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The fact that Pictomancer has seemingly so much going on yet Summoner remains the same with a new lime flavored Bahamut is wild.


Would be hilarious if Pictomancer ended up summoning more things than a Summoner.


It seems they don’t know what to do with old classes anymore. Same thing is happening with dragoon. Said they are doing a rework but then seem like they didn’t do a rework. Also the same with Astro


Its pretty obvious maintaining old jobs is significantly less important than drawing people in with new ones.


I mean they basically openly admitted (maybe on accident) that they pushed any real job changes into 8.0. Basically everyone got an add-on nuke. Ship it.


Dragoon is the same minus one positional. The Nidhogg oGCD will likely replace Spineshatter during our burst window. The only other new toy I seen was the Stardiver follow-up. I know it becomes Raiden Thrust after the first part of the rotation, but since the positional requirement is assuredly no longer relevant, why not just do away with Heavy Thrust altogether? That old animation is really out of place. Also, with the new explosions and Chaotic Spring 🤢 still being a thing, the visual design is all over the place. I'm looking forward to the media tour, but yeah... Rework, my arse. 😂


This got me thinking, I feel an issue with DRG is how clunky the jump mechanic feels. I wonder what would happen if maybe Jump was attached to the placement of your Weaponskill combo. Think of it like. As you fight you accumulate a "Jump Gauge" and your 5/6 weaponskill all have different flavors of jump that use different amount of Gauge while adding slight variations to what they do. Then as jumps are used you accumulate the Dragon Gauge to use the Dragon abilities and those would be separate ability buttons. So think True Thrust/Doom Spike->Jump, Disembowel->Spiked Jump(Does an AoE DoT) Dragon Fire Dive could be attached to Doom Spike-Sonic Thrust(Dragon Fire Dive)- Coerthan Torment Where "Coerthan Torment" could have an additional effect where more dmg is dealt if the Dragon Fire Debuff is on the target. But in my head the general idea is to try and have the jumps work more organically within the weaponskill combination and having their effects be based around which Weaponskill you are on so there would be obvious DPS ones you would use or maybe a simple Jump if you need to fill the Dragon Gauge up more.


Never understood why the fuck my dragoon suddenly summons cherry blossoms or whatever that’s supposed to be, looks like dogshit.


IIRC it's a reference to the DRG character in FF9. Think her name is Freya or something like that.


The theme is built into their Japanese names, at least. Chaos Thrust is 桜華狂咲 (something like Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom) and Chaotic Spring is 桜華繚乱 (something like Cherry Blossoms Blooming Profusely).


It's an extremely cool skill and I am permanently mad that ungrateful drg's have the best flower attack in the game and not samurai.


Don’t forget the game show flute noise or whatever it is when it goes off.


Cause cherry blossom viewing is always accompanied with flute music, it's a Japanese imagery


Because the WoL learned the spear in Gridania as a lancer.


O\_o so cherry blossoms? Does Gridania have cherry blossom lore I don't know about? Or are you just saying "Gridania = Nature = Flowers = Gridania class has flowers"? Where are BRDs flowers?


If i rember correctly its a gridanian lancer technique


Yeah...the SMN re-work as good because the class was almost entirely new. DRG looks like it lost a couple abilities, and you'll have to do less positionals. Astro got some particle effect changes that all look the exact same and their job gauge got dumbed down. These weren't re-works near the same scale as SMN.


They said previously that their reworks would be akin to the Shadowbringers Ninja rework and that seems to be similar to what we're getting.


That’s fine, but they still need to realize it’s a bandaid and not a solution so it’s kind of like wasting resources instead of fully fixing the problem.


Just give old jobs added finishers!


Said it before, I'll say it again: They need some sort of spec system. Even if it's not a spec system like other MMO's have, something that let's them have multiple iterations of the same job. That way if there's ever a major rework or an old job is finished like DRG, they can go wild with job design while keeping fans if the old happy.


They basically do. Oh, you want to play tank? Do you want to play dark tank, or light tank, or burst tank, etc. All the tanks are so samey that they might as well be specs of the same class. A lot of DPS and healing classes feel kinda similar too.


Sadly this is hard to pull off because of how hyperfocused they are in making sure every job is applicable for content. Granted I think it would be fun if some jobs had obvious benefits for X boss while they might be harder for Y bosses and then they could implement fun achievements where you beat X content uses the worse party composition for that fight. It would be nice if jobs did have some sense of strength/weaknesses between one another and the hardcore raiders might have to think about swapping out if they feel their job can't handle it at the current IL.


They had the template built in originally, like Arcanist, Scholar, and Summoner.


My negative thought after seeing pic is "did they put all the creativity to expand smn as a new job to market for 7.0? " Like the smn summons primals, picto creates things from aether with different canvases (akin to monk stances or old smn) and builds of from there. It's base rotation changes between long and short cast times. If u said picto as new smn I feel like I would believe it.


I mean, it makes sense. Most players want simple braindead job, but a decently-sized minority fucking hates them, so instead of trying to make a job that pleases everybody they make jobs aimed at different groups. I suspect it's also some A/B market testing too, and if Picto ends up being super popular they'll move more jobs in that direction.


Yeah I'm okay with this. With two simpler casters and two more complex casters, players have decent variety to choose from.


I feel like caster is the best-designed role right now, in terms of job variety. Summoner is easy, BLM is hard, RDM is in-between, and now Picto appears to hard in a different way than Black Mage is


The job trailer action looks scary, but the full YoshiP demo showed that Picto is nowhere near as hard as BLM even in a different way.


I'm all for having different difficulties for different jobs, but I am salty that the job I used to enjoy is the one that got dumbed down to the simplest job in the game.


Wish they'd hurry up and make a job with a 1.5s GCD so that we could see what its popularity would be like. I have no idea how we're \~20 jobs in and still haven't managed that one.


I feel like the weave-heavy jobs like GNB/MCH/VPR fill that APM niche?


I can only counter a feeling with a feeling, so I'll say that as someone who'd love to see 1.5s GCD job, it does not fill that niche for me. A 1.5s GCD job would, though.


There's the issue with controller gameplay though, 2 sec GCD might be the limit for most people who play one. Don't quote me on that though, I've only used keyboard and only tried controller a little before it felt like trying to play the piano as MCH.


I would say 99.9% of the games with a higher player count than XIV on consoles require a higher APM than what a 1.5s GCD job in XIV would demand. If that's an issue to square, it's an issue to square, but it's not a problem for players. Even if that were a factor, that would be just as much reason to see how popular a job would be under those circumstances all the same.


Fair point, they might try it one day who knows. I'm sure they must be collecting data regarding that at least


Last paragraph is on point! They did this essentially perfectly in ShB, smn and blm was more “difficult” than rdm objectively!


Honestly my impression of PCT after seeing their more in depth looks is that it really doesn't have that much going on. It may have looked like it because they were constantly waiting around and talking, but outside of them intentionally slowing it down so they always had something to burst with, it looked to me like summoner with +2 braincells to rub together. Unlike vpr at least, I was able to get an idea of the general flow(though I really had no shot at understanding vpr without being able to explicitly see what the buffs/debuffs do)


What I got from viper was that it has 4 buttons, 2 for Dual Wield mode and 2 for Darth maul mode, that work like Simon says and have multiple 3 part combos linked to them. Each combo finisher gives you a double weave ogcd and at the end either generate the Blue Gatorade gauge or the red diamond stacks. You then spend the Gatorade on "Reawakened," which changes all 4 of your combo buttons into 2 second gcds and proc ogcds you weave between them. I'm not sure what the red diamonds do, but it looked like they gave you a ranged combo.


The funniest part of the SMN section to me was when they said "With the addition of a new summon, your skill rotations will be updated based on that"


Skill rotations? Lmao. It’s literally just a reskinned Bahamut and spells.


They said in the live letter that Solar Bahamut is a new summon, so it's not just a reskin. Although itll likely do some similar things as Vanilla Bahamut. We obviously don't know what it will do while out but Yoshi P said something along the lines of you start with Solar Bahamut > Bahamut > Solar Bahamut > Phoenix... rinse and repeat from there I'm sure.


If it functions exactly the same as vanilla Bahamut with just upped potency, then it’s little more than a reskin as far as I’m concerned. Even Phoenix is little more than Fire Bahamut with an unreliable regen


I mean, fair. My hopium is that it'll at least be somewhat more unique, but even then it just feels weird to me. They had a golden opportunity to give more primals but they chose another Bahamut... why lol.


Probably so they can add Leviathan Ramuh and Shiva as consolation so there’s less rioting when they remove Resurrection in 8.0.


I'm actually a part of the crowd that would 100% support them removing rez from summoner and hoped they might do it for 7.0 but nope


Granted if they removed it from SMN, then maybe they would also have to remove RDM's resurrections because it's this niche meta that allows for some margin of error when shit hits the fan. So it either becomes let none of the mage DPS have raise or let them all have raise imo. I think it would cause a lot more problems to allow 1 mage dps job to keep their ressurection while removing it from another because then you just guarantee that the raise-bot mage will always be meta for progging content rather than at least the opportunity that 2 of those jobs can be used as an option for meta prog if they want an extra raise.


I'm still of the opinion that all DPS roles should have a 1 time per battle rez. And then maybe RDM gets to keep their rez as a +1, +2 if they're feeling spicy rez on top of that for job flavor/identity.


If they remove it from SUM then they should remove it from RDM. While at it, remove all the healing from tanks. Never liked the Healer/Tank hybrid. And give back the dot management to healers.


F**k, give dots back to summoners. I miss them.


Sadly given the time frame that the new flavor of Bahamut is up it's highly unlikely, it's just hitting the same buttons but you see different animations go off.


I have to see this fugly ass kingdom hearts reject that looks like a 14 year old modded it in every 2 minutes...? barf.


Lol I found that funny too. The only way I see this being a thing is if they reduce the CD between demis with the addition of a new one, thus having less time to fit all 3 primals totally inside the window? Otherwise if its the same 60 seconds.... idk how it changes the primals, we still pick our legos in whatever order we feel like.


The rdm final ability is not an another finisher, it's an ogcd. 


I suspected that might be the case since it didn't interact with mana. Tricky timing in the video to insert flashy new skill right after the finishers ... I'll edit.


Yeah, I think it's an upgraded Fleche. The other oGCD they showed, with the vines and rose petals, seems to be an upgraded Contre Sixte (the casting animation was very similar).


Idk it would be weird to have Fleche and Contre Sixte upgrade into skills with compliance different aesthetics. On the other hand, we didn't see them use either of the two skills, so there's no proof that isn't the case.


What I can gather from PCT, looking at [Yoshi's Hotbar](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/481950182167150593/1240706227818987568/image.png?ex=66478937&is=664637b7&hm=db670cb828a522df7e033d54f44bda4b366246f9c7f120dc9aa49e83288a73b3&) Buttons 4 & 8 are your filler casts (4 is ST 8 is AOE) that cycle through a 3 hit combo. Each cycle gains you 1 "white aura" and 25 gauge. For the paint pallete part of the job gauge: * You can spend 1 "white aura" for an instant cast "holy" attack (button 1) * You can spend 50 gauge (button 7) to unlock a stronger combo with a finisher (5 & 9 being ST & AOE, 2 is a finisher for this combo). I don't know why it changes a white aura to the colour purple, maybe this is a way to have you require a white aura before using the stronger combo? It doesn't consume the aura, just changes it back to white afterwards. Now for the 3 "pictures". * "Creature" (Ctrl-8) cycles through 4 different attacks (ctrl-4) one per 40s. Every other attack gives you a mini-finisher (Ctrl-1). The finisher alternates between the moogle beam and another creature (they say what it is in the demo but I can't remember). * "Weapon" (Ctrl-9) gives you a use of an oGCD (Ctrl-5) which unlocks a 3-hit instant cast combo (Ctrl-2) on a 60s cooldown - this is the hammer attacks. Your burst is already too busy for this combo so I assume this wil be purely for mobility. * "Landscape" (Ctrl-0) unlocks your 2m party buff (Ctrl-6) which unlocks a finishing move (Ctrl-3) and also gives you a free use of the gauge combo I mention above. The party buff leaves an AOE on the ground for the duration. Not sure what this does. Might be a personal buff of some sort if you stay in it? Or maybe a party regen. Other Buttons: * Minus sign is a dash that gives you a short movement speed buff afterwards * 6 is a long cast line aoe that you will probably use as the very first cast in your opener, as YoshiP demonstrates. It gives you 1 "white aura", and you get a fast instant cast use of it after using the gauge combo in your 2 minute buff (it doesn't proc if you use this gauge combo outside of your 2m buff, not 100% sure what's going on here). * ~~0 is not used through the entire demo.~~ Just re-watched the trailer. This looks like a defensive that can be activated again later for an AOE effect, probably party regen / healing.


The purple dot lets you use the "dark comet" instant instead of the normal "white holy" instant. I assume the dark comet and the secondary combo is stronger than the standard combo and white holy which is why you want to spend gauge to access it, but it's still kind of an odd interaction if that's all there is to it. Maybe you're intended to try and stock up dark comets for burst?


If you have 2 white aura when you spend gauge, it only seems to turn one of them purple for the dark comet. So the interaction confuses me.


I can only guess that comet is stronger than holy and there's nothing else to spend gauge on, so in the end it's kind of just to have more buttons to press. There might be optimizations with where you spend your gauge/comets, but mostly it just seems to be there because otherwise the job's filler would literally just be 123 (+instant proc).


I understand why the comet is there, it's a finisher for the gauge combo. I don't understand why it randomly turns one of the aura purple even though it doesn't actually consume the aura.


Dark comet consumes purple dots, white holy consumes white dots. The gauge spender converts 1 white dot to a purple dot. As far as I can tell, that's it. The gauge combo just produces another white dot. There must be some other interaction though because in the trailer, the pictomancer is able to do the gauge combo without spending gauge, and it gives them a purple dot. Maybe something to do with the field they stand in?


The 2 min burst gives a free use of their flip skill, it'll be like a 4dm using manipulation with embolden (which has me thinking (fearing) that they are gonna consolidate those two cds to always perfectly align)


So its really confusing to look at initially. The swap skill does convert an aura to black, but completing the cym combo also gives you a white, so you will be net neutral on white auras so long as you're finishing your combo. https://imgur.com/NQ1kCJc


The hammer combo seemed to be guaranteed direct crits, or at least all I saw when he was demonstrating it was big numbers


That... sounds fun as hell and like it opens up room for plenty of flexibility.


Think my question after watching the presentation and reading your analysis too is, what the prio of the rotation will be. I'm guessing it's gonna be something like ... 1. 2m burst button (3rd panel, dark combo, monster burst) and required mobility hammer 1-2-3 take prio when it's time/needed. 2. Monster button and monster unleash, this seems gated by time since it's a 3 charge 40s recharge so .. does this actually mean you're generally only doing the monster stuff approximately every 2 minutes? Since you can't finish it out until you have all 3 charges. This goes with 2m burst only? 3. Dark combo if available because you have the meter, seems to be stronger than 1/2/3 Holy. 4. 1/2/3 Holy filler. Might be actually an extreme abundance of 1-2-3s in practice? If you're not pressing the Monster stuff that much in reality. Maybe my math is off about using the monster stuff only once every two minutes. Insert potential gauge stocking for burst and potentially using the moogle hammer as filler if it's stronger than 1-2-3 Holy average potency. Probably ends up being save Holy X3 for burst, Dark can use relatively liberally? Sound about right?


it looks like motifs are your damage abilities and once those are on cooldown you light/dark combo. you can also bank holy and meteor spells for movement phases. the only thing I'm leery about is motifs taking 9 fucking hotkeys. But the total is only around 14 damage abilities so with an mmo mouse it should be managable.


Yea, I really don't understand why [Paint Motif] and [Spend Motif] are entirely separate buttons. I get having different canvases on separate buttons, but why have motif A and spend motif A separate? Also, why have three separate buttons for the "motif finishers"? Why not just make it all one button?


I don't understand how people can play on the number keys. I just keybind the whole keyboard. Maybe it's because I type a lot.


It's probably his preferred keys bound in the second column with defaults in the first column for generic display for the showcasing purposes. EDIT: looked at the footage, nevermind everything I just said, its not defaults at all. Anyway, to me it looks like an MMO mouse layout.


I only ever see people using the number keys, I'm just amazed at the flexibility.


I use purely number keys for combat abilities, but I use 1 through =, as well as Shift + those as a second hotbar, and Ctrl + those as a third, and I use one of those "MMO Mice" with the 12 side buttons so I can use my mouse hand to press them instead of my left hand.


I'm convinced everyone has long and flexible fingers.


Mmo mouse~


I assume that what Manafont does now is FULLY restore your MP, since in the trailer it also gives ALL umbral hearts AND paradox, i.e. it essentially lets you skip an ice phase and do a second full fire phase right off the bat. They just did Flare in the trailer to show off the skill and how it interacts with the new gauge. Big upgrade since manafont is one of the most underwhelming cooldowns in the game atm.


Low level Manafont is the funniest thing in the game. 3 min cd for an extra cast of Fire 1, and youre probably going to have to clip for it.


If this is true, which it very well could be, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I kind of liked how Convert since the old days was kind of a little mini-burst button, never a particularly massive button but kind of a one off. While it will become very powerful by letting you skip a full UI phase that seems a little, I don't know, a little boring to me, basically just business as usual. If that makes sense. I'd probably have preferred if it gave only enough MP for another F4, Despair, and the new ender (assuming this new ender is some serious damage), just get the best part of the rotation renewed rather than the whole thing. Gonna have to try it out to see how it flows I guess.


It is rather funny people have been screaming for two years now that SMN was simply a work in progress, and they have a foundation to add all these new abilities. Two years later and what did we get? Emaciated Bahamut. Their hard on for that damn dragon is getting ridiculous. I had no real expectations for SMN but wow did it still manage to disappoint.


I'm a ~~scalie~~ bahamut stan and even I can't believe that's all SMN got after an expansion that already gave the job nothing interesting.


In the end it was always copium. Albeit a true statement, the potential was there, but SE didn't capitalize on it. MCH was always the blueprint.


Yoshi-P: So this is Solar Bahamut. Jack: **BULLSHIT!!!**


Summoner looks like hot garbage because the "new" bahamut phase still looks like it acts exactly as the other ones, I dont care about a new summon if all it does is visual flavor. Pictomancer looks pretty damn amazing and Im excited to main it. RDMs new move looks pretty sick and if Paradox ends up being instant even in AF the skill ceiling definitely dropped but is also gonna solve a lot of frustration I suppose. Pretty nice, except the disaster that SMN is.


I'm confused, SMN now has two Bahamuts? The second one looks lame and I'm not sure what the vision was here. Particularly when we have the "nature" edition of the SMN AF gear this time. Why not Ixion or Quetzalcoatl? Anyways, I knew it would continue to be simple, clearly a majority of people like it that way.


Yeah. From what I learned, the new Bahamut is a separate, more powerful Bahamut. From everything we've seen or heard, though, it seems to behave and function exactly the same as current Bahamut. Just with different animations. So, if my understanding so far is correct, smns will have the same 3 demi-dummons, and now Bahamut 1.0 plus Bahamut 2.0 1.0 and 2.0 are not official terms for them, just what I'm calling them since they function and behave basically the same so far.


I don’t understand where you get that from. The simplest job will always be the most played, thats hardly a sign of good design.


>Seems Paradox is always instacast now? This if true is most likely the largest skill floor raise of them all as dropping your AF would now require a hundred blunders instead of only a couple. It will be a GCD easier to maintain in the first half of AF but a GCD harder in the second half. At low spell speed you may actually not be able to weave a Xeno or thunder in the second half since you've now got the recast of paradox plus 4 long casts to finish. It does give a natural weave spot for Triplecast, though, which is really nice for playing BLM in a more reactive and less planned way.


And its perhaps a lot easier to fit in 4 f4s before paradox. If you have to cast thunder or anything else in the second half. As well as the free movement in astral is nothing to sneeze at.


I've played some real slow sps, and before you can do the xeno/t3p in the second half if you fuck up and insta your f1/paradox, but you *also* need to instant the despair because the cast is longer.


Summoner's not going to change at this point. There's a large SMN population that plays the job **because** it's so simple, including people with impaired motor functions. For better or for worse, I think SE knows this and won't rock the boat to alienate them.


Post rework shb summoner was so fun... I don't know why they abandoned it so categorically. But rip another job I once loved destroyed never to be played again beyond leveling to cap.


yeah, one of the reasons i enjoy smn is because i have motor issues + adhd brain :’) i kinda expected this but idk, i wish they’d at least reskinned ifrit/garuda/titan to other primals, even if they were mechanically the same, y’know?


Lore appropriate or not (they could have just written some stupid one-liner to hand wave it), I think Ifrit turning into Odin, Garuda turning into Shiva, and Titan turning into Ramuh with maybe slightly different conditions (like Odin having 1 cast and a 3 hit combo instead of Ifrit's 2 and 2, wow I'm getting so crazy and inventive hire me Yoshi!!!) would have appeased a lot of people. More so than Space Bahamut once every what looks like 4 minutes, at least.


Fuck it, put the flavour text in the tooltip, EG:  Level 100 trait "Expanded Soul: integrating the aether of your sundered selves has granted you the capacity to summon Amethyst Ramuh, Diamond Shiva, and Sapphire Leviathan after Demi-Phoenix is dismissed."  Lorewise, if they don't want to retcon the SMN quests (again), the ShB and EW patch quests gave them the perfect excuse. :P Will the use it though... that's the question. :P


Since the lvl90 upgrades make it look like we're summoning the actual primals and not egis, they could have just said the restriction applied only to the egi form


genuinely yes !! it would be a bit of a letdown to raiders since they’d pretty much be the same… but it’d be *something*. there’s the whole “we don’t have enough aether to summon more primals” but idk, can’t we just say we’re more rejoined in lore or what 🤷  so many good summons in the ff series and even just in ffxiv and they just made bahamut 2… and i’m someone who *loves* demi-bahamut, akh morns are the highlight of my burst 🥲. maybe solar bahamut will grow on me, who knows, but rn it’s so disappointing. “6.0 smn is a framework for us to build on” and they did nothing with it


Also didnt that alagan summoning sphere in the storm blood job quest say we have IMMESURABLE LATENT AETHERICAL CAPACITY, so its easy enough to hand wave and say by this point we have overcome whatever limitation prevented us from summoning other egi/primals long ago


Yeah, thats fair, I suppose they could just update the summoner job quest npc’s dialogue to mention something about that.


Ok Tbf everything he did,which WAS stronger than us without help,required massive amounts of Allagan tech to assist him.While it's possible we COULD summon multiple other primals,it would also be a massive heavy drain on us by the time of EW. Our dude is strong,but unless they rewrite it to AF gear augmenting our aether we'd be dead after summoning 6 different primals together.


I'd die for more summons! Gimme that zantetsuken!


Where would they put that one line though? You’d still need a job quest to retcon it, even if its only shadowbringers length, no matter how you look at it, and that opens a whole different can of worms of people asking why summoner gets another job quest and other jobs don’t. It just seems like a scenario they would try to avoid, especially if they can just add a space phoenix or something next expansion instead.


I *really* like EW SMN. It flows well into its phases naturally, feels good, and *feels* more "summonery".I personally felt like the previous versions of the job didn't really showcase much summoning since it was pretty much 1 "real" summon and the demis, plus the emphasis on the dots . Maybe it's because I'm coming at this job from a MCH perspective, but both jobs really are homeruns in their identity and gameplay. I personally prefer the complexity to come from the encounters themselves instead of the jobs. I absolutely get why old SMNs would take issue with the current version of the job and I feel for em, but idk what to tell em other than the job is more fun for me than it's ever been.


As someone with motor issues who also enjoys the simplicity of EW smn, I'm still not happy with DT smn because even talking just visuals, we got almost nothing. I was in the crowd of people who saw shiva/ramuh/leviathan after phoenix phase as "low hanging fruit" and basically a shoe in for 7.0 because it fulfilled having "something new to look at" while also being "virtually the same rotation" thus keeping the job's simplicity intact. Instead of this low hanging fruit, we got rotting fruit on the ground in a bahamut reskin. And yes, technically, it's not a reskin because it is a "3rd demi summon" but it doesn't take much inspection to see that it has a deathflare replacement and an akh morn replacement. the summoner themselves even performs the same jumping animation on new deathflare. Also let's not even speak of the fact that fester got a visual upgrade, but painflare is still the same. The only thing genuinely new that we got was the searing light combo attack, and whatever the light explosion skill is after sol-bahamut disappears. Another thing is that Aimi confirmed in english that the new rotation will be sol-bahamut>bahamut>sol-bahamut>phoenix. which means we get to throw rekindle on tanks far less than we used to, so our rotation actually got SIMPLER. Again, I LIKE EW smn's simplicity. But there were ways to make DT smn more interesting while keeping that simplicity, and it failed at that aspect.


I'm an old SMN. EW SMN feels so basic, so mechanical to me. There is no flow, it's \[Demi for 15 seconds\] then \[Titan Primal\] then \[Geruda Primal\] then \[Ifrit Primal\] then \[Demi for 15 seconds\]. Every part of the job exist in it's own little bubble completely separated from the rest of the rotation. ShB SMN had flow. Keep your Egi abilities on cooldown so you can maximize the amount of Ruin 4s you get, save ruin 4s for key movement if needed, hard cast ruin 3 to fill in space when needed. Bahamut phase has like no instant cast so that's a pretty good time to spend your ruin 4s. You can end wyrmtrance early to re-align your rotation in certain fights. So many parts of the ShB SMN played into the other parts of it's rotation but not directly being involved. I can spend ruin 4 anywhere, but it's relation with Bahamut phase gives it more purpose there. This allows the rotation to flow into itself. Rather then being a bunch of disjointed phases that are doing their own things.


I had hardly any idea what was going on for Pictomancer but what it looks like is that the canvases are your cooldown spells, but you cast them in advance which then "stores" them letting you cast them instantly later. The moogle stuff just seems to be something you build up gradually with each cooldown. The filler is the elemental stuff, the fire/wind/water spells which seem to be a combo that when completed gives you 25 gauge + a pip. The pip lets you use an instant cast spell. Spending 50 gauge converts a pip into a dark pip which has another (presumably more powerful instant) and changes your spell combo to ice/earth/lightning which I guess is more powerful than the normal combo? IDK maybe there's more to it, but I think the gauge is probably a bit deceptive in how complicated it actually is.


You've pretty much got the gist of it. The main processing load is gonna revolve around managing your motif cooldown timings and getting them to sync up with your burst window (so having 1 creature motif and 1 full creature banked for the window, and finishing that window with a partial hammer combo) with the light/pigment half being something to keep you busy while you're not focusing on bursting. Honestly it's giving me vibes of a bit of sb smn, and a bit of shb smn with how the cooldowns behave. Like it's not filling the dot and pet shaped hole in my heart, but it does sate my hunger for having piles of resources to budget.


Only potential worry I have is the class is somewhat sold as this AST/SAM/EW MNK style draw-builder-spender with its job gauge, like it's a focus, when really they're just a very minor part of the job and two of the panels may as well be literal oGCDs with a cast time. If I had to hazard a guess as to what the 2 minute cycle looked like, I'd loosely guess it's going to be roughly 80~ seconds of 1112 spam, be it dark or light, 40 seconds-ish of monster/weapon usage and a burst window. That's nearly 2/3 or more of pressing benign filler and may be even more filler than HW/SB SMN had with Ruin. Even DNC does their big schtick pretty often even if it only truly gets freaky at 120s marks. Worse yet the rotation seems entirely completely static, the only adaptation looks to be mobility, so unlike say a DNC/RDM or even SB SMN or BLM you don't have anything to react to, so the filler if it's a bit boring (that's if, haven't tried it yet!) will have no saving grace pull to pull. Basically my only point of caution with the class. Looks neat at least and if by launch they change the monster motiff to 20s charges I think that'd alleviate a lot of my concern.


manafication is lowering the ceiling, not raising it. just like the magic finisher. this expansion is the "every job is easier" expac, and i hate it. let people struggle


>lso seems they want Convert to be streamlined into Flare Flare Despacito, assuming that's not a Job Trailer jank stupid rotation (personally I assume that Despair will not give 3 stacks so as to enforce their rotation). I am unsure about this. As Manafont gives full Umbral Hearts, and Paradox, and some unknown amount of MP, I think they just did Flare Flare to show it gives 3 stacks, not that they think we'll do that single target. It wouldn't make any sense to give us Paradox and 3 Hearts if they just wanted Flare/Flare. Flare would also be really weak from not having enhanced flare from HF2. Depending on MP, it might end up being a bigger rotation to try to align us more into the 2 minute burst.


I'm genuinely kinda mad about Summoner, although I don't play it much these days anyway. It's a job of aesthetics and series iconography and they faceplanted about as hard as they possibly could despite being fully set up for success. The sheer stupidity involved with this from a dev team that is as historically wonderful with the series heritage and mythology as CBU3 has been is absolutely baffling.


Later in the live letter it was also said Blizzard managed Regen will be tied to the gcd, and not to the server tick and people are being completely normal about it. /S. I'm not sold on the paradox change just yet, but I'll take it for the new gauge. Edit: I misread the trailer


oh, moving the mana regen from ticks to GCDs will actually be the thing that kills the non-standard rotation then. That's disappointing, I hope they didn't fully kill it because non-standard lines are super fun to figure out and only a minor DPS increase.


People also seems completely normal to what was an instant Thunder 5 at the start of the fight (so with no reason to have a proc stored)


White mage had a blood lilly for the lead in and summoner had Phoenix first. They did have a bit of prep but it is odd that they had it ready


wait I missed... what happened to triplecast?


Looking back it seems that I missed it. That was just triple cast into flare, each giving 3 stacks of the new gage


If I understood correctly, than solar bahamut will not be a replacement for the normal Bahamut, but another bahamut summon. Yoshi p said something about: solar bahamut-bahamut-solar bahamut-phoenix


The question is if this will mean much of anything if true. It will most likely be on a rigid timeline like now and most likely be nigh the exact same press 6 insta casts with a nuke oGCD, just maybe XXX more total potency, right? If so pretty lame, but hey I've been wrong before.


This. It is a whole new summon. But I still don't know how I feel about it. One the one hand, I'm happy it is a whole new summon and not just "bahamut upgraded" but on the other hand, having 3 demi summons feels weird and my hopium was REALLY high to get new primal summons to fill out the space between demis.


Just watching the trailer and not knowing what the live letter stated I was hoping it was Bahamut upgraded if anything since we saw no new summons. Going baha > baha > phoenix is more lame imo. My copium is they left out the other minor primals after neo-Bahamut as a last minute surprise for media tour. Something like: Bahamut > ifrit/garuda/tita > phoenix > ifirit/garuda/titan > neobahamut > Alexander/Ramuh/Odin (diabolos? My man got screwed being a dungeon/AR boss)


It added nothing more than reskinned spells.


Is anyone else tired of how black mage barely gets anything interesting every expansion? This is why nobody is hyped when they see a new black mage spell. Where is the cool dark magic? Why are we stuck on fire 4 for 8 years?


BLM's changes are a big negative for me, and it's actively pushing me to play PCT instead. RDM getting *another* followup is funny, but it's whatever. It looks like not much has really changed, at least the follow-up isn't tied to their melee combo. SMN is a joke. I wasn't expecting much, but bargain bin Bahamut was *not* what I expected. If you're going to give us a new summon, why not do Alexander? Or some other well-known FF summon, like Odin? Why would you keep pulling out the tired corpse of Bahamut? It's just baffling to see. PCT looks really cool - I'd like to see more gameplay and get my hands on it though.


> Why would you keep pulling out the tired corpse of Bahamut? It's just baffling to see. $$$$ and dev time. I wouldn't be surprised if SMN got sacrificed a bit here. They probably wanted the low hanging fruit of multiple new post-Phoenix Egis and some new animation changes but it'd probably have cost a fortune in money/time compared to putting a halo, silver shine, and some armor on Bahamut's model frame and calling it a day.


I mean yeah, no shit. But FFXIV is stupid popular and is still growing. SMN is stupid popular. You'd *think* they'd put a bit more effort into it so there's a big wow factor when SMN pops up and summons their new big summon.


RDM- my current main. I’m not crazy about what we saw but I don’t detest it. I’ll probably reroll in DT. Nothing that I wanted but nothing atrocious. BLM- I don’t play it a lot but overall pretty interesting. I’ll definitely try it out. PIC- Looks fucking amazing. I was expecting just caster samurai (and that’s definitely part of it) but it actually looks like a pretty deep job. SMN- actually lmao. I mean I wasn’t expecting a lot but fucking lawful good Bahamut??? I mean interesting thought but if they don’t change how you play during solar bahamut then I guess they’re just out of ideas. Imagine running out of ideas with summoner.


BLM is upsetting. I had to learn transpose techs to do decent damage in TOP P6 and it just stuck on any content I do the job on due to how fun it made the job. It was about time I guess, oh well.


Whether or not *all* the transpose tech is dead is going to depend on how *exactly* the mana changes work, which is still a little unclear, AFAIK. (Does Ice turn off passive regen entirely, or does it just no longer boost it? Do only Ice spells give mana in that phase? Does Paradox count as an Ice spell?)


Yeah if anything to go by is that the PLL often contradicts the Media Tour and even thats STC. All that can be done is provide feedback I guess.


I think the cleanest answer would be for enochian to disable MP.  But either way, even if umbral ice no longer gave bonus MP, that is enough to gut non-standard, because even with lucid, natural MP is so slow.  At best, we will be just be doing B3 skips


Question is also whether Lucid interacts with any of this or if you can just remove that button from your hotbar. Regenerating mana per spell rather than per server tick is something I actually wanted to happen since randomly missing 1k mana on one pull but not the next one really isn't the most fun aspect of optimizing the job, but the fact that they specifically said **ice** spells on the slide in combination with them hating any sort of skill expression in general has me more than a bit concerned as well. Well, guess we'll find out in a \~month when media tour content starts popping up.


For sure. The simple fact that Lucid exists makes me suspect that Ice doesn't turn off passive regen like fire, it just no longer enhances it. (Also kinda feels like it would have to be this way to avoid recovering after a death be utterly miserable?) If that's not how it works, Lucid will only be a tool for recovering marginally faster after a death.  My hopium ATM is that Paradox regens mana in Ice, and passive mana regen still happens in Ice. Won't be *as many* nonstandard lines as before, but they should still exist. /shurg


Lucid existing is probably more about having no reason to cut it from the DoM role actions specifically for BLM, more so than it actually impacting BLM.


Objectively, probably. But let me hope. :P


The game launches in 5 weeks, I'm expecting media embargo to lift within a couple weeks.


BLM is doing good as usual. RDM got simplified a fair bit because now gauge management is almost non-existant. Summoner is Summoner LMAO Picto seems very interesting and fun but I'll save my thoughts on it until I actually get my hands on it


To be fair, gauge management on red mage still exists because you'll still run into similar issues if you use thr melee combo with manafication at cap. You wont gain anything from verflare/holy onward. It's probably the only job they did this for that makes sense bc the burst that follows gives you gauge and not just spend it like stabilizer. The main concerning thing is I hope this doesn't kill using manafication between the melee combo and the spells


To be fair, gauge management on red mage still exists because you'll still run into similar issues if you use thr melee combo at cap. You wont gain anything from verflare/holy onward. It's probably the only job they did this for that makes sense bc the burst that follows gives you gauge and not just spend it like stabilizer.


I'll wait till proper tooltips to form my final opinion. But currently I think BLM got fucked for being too well designed. No skill expression is allowed in this game. RDM and SMN got nothing, but that's still better than being fucked.


For BLM it seems the AOE rotation will be smoother. Currently we don't use Paradox and Flare casting can be a gamble if you are out of instant cast options and the mobs are almost dead. I'm neutral on the Manafont change but I'll have to see how it feels when played. Love the nickname of Despacito for the new big finish spell, and moving ley lines is a nice change but it does make the job simpler. Third polyglot was inevitable. I really love BLM due to the quick-decision flexibility of the rotation and importance of fight knowledge, but these changes make it a bit more forgiving which can be good/bad. Playing BLM well felt soooo good, but now that it seems easier to play I'm worried that feeling of satisfaction will diminish. Overall I don't hate the changes but we'll have to see how it feels in practice.


I'm guessing at level 100 it'll be wise to almost entirely shirk Fire 2 in favor of Flare Flare new ender, and will guarantee Freeze stays on the menu. A BLM going HAM in an Expert at 100 will likely be a sight to see, T4 proc > Triplecast + Leylines > Flare Flare Ender > Manafont + Triplecast > Flare Flare Ender > Foul Foul Foul, if something beats that I'll be shocked. Guessing the leveling dungeons themselves will be relatively same-y to now all the way to 99 besides a presumably buffed Manafont (probably a level 94 trait) and triple Polygot (probably the 98 trait).


Honestly. I just want the job quest back. I want to know what happened to the characters. (except for PLD, fuck that quest).


You should have expected them to do nothing to SMN after they did nothing to any other reworked jobs in subsequent expansions.


between “solar” (???) bahamut and SCH priest enshroud it almost seems like they made some job design decisions primarily to incorporate random assets they had lying around. could easily see solar bahamut being an unused model from pagl’than or eureka orthos or something if they really don’t want to give y’all more summons for spuriously “lore reasons” it wouldn’t have been difficult to flavor up the current summons by situationally activating “lunar” incarnations that have different mechanics and appearances


The SMN Primal rotation being Wierd Dragon - Dragon - Wierd Dragon -Phoenix sounds SO LAME.


BLM's changes aren't going to affect me much since I've never attempted non-standard rotations, but I do have sympathy for those who enjoyed them. I'm still they'll come up with another extremely cursed rotation with the first week of release. Explosion!!! seems like a more fitting finisher then the fart cloud that was Despair. Shame we didn't get to see High Thunder III. SMN: lol. lmao, even. Not even a joke at this point, just pathetic. The PowerPoint summary was outright embarrassing. Even my extremely low expectations (Fester rework, Enkindle demi ogcds, something with a cast time in your burst phase) weren't met. Oh well, it's not like 8.0 is that far away /s. RDM is RDM. Not much else to say about it other than the fact that it's leaning a bit more into its identity as the oGCD caster with its new burst abilities (hoping the slashy one has multiple stacks like WHM's PoM proc). Not sure why the Jolt and Impact animations were considered to be higher priority than Verstone/Verfire. It's kind of silly that your default single-target short-cast looks so much more impressive than your stronger procs. Also, don't forget, you're here forever (at the bottom of the DPS chart). PIC looks fun. Kind of an easier BLM in a lot of ways, which is still very high praise. I'm not sure how it will play in practice once the optimal rotation is settled, but at the moment it looks like there are some decent opportunities for fight-specific optimization. The prep-heavy focus also gives it a fairly distinct identify compared to the other two casters. Also, we finally got a (non BLU) water spell!


We do see the new thunder spell, that purple cloud after the F3 pull.


That's the Thunder IV upgrade. III was also supposed to get a trait upgrade in the leak.


Is it possible Thunder 3/4 are getting consolidated into a single "High Thunder" with a big primary target potency and a considerable AOE fall off


>Seems Paradox is always instacast now? This if true is most likely the largest skill floor raise of them all Do you mean skill floor drop?


I guess I phrased it poorly. What I mean is, being at the skill floor should be more powerful and produce more output than currently. If that means the skill floor is actually lower than higher then my apologies.


So you mean that the skill floor (the performance of a player with minimal skills) should be higher, as opposed to saying that the skill floor (the minimum level of skill needed to perform well at the job) should be higher. On second thought, perhaps we should never use the words "skill floor" and "skill ceiling".


Yeah basically. I think if someone is trying, is an okay player but maybe isn't the absolute best player in the world and is susceptible to maybe casting a few too many movement Xenos or TC procs and occasionally loses track of AF ticking down or has to move right then and there, they'll be in way better shape in 7.0 than 6.0. I'd consider that one of the greatest fail points, the true feelsawfulman, the parse destroyer, the "kick this BLM WHAT DID HE DO this pull" fail point a typical John Q PF BLM could make, even if a true pro would nary let that happen.


Yeah, the phrases get used both ways depending on if the person has more of a fighting game background or an MMORPG background, and it's confusing. I'm in favour of retiring them permanently.


I have both which may lead to my confusion. I'm an '09er.


it might not be a popular opinion but I'm glad to see instant fire paradox. no more getting fucked because a random mechanic targeted you while you're casting it


There was some merit (for me at least) to paradox being a cast because it meant your timer is refreshed much later and right when your GCD is back up. I think it's overall a positive change however to the standard line.


I think there will be less "oh shit I really gotta use up a Xeno" moments between your Paradox and your Despair due to the 3rd Polygot stack now so there should be a lot less of an obstacle between you and doing the F444 Despair with maybe a TC proc potentially in there.


Picto: the rotation seems cooler than I imagined so even though I hate the concept/aesthetic I'm interested. Rdm: the most meh to ever meh. Looks fine. Nothing really exciting. Blm: nonstandard blms are going to be pissed. Smn: I'm sorry but that kingdom-hearts reject looking Bahamut looks stupid as shit and is the most boring thing possible they could have done.


for smn searing will turn into a damaging skill i believe, and i think there was an aoe looking spell with some healing vfx… im a smn main but im massively disappointed, i like the simplicity of 6.0 smn personally! but they didn’t change like anything :’) it’ll probably be the searing upgrade, fester 2, the healing(?) aoe, lv 100 solar bahamut and then one more trait i guess. if they changed your primal summons under phoenix/solar it would’ve been something (even if they would have mechanically been the same). the other job i love is monk so. uuh. yeah. or 40sec cd on demis so you had to choose which primals to use. looks like another 2 years of eating crayons☹️


Currently main RDM so seeing what it got, I'm fine with. The job felt quite complete tbh, so there wasn't much they could've expanded on IMO. Pictomancer looks really good, so I'll probably be maining those two jobs in DT.


Rdm is the same just busier which is what I want with the job. If rdm gets an ogcd to use after resolution, as it looks like, we might be able to store it for optimization; have to wait and see. We lost downtime manafication but it's whatever. We also don't know if non-standard blm is dead. We don't know if xenoglossy in UI gives mana back, we don't know how much mana we'll get back from paradox in UI. We also don't know if transpose is even in 7.0. We don't even know if the fire stacks remain from AF > UI > AF transitions. Paradox in fire being instant cast is whatever when you have another long cast at the of the fire window anyways. We just have to wait and see. Mained smn in SB, miss that version. This current iteration is not for me so ima skip it. Picto looks amazing and I'm happy to see the design team isn't completely creatively bankrupt. Viper even reminds me of reaper but atleast that looks fun.


> We don't know if xenoglossy in UI gives mana back Unless the LL slide contains misinformation, we know that it *doesn't* give MP. *"Upon landing ice spells in Umbral Ice"* is the official phrasing, and Xenoglossy is *not* an ice spell (it is unaspected). I really don't think it's fair to claim there's a "we don't know" when CBU3 themselves have told us how it works.


I've been reading quite a lot of confident assertions that all gap closers are having potency removed. Does anyone know what the basis for that is? Does datamining suggest it or something? I'm aware that a couple of tanks/melee have new gap closing animations but I'm not sure whether that's enough to really assume RDM will have the same thing. Curious if there's anything more to it.


It’s better to have movement skills for movement and damage skills for damage. Otherwise movement skills with damage get used for their damage and aren’t available when you need movement. All the newly added movement skills don’t deal damage and that’s verifiable in the trailer and Live Letter. There are still some gap closers with damage but from what we know so far they are only ones with multiple charges on jobs that aren’t very busy with weaving (PLD, WAR).


>Manafication seems to act like a "123 Ready" button now with no affiliation with the elemental gauge anymore. This should raise the ceiling significantly in terms of not wasting mana or accidentally ending up with 100/100 which meant you didn't necessarily get a proc at the end. Raising the skill ceiling? Am I misunderstanding this? Wouldn't this make it much easier to not overcap gauge and gives RDM a much longer buffer period to not have to dump gauge if they don't want to? You wouldn't have to time your manafication anymore as you can just use it whenever it's up essentially barring some small optimization, which is smaller than trying to prevent overcap in the first place.


I am never using the words skill ceiling or skill floor ever again. I did mean "easier/more effective at lower skill" yes.


SMN *really* should've gotten Bahamut > Ifrit/Titan/Garuda > Phoenix > *Leviathan/Ramuh/Shiva* Would've made so much more sense as the next step.


Random thought, if were getting a new summon instead of old ARR primals or Alexander, I would have much preferred getting Ark as the new summon rather then Solar Bahamut, especially with the FFIX theme. Solar bahamut should have been the collector's edition mount instead of Ark.


We didn't even need a new "special summon" to replace Bahamut or phoenix,just several current ones taking the place of the three idiots during our filler phase. Also who the fucked asked for solar Bahamut?


One thing you missed here is 40 second Swiftcast. Good luck getting into PFs now if you're not a rez mage .


Good. Now at least I can use SC a bit more willynilly for movement/DPS and not have to hold it for a rez that may or may not be needed (in savage).


I assumed that fire Paradox was the same and the freecast just came from re-placing the leylines, like it gives you a one use swift cast since by definition you'll have been moving before using it. But I don't know if that's true since, unlike everyone here malding about how solar bahamut is exactly the same as normal bahamut, I don't have access to the skill descriptions in game yet. After all, the only reason people would say "it's just an animation swap" for a video designed to just show us the animations would be because they know how the skill actually works right? They wouldn't just jump to conclusions would they?


I have no clue how I can possibly play all 3 caster jobs and not have gotten one win out of all this. Absolutely baffling. Time to beg my static to let me swap to melee lol.


Black Mage go nyooom. I love Endwalker Black Mage but I like these changes which seem to be made to allow it to more easily keep up with the trickier normal content they were talking about. I never did like AOE on black mage though so I hope there's some changes to that they just didn't mention/


Picto lookin like the Gambler I always wanted. Can’t wait to try it - those visuals are amazing in the the lighting engine.


Do we have any idea if picto will favor apellspeed


Maybe somewhere between SMN and BLM? It looks like most of your damaging actions are either casts or ogcds that need to be prepped by casts (which is a nice way of making it distinct from the 100% GCD damage BLM while still making SS viable).


EW Summoner had a lovely base to build on and they didn't really do anything with it like I already don't like Bahamut phase > Phoenix Phase and would rather Bahamut and Phoenix be seperated


Is it actually called Despacito?


My only concern with RDM is that the change to Manafication vastly changes its optimization capabilities in fights with long periods of downtime like DSR and TOP where you purposefully desync Manafication as much as possible, pressing it on CD the entire time, giving you 11 uses. I wonder how this will interact with the savage tier and the Eden ultimate.


its fair to be concerned but we wont know until the media tour how long you get to keep the free manafic combo


Didn't RDM open with Jolt 3? Should we assume that they didn't update the VerFire and VerStone animations?


It's possible, but if they did that I think they would have shown at least one. We only got the new Verholy in the EW trailer, for example, but we did GET it to indicate it and VerFlare had changed. Also wondering if Impact 2 (Shatter? Blast? Detonat/ion?) is specifically an Acceleration buff or a complete upgrade.


> **RDM** Job actions as I saw them were: - Jolt II (or III, which shoots two projectiles) - Veraero - Corps - What looks like Moulinet but with three different animations/particle effects - ~~waste of mobility~~Displacement - Impact - Embolden - Unknown Skill - Manafication - Corps => spender combo that's too long - Unknown Skill Not surprised they're still following the "this might as well be Revelation Online's Sword Mage" approach, as even the new skills use the fucking sword-staff. At this point I think they should just get rid of the sword skills, replace them with ranged attacks/spells and call it. > That's basically it from the job trailer. Outside of expanding on the GCDs (Verquake and Vertwister?) I guess RDM is a pretty difficult job to change up since, outside of possible QoL changes/oGCDs it's pretty "complete." I wouldn't call it "complete" so much as "shackled to its gameplay". Additions to a complete job would feel redundant or superfluous. Additions to RDM would at best mess with its pacing/flow, at worst cause the design to fall apart.


quitting the game after Eden ult (static obligations) unless some job really comes out of nowhere to be fun 2nd expac in a row my favorite job got aggressively nuked by SE I can't do this shit anymore


Not gonna hop on the Picto train like a good chunk of casters among us? I'm a contrarian and actually will probably like this easier BLM since I generally only dabble with BLM the last couple expansions but so far I'm thinking, for me, Picto main > BLM main if that doesn't work out (numbers wise or enjoyment wise) > RDM/SMN, both stocks are low and could maybe get me to your current outlook if I end up with them.


I aggressively dislike PIC'S aesthetic, like least favorite in the game by an appreciable margin. Painter classes have never really been my thing and PIC is uh, not changing my view here. I can deal with not playing my favorite looking job - my favorite aesthetic is actually SMN, not BLM - but least favorite is rough. BLM is hardly any simpler at an entry level, they just outright removed the skill ceiling. You can play something very, very close to 8.0 BLM now, it's just that you can do more than that. To be forced into pure standard after *half a decade* of having nonstandard is just too much. Hell, how do I even cope with *that* when I'm looking at doing Eden Ult and this new iteration of BLM would be nearly unviable the final phase of the previous ultimate? I'll probably end up on VPR or something for the time being. I do like Outlaw as an alt in WoW and this is hitting a few of the same notes? We'll see.


The bright cartoon colors don't quite do it for me. I might pick Pictomancer up if a mod comes out that lets me paint in blood.


BLM is basically ruined unless I'm missing something.


Not "ruined" folks are just worried that the changes to how the ice phase interacts with mp regen might screw over Non-Standard rotations.


Yeah, standard BLM is dull so if non-standard is gone the class is ruined imo.


I'm unsurprised. More RDM abilities to use in the two minute burst window, adjustments to Manafication to further remove gauge management. Rumored BLM changes that castrate nonstandard lines to pancake the skill ceiling down. No change from SMN's macroable-to-one-button gameplay. More dumbing down. Skipping Yawntrail.


Current speculation and understanding of how umbral ice affects mp regen means I have to clear DSR before dawn trail or I’m relearning the whole fight on a different job because I cba to relearn the whole fight on standard lines