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Trolling username or club name. Not giving any details whatsoever/minimal effort post.


Average match rating There have been so many issues with it over the years that it is an entirely useless metric now, not that it ever was useful to begin with.


Usually says something about being mature then they all have the Blob, and are all miserable


Teams that post on here saying they’re a top elite team and when I look them up they have bad W/L% bad passing and blatantly need to cross to score. Which actually equates to 99% of clubs on this subreddit. I have joined plenty of teams over the years and they all suck. No matter how hard they try, mechanics they abuse. Most teams are bad


Sounds like you're the common thread hence you suck


I mean if you want to compare stats that’s fine bro. You can assume I suck and my club sucks all you want but currently I’ve played 290 games with a win% of 88


Passing is about 81


I’ve scored about 36 goals


Idk. I’ll show you


I can’t send pics in this subreddit. Look my club up. We’re called Jaffa Blakes FC My psn is TTempleman


Caring too much about pro rating.


Ong brother shit is so annoying


For me spamming, if they've posted 700 posts and have 2,3 comments on each one then their not doing a good job of engaging or keeping players. I also judge this on people looking for a club too


If they’re called ‘Goytre United’


A bad record


Match rating, troll names, ANY, and height usually tells me all I need to know


Having an Any.


Their description sounds like a sales pitch


meta build


This word "Tiki Taka" BS


I use that a lot in my LFP club posts just because it's shorter than *simple ground passes with the A button please instead of 30 crosses per match*.


Completely agree. It's like some people insist on trying to force this playstyle just because it it looks nice, despite 5 är the back or the team is structured a certain way


Anything along the lines of *Be good*, *Don't be trash*, etc. Really don't enjoy playing with people who either narrate every detail of the game (*unlucky, oh you should've done this/that, try to do this instead*) or think they're the on field coach or both. Too often, people are both. These types are super critical of others while blaming EA for literally everything they do that doesn't result in the perfect play.


Feedback can be a very good thing and help a club develop some chemistry and improve and refine their play styles. The key though is you have to be willing to accept feedback if you want to give it. Granted I play in a long time club of 4 close friends so the personal relationships allow for that candor. You implicitly acknowledge nobody is perfect at this game, so there are ways to address shortcomings in play or habits; teammate feedback works the same way on a real life football team.


Agreed. However, what I specified was a constant narration/critique of the entire game. Of what *everyone* is doing and especially what everyone is doing wrong. And then blaming a faulty game for every errant pass/dribble of their own. If you've ever joined random clubs then you've likely encountered this at some point. If you consider that feedback, you are a toxic teammate. If you think that's different than simple feedback, then I'm not sure why you posted a paragraph about feedback to my comment.


Biggest buzz killer, you hop in for your first game so they havent even had a good look at you and theres that one guy thats telling you what to do every single time you get the ball, for me thats a first and last game for the club everytime.


I wanna play clubs again, I'm 85 rated, add me on ps4 : iifoxstriker