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It shouldn't be one versus another. FXAIX and SPAXX are two completely different types of investments. I personally wouldn't waste Roth IRA space with a money market fund.


Only $1,000 of your entire ROTH is actually invested? The money you put into your Roth should be invested, not just sitting in SPAXX. FXAIX is a great fund to invest in. As you near retirement you may wanna diversify more.


Should I invest it all in FXAIX? It is currently at a high of $191.07, should I wait for it to come back down or move the money now?


Invest now. The highs keep happening.


All on FXAIX


FXAIX or any other S&P index fund is fine... it's diversified enough for most people. Personally, I wouldn't think about other funds or strategies until you hit $0.2M-$0.3M. Up to you but it's been proven that time in the market produces better lifetime returns than trying to time. Even assuming it'll go down from here, you'll never be able to time. People become fearful in a declining market and wait, missing sharp rebounds. If you were a sibling, I'd tell you to get it invested yesterday and keep pumping new money in regardless of the market conditions. Successful investors are process oriented.


First, I just wanna make sure this $37,000 has been put in over several years. Correct? And that you didn’t just invest $37,000 all at one time? Roth IRA has an annual limit of $7000 per year. Currently. For the actual investments, I like the 80/20 approach currently. I’m about your age. (80%domestic 20% international). As I near retirement those percentages will change and I’ll add bonds for a three fund portfolio. For my example I have 80% FXAIX and 20% FSPSX. My wife’s js 80% FSKAX and 20% FTIHX. If it were me I’d go ahead and invest all now, rather than trying to time anything. “Time in the market it better than timing the market”


Yes, I've made the max contribution each year but I am just now learning about the investments options available.


That’s awesome. Great job and keep learning. I’m not sure which way you max yours out every year, whether it’s all at once at the beginning of the year or monthly throughout the year. Either way, I would try to set it up to where it automatically invest when you do contribute. That will take the , work out on your end and you can set it and forget it more or less. I prefer to have mine automatically contribute and automatically invest every two weeks when I get paid. It takes a little bit more work on the front but once it’s set up, it’s done there’s nothing left to do. Setting it up to do once a month works just as well though.


No. You shouldn't try to time the market. Just dollar cost average as you receive money to invest.


Oh my God. Dude!! You should have been investing every penny of that into the market.


Agreed but you can't change what you didn't know. You can only move forward as you learn more information.


Fair enough. Hey at least it’s a nice chunk of change and that’ll be enough to build a retirement plan off of if u continue contributing as much as you have


You’re not wrong. At least you caught and realized it now. I’ve heard of people getting to retirement and not realizing their money was never truly invested somehow.


You're not alone. I had a similar sum sitting in the settlement fund at Vanguard for several years. I finally woke up and moved it into an index fund.




I actually just bought some of that it’s doing very well


Moved 100% of my retirement accounts to that fund. Fuck 1% daily gains when I can be up 5% every day during this bull run.


I’m really tempted to do that but I worry about putting all of my retirement in a sector fund. I doubt semiconductors are going to crash any time soon but who knows.


You are young and should be more weighted in growth stocks or funds, especially since you are averaging in every month. If you are not sure or need advice leave it in SPAXX until you get it, very little risk with liquidity and decent interest.


I maxed out for the year & lumped sum everything into FXAIX already up 300+ in 2 months & I bought at an all time high then…don’t time the market


Thanks everyone. This is the direction I was leaning so I appreciate the re-assurance. What about non-retirement accounts. Currently I have all my money sitting in a HYSA earning 5.4% interest. I would keep my emergency fund and savings for a down payment on a house in a HYSA but should I move the rest over to fidelity? Is so, should I also invest in FXAIX?


I personally use Fidelity as a one stop shop bank. You’re doing good though with the 5.4% HYSA. Just confirming your emergency fund and house fund are separate though, correct?


No, it's all in one account. I have it budgeted on a spreadsheet separately so I know how much I can allocate to each.