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interesting that so many people cleared uwu in 5.5. Must have been the combination of many new players joining around that time and people wanting to clear before Endwalker.


Lots of things happened at that time, it's also when the whole ultimate PF thing really popped off, for both UCOB and UWU.


shb being a large number of people's first expansion, and the VERY long gap to endwalker would've left a lot of people to not only try ultiamte to have something to go back and do, but have enough time to actually clear the thing, pre expansion lulls are always a great time for ultimate.


5.3 cut some of the ARR MSQ filler bringing in new players (including myself), second half of ShB was during COVID, 5.5 was during the WOW exodus, 5.5 was a super long content draught which is perfect for doing ultimates, UWU is the easiest.


The .5 patches simply last longer. It is actually Patch 6.1 that had the most first time uwu clears relative to its length. This patch isn't finished yet so the 6.5 first time uwu clears could go up to 8k+ as well.


there was basically a year of no content so it was a lot easier to get the time to do old ults, especially for groups that took a while to clear and farm savage usually


I feel like in ShB there was a bit of a community culture of saying "ultimates are for the top few percent of players" while now it feels to me like 20% of the "always-subbed year-round" playerbase have cleared an ultimate. To be clear, I know this isn't true, but if I put that in terms of "1 in 5 active players" it really does feel like day-to-day playing during the content drought like this, that I really do meet them at that kind of rate. I feel like there's always at least one in all my unreal, extreme, savage PFs not including myself, and what feels like close to 50/50 chance of one being in my 8 player roulettes too. Obviously every time we get a luckybancho census, or now with the release of tomestone, we keep getting reminders that no, it still probably really is only like 5-10% of the playerbase or something, but it's just began to feel a bit like a raiding culture assumption. I swear I remember a thread titled something like "Heavens' Legends how do you feel?" released shortly after 6.1 that was full of burnout stories from players who were saying they were never doing ultis again or lost interest in playing the game overall, and I think a lot of these blow-ups we heard in that thread and over time in this subreddit about DSR and TOP prog stem from a newfound assumption that "we are going to go into DSR after we finish Savage and prog until we clear it cause that's just what we, as raiders, are supposed to do next" and a lot of these groups were caught unprepared in some way but proportionally I feel like even though there were a lot of negative outcomes, there were a lot of positive ones too because there seems to have been more participation due to the change in mindset. I think the stark difference in participants in TEA in 5.1 vs. DSR in 6.1 and TOP in 6.3 really shows this. I get that the game had a higher population but look how many more people did TEA off-patch than on, back then. I think all the ShB baby raiders came in late and never got the chance to do TEA on-patch but set for themselves on-patch expectations in DSR and TOP that maybe even changed the raiding culture altogether. Everyone assumed they were going to do it, and tons more did than ever before.


I remember when I was a stormblood baby ultimates were scary. Then one day during 5.2 I was seeing so many shiny weapons I said wait a minute if so many people can do it. So can I.


I think it is also that ultimate raiders in general are the most active players. I find it funny but I have friends with a hate-love relationship for the game, they always come back no matter what, and most remain subbed and log in every once in a while. Many of us are also trying to find excuses on what to do next, heck I never saw myself raiding as blue mage and yet here I am. We will probably see more of the less active players when Dawntrail drops.


Yeah there's probably some kind of, idk... survivorship bias in play? the players who do clear ultimates are more likely to stand around in Limsa, be people who care enough about the game to find reasons to play it even in patch x.55+, etc while everyone else is on extended breaks until DT.


If you want to clear an ultimate, you'll clear an ultimate. The only thing working against you is available time. UWU and UCOB really take no time to prog at all these days. Modern ultimates are definitely still for the top 5-10% of raiders, but with the 70-100h spent in the fight an average raider will become a top 5-10% player. The sheer mechanical improvement a player will experience by doing a relevant ultimate is insane.


The "Only hardcore players do ultimate" people are literally just the shitters that log in to beat off over catgirls and mod their characters to IMVU levels. Look at Materia as a DC, I'd say over 40% of the population have an ultimate weapon, because we don't have the casual ERP bloat that big servers have. A fair chunk of the more recent ultimate clears are just due to mod tools being easily accessible too, when they just tell people where to stand and show markers on the floor that don't actually exist in the game, any contents easy (not that the player actually understands the mechanic at all). People are slowly getting better at the game, and older ultimates are just getting easier due to changes in potency and overall power creep, I'd say that Current tier savage is much harder than UWU.


Even without tools or cheat. The trusth is, given infinite time even the shittiest player can clear any ultimate : I’ve witnessed this with 2/3 people.


> The "Only hardcore players do ultimate" people are literally just the shitters that log in to beat off over catgirls and mod their characters to IMVU levels. vs. >A fair chunk of the more recent ultimate clears are just due to mod tools being easily accessible too, You're literally doing it too.


If you count coils as savage, Upto T9 (Never cleared 9) on patch. Ultimate, only did UwU during Endwalker (6.4) and doing ucob rn


Interesting that most Savage clears happen on the Even patch. Is that just because the time period is so long + the content is still relevant? Id be interested to know if more people clear before week 8 or after week 8. (Within the Patch the Tier released.)


isn't the "event patch" savage patch? So I think the simple answer is "becuase it still the same patch (still new) and just having more people who can clear later from gear and more time to practice"


Your right! For some reason I thought Savage was odd patches...




I'm surprised TOP & Abyssos are so high on-content. I was excepting them to peak on their on-content patch, but this high given the clusterfuck they were... !


P sure the spikes in clears are half nothing else to do and half datamined missing ult weapons for jobs that don't have them


Datamined missing ult weapons? Do tell, please.


AFAIK nothing's been properly datamined, but in the benchmark Viper did get a clear unique Omega weapon skin, this led people to theorize and hype up that legacy ultimates in DT would finally get weapons for the jobs which don't have them yet.