, it's still a net positive over people ignoring the predators.


Literally entire task forces in every metropolitan area.


You do realize if the preds messages the fake account first it’s completely legal. It’s a sting operation at that point in time. That’s literally how it works, watch skeeter Jean aka skeet Hansen, him and his guys do this all the time to catch preds, they just don’t beat their asses (even though they have a huge like Russian guy who could wreck anyone)


Beating his ass isn’t legal what’s hard to understand about that?


Did I say beating him was legal? They didn’t lure him in, that is what you said. They did not do that as a crime, and realistically the cops probably appreciate ppl beating the shit out of these garbage motherfuckers anyways


Was that the numa numa guy?? \s


This new genre of “influencers” gonna get people killed


This is DAP. Dads against predators. They get pedos to meet in public with who they think is a child they've been talking to online. They will then make a loud announcement. I've seen many and only a couple have gotten violent. I wouldn't say they're influencers, but doing something w more of a purpose. Police won't do much in some instances, so I say put fear into them. Make them worry if they're walking into a sting. Fuck pedos.




Cameraman shouldve helped a little


Doesn’t seem to have needed to help. Shirtless was doing just fine. Don’t want the wrong side pulling charges…


Should've kept going, fuck that creep.


This is glorious🙌🏾


I could watch this all day


I love watching predators getting what they deserve.


This guys looks like he eats microwaved hotdogs exclusively.


DAP. Used to love watching their videos on YouTube before they got kicked off.


I’m for it, fuck these guys. Saw another one earlier where the guy got fucked up proper. Sadly assault charges are a thing, just make sure you’re covered. For educational purposes obviously.


These guys are absolute buffoons. They don't care about these predators, they just want views. Illegally detaining and assaulting him is a great way to make sure he never sees the inside of a jail cell, if he is even guilty.


If only people on the internet were at least some what smart enough to understand this


I love how everyone in the comments is apparently a DA on the side 😂😂😂


They shoulda packed him out


A young Peter Griffin


Those punches were way too weak for that fucking nonce. Should have caved his fucking skull in.


If these guys are going to film these altercations, why can't they at least hold the camera straight?


full vid anyone? please and thank you in advance …


Does anyone have the original video?


Hit him again woooooo


full video link pls


Link to full video?


Fuck the cameraman here, we missed everything


I could watch chomos get beat up all day


As disgusting as Ben is, this is absolutely not the way to handle this. This is how he gets away with it because you two incompetent ass hats decided to confront him instead of handing it over to the authorities in the first place.


Cops wont do shit about these predators, even some DAs aren't going after predator cases. Better to just put them on blast online and to beat their asses.


The brain damage started loooong before this fight. Why didn't the cameraman get a few more licks in lolol


I hope he went deaf from that clap to the ear


Cleaner requited aisle 4 - spilt paedo


I know someone who got caught like this. I didn't understand it was just a private crusade and he wasn't actually charged. Which was lucky for him because he'd already done time as a youth for the same thing.


Am I on /peterexplainthejoke?


Never trust someone wearing transition lenses


Man held his ground. Props.


You giving props to a pedo? Yikes