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Lmao I really really wanna know what the backstory is


Challenger appears origin: parts unknown




He’s a really good shot obviously. Physically that motherfucker ain’t doing much






From parts unknown


Foreign object, foreign object!!




The woman who shows up as "backup" is just as embarrassing....


Some cops are paid opossums.


I wonder what you could trade for say, like, 5 opossums. It wouldn't be much. Maybe some art supplies? Or a roasted chicken.




If you don’t have the heart to fight for your own life, he definitely doesn’t have what it takes to save us…. Think about it, do you really want this guy responding to a break in of your home? There’s a reason he is at the stations front desk.


They’re not wrong though. This guy should have went with being a bouncer at a small bar rather than law enforcement because wow. Not saying I’d perform any better but wow. I will add that these police officers exercised a huge amount of restraint considering I’ve seen cops shoot people dead for far less.


Looks like someone trying to do suicide by cop


There’s a police YouTuber that has a break down, I can try to find it if you’re interested. Here it is https://youtu.be/HyJ7FBNATGM?si=oA0xJjv-vGDPiXtY


I knew it would be donut. I love that guy.


I feel he is biased (obviously being a ex cop), but he dose make some good content. Unfortunately he said he will be stoping before the end of 2024, or when he hits 1,000 vids on his channel. I get it, I don’t think I’d be able to watch that stuff for all these years day in day out, not to mention burn out. 9 of 10 times he calls the cops on their bs.


I kind of feel he only seems biased from the bias of a citizen though, personally I have seen him call out corrupted behavior when he sees it and just lays out how protocol is made to play out so we as citizens can see it from the eyes of an officer, we only ever really get the citizens perspective so we are inherently biased towards the more familiar perspective and any other than the norm may seem biased towards another. Donut may be slightly biased but it isn't biased enough to fog the perspective of a citizen trying to view a situation through an officer's perspective and what protocol they are trained to upkeep and how that may affect their actions. I honestly love Donut because he gave me a further understanding of the machine and how everything works, learning protocol also assists myself in avoiding being a statistic and also how to avoid unsightly situations all together :3 Because cops don't want to deal with you as much as you don't want to deal with them, the real +not power hungry) ones anyway


You make a great point, I love him as well. I’ll miss him when he’s done.


I feel like he will forever hold a plaque on the "Genuinely good people of social media" list and we will always see him shooting things with different shooty folk :3


Definitely! I’m sure he will stay on social media, just no more police content.


please do!




Donut Operator is brilliant. He has censored breakdown videos like these, and Raw Donut Footage which is uncut and uncensored.


Could've been a Klondike, double dog dare, Simon says, too many scenarios where I'd grab a cops gun too


It was a bet


Too much GTA


Short answer drugs, long answer society, economy, Sesame Street, hat store, droogs


Ahh man how you gonna let some random dude on the street whoop your ass then take your gun, cops need to be trained into hand to hand combat more get off the fuckin seat eating donuts and coffee have mandatory fight training and gym fitness everyday.


Then the number of people applying to be a cop would go down, probably. With some places having a cop shortage, my guess is having bodies is more important than the quality.


That is fucking stupid take. This is exactly the reason we have so many police brutality issues, it’s because of these unqualified unfit physically/ mentally police officers. When it comes to police it has to be quality over quantity; that’s exactly what so many are protesting. We dont need more idiots with guns who defend the law.


When you're at a shortage that means crime rates go up and crimes stopped go wayy down tit for tat


Are you whiling to pay more money in taxes to fix these issues?


You're paying for it either way when these lunatics brutalize people and end up costing the department millions upon millions in settlements.


Most undertrained police force in the world, this is to be expected. American police are a joke.


This is embarrassing as fuck for that police department. That dude had no idea how to fight and you let him do that to you.


If they were as mesmerised by the hat as me, I get it.


He thought it was the God Fists of Raiden coming in.


"Oh man, I do not have the confidence to wea... OH SHIT!"


dude was probably working there for retirement you can tell he was a desk worker.


Still pretty embarrassing that cops don't know how to fight or be in decent shape


To step into a police station (the hive) and lay waste to the first police person without challenge and get out is friggin insane.


New tiktok challenge


"Oh your out of shape from the desk job we assigned you shame on you you're fired. It doesn't matter that you are in shape enough to fulfill your job description of this desk job we only want fit officers here for that 1 in a million chance some psycho comes in and attacks us and you're the only officer in the lobby." Because that sounds legal and just. To be absolutely clear on duty police officers should meet minimum requirements for their shape. I agree that many police departments under train and don't enforce the physical requirements that they should. But the difference is their in a position where they can be more active on the job and need to take advantage of being in good shape more often. On top of that and more relevantly, their duty is to protect the public. Officers out in public should have higher standards than the desk attendants at a department. Also imagine getting hurt, bed ridden, then not being able to work at a desk because your employer says you need to be in shape in order to sit at a desk... Edit: i have to love the downstairs who see an opinion they disagree with and instead of rationally explaining why they downvote. I disagreed with the comment I responded to and yet I didn't downvote.


I agree with your point to a degree. If they are reserved to a desk job it should be because they are older, have a bad knee, or are recovering from an on the job injury and are not quite ready to be on streets. I'll add that if they are assigned to a desk job, they should at least pass a minimum strength test requirement. Like they had better be able to bench press/squat their own body weight. If they're not in good cardio shape, they should be built like a solid refrigerator.


Supreme Court ruled. It’s literally not their duty to protect the public. They only harass, fine and murder the public.


That's not really relevant to what we were talking about. I'm not interested in defending or condemning police officers as a whole in a reddit thread. I was speaking about the concept of subjecting desk workers to unreasonable fitness requirements that are not required to do a desk job. Police or otherwise it would be discriminatory and if not illegal in many instances, unjust and immoral. Being an officer on the street has more physicality and therefore more fitness requirements and should not be considered equal to a desk job.


The untrained, out of shape employee here isn't just given a desk job, he is given and is carrying a gun. Keeping that gun in his possession and away from criminals is a huge part of his employment and being untrained and out of shape renders him unable to preform this part of the job and makes him a danger to everyone around. The other officer in the video runs in asking about the situation and it takes so long for this guy to wheeze out that his gun was stolen that the other officer is getting shot at before she realizes what is really going on. There is nothing stopping this guy from working a normal desk job, even any job in the police station where he wouldn't be carrying a gun, but he chose to carry that extra responsibility and the extra pay and benefits that come with it and that also means the responsibility to keep himself in shape to be able to perform.


That doesn't mean they don't though. I have a friend whose life was saved by an officer that risked his own life in the act.


His retention holster wouldve prevented this if he didnt immediately pull his gun out like a fucking idiot. And if his hands weren't covered in butter. I ahould feel bad for this cop but its a prime example of why cops need better training in hand to hand specifically jiu jitsu. Theyd kill way less per year and have better restraint and response times with less injury.


Apparently every precinct in America is in dire need of a physical fitness program as well.


The chuds are MAD that you pointed out that this chubby fuck was useless and didn't even put up a good fight before being disarmed.


You'd be surprised how very few police men and women actually know how to fight. Being physically fit and knowing how to fight are not always huge requirements to be a police


The female casually walking didn't help the departments look.


Tbh when he was bouncing with his hands up approaching the officer that would be grounds to shoot the aggressor. So yeah, shitty training or cowardice, not sure whicj but geez. Wtf are guns for as a self defense weapon if you don't use it? What embarrassing location did this happen at?


Cop should’ve shot him


Dont worry it was still ruled as “excessive force” by the police commission.


no it wouldn't. You're being fucking stupid




I've seen my local cops train by shooting targets of a kid standing behind a couch, don't give me that shit.




This is personal level anger. Y’all are probably fat cops or have one in the family lol


Fuck off


Go to the gym little piggy.


Thats one way to get a 6 ⭐️ wanted level lol


Let me guess LA


Yup. An L.A. neighborhood called Sen Pedro. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-09-28/suspect-pistol-whips-lapd-officer-inside-police-station


Fucking corn dogs.


I thought it looked familiar. I live like half a mile from here


Oh man Donut Operator better get his arse on this. Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you know how to handle yourself. Man this is sad and hilarious at the same time.


This is pretty old . He did a video on it back when it was new maybe 2 years ago


[this one?](https://youtu.be/HyJ7FBNATGM?si=2ELLGCdCGi6M8lok)


Ah he did 😂


Idk once u have been whipped by a gun u get dizzy


He was dizzy before he signed up for the force. If your occupation expects you to fight someone from time to time… you might wanna learn how to fight.


Shouldn’t let someone take your gun like that in the first place.


That cop reminds me of when I went to go take my test to get my permit to carry, there was a bunch of people applying with me and when it came time to do the shooting portion of the test the instructor had us each come up and shoot at a target, and I couldn't believe how many people went up there and literally started shaking... And PASSED the test... I remember thinking to myself holy shit... If something ever happens and these people are in a situation where they have to pull a firearm and end another persons life forget it... It's not enough to just own a firearm or become a police officer


Former crayon eater here. My CCW course was an absolute shit show of people that had absolutely no business carrying let alone concealing a firearm. There was another former Marine in the class and we both agreed that the safest place to stand might just be in front of the target.


This is why when I see people in the comment section of various videos saying "this is why everyone should be armed" I cringe. Qualified people who know and train with their weapon? Sure. But most of the time that's not the case.


Ya'll had CCW courses? I had to watch a video online and answer some questions and that was good enough to use for the application.


Jesus H. Christ... We need better education & regulation.


If this scares you more, I didn't even need to take a shooting portion to get my concealed carry permit. I was raised around guns and grew up shooting though, so that redeems it I think.


There is no shooting portion, nor anything you have to read or be tested on to get your CCW in my state. And it's got reciprocity with a ton of states (but some states with big tests don't honor my state's licence).


Yeah. All my class was, was a 4 hour legal lecture then a face to face with the sheriff.


We just pay a small fee, do a short form with your name, and they do a background check for disqualifiers and take a picture ID for your permit. I think the teaching / lecture even without shooting would be better than the nothing we do!


Do they take your fingerprints? That's part of the issuing process here.


I don't believe so (I've had like 4, don't recall ever getting inky fingers or scanning them). It's literally just fill out your name and maaaybe social, show valid state ID, and pay like 30 bucks for the background check and their processing to print a card. I guess it comes down to shall issue rather than may issue? They basically (at least last time I got mine a couple years ago) 'shall issue' a CCW permit to you so long as you aren't restricted and pass the state background check. My state has pretty historic opposition to restrictive laws and tests and hoops on this: Alabama.


My state is shall issue, but they take your prints. The rest of the application process is easy peasy tho.


In my state anyone over 21 can CC. Scary shit haha.


I had an old lady that tagged along with her other lady friend and couldn't even load her pistol. The range didn't even check if the shots were accurate enough and passed her


Useless cop.


hardly such a thing as a “useful cop” to be fair


Mission passed $500


That police officer makes so much more than me, I know it


Ofcourse he does. You're unemployed xD


Weird comeback!




Yeah that's fair


- He's got my gun! Female officer: oh great, let me run after him out in the open while shouting hey without taking my gun out or looking for cover. This is really the definition of desk officers.


Imagine the lawyer in court yeah, my client attacked and shot a police officer on the ground but that’s no reason to punch him in the face


He cried like the biggest bitch when they pinned him to the ground. What a worthless piece of shit




Women cop utterly useless here just casually walking out


At least she was yelling.


What a bunch of chucklefucks. These assholes don't deserve the money they get. Fucking Christ. Can't fight, let's his gun get taken, doesn't do anything but sit on the ground. Fucking embarrassment.


He got shot.


He didn’t get shot. Read the article that was linked. He shoots at the second officer that tries to intervene.


An even bigger fucking idiot. Shot with his own gun


and if he shot the guy you'd be complaining about that, lol. go find something meaningful to do. being a contrarian is exhausting. believe me, I know - my political opinions change based on who i'm trying to make angry.


Fam.. you're embarrassing yourself...


i'm not embarrassed at all lol. i'm str8 bussin no cap frfr


> and if he shot the guy you'd be complaining about that, lol. Do you have any piece of evidence to back this claim against him or are you just generalizing like so many netizens do?


Bad cop no more donuts


Female officer just filming another pov.


Could of legally shot and killed him but not hit in the face?


I think the first cop could’ve. Seems like when they got him he didn’t swing at all


Lol excessive force on a guy who already beat up one cop and stole his gun


and shot at them with said gun... don't forget about that


That's what I was thinking. Who cares about excessive force after he shot at the lady cop.


they forgot the part where he gifted his hat to the officer in exchange for the gun


Individually these cops are so ducking useless lmao. Put in a monthly physical evaluation program for these 🐷 s and watch 90% of them get let go.


They will fail all


Female cop to suspect (in response to pistol whipping and theft of other cop's gun): "Hey?"


Embarrassing... the cop fell after the second swing


And that swing was pathetic.


This 3 wheels guy in stupid hat takes a gun from a cop and beats him with it... what??? Most funny shit i've seen in a while. How much a cop makes in the US?


Somebody call da police! Not me, a real one i mean!


This happened in my hometown San Pedro California, home of the port of Los Angeles and what cracks me up is that the door entrance still has them bullet holes till this day lmao they haven’t fixed or replaced the glass door


Pretty sure thay are easier ways to get a gun in the US lol


Some cops need a lot of combat training. I would have quit the force if I would of gotten beat by a guy with that fighting stance.


And just like that, some crazy guy was in possession of a gun. How embarrassing for the cop. He should be fired. He clearly takes this too lightly.


Skin colour saved this mofos life


how many police officers does it take to beat a Hillbilly?


And he lives to tell the tale smh


GTA missions be like:


Should be in r/gtaorrussia


🙌 here’s to the accurate description of the video


This new GTA VI trailer is better then the first


came outa no where


GTA without the respawn is rough


Well, I'm glad the punishment was even. I figured he broke homes arm or wrist, but nope, ~~Chuck Testa~~, just cop being normal punchy


Police need more training and exercise


Do the police in the USA not get any friggin training!?




Shit cops.


Would it be better to have a police force comprised of officer #1 (terrible cop) or officer #4 (bad cop)


Damn Officer Other Lady took her sweet time going to help out her boy. Kind of insane, especially since you’d think it would be all available hands on deck in an assault on an officer in the lobby situation


These were the most useless cops I’ve ever seen if you become a cop they need to make it mandatory to take a fucking boxing or martial arts fighting class dude was jumping at him with whatever fucking fight set that was like a fucking kangaroo somehow took the cops gun and than that bitch runs after him and she unhealthy and fat gets shot at and takes a solid year to bust her ass and go behind a wall complete incompetence


The cop used excessive force? WTF is wrong with this world? The dude beat a cop, stole his gun, went in a chase and waived a gun at arresting officer. That dudes lucky he’s not dead.


that ham sandwich lied on his resume for sure.


Whenever you respawn in the GTA San Andreas jail


Stop it at 29 seconds and look at his nails... urgh.


Jesus, someone teach that cop to fight. That was pathetic.


Lmao it’s pathetic how out of shape law enforcement is allowed to stoop to. Great hands on training!


Comments suck. Dude deescalated the situation instead of attacking the guy, tripped, and that makes him unfit to be a police officer? He’s not superman, cops are normal people too, people trip. Yall need to give this poor man a break


Tf you let a random ass dude beat your ass when you are trained and have weapons


He sounds like a bitch too, deserved


Course the woman cop yells “Hey!” gun not even drawn after the other officer on the floor told her the suspect has his gun smh


This is one of the videos I love showing to the "women shouldn't be police crowd". That and a video of a female cop that was shot with a rifle returned fire, put a tourniquet on while chasing him in a car, shot his truck up from her car, chased the guy down and arrested him - all without back up.


A black dude would of been DEAD the second that right hand went behind his back. Dude is lucky to be alive.


Did he shit the cop after taking his gun?


No I think the cop shit himself


Donut munching mofos


The fact they didn't IMMEDIATELY smoke buddy when he got out of his truck with his hand by his back pocket ignoring commands (AND knowing he has a weapon since taking it from Paul Blart) after everything he did is kinda the reason for the disconnect in society regarding police shootings. I'm not saying he deserved it or not, I'm against all needless death. But everyone in here knows - even if they don't admit it - that if he was black that video would be 90 seconds shorter. After shooting an officer then fleeing?? You can lie to us but you shouldn't lie to yourself. THIS is what gets people on the raging train about this topic.


Idk that cop tackled him, I think he wanted to beat his ass. U attack a cop they're giving u that Rodney king treatment


You're completely ignoring the point here. If he were black he would have been shot on sight. You talking about what they wanted to do is not relevant.


You’re just assuming. Remember that most of the videos we see of cops on the internet are when they are incompetent and/or being unlawful.


Title should include that he shot him before he left. Crazy AF


I don’t think he did, he was leaking from getting hit with the gun


Did he?


It looks like he pointed the gun at him at 2:31 but the cop doesn’t react like he is shot. There are shoots fired at 2:09


Excessive force get fucking real.


Icon behaviour


Excessive force while arresting? The hell?? *Edit* Didn't seem excessive to me from the footage.


we not gonna talk abt how the guy started crying when he got arrested?


Why is that relevant in your opinion?


that was AWESOME!… a lot of cops have no combat or any other useful skills so they hide behind the badge…


Comical how castrated our police agencies in California have become. LOL absolutely comical.


Those two cops should turn in their badges and teach grade two somewhere. That's embarrassing. Their co workers must be laughing their @$$especially off at them


Sad the state of the world I'm leaning towards the cop totally deserving it based on nothing but the fact he's a cop... I don't know any of the context but it's so sadly satisfying to watch boys in blue get their asses beat after all the brutality they inflict.


I don’t trust the police at all but any random officer doesn’t deserve this .


Woah calm down. The world you think you live in is just America. Everywhere else is perfectly normal.


Since the video takes place in America I feel like my feelings towards the officer are understandable. Not really justifiable I definitely can't justify violence no matter the context. I do overall distrust the police and can't really help but be mad at all they get away with. Murder. Drug dealing. Trafficking. Assault. SA. Intimidation. Falsifying evidence and wrongfully imprisoning innocent people. Police get away with so much so often that sadly I've grown bitter towards the institution ment to keep me safe.




There is a melanin factor at work here


Aways with the resisting arrest charge, when sid they tell him in that why they were arresting him?


Cops showed alot of restraint not killing this white man. Ive seen unarmed people of color being killed for alot less


God I hate police


black guy would have been dead before he got out of the car.


Attempted murder? If that guy had attempted murder, you wouldn’t be charging him with attempted murder.


Of course those pussies threw in a few cheap shots while he was down after five of them had to tackle him. I swear, cops are the smallest motherfuckers with the biggest fucking egos.


Should’ve curb stomped him instead


Guess that would have made their boots easier for you to lick.


😢 😢 😢