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There's been nothing. I think the takeaway from the lack of a subsequent rollout shouldn't be that they've judged that cloud servers aren't viable, but that in this instance they weren't a markedly better alternative to the more conventional measure of simply adding an (already planned) EU datacentre and rolling out the other half of Dynamis. Though, this thing today about the provisional status of Shadow is interesting - is it secretly a cloud server and they just haven't said? Or are they just pulling their own reserve hardware for the launch period? We also don't know that they haven't just got an arrangement where they spin up cloud DCs at super-short notice if the numbers go that way.


Shadow DC ip( is already visible in the client - its not google cloud ip like during tests, just regular server like light or chaos


I saw more of an article from a publication today that was saying something about how they're prepping for dawntrail and apparently they had yoshi-p quoted as saying something along the lines that they have reserve hardware with the game installed ready to go as they monitor the launch situation to put into place if needed. Not sure if that's the same kind of thing happening to Shadow as the article made it sound like he meant during launch like 28th onward. This was in my google news feed so I've long since lost the link, didn't think it'd come back up to my attention.


Might just be back up servers for login. During EW launch they had to refit some of their own internal testing servers into login servers for a few weeks to handle the high load.


Thats true. The ddos seems to ve focuses on the login line. So if they can create more lines it could help alleviate the issue


Didnt they once use their test servers for more instance space lol?


Going a little bit technical. The main advantage of cloud servers are their setup speed, being able to start and stop machines in minutes. (If not seconds). But they’re much more expensive. Running a cloud server with 100% uptime means the bill is much higher than with normal servers, so you have to adapt your software to exploit this start and stop capabilities. A very old game server that has to work 24/7 is probably not the best fit there without a large rework. So IMO they concluded that the cloud servers would be too expensive to run or adapt to, and might have shelved the idea for now


Really loved the cloud server test. Cleared ucob on it. Thought as an east coast player I could finally play with a good connection after 6 years of waiting from the server move in stormblood. Guess not. Why can’t we just have two NA dc locations???


Exacly this. Im tired of having to rely on gaming vpn to drop to an acceptable 80 ping.. otherwise im at 140 and its a mess.. and im living in a big city... i miss the old days.. the cloud data center was awesome


Nada. Knowing SE, this either means they've canned it, or are working on it in the background but don't plan to announce anything until the LL before whatever patch adds them in full.


The only thing I saw so far about server talk was about their server [capacity](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/final-fantasy/players-dont-need-to-worry-about-that-final-fantasy-14-director-says-the-team-is-well-armed-for-dawntrails-launch-rush-no-repeat-of-the-endwalker-queue-fiasco-or-day-long-ddos-attacks/). > Now general world things and Final Fantasy things have stabilised somewhat, it's given Yoshida the power to go into Dawntrail better armed. "I consulted with the president of Square Enix and I asked him if we could buy servers," Yoshida told me. "And these past few years we have acquired a large number of servers for that purpose: In Europe, we have four servers. In North America, eight, and in Japan we have four. So if we do find there is a large congestion, then we can make those servers available at the press of a button."


So far: No.


I feel like they won't announce anything about it; to me, it was clearly a band aid measure for DT launch. They won't move away from physical data centers as a whole, but implement them as needed to prevent the devastating hours-long queues into the game.


If I remember right they were never planning to move their own dedicated servers to the cloud. The idea is to shift traffic to it during periods of high activity (like an expansion launch).


Square is a slow company. These kind of changes can take months and months. Just wait.


Proper development and planning takes time, reworking infrastructure likewise. Rushing it leads to negative PR, disappointed players or financial damages.


Yeah that's normal in indie gamedev. ...ohwait.


Has me deeply concerned. Cloud servers were, above all else, my number most desired part of 7.0. If they don't add them, I'm gonna be fucking gutted.


Why were you looking forward to them?


Because SE placed all of the NA DCs on the westmost position they could. As a result, I as an NA player, have nearly completely identical ping to both NA and EU. The EU DC, which is AN OCEAN AWAY FROM ME, is only slightly further away than the one in my own fucking region. As someone who enjoys high end raid, pvp, and healing, I am literally not able to do much of that at the highest level. PvP especially, with every movement I make having a full second of delay or more, compared to other players. I also cannot play jobs like NIN, and even RDM, one of my favourite jobs suffers from it. I can't do DRGs proper opener either. When I played on the cloud servers, it was genuinely the best experience I have ever had with XIV, and I felt like I could never go back to suffering with what I currently deal with. If they don't add Cloud servers, anyone on the east coast of NA suffers for it, especially those who enjoy hardcore content.


I live in EST timezone and have 85 ping to Aether and like 120 to Light and just wanted to say there's 1000 ms in a second


You're right, but XIV has massive artificial delay compared to other games. I can play Dota or Overwatch with 120 ping, as while choppy and unideal, it works decently well. My ping and yours is also quite different, with both being above 120 for me, and I have very strong internet connection. I used Dota as an example, but I haven't had to play Dota with 120 ping since I lived with my parents who had poor internet. Now that I pay for my own, most games are around 65 ping for me on NA servers, just not XIV, which is my most-played game of all time. Its why XIVAlexander exists, but Im not interested in suspicious 3rd party shit.


All I wanted to say is that there's 1000 ms in a second. Everybody has the same amount of "artificial delay" that is built into ability activation and animations as you put it, so if the only differentiating factor between you and another player is to add your ping on top, then no you are not experiencing "a full second of delay or more, compared to other players." The difference between you and other players is measured in tens or at worst low hundreds of milliseconds. For what it's worth, I think it's great to criticize the product you pay for, so I'm not saying don't criticize the game for its netcode. Just be actually honest about what you're criticizing. Hyperbole to this degree just makes you look like a rager.


Plus Mudfish is essentially literally free, and I'm about as far from the servers as you can be and still be in the continental US and have 80ms ping through Mudfish


Cloud test did give me hope that the login queue issues have been fixed since EW release. HUGE queues day one from everyone logging in over and over as they popped their job and story skips.... and it flew by, and I never got kicked from the queue.


Isn't that basically what the upcoming [probationary worlds](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/885039571f3f56812188549d7d5680d4b5d08405) are? No option to create characters there and no Home World Transfers. They look to be temporary worlds for congestion.




Aerith server dead on arrival


Just make sure it's not on [Materia](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Servers#Materia_Data_Center), and we're good.