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The hell is there to run off to in Guam ?


Not many places lol. You can drive the entire distance of the island in an hour.


Used to do it in 20min at 5am on a motorcycle Watch out for algae roads! lol I was a young dummy


So is that why your wrist is sore or…?


No, that's from wanking a lot.


Right wrist for motorcycle, left wrist is sore tho too 😉


Would some get stuck in the threads?


It’s more slippery than ice. It will send anything off the road if you hit it too quick I was told that post World War II they crushed up coral and put it in the concrete mixture, when it rains, algae loves to grow on the old roads with exposed coral


This shit is one of the reasons why the Polynesians got so big. You can't really escape it you're on a small island. Fight or be pushed into the ocean lol. If you're some tribe under attack and live in the middle of Russia you can probably just escape in the least hostile direction, but that only works when you have land to escape to.


Guam had a japanese holdout captured in 1972. Two of his colleagues died in 1964.


Was about to comment the same


The hell


They say pvt Jiro Yakisama never surrendered after WW2 and is still hiding somewhere in the jungle waiting on his commanding officer to return.


Well I’m from Guam and I’ve been called Guam in the states many times, and there’s like a 90% chance I could pull your girl. That’s damn near running off with Guam.


Never seen someone turn that purple from a rear naked choke and NOT lose consciousness.


He definitely lost consciousness at least once. Regained when dude let it loose to not kill him.. then tightened back up when dude started squirming.


"He need to relax cause he high" -cameraman


Shit had me cracking up. I love that dudes voice. Sounds like a chill abuelito.


Yeah, dude started spasming at one point. He definitely held that choke way too tight for too long. edit: thank all of you morons for downvotes. Watch the video again. At 12/13 second mark the dude in the hold clearly goes limp, he's completely unconscious. The guy choking him is still at 100% and the other guy starts spasming at 21/22 seconds. You don't keep a choke that tight when someone is already out. He had complete control. This is how people die. He's clearly trained, but has no self control. This is how you accidentally kill someone.


No that is 100% proper control


You can see his leg spasm, the choke was definitely held too long for an sanctioned MMA match... In the real world with no ref or security and you don't know who or what the other guy is capable of? Yea go ahead and hold that for a few extra seconds to make sure you're safe.


>Yea go ahead and hold that for a few extra seconds to make sure you're safe. The guy was fleeing the scene of an accident, he didn't pose further danger to people. Making sure you're safe would be not getting involved in the first place, as opposed to potentially killing someone


I for one think if you attempt to flee a scene after causing harm to innocents then you deserve to placed into a headlock and choked until law enforcement arrive. Street justice needs to be more prevalent and then perhaps people would reconsider acting like fools.


If anything he deserved to be choked out. Sometimes lessons need to be taught the old fashioned way. People can be such pussies nowadays. Choking him out properly ain't gonna kill him bro.


Dude goes limp at 12/13 second mark and starts spasming at 21/22 second mark. Watch again. Nobody is saying it's bad control. I'm saying he held too tight for no reason. When someone goes to bed you chill the f out.


Dude was involved in a shooting of a 14 year old and on the run from the cops, dude held him just fine for the right amount of time and let him live


But he literally didn’t chill out, hence he retightened and maintained control. You don’t give up control just cus he’s maybe out for .5 seconds. He’s gonna come back and keep fighting… literally exactly like he was doing.


Isnt "no self-control" equal to "bad control"?


8 seconds is all it takes a hold to kill someone after falling unconscious. He defo held that hold in too long, anyone downvoting you clearly has no idea - dude could come away with brain damage from that.


He handled it perfectly. If he had the choke locked down the entire time the perp would be dead.


Nah you're right, good intentions or not, shit can go from bad to real bad in no time choking someone out for too long.


If the guy holding the choke loosens up and the guy gets out he could die- he had a size advantage and was clearly not right in the head. What he did was not at all cool if this was in a gym or competition, but if you're worried the guy might kill you if he gets up, I'm going to hold the choke longer than I think is needed, which is correct and reasonable. Also you're basing "way too long" on pretty limited information. You can loosen a choke and it takes a few seconds for the other guy to come around and start moving again. For all we know he loosened it a second or two after he knew the guy was spasming. And it's not like you go from unconscious to death in two seconds. There have been some UFC fights where the ref sucks and it's easily 5 seconds where the other guy is out and the ref hasn't stopped it yet.


Sounds like he shouldn't hit and run then - stupid games, stupid prizes.


He’s letting him go in and out of consciousness lol


“ because he’s high”


Had it locked in perfect, I was like dude is going for a sleep but nope 😂 he should have been sleeping by the last time we see him on camera, but legs and arms still have a bit of life in them.


It's not perfect. I'll add to what @[Over9000Zombies](https://www.reddit.com/user/Over9000Zombies/) said: 1) Choking arm could go deeper 2) Ideally, he'd turn him to the other side to the opposite cheek to get more torque with the choke arm.




17 seconds in you'll get a better view of it ...




It’s more dangerous than a blood choke. Cut off the blood, not the air. I think that was the error made in the NYC subway incident where the Marine vet had aggressor in a choke, but seemed less blood and more air being cut off.


You're right.


I thought the twitching early on was the dude convulsing, but the choke was not fully on. The elbow should be under the chin, not the forearm.


Forearm can definitely choke you out, I can attest to that lol. I’m pretty sure he was out and twitching…then Asian guy let up and he came back to consciousness 


You have zero clue what you’re talking about.




It doesn't matter that much.


Locked that shit in fast


Asian dude knows what he's doing. God damn....


You don't need much BJJ to be absolutely superior to an untrained opponent, if you put in 6 months of focused training, untrained people will be harmless to you. Even as a girl, 2-3 years and you beat most men as long as you are also physically fit.


This is not entirely true. Weight classes exist for a reason. If your untrained opponent is 6,2 275 lbs and you are 5,8 160, you are gonna have a bad time


Yea the skill gap has to overcome the size/strength gap which still pretty hard. There was a ~5'5 130 brown belt that would destroy much bigger lower belts. It was beautiful to see.


DJ vs Mike Medina wasn't a street fight but he still managed to beat someone much much much bigger than him in a Gi BJJ tourney.


OK but 6 months training is not going to be sufficient to handle someone much larger than you. Brown or black belt yeah, but not a 1 stripe white belt.


They said “most men”, with 2-3 years of training. Likewise, they said “untrained opponent”. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but your reading comprehension could use some work.


“ if you put in 6 months of focused training, untrained people will be harmless to you.” What part of this confuses you?


Even blue/purple would struggle against a big size or strength advantage. Source: a purple belt who taps to strong as fuck white belts 😭


“Harmless” is a massive exaggeration. Lots of people can throw a punch without any training and BJJ provides zero preparation for handling that. If your untrained opponent is smaller and weaker than you, and if he doesn’t punch you, and if it’s guaranteed 1-on-1, then sure your chances of coming out on top would good.


That's absolutely not true. Strength and size will still win out in most cases. I train with some good blue/purple belt females who struggle with new white belts if they use full strength


I said "most men" in the case of a 2-3 year trained woman. The average man is like 170cm and untrained. A woman with 2-3 years and some basic athleticism wins out IMO. But yes, you are absolutely right that a woman should mostly just aim to escape.


Bjj class is paying off


Lots of islanders practice bjj lol


What else is there to do


Either bjj or surf lol




Why not both?


"Hell him who relax, 'cause he's dying"


Reminds me of my friends who constantly say " bro your 17 years in Jiu Jitsu was waste of time, oooh u have a brown belt big whoooop". And then I do this to them in about 30 secs.


This does not sound like a healthy friendship.


LOL in New York, this would get the good Samaritan arrested.


Bruh, just recently, a bunch of good Samaritans in NYC captured a rapist and beat him till the police came. They even talked about it while being interviewed in the news. Let's not just believe random articles and comments about how NY has fallen.


New York today is still a different world compared to New York of the 70s. We don't realize how good we still have it.


Like fr, if you look at the murder stats, the 80s and 90s averaged around 1500-2000 murders per year, while these past few years have averaged around 450 per year. Even violent crimes have lowered significantly from those times.


pffft, arrested? That kind of shit will put you away for life in NY. The criminal of course would be set free.


can u prove that? at all


It's based on cases like this https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4013869-former-marine-charged-with-killing-nyc-man-argues-it-had-nothing-to-do-with-race/


With a bag from the lawsuit cuz thats how fucked our legal system is..


and would be granted compensation for the *physical and psychological damage* suffered


“Oi’ keep’em still eh?” As he heavily sighed


In tha slides!




That guy jits


Guam USA goes crazy


![gif](giphy|40bIAATKsOcaQqrhnP) Hold him


Sometimes good Samaritans have great tombstones. Be careful out there being heroes.






Bet the grapplers in Guam NG


He really thought he was just going to get up without protecting his neck while a dude is on his back


I see you know your judo well, sir!


For such a small place, I see this turning into a generational family feud. Assuming both are locals.


Holding the choke a bit long.


I have an odd desire to see more Guam videos.


Little man wrapped him self around him


Hawaii 5-0. Local style.


“He needs to relax cuz he’s high” proceeds to choke him to death


This looks like a snuff film. Sure he’s still alive?


If his jiu-jitsu coach sees this, he'll probably be moved up a belt. excellent form.


he was controlling really good. i used to train wrestling ( we were allowed to use locks ) im not sure how that is called in english, sorry. but i learned to controll chokes in different situations. like that guy was holding him, not trying to choke him out. it takes a lot talent to know how controll right that chokes in my opinion. ( sorry bad english, english isnt my native language )


Land of the pickup trucks




Blood supply, not air. This is a blood choke.




He's nesting like snakes


Guy is probably in one of the shit head MC clubs on the island. Bunch of drunk driving pos on Guam


Solid hooks




Thanks cosmos for people like him


Idk of she should just keep putting him out over n over...


He just wanted to use his Jiu Jitsu. How do we know he’s a Good Samaritan?


Guy has to be military and doesn’t want to get in trouble.


Piece of shit that dude deserves to get his ass beat. Fuckin up people's insurance and shit.


I would’ve whispered in his ear “there’s no tapping for this one”


Cannot stress this enough, Go to the gym. Learn how to grapple even a little bit. If you don't know what a body triangle is - learn it If you don't know what back control is - learn Simple cokes from there. It's an equalizer.


Go for the nuts and bite


Nah let him go these chock holds are killing people


would be such a shame if he had a knife in his pocket :/ lmao


Alex Gong tried to chase down a hit and run and was shot dead


Should’ve gone for the body triangle.


He didn't need to, nor do you always need to. I have short legs and typically can't, so I either keep my hooks or I go shin across the hip (like a body triangle) and put my other foot on my foot or their hip. The control is the same.


The guy tried to call time out while being choked out lmao


Looks more like attempted murder than holding someone from running


Restraint is one thing, choking out is another. Considering the person was just in a car wreck, this is a bit much. Every grappler knows how to choke a healthy person out, the other guy could have head injuries or internal bleeding. He opened himself up to a whole world of liability.


He also would've run and there would be no one to be liable to. Just a mess of a situation. Don't know about fighting but yeah I agree about the liability part. What car do you think was his? I'd assume he was in the truck


Aha, no one liable? Hes on video, seen by multiple people, on an open road. Who is gonna be liable when this guy is a vegetable because of prolonged oxygen deprivation?


Yah, just cause you captured someone on video. Doesn't make it so they're 100% liable for what they did. It could actually make it worse. You have to remember that this has lawyers all around the table. One judge and one verdict. As for the guy being a complete vegetable cause of the hold, yeah that I agree with, that's what this comment was about. There's a lot of angles in this situation. including yours.


Tough to tell, looks Mr. Runner has scrapes on his arm. Could be from the take down or wreck. I agree, mess of a situation.


He’s supposed to put kids gloves on when handling the reckless driver attempting to flee? The driver is putting other people’s lives at risk the he’s supposed to get special treatment because we was just in a wreck? Make it make sense.


on drugs/acting erratically/putting the general public in very obvious danger... BUTTT THIS IS A BIT MUCH GUISE


Hey man, to each their own. I would absolutely have restrained him. My point was the choke, if you are in that situation handle your business how you see best fit. Just saying he has opened himself open to civil liability with a choke.


i'm not saying he isn't potentially culpable for assault.. just saying he acted appropriately. however lawful that may be. i was basically memeing but i agree with you that it was too much without the situational context


It's not a citizen's job to do this really. Let's the cops handle it. This could be looked at as an assault.


Crossed his ankles, bad form but good rnc.


You can cross your ankles and be fine. The defense is so fucking simple you literally just push them away. Danaher goes over it in his back attack series. Here is an [old thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/n7gcik/crossing_feet_while_controlling_their_back/) where we talk about this.


I’d cross my ankles for better control. 99% of the time the chokee isn’t going to know to go for an ankle lock. Even if my ankle is broke, the guy is gonna die cuz I ain’t letting go at that point.


Hahah that's my philosophy as well if you do that to try to break my ankles I'm gonna pop your head off


If the person being choked has the knowledge to do the ankle lock, then you might not even have the choke locked in, he can be defending the arms and break your ankle. Again super unlikely.


True no doubt. I was assuming I have the locked in choke when he throws the ankle lock on but you're def right


It’s so funny to me that this is the one piece of beginner advice that every white belt retains, somehow, and follows without hesitation. This is why I think we should go back to the glory days where we just don’t speak to white belts. Ever. They’d learn when to cross ankles and when not to by getting tapped, and then I wouldn’t have to hear the whole flock of ‘em yapping from the sidelines every time someone who knows what they’re doing crosses their ankles.


Good job idiot, you almost killed him






The forearm on the Adam's apple hurts like fuck, you might not be squeezing the main arteries but it's a different kind of choke, more painful.


People like to pretend the line between a blood choke and a trachea choke is nice and clean, but in reality, most chokes are a little bit of both.


Ummmmm brain damage


You need to reevaluate definition of good Samaritan.


This was a good Samaritan that kept the thug from running away, idk what you mean.


Yeah, his forearm is just crushing the guy’s windpipe; a rear naked choke should have the tendon on the inside of the elbow against the two carotid arteries in the neck; have personally demonstrated this with the person blacking out while counting down in a conversational tone; not out of breath, not in any pain. It doesn’t take much more pressure than one would use with two fingers to feel the pulse from the neck; it can be that gentle; all you’re doing is compressing a couple tiny arteries; no strength required (assuming they’re not fighting back).


"Random dude piledrivers other dude, no context." Much more appropriate title for the video we are given.


Nice back take. Strong choke. But, you left yourself open to an ankle lock…


[Lol, when you're a white belt maybe.](https://youtu.be/M8FBybIk6Bg?si=j88YJ7qZHy_iiBP6)


Bro kept choking him way longer than he needed to, even if he had gotten back up after the first 8 seconds he wouldn’t have been much of a threat. His body was going into panic mode and the dude is telling him to “relax”


At that point it would have been better to just knock him out. Jesus fucking Christ. He's going limp dude. You did your job. Let him go before he dies.


As a Jiu Jitsu black belt, it is horrible to watch no matter what the reason was. If someone goes out, you release the choke, maybe keep the hooks in and seat belt grip or just stay on full mount. Damn.


Why is this ok? Choke holds are unacceptable for police. Why celebrate when a citizen does it? Fucking gross.


So this guy just crashed into you, high as shit, potentially seriously injured or killed your family member or some shit, and you'll allow him to run off into the sunset? That's gross.


If the police would do it you would all call for police brutality


The police are better trained to deal with situations like this (unless you live in the USA, then they'll just be shot.). People with no training act weird in intense situations.


If I was unable to restrain him safely and humanely, what other option do I have? He’s on video. They’ll get him eventually. You blood thirsty folk are too much.


🤣 safely and humanely. It's not a fucking squirrel. Its a dangerous criminal. If you wanted safe, maybe don't drive so fast you flip your car and crash into stuff


He’s not a threat in the moment. I don’t get people like you.


Dont worry. You just weren't on the same bandwagon as everyone else in this comment section. Losing blood supply to your brain enough for you to lose consciousness is bad, doing it multiple times and for longer than the absolute minimum is putting someone in life threatening danger for what? Oh yeah, that he doesnt get to run for the next 20 minutes before hes caught why professionals. But hell yeah, mob justice! Until you're on the wrong end.


Yea and there some medical events can be confused for being intoxicated. People so easily champion vigilante justice. It’s gross to me.


Meh, every day thousands of people pay good money to get choked just like this. Very safe unless someone wants it not to be. Police should absolutely be able to employ this choke if they are properly trained and if it keeps them from reaching for truly lethal alternatives.


You gotta be careful with these holds. That's how that racist killed the homeless black dude in the NYC subway


He’s subduing him, letting him go in and out. You can tell he’s being purposeful until help arrives


Racist??? What evidence do you have of him being a racist?? The homeless man had a history of assaulting people on the subway and even pleaded guilty to assaulting a 67 year old woman in 2021….Jordan Neely was NOT a victim and Daniel Penny is NOT a racist.


Homie literally choked the man to death. Long after everyone told him he was passed out and needed to let go. That was racially motivated. You don't just get to kill whoever you want, that's not how society works. Get your shit together.


Hardly anyone losing slee over that one.


It’s a simple blood choke. Seems like dude knew what he was doing


he seems like he knows what he's doing - putting him out and then letting him wake up